Context: The BBC put out an article acknowledging that men on the bottom rung don't get kitty. Naturally, foids are out in force to pretend the reason for this isn't obvious.
Don't believe your lying eyes! The fact that every primitive culture from the Amazon, to Africa, to Australia, displays the same divergence in gender roles doesn't mean anything. Not only are women the hunters, they're also better at it, sweaty
It means foids are a net drain to the government purse. They use more public services, and receive more in government benefits, than they pay in tax.
Never ask a foid (or a moid, to be fair) what they're looking for in a partner. Look at who they choose when given the option - revealed preferences über alles.
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lmao,18-24 yo moids all over the place
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Makes sense. At that age your current income doesn't really speak to your future income necessarily, and people are just looking to have fun rather than settle down for the most part.
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yeah, i just found the 19m making 100k+ was funny.
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Come on, one more ;)
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Any 20-year-old guy that makes 100K/year is guaranteed to be obnoxious, extremely neurodivergent, or both.
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anthropologists have been pretty set on both men and women doing both hunting and gathering for a while and it makes significantly more sense than grug passing up on Berries during a hunting trip because he's male.
Foids have taken this "new"(if it was a person it would be a boomer) discovery and overdramatized it for some reason that might make sense to me if I lobotomized myself.
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Unironic question: What's the arguement for women being involved in the hunt in appreciable levels?
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They call it "hunting" when you find bugs or small critters or fishing for food. They purposefully try to conflate that with big game hunting that only men ever did.
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That makes sense. I was wondering if they were making things like hunting rabbits and other critters around your homestead sound the same as taking down buffalo.
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I thought from what I've read that women would be involved for the really big game like wooly mammoths that would involve the entire tribe, but men performed most of the day-to-day hunting shooting rabbits and deer with bows and arrows.
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WTF would a woman do against a mammoth? Youre a credulous r-slur for believing that
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Bring water to drink?
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WTF would a man do against a mammoth? Being like 40% stronger really doesn't mean much when the thing you're hunting is 5 tons. You sound like you're one of the people that thought they could beat a bear in an unarmed fight in the poll carp made a while back.
I would think of mammoth hunting as something that would usually happen out of opportunity and would involve the entire tribe. Something like finding an injured or baby mammoth separated from the herd, spending the whole day slowly herding it onto an advantageous spot it can be trapped, throwing spears at it until it collapses of exhaustion, then spending days butchering the meat and preserving as much as possible with salt or by stashing it in freezing ponds. You want as many people involved as possible.
Compare that to hunting a deer, where you only want your best spear-throwers and fastest runners to have that job. Unlike a mammoth if you miss it'll run away before you get another chance.
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A woman couldn't throw a spear worth shit.
Even worse, women are by nature cowardly and would shy away from the risky nature of getting close to such a dangerous beast. Letting a female get hurt would be disastrous for a tribe who relies on them to keep the tribe going with new bodies. Any children relying on their mother will also die if that mother gets killed or seriously injured
A mammoth wouldn't run away; it would crush you under it like the bug you are
You sound like you've watched way too many marvel movies where the girl super hero is incredibly strong and brave, because it's fictional
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I remember reading up on various warrior women from Africa, women who warned of atrack and gave weapons to the men were counted among these "warrior women", so I imagine "involvement is something like that.
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Yeah there's a lot of bs out there where a publication find one grave of a woman with a weapon and try to extrapolate that to there obviously not being any gender differences in that society whatsoever, or taking some ceremonial role and acting like it's reflective of their day-to-day culture. There has never been a society where women do anywhere close to the amount of fighting or hunting that men did, it would never work.
However I still find it hard to believe that in these stone age hunter gatherer societies women were too weak to do anything other than pick berries or raise children. If I'm in a tribe of like 30 people and we spot a wooly mammoth lost from the herd near our camp, I think I'm asking everyone who can throw a spear or tie a rope to come along with me. I doubt that the gender division between hunting and gathering was so strict that men never gathered and women never hunted.
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They definitely weren't chucking spears at mammoths, but likely helping with luring it into a pit trap or something
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There's already a word for it. It's called "foraging," or they were called "gatherers" as the part of "hunter and gatherer society."
I really think there is a huge inferiority complex for the academic feminist types, since they keep wanting to imagine women is 100% equal to men in every way.
Maybe Freud was right about the peepee envy.
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Which is the evolutionary reason women can spend all day walking around stores looking at pretty jewelry
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!biofoids is this true?
Wait why is there also ! actualbiofoids ?
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that other ping group has
s, so they are poseurs.
And looking at jewelry is great.
Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Ancient hunting pretty much came down to walking at an animal until it died of exhaustion and if women didn't join they would get separated from the tribe
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Do you think the kids were running along too or what? This is such an r-slured line of thinking I srsly can't even
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they were in prehistoric daycare
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Idk the source for this statement is my butt. It just seems like after following an animal for possibly over a day, it would be hard to find your way back to a specific point in the forrest
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Chase it in circles
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But wouldn't that mean the old and young would be separated and vulnerable while all the able bodied hunted?
Wasn't that type of hunting accomplished by a portion of the strong leaving the camp and returning rather than everyone going?
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First it's important to say that this is a pet project of feminists, that the world has an egalitarian streak before agriculture supposedly brought class and patriarchy.
The gap between men and women supposedly closes with ultra marathon running, if animals were run to exhaustion then that would level the playing field.(Edit: I guess I should have said that the gap in terms of intensive running might close enough for women to be big game hunters if things were run to exhaustion.)
Other methods of hunting include cliffmaxxing
Women's status could be tied to the degree of resource scarcity and threat of war modified by technology, if other hunter gatherers were likely to jump you and didn't have much then you had a more male dominated society. If you were under little threat and had a lot then you lived in a more soyciety.
The bow could have given women some level of self defense, one of the supposed explanations of the Amazons were that when the men left to hunt, women would defend themselves with the bow leaving to Greeks thinking that only women and children lived in those villages. Like an early version of the Smith and Wesson. Technology like the bow and arrow and cowtools could have mediated women's status
The Neolithic caused a Y chromosome bottleneck and other social disruptions with the invention of agriculture and settled society. Feminists typically attribute the birth of patriarchy and class to this period which is why they talked about gender equality before then.
A lot of this is questionable speculation from the furthest left part of academia so stay noided
Getting you shit like this
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No more than regular marathon
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Simultaneously interesting and tarded. Thanks!
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Why did they a Brazilian Indian tribe as being representative of their new hypothesis?
They're clearly wearing modern clothing but the way they're using them for their study implies they're relatively "untouched" rather than being influenced by mainstream society, technology and ideals
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I thought they would say agriculture made society more egalitarian since they like the Old Europe hypothesis in that Europe was filled with egalitarian farmers before they got Zerg rushed by patriarchal Indo-Europeans 
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The Goddess trilogy type shit and Goddess feminism is largely the pet project of this woman(though Graves predates) and is highly questionable, it was even at the time. Fun fact, the Gloria Steinem run of Wonder Woman references this theory.
The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe (1974)
The Language of the Goddess (1989)
The Civilization of the Goddess (1991)
You get shit like the White Goddess by Robert Graves and weird Wiccan and Neo Nazi matriarchal cults from this. That being said it's one of the most kino schizo theories around.
The idea that proto Europe was vastly more egalitarian than Victorian England seems true from my understanding.
Here's an interesting article that partially challenges my view. This is a modern perspective which has thrown off the chains of Marxism which threaded everything through class politics. Feminism has historically been shackled with Marxism and to a lesser Anarchism in the Anglophone world so tying class and gender oppression together is a very tempting thing for a lot of feminists. Turns class society into one tidy enemy and class abolition into a satisfying solution.
They apparently wrote a book that I'll have to readmaxx.
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I guess they were just built different, being able to find their way back after chasing an animal for miles. Modern r-slurs will get lost after walking 200 feet away from a hiking trail
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You would have a hunting party, not the entire ahh tribe lol
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Watch the movie Prey on Hulu and get back to me
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That movie was in development forever
still keep forgetting that it came out though lol 
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Division of labor didn't really exist yet if grugget can throw rock grugget hunt
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But human biology did, and Grudget is going to be dealing with pregnancy, breast feeding, and have lower rock throwing strength?
What evidence do we have there was no division of labor? There certainly was in the Americas amongst tribal peoples, so I don't see why early Europe or whatever wouldn't too.
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There's a handful of burial sites where women were buried in the same manner as male hunters. I assume these were just cases of the tribe not having enough men and having to pull in some foid helpers
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Foids were the hunters and programmers chud.
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Sorry you don't get to erase women just this once
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/u/LouCarv1982 you're an actual
and have at least partial responsibility for every r*pe Andrew Tate has committed.
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Lard-butt must have never run a day in her life to even think this. At least 200 pounds, maybe more. Crazy that 40 year old bints are really online behaving like this.
Every time I think I despise the British enough another one of their freaks surprise me.
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most accountable scrote
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No shit bongs aren't having kids, can you imagine banging a girl and she goes 'oi bruv your peepee's bloody yuge innit?'
I'd fricking bolt it
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ITT: a bunch of unemployed scrotes bragging about how they could catch a wildebeast.
It's a real head scratcher why fatherhood eludes these moids.
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I'm currently hunting a bug in some Python code a sexy Indian dude wrote. Basically the same thing.
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Yu vill eat ze bug
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PCOS is making the wildebeast infertile
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Could you?
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What an ironic thing for the BBC to report on
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I don't get it
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The studies showing that women were "Hunter/Gatherers" didn't make distinctions between size of game they would take. In most cases, they found evidence of women using bows, slings, or spears that would have been effective for small game like rabbits and fowl.
The most sensible conclusion to draw is that women stayed near camp and gathered edible plants and hunted small game when the opportunity presented itself while the men ranged further out to hunt large game.
The studies also excluded the vast majority of cases, where they couldn't determine the s*x of the hunter, and cite the percentage where they could and found a woman. It was something like 400 total, 60 where s*x could be determined, and around 30 with female hunters, which they declared is "50% of the time, women also hunted"
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Edit: Guys this post made it to some weird site where men are talking about crushing our skulls because of this post.
Sigh "not all men"
Snapshots: (click to archive)
It's not evolution at all, historically women were the hunter/ gatherers. Gender roles are a social construct and that's very clear to most people nowadays: (click to archive)
Generally woman lean left, as they're beneficiaries from the system. Men lean more right - generally they're net contributors to the system. I suspect if the proportion of women contributing increased, then more would move fiscally to the right. And more men benefitting would cause them to move fiscally (but probably not socially) to the left.: (click to archive)
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women are not the problem
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Who are then?
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They're saying foids did the majority of endurance hunting?
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