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it does NOT happen but if it does it's a good thing

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2xlady: Ugh I wish my partner would open up to be more and be open with me

Partner opens up to her

2xlady: Ugh I hate how my partner is expecting me to perform emotional labor for him.

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Women unironically believe men complain about pain more than they do, our biggest mistake was ever taking them seriously

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What about man-flu, chud :smugtranstwitter:

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The nerve on women to say I am man-sick when I am actually sick when they have a stomach ache or headache anytime they don't want to have s*x

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B-word I don't care. I'm going to be at the other end

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This but inironically, losers who whine about their 'trauma' aren't men. Or human :marseynails:

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Agreed. Weak men are women, and women aren't people. :marseyhomosupremacist:

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I dunno. I'd allow some whining if someone killed my friend's kid or something like that, but after we lynch the guy, Imma need him to knock it off.

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Woman is the Turk of the world

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But imma be honest with you. I am baffled and confused about it. Because to my understanding, according to what Ive read before, women are doing the most emotional labor in relationships

:marseyxd: women with all their 'empathy' are absolutely terrible at detecting the emotional state of men

I know my experiences don't represent the whole world, but looking back I've only met a woman in my life who would do that to a man, my mom, but she doesn't discriminate by gender, she just doesn't believe in emotional health.

>only 100% of relationships that I've had an inside view of

I think there absolutely are women out there who are put off by men having emotions. Patriarchy is a societal phenomenon and women are a part of society so it's inevitable that many women will have gender roles in the back of their mind, and some women will prefer them outright. Under patriarchy, men are told that women are emotional, and being like a woman is bad, so being emotional is bad. Some women will absolutely be put off by this. Plenty of women do prefer hypermasculinity whether or not I personally like it.

As usual 'we are taught to' shit but they actually seem to admit that it happens.

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>emotional labor

That means she's doing all the complaining

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I never asked her to take on the burden of overthinking literally anything i say or do

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It's odd how everything women talk about that's supposedly bad is something they were taught, and somebody needs to do something. The lack of autonomy is just stunning.

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women are feral beasts controlled by their menstrual cycle

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The thing women who complain about this stuff don't get is men and women are emotionally wired different. The ones that "do all the emotional labor" are actually just prioritizing what they believe are emotionally important, regardless of how the man feels about it.

Anecdotally I've been in relationship fights with many women over the years and where I'm ready to just drop it and deem it not important, she wants it to keep going because there's some closure to the situation she feels hasn't been reached. I'm not going to say she was wrong or i was wrong, but we just had differing opinions on the importance of shit. Good relationships find a compromise in there somewhere.

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I've always been kind of baffled by the emotional labour thing. Relationships work by the man being stoic and supportive, which she can use to soothe her own negative emotions. Men do all of the emotional labour, usually willingly so knowing that that's part of the deal.

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Emotional labor is really a made up term to avoid saying "I actually don't care about their feelings but expect for them to still care about me"

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Emotional labor is actually a completely coherent concept, but redditor foids managed to misunderstand and misuse it to the point of absurdity.

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Redditor-type foids and misusing an actual social concept (gaslighting, power imbalances, etc.) beyond the point of absurdity: name a more iconic duo.

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is actually a completely coherent concept, but redditor foids managed to misunderstand and misuse it to the point of absurdity.


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You're right, it's frequently not even coherent :marseysmug2:

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Oh I figured. The worst of them use that term like they use r*pe to describe regretting sleeping with someone 2 years ago.

Like yeah, I understand how something can be emotionally draining so ofc there has to be a way to describe it. But having your partner (who you presumably care deeply for) open up about personal stuff shouldn't be that kind of emotional drainage lol

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Foids somehow can't comprehend the value they (and everyone else) place in someone near them being able to keep a cool head and not lose their shit, and simultaneously are jealous of it.

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The foid will never understand. Emotions aren't bad because women have them, they're bad cause they don't mix well with testosterone. “Boys don't cry” is just shorthand for “dudes are violent and need to control their emotions”

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I'm convinced self awareness would kill the average twox poster

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This comes from the people who said it was rational to choose a bear because a small fraction of men are male feminists

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That sub unironically defended shotacons

No, im not joking

They literally used lolicreep logic to defend them

A woman can do no wrong that sub

They have defended Aileen Wuornos ( because being a John makes a man killing worthy)

Some of those bitches would defend this

('Oh that was a stressful situation for queer women in a homophobic country')


Or maybe even this

Actual trigger warning for toddler torture


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That sub unironically defended shotacons


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'it's just a cartoon pictures'

' those women aren't pedos irl'

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:marseyyikes: I knew a fujo in HS who was weirdly obsessed with the little boy from Black Butler. She converted to Christianity but I still wouldn't let her around kids.

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>She converted to Christianity

Catholicism? :marseysmug2:

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Nah some generic Christian thing

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TwoX defended that foid that strangled her own newborn and dumped it into the bathroom trash at the hospital she was staying at.

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Do I really have to repeat from above? Not All Women and not all progressive women.

Do they get to just unironically Not All Women us??? I mean, I know these people are supposed to have female brains, but there must be a limit to how much hypocrisy a person can engage in.

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Men don't respect other men crying, and they're projecting that onto women. I've never heard a woman run away from a man opening up to them. But what I have noticed is that a lot of men confused trauma-dumping with being vulnerable. Trauma-dumping would turn me off. Actual vulnerability, crying, and opening up would make me feel closer to my partner.

Women are such a fricking meme.

“I'm not turned off by emotional men, but there's a difference between being emotional and trauma dumping. I'm just turned off by trauma dumpers and a lot of men are trauma dumpers”

“I don't hate black people, but there's a difference between being black and being a BIPOC. I just hate BIPOCs and a lot of those people are BIPOCs.”

They don't even care about the implicit meanings or logic behind anything they say or do, they just try to find the most pseudoeloquent therapy speak way to express their feelings as justified and then act like it's a proven, indisputable scientific fact that their feelings are justified by virtue of having been expressed in pseudoeloquent therapy speak.

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Trauma-dumping would turn me off. Actual vulnerability, crying, and opening up would make me feel closer to my partner.


Is “trauma dumping” some new lingo for emotional venting (desabafo, I might be mind translating it literally)?

In other words TwoXers don't give a frick about men's problems, they want submissiveness and meekness. I particularly hate the obsession with “vulnerability”, no one in their sane minds wants to feel vulnerable, predatory narcissists like to appear vulnerable to gain social points and attention.


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Trauma dumping is the therapy speak way to justify why men being vulnerable gives them the ick and is unacceptable while still being able to call men toxic for staying guarded and stoic.

It gives them a way to say it's all men's fault they're emotionally repressed and bottle up their feelings while also letting them weasel out of the accountability of the fact that the never ending guarded stoicism is a mating strategy developed to appeal to foids. They don't even want their men to actually be vulnerable or meek or anything like that, they just want to have the social capital of being accepting of vulnerable men while also having a perfectly valid social excuse to why they're unaccepting of men who actually show that vulnerability. Think of like when they do those street interviews and ask the foids if they'd take a refugee into their home and they gleefully say “of course!” and then start coming up with ten thousand excuses why they can't when the interviewer introduces them to Muhammed.

There's a reason why the majority of men who feel comfortable showing vulnerability are queers or virgins.

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they want submissiveness and meekness.

They think they want that, but they don't.

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I think earlier in the episode one of Don's staff (Sal lol) gave a similar response and Don chewed him out as useless.

People say it's a foidshow but it reveals women's inferiority complex with respect to men and shows how much they idolize us. The whole show is a love letter to daddy issues.

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They will try like crazy to get it, but if they succeed, they will friendzone or run a mile.

It seems to be biologically programmed. ‘Shit test' is actually a useful concept

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It's emotional venting outside of the scheduled (schedule TBD) emotional vent time.

>In other words TwoXers don't give a frick about men's problems,

so yes

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No. They want men who r*pes them every day and is cold but dependable.

But 90% of posters are too fat to be lusted after

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Men don't respect other men crying

lol this is such bullshit

men are somehow infinitely more respectful and comforting of other men crying. maybe because usually men don't cry over every little thing so perhaps they see it as "if he's crying openly then it must be something very serious"

but yes, sometimes men will tell you to man up and stop crying, because sometimes that's what you need to hear

I hate women so much it's unreal

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sometimes men will tell you to man up and stop crying, because sometimes that's what you need to hear

Brutal truth is that a lot of times bro's just got to get his shit together before he goes home to his girl or before his girl's bestie shows up to the bar and sees him crying over his dead dog. There are a few chicks who legit don't mind that shit and who will hold strong against the social pressure of the other foids they know who do, but I ain't going to let one of my buddies find out the hard way if his girl isn't one of them if I can help it.


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Yeah strag foids aren't a monolith on this. Some want a strong macho guy and others want to be their man's caretaker.

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I never move my face muscles but I shed a lot of tears at cute endings. My last gf actually liked it but I was really good at being a complex tortured soul.

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"Trauma dumping" is Foid for overdoing it, basically. It's not exclusively about moids either, foids accuse each other of it all the time. You're "trauma dumping" if you're excessively whiny and sobby about everything and wanting someone to drop everything to comfort you, not if you're just crying bc your dog died or something.

I'm sure neighbors misuse the frick out of the term but that's what it's supposed to mean.

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I be trauma dumping to foids sometimes. It's pretty much always me working through my own shit out loud. I don't want their emotions or any of their input and would be having the same conversation with myself if they weren't there

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then why don't you just do it when they aren't there? :marseythinkorino:

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Cause they gave me cocaine and it's impossible to not say whatever I'm thinking about

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I only shame moids if what they open up about is pathetic.

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Oh good. I was afraid you would make fun of me for knowing more about Vulcan mating rituals than human ones. :marseyspock:

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Wow. I am one of the biggest kitties I have ever known in my life and you have helped me discover a bullying instinct in my biology.

Thank you loser.

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Remember that it's never :marseyitsover: too late to be an butthole


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Please keep yourself safe

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A man has to cultivate his trauma like a bonsai tree

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It needs to be manageably sized, stunted, starved and tormented in a way that produces something interesting.

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This but unironically

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Yeah there are times it's okay to be sad as a man. When your pet dies. When your football club gets relegated. Things like that.

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Reported by:
  • SnappyIsMyWaifu : It's "sharing emotions" to b-word about nothing. It's "trauma dumping" when you have real problems.

:#marseyyikes: POV you asked your mahn to share feelings, so he starts trauma dumping on you instead for 50 mins about his dead brother and sick father. Why must I be the empathic one?

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Whether it's a man or woman it's pretty ick to call what your partner is doing "trauma dumping". They're someone you care about you should want to be there for them

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"Trauma dumping" joins "emotional labour" in the "terms that used to mean something but are now just an excuse to be an butthole" bucket

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terms that used to mean something

Nah they've been bullshit from the first time they were written.

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They're real. Trauma dumping from when I've seen it though has been a foid forcing others to deal with her trauma. Can involve weaponizing it, or just taking a fun situation and deciding to make it all about their problems. Either way, it's perhaps unsurprising how they've turned it around into something they're 'victims' of, rather than the prime perpetrators.

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>Do I really have to repeat from above? Not All Women and not all progressive women.

>How many men are actually doing this without really wanting a free therapy session? Or are just acting?

The hilarious thing is how many comments echo this. Are they really using "not all women" when they routinely shriek about "not all men"?


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Yes. People who control others through social shame contradict themselves constantly.

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rules for thee, but not for me

tee hee

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a free therapy session

Why have a person who loves and understands you give you advice when you can pay a random stranger to support your opinion?

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Women simply don't understand how to be good friends

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I am not your therapist….well anyway my god darn boss what stop scheduling lunch meetings yada yada yada

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they all say no but completely unrelatedly get the ick

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Good. /r/GuyCry is just a bunch of kitty moids. Moids like this need to be told that they're huge kitties. /u/Journ*listGrouchy882 stop being a stupid kitty. That's the only advice you need.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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U wanna see my taint?

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Isn't /r/GuyCry 90% FtMs? :marseypooner:

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/u/Warm-Mechanic-1233 (AKA Joe the janny and scammer) had another meth fueled meltdown and ran a lot of them off about a month or two ago. It seems to be mostly 14 year old jeets or really pathetic 30 year old neet men now, which makes it an even funnier place to read.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Jesus christ the amount of typos and grammar mistakes in this reply to that post is absurd :marseybangfast:

Hello, i believe you are creating problems in your head yhat are not real, of you love her and She loves you then do not leave her, no matter how many step behind.

Now the hard part: you are very insecure, and i swear to you, this Will destroy your relationship. An insecure person puts top much pressure ok the partner, making the relationship work instead of enjoyment.

My advice? Stop believing there Is something wrong in your lack of esperience, tell her that yoy are worried She does not feel Happy with you. If She Is Happy, then please, stop Being so insecure, or you Will never be satisfied/believe what She says.

I have some esperience and i swear to God a relationship explodes like a baloon if One of the parta Simply does not believe things can be good

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Jeets giving advice to kitty men. It's a great watch.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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'stop being a kitty'

More twoxchromosomes userbase should use this advice too


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I will r*pe you in the kitty

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What did he mean by this??

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