
Like why doesn't this b-word just call herself. frickin foids, I bet when they argue (aka she does something fricktarded) she lists her chores like every other woman "I WASH THE LAUNDRY, I DRY THE LAUNDRY, I FOLDED THE LAUNDRY, I DO EVERYTHING AROUND HEEERREE!!!!!" yet she can't be assed to do this basic FRICKIKNG task i'm so god darn pissed off at this commercial for ac you guys.


It's not like the door needs fixed or the sink is busted or some shit, yet she acts like she has no agency to PICK UP THE FUCUCKING PHONE HERSELF. Like b-word please why don't YOU FRICKING DO IT. and he's so used ot being nagged to death look at how he responds to her, fricking soyboybetacuck arrrrgh I'm fricking malding here.

This, this is why I choose to be gay.


Reported by:
  • TheThing : Jesus Christ mark this as 18+

She trying to tank her career.

Reported by:
  • sirpingsalot : WAY funnier than I thought it would be, king

"Shakira Flabbergasted" called 911 on her partner to "scare" him because he was "being a douchebag". She disconnected the call before providing and police traced the cell phone ping and they located her to ensure she was okay.

When she finally answered the door she said everything's ok and that she has to go to work and doesn't have time for police investigation. Police want too ensure her safety and continue to investigate. She starts flipping out. All of sudden, her partner aggressively rips open door and appears ready to battle the 3-4 officers, and demands they let her go. Police tase him and Shakira is freaking out, and is immediately brought to the squad car where she continues to be unruly and upset because her child was also in apartment. She is upset because she's going to be late for work and will lose her job, and her partner is currently unemployed so they won't be able to pay her bills. Admits to calling 911 as scare tactic. Meanwhile in the apartment, her partner is calm and polite and gets his taser wounds treated.

Full video where you can hear that her name apparently really is "Shakira Flabbergasted." Also is that a My Little Pony tattoo? :!marseypony:


So, I have been seeing this guy four weeks now. Everything seemed great at first, and this was the first guy I met in a while who I felt a strong connection with. That all took a turn yesterday.

I had recently bought some leather leggings that I thought looked great on my figure. When I wore them on our date, I thought he would give me a compliment. He didn't. He's never given me a compliment on any of our dates, which I thought strange at first because normally guys will say something along the lines of I look nice, but he's never said anything like that to me, even though I have given him compliments.

Later, I asked him what he thought of my outfit and he said he didn't like it. I asked him if he liked any of the outfits I have worn. He said no. Mildly annoyed now, I asked him well what outfits does he find attractive.

He proceeded to send pictures of women with hourglass figures wearing bodycon dresses. It felt like he was telling me that my body and the way I dress wasn't good enough for him so I should completely change myself for him.

I have also grown up constantly hearing people tell me how less attractive I am than my sister. So, I am highly sensitive to people telling me they don't like the way I dress, my physical features and body.

I felt pissed off with him and asked him if I don't meet his standard of female beauty why is he even bothering with me then because I don't plan to change how I dress or style myself for him. He responded with a facepalm emoji.

Now I have conflicting feelings. On the one hand, I really did like him but I feel so hurt that he doesn't seem accept me for who I am and wants me to change and conform to the Instagram model standard of beauty.

She seems pretty insecure, I feel bad for her tbh. Let's continue:

You aren't overreacting but you are kinda projecting onto him. He might not be a fan of your outfits but that doesn't he wants you to change who you are to accomadate his taste. Just because the outfits he sent you had women with body types that are different from yours didn't mean he doesn't like your body type. You asked him a question and he answered but you didn't like his answer. He could have been more careful with your feelings but this whole situation blew up quick af. You can drop him if you want but is this actually an issue? Is him being a great guy up to this point suddenly not matter because of your contrasting taste in women clothing?

Maybe I was projecting on to him, but if that was the case why didn't he just explain that to me like you did? Sending a face palm emoji felt so low-effort from him.

Dude sounds like kind of an r-slur tbh. Is he a catch? :marseyp#laying2:

I think he's only seeing me because he can't get dates with women more attractive than me.

He told me I was the first woman he's matched with in ages. So, now I feel he's only going on dates with me because he can't find what he's really attracted to.

I liked this guy for his personality initially, but if Reddit is supporting this guy's right to be brutally honest then I should be brutally honest too. I am actually more attractive than him because I am in shape through regular exercise whilst he has quite a lot of belly fat. He also has a receding hairline. He's admitted to me that I am the first date he's got in months. He has standards for the type of women who wouldn't look at him twice on the street.


What the frick is going on here? She's fit and got style, and wears leather leggings. She wears classy dresses, too:

I thought I do wear classy dresses. This is the type of dresses I usually wear.

The dress:

Classy! :marseyso#uthernbelle1:

Honestly, I'm sort of on the foids side here as insane as she is. Or, more accurately, I'm on the side that this dude must be even more r-slurred than her. Still, in summation:

Get some cats, problem solved 😎

I already have one.

Marsey wins again! :mars#eyregular:



Original text:

My birthday is in a couple of days. I've been looking for a baker in my city whose quite skilled at cake calligraphy because I want a specific, aesthetic bento cake. I don't really like cake but I'm making a life scrap book hence the priority on aesthetics.

After searching for weeks and not finding any baker whose work I liked, I decided to make a post about what i wanted, incase one of my followers knows someone good. And thankfully I got a good recommendation.

On the phone with my bf hours later, I mentioned how happy I was that I'd finally found a baker for the cake I want. He replied with “oh. so I did a thing”, and proceeded to tell me how he saw my post and decided to surprise me.

The thing is I wish he didn't, because I looked through the IG page of the baker he chose and none of the cakes on display is pretty. And their writing looks like the work of a toddler.

Ngl, it upset me and i didn't do a good job of concealing my feelings. It's not like I yelled, I just said “I wish you'd talked to me before you placed the order”. Plus he ordered a 6inch cake, red velvet and vanilla flavors, while I what I want is a 4inch chocolate cake.

One of the reasons I'm upset (in addition to the fact that the cake is going to be ugly (or at least not at all what I want)) is because going ahead to book with the baker I want means there'll be wastage. We both don't like cake, and I'll be spending the day alone at home so who's going to eat the cake he ordered?

It's been a couple of hours and I feel bad, like maybe I could've just pretended? It's really not a big deal and I think I made him unhappy so idk. Did I overreact?

Darn she right I am repelled :marseyitsover:
Least pathetic TwoX poster

My Husband Won't Work

In the 10 years we've been together he has collectively been employed for two years. I kicked him out again this morning. He has been making these passive aggressive comments to me the last few weeks. I just couldn't take it anymore. I told him I refused to be treated like this under the roof that only I pay for. We were seperated when I got this apartment. As soon as I let him move back in he quit that job. He has never been on my lease. I had to threaten to call the cops to get him to leave.

I just feel like it's so cruel for him to have put all of this stress on me for this long. He does all the dishes and laundry, so he's contributing something I guess. But I pay for everything. I buy his weed, pay the bills/rent, car payments, trips. I just....can't do it anymore. It hurts me so much that he isn't willing to be my partner. In the few hours he has been kicked out he reached back out to his therapist and got a hire-at-interview. But....I feel like he's just going to quit everything again as soon as I let him back in.

I haven't eaten since yesterday and I can't stop crying. Why won't he stop exploiting me and be my partner?

Man moves across the world for woman, gives her the ick when she finds out its because he liked her

tl;dr girl hooks up with guy in Paris, hooks up again later, he gets a job in her city (on purpose), they continue relationship, live together in Paris(rent free for her), he tells her he moved there on purpose and wants a future with her. now she wants to be single for a year (or forever) and start dating again after (or not).

I met my current bf about 3 years ago when I was 19 and in vacation in Paris with a friend. I wanted a European hookup and met him on a dating app. He was 25. We met up twice and I had a good time and I genuinely liked and respected him. I thought he was kind, interesting, and smart (especially compared to the men I was used to aha). He also seemed to like and respect me a lot and he was incredibly sweet to me.

Obviously vacation ended and I went back to the US and college. We had no contact beyond liking each others ig posts, but that winter break I ended up in Europe with friends again, by chance in the same city as him. We hung out a few more times there, and I left with even more positive feelings towards him, as he was truly charming and very kind to me.

We both continued with our lives, but that spring he messaged me and said that he'd been offered an incredible job opportunity in the city I live in and that he was considering accepting it. I did think it was mildly odd that there would be such a prestigious job in my city (not America's greatest but it is large) but not in any of the major European cities around him, but I don't know much about his field (architecture).

Anyways I was excited to see him again, and when he arrived we started spending a lot of time together. We ended up deciding to live together that summer, as I was interning in the same city that his job asked him to spend a lot of time in, and it's a notoriously expensive city so it made lots of financial sense for both of us. I was also very happy to live with him, and we spent a great summer.

He decided to spend another year in my city, which I was surprised about again since I thought he would return to Europe, but we had another great year. This summer I found an internship in the European city he's from, and so I stayed in the house he owns (rent free baby) and he took a bunch of vacation he had saved up to spend the summer with me.

I did not expect to spend so long with this man, since he was just an ill advised hookup, but I did see a long term future with him. However, we were talking about our future plans before I returned to the US, and in the course of the conversation he ended up confessing that the original job in the US did not drop onto his lap by random chance- he purposefully applied to jobs in my city because he really liked me and wanted to see me again.

I was kind of floored by that- and the more I think about it, the more upsetting it is that this random man moved to a different country for me and didn't even admit it until we'd been together for years. I was already sort of on the fence about continuing our relationship, as this is my first long term relationship and he's been in a couple of ~ 1 year long relationships, and one 6 year long relationship. I also have not introduced him to my family (or told them his age), as the whole situation doesn't make either of us look great. Now I'm even more hesitant, as although I do really love him, it's kind of insane that he did that. My original plan was to suggest to him that he should move back to Europe for this year (he has lots of job options so it shouldn't be a problem), that we should take a break, and then that I would move to Europe next year for grad school and we could start a real relationship. That way I could enjoy my last year of college single, and then I could pretend that we met organically in Europe with me being older than 19.

I now don't even know if I want that exclusively because of his confession. I feel like I'm being unreasonable, as he's an incredible man with many virtues and I like him a lot and he's always treated me very well, but I can't shake the feeling that what he did was insane. My friends are split and I'm not going to talk to my parents about this so I thought I would ask here.

:mar#seyoctopus2: comments mostly calling her an r-slur, surely jealous that they haven't gotten their own rich European prince and she's casting hers away. don't see much drama there at a glance but i'm also :marseysleep:

pin edit: way more comments and drama now


We are hitting r-slur level's previously not known to be possible
I'M DESPERATE :marseystarbucks:


I can't begin to imagine why you're single and available


Imagine the smell :#marseypuke:

Twox foid's body count so high she lost track. Calls others weird for not being like her
Did he cheat or did I catch an STD from a koala?? Update- He cheated… : TwoHotTakes

Not even reading all that but the title made me lol


I (29F) have a stalker. How do I figure this out?

TL;DR I have a stalker, have exhausted all options, and don't know how to figure out who it is.

I have no idea where to start with this because I’ve never been involved in anything remotely  dramatic in my life. Nonetheless, I’ll try to be concise:

Someone is 1) aware of whenever I arrive at my partner’s house and 2) knows when and where my partner and I travel abroad. They then contact my partner’s ex and harass them with this information via burner social media accounts, text messages and automated phone calls from random numbers. I don’t really know the ex but clearly someone thinks this information will agitate them? No clue, I’m just minding my business over here but it sure is causing a mess of irritation.

My concern is that someone clearly monitors my whereabouts on multiple levels and I have no idea how this is happening.

I only share my plans with two people ever and there is no scenario it is them. My one close friend has absolutely zero reason to do this especially knowing how much distress it causes me (unless she is a psychopath that flew under my radar for 10+ years). And my mother is absolutely incompetent with everything and especially technology. There’s just no way, and I checked my mother’s devices entirely. She does nothing suspicious as expected.

My partner also only shares with two people and he also swears it could not be them for pretty much the same reasons. These are people we adore and are close with, they wouldn’t hurt us like this and they have absolutely no motivation to. He’s also taken the same precautions I have listed below.

Please help!

Here’s what I’ve done so far:

-Changed all passwords and logged out of all accounts. Obviously the most important was email in terms of finding out life details

-Added 2 factor authentication on all accounts

-Deleted any unknown devices from all accounts. There weren’t many and seem like just old phones.

-Checked my phone and my car for anything suspicious in terms of tracking or hacking. I can’t find anything. I even bought a bug sweeper. The last place I haven’t swept is the outside of my partner’s home. I will do that soon but that still doesn’t explain knowing our vacation plans multiple times now!

-there was a weird unknown phone paired to my car Bluetooth but I don’t know if that’s a previous owner or something and I don’t think I’ve ever seen it connected. Or how that would even be relevant

-Changed my lifelong phone number (sigh…this one sucked)

-Deleted all social media although I have no posts. Deleted them all years ago for privacy and haven’t posted since. Not a big social media person

-Checked location services are only on relevant apps when they are in use. Like Uber..truly only the necessary ones

-Started using a VPN at all times

-Checked the wifi for unknown devices, can’t find any

-literally watched for someone physically following me but never found that to be happening

There is probably more that I cannot recall because I really went off. I don’t even know why I took some of these actions, I’m just blindly trying everything to possibly stop this. Kitchen sink approach.

Could this be someone that is one further step removed? But why in the world would my mom or friend tell someone else all of these events in detail?

I have no enemies to my knowledge.

I even have scenarios where I DIDNT share my plans with anyone and yet this stalker still knew.

Does anyone have strong opinions on how in the heck this could be happening??? I’m really lost.

Thank you in advance if you made it this far.

If you aren't actively lying to your foid you're ngmi.


!biofoids discuss.

The only right answer:


featuring headers like "The psychological whiplash of suspension"

i had no idea the thot audit was still ongoing

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