ethot/pickme/skeletor cosplayer causes some seethe with a passionate defence of s*x robots

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The foid in question:

Mad feminists:

Women are only good for one thing.

No wait, two things.

Absolutely correct, but she'll seethe about them anyway.

Other hot takes from Iryna:

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"S*x dolls won't cook or clean or do your laundry!" - feminists who will also not do those things

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S*x dolls will do those things eventually, unlike feminists.

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If I had a robot :marseychudsnappyactivated: to cook and clean :marseydarkspez: I'd want it to look like an unshaved Willem DaFoe because I could send it to sit in the yard at night :marseysamfisher: and grin at passers by menacingly. Everyone :marseynorm: would :marseymid: think :marseymischevious: a crazed hobo had moved in and I would :marseymid: never :marseyitsover: have to fear for my security :marseyblart: again.

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Fleshlights that cry feeling threatened by the thought of being R E P L A C E D with s*x dolls.


Trans lives matter, unlike paleofoids'.

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Basically this. Feminist :marseyjacksparrow: womyn basically cannot provide anything :marseycoleporter: but s*x (if they want to give it to men), of course there :marseycheerup: would :marseymid: be some men going :marseysalmaid: for s*x robots.

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I mean we're like what 10 years max from fully autonomous androids with full blown personalities? I can't wait to make one after my dead wife tbh. I miss her making me eggs sunny side up half naked.

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Uh, who's gonna tell her?

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Also radfems: lol who needs a man I have a battery operated boyfriend

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I have an assault operated boyfriend

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powered by AI

No more woke agenda


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Imagine your sexbot trying to lecture you on the problematic race play scenario you're doing

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Thats my fetish tho

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I still don't understand why feminist are reeeing about sexbots :marseyconfused: You hate men, so why would you be against something that would lead to part of them being pacified by sexbots? Or is it really that they hate men so much they have the pathological drive to destroy anything men enjoy?

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They hate men, but they aso recognise that kitty is the only power women have over them collectively. Waifubots will utterly destroy that.

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The goal of feminism :marseysuffragette: is always about controlling men. If they are really :marseythinkorino2: no more than "we don't want men" I won't actually :marseyakshually: loathe them ngl.

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The goal of feminism :marseysuffragette: is always about controlling men.

Controlling men without having to intercourse them. Women have been successfully controlling scrotes for thousands of years, the feminists just want the results without putting in the work

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The latter

Women ruin everything

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According to the redpill's hypergamy theory :marseysoypoint: it's because beta provider men :marseycuck: will prefer the :marseysnappy: sexbots :marseycatgirl5: to wifing up the feminists once they hit the Wall :marseywall:, leaving them without the long-term security they crave after spending their prime years having fun sport s*x :marseynut: with alphas :marseygigachad:. (However :marseyhmm: don't the security provisions of the welfare state buffer against this? I guess the difference is, you can't introduce government aid to your family or cuddle up with it :marseyandmarcus: to watch Netflix :soyconsoomer: the same as a real human male, so it's still not an ideal solution.)

It'd be easier to respect them if they just straight up owned this and said it, but they probably don't even know this themselves because humans (and especially foids :marseywomanmoment:) evolved to conceal our true motives from each other and ourselves :marseyschizotwitch: (Elephant In The Brain). So I don't blame them but that's what it is.

Of course there may be other explanations but this sort of thing has cleared up a lot of mysteries for me lately :marseynoooticer:

Apologies for my humorless sincerity on this post-post-meta-ironic cat appreciation site but I couldn't resist

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Theoretically at least, the reason why they dislike it is that a s*x bot is the ultimate incarnation of patriarchy; a woman reduced to a literal object, entirely defined by providing s*x and vacuous conversation that props up men.

In practice I suspect it's also that they hate men being happy.

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Men's power is in money and provision. Women's only power is their vagene, which they easily control men with. Take that away and they have nothing.

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IDK, me I'm excited for my future hot muscular house husband with a vibrating...umm anyway, you get the idea. He better know how to clean though.

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2024 I decided to be less misogynistic to women on this site

28 Days Later you have reverted me to my old ways

Please keep yourself safe

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:marseysob:My sexbot would never wish me ill like that!

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Preach Queen, don't listen to the incel below you

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Whats the consensus on pick me's?

For or against?

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As a dude is there even a downside to pick me when compared to the average women?

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Seems like sour grapes and crab in a bucket mentality to me tbh.

Some pick me's go overboard with it though, like pearl davis sometimes says some legit r-slurred shit.

But pretty much all women say some r-slurred butt shit sometimes, so.

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Pearl is a giga uggo and her pickme schtick is genuine desperation.

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Some pick me's go overboard with it though, like pearl davis sometimes says some legit r-slurred shit.

stfu pearl is a treasure

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i'm not hating

just sayin

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Yes, she's still a woman and the mask will slip eventually

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Serious answer is allowing sycophants near you is dangerous if you are in any position of power or responsibility. You want a woman who's willing to tell you the truth. She can't be the sort of girl who lies to you if you're getting fat.

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Pick me in the streets, annoying b-word in the sheets

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Personally I'm a fan of the opposite :#horny:

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0 downsides


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"Pick me" is a term that, in it's most common usage - is used by foids to attack other foids with actual interests or anything that makes them stand out

"Pick me"s are commonly superior to "Pick-me-nots"


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From what I have seen, "pick me" just means a foid that isn't insufferable :marseyshrug:

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I am gay so no opinion outside :marseytouchgrass: that they aren't those perpetually bitter feminist, so they're OK I guess.

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If they actually believe what they're saying? Yes, but this is rare. IDK how often women who actually hold these beliefs are so vocal about them. I had an ex who would call women "pick-mes" but was very trad. She didn't publicly advertise how trad she was, so I guess that was the difference in her mind?

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Ugly men who can't get girls, and misogynists who can't get girls will be out of the gene pool, sp that's a positive

But if they can't get girls they're already out of the gene pool :marseybeanquestion:

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In this Twitter thread, a lot of worthless women who had no value other than s*x (no, obviously not all women are like this, but certainly these women are) get very upset to discover that they had no value other than s*x!

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This is about money. They like having a population of unfulfilled sexual untouchables that they can financially exploit in various ways, and they're lashing out at anything that could possibly threaten the pool of simps.

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I don't even think it's about money. Average women get kind of uncomfortable when the topic of s*x bots come up and most of them aren't grifting thots. It hits their sense of self worth. It makes them feel expendable if a man can just go out and find a replacement that easily.

It puts them in a similar position as men because now they have to try to market themselves instead of just gate keeping s*x, which is why you always see the "s*x bots can't do domestic chores like a woman can" argument which most modern women wouldn't try to use as a selling point otherwise. This may lead to a large generational shift toward having way more incels/femcels or it will lead to women adopting more classical "trad" characteristics to find a partner

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To me, sexbots are creepy and weird but I think it will be mostly creepy weird guys using them, so I'm happy for them or w/e.

I'm not worried about being "replaced" because I don't think an AI will ever replicate my particular mix of high-functioning/delightfully charming/seriously damaged. There's no market for a robo-version of me, so nobody would sell one.

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That's the healthy and introspective attitude. But most women get kind of upset about the idea of s*x bots because it makes them paranoid of being "replaced."

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:marseyagreefast: Of course I love you for your high-functioning/delightfully charming/seriously damaged charm, dear


:marseyunamused: when will this b-word shut up and open her legs

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I love technology and am extremely tolerant in general.

Despite this, I make no apologies for being revolted by s*x bots. Any man who resorts to this is a subhuman satanist freak who is perverting the truest expression of man's art, the machine. If you shot each man who did this, it would be a net positive for the men and women of the world.

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Sexbots good, me bad. :grug:

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Factcheck: This claim is 100% true.

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:marseyraging: you re-rolled! You dirty cheat!

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Aww, thanks factcheck bot!:marseyembrace:

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Check again :#marseytroublemaker:

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It's about money and attention

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(no, obviously not all women are like this, but certainly these women are)

Reddit brained disclaimer

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There's something deeply unsettling about her face

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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From the pfp, I suspected it was a :marseytrain: or AI, but she seems to be a legit biofoid.

No butt though:

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That's unfortunate.

Needs to step up her squat game.

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Wow that's really sad

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Has she never done lunges in her life wtf??

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I think it's the slav genes.

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Slavs and photoshop are like nuclear weapons and cavemen. They just don't understand the concept.

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I am proud that nobody posted "would" ITT.

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Don't worry, some clever dramanaut will in response to your comment.

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it was obvious but i still giggled anyway

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>No more restaurant dates

Noooooo! The gravy train is pulling into the final station! :marseycry: :marseysulk: Where will I get michelin tier food and sub-rdrama tier conversation now?

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That sexbot looks awful and is clearly a DOA product.

Nice tradwife :marseypennyboo: flex by the Slavic :marseyzizek: lycra foid tho- getting herself noticed like that... good play.

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Yeah this is advanced attention seeking plays

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Your brain has completely rotted. You are a vile person, I hope you go outside one day. There is so much wrong with what you are saying, but I'm too tired and you are too horrible of a person to learn.


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on point, as usual

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How do s*x dolls even feel?

Can't imagine silicone feels better than a woman's skin, dolls also can't kiss so whatever.

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They will have labgrown human skin soon enough

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I guess with that face you need to be a pickme to have any chance at getting laid

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She's not bad looking for an older woman; just has a terrible hairstyle

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I have amended my views significantly in the past ten minutes. While dollfrickers are subhumans who need to be shot, I have taken a look at the lady in the OP and decided she is also a subhuman grifter with an ugly face. She should be sterilized forcibly so she cannot pass on her inferior genes.

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Instead of paying nearly 5 figures on chatGPT stapled to a s*x doll, just masturbate for free. It's that easy.

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very stupid thing to say but why are leftoids so passionate about the worst men removing themselves willingly from the dating pool?

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Men do not deserve pleasure. Why is this difficult?

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Dollfrickers are subhuman losers and so are you if you defend them. You really are inferior if you can't get a real woman. Utterly degenerate.

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Qft. Even more pathetic than having to pay for s*x!

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Okay, but where is the cosplay pic?

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Fembot with no more woke agenda

:#soyjackwow: this but with a magahat

:chudette: Women should embrace their feminine traits like being nurturing, patient and understanding

based Queen

and obedient

never mind

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Out of the gene pool

Why? IVF is a thing, so is buying a womb

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