
It's a known issue that medical professionals and physicians often ignore women's pain and dismiss it as hysteria.

We aren't treated the same way men are, in that a man can go to the ER and has a much better chance that people listen him.

We live in a world where men get Vicodin for vasectomies and women get whatever OTC meds for childbirth, even if their is tearing or in some cases when she actually has a C-section.

So how are you gonna tell me that culturally, the gender that is taught to both ignore and deal with pain solo is some how worse at dealing with it then the gender that get legit narcotics for a simple out patient procedure? Maybe they feel less pain because of all of those prescription narcotics their given?

As a researcher, I try to be unbiased but there is a long history regarding medical bias against women and how are pain is ignore

So how am I supposed to believe studies that come from that same biased community about how we as women have both a lower tolerance to pain but also experience higher levels of it for the same things?

Maybe those doctors need to interview some tattoo artists or something, because they seem like the only group of people who understand that when you put both a man and a women under the same stimuli, one group is more likely to fall asleep and the other can't seem to sit still because they claim it hurts so much.

Maybe it's that as a women, pain is life. It starts when we're in our early teens and continues for the rest of it. Which we know pain is both subjective and exposure and range both breeds tolerance. So if it the fact that we experience more pain that make people think we are some how are less tolerant of it? Is that the logic?

Make that make sense.

I have suffered from chronic pain several times in my life, I had endometriosis that took ten years to treat because no one believed me. Maybe they just lacked the references for what nerve damage due to unchecked tissue growth does to a person?

My partner was hit by a car and it permanently fricked up his spine, causing mass nerve pain. While it's been surgically repaired, to this day, he seems to be the only guy I've ever met that gets my pain, understands it and recognizes it's severity. While other people I've been with have described kidney stones or tooth aches as ‘the worst pain imaginable', I wish that was the case for me.

Pain touches so many spaces for us in ways that men will never experience it. Seriously, thank about it. A man would never power through painful s*x, if men got pregnant, abortion would be free, if men had periods Vicodin would like be a standard treatment for cramps.

Do men just not have a frame of reference?

It just seems to be that this whole stance of women being less tolerant to pain isn't even about pain but about people acting like we are weak without proof or a reference what it actually feels like to live in a female body.

What are they trying to prove aside for finding more ways to ignore our experiences?

It's just one more dig at us, when some days that all life seems to be, more attacks and more micro aggressions without any empathy or understanding.

It's just really hard not to feel exhausted by all of it.

If this wimp was tolerating her pain, I would not know she was in pain.


None of them stop to think for a second that the man was married for a reason and that's because at least one women found he worthy of it.


Tbf, younger women are less picky towards older men, than youger men to older women.

That probably also plays a part.


I had to c*m across this rag piece today so you do too. I was deeply divided on whether to post it here or in peakpoors but I'm feeling a little misogynist today :marseychud: Where do I even start? I guess at the top:

Seven years ago, I wrote an essay about what life would feel like if I didn't struggle with saving money [...] writing that essay and having it go viral failed to change the struggle I had with my own bank account.

Classic L

A lack of impulse control, she said, leads to impulse spending, and difficulty with executive functioning and planning make budgeting a struggle.

I don't have a mental disorder (I am flawless) but I think I'm right to speak that this is an insult to spoonies who have figured out how to manage their life, with or without a diagnosis.

“I have found such a clear correlation with my impulsivity and my cycles,” she said. Estrogen dips on premenstrual days, she explained, and because estrogen and dopamine typically work together, low estrogen means low dopamine, causing her to be more impulsive. “I cross-correlated it with my credit card statements, and there's a $600 bump in those days,” she said.

:#marseytypinglaugh: :#marseytypinglaugh: :#marseytypinglaugh:

She used sticker charts, colored progress trackers, and bullet journaling to “hack the system” of her brain. She also automated her savings and debt payments.

Emphasis mine. Who doesn't do this? :marseybruh2:

Ms. Fulmore started therapy to deal with the shame she had accumulated from a world that reflected a message that her struggles were her fault.

It _is_ your fault. That's okay to accept, though. But instead of doing that...

She also started the stimulant medication Vyvanse, which helped her focus and reduce her spending. Aside from her student loans, she's now free of debt.

:!#stoningpills: :#marseychonkerfoid: :#stoningpills:

“I'm in a number of support groups, and hearing so many other women share the same stories of struggling with money or struggling with impulsivity or self-control, it was just validating to feel like, OK, well, I'm not the only one,” she said. “So maybe I'm not as bad a person as I thought I was.”



Imagine the smell :#marseypuke:


She's clearly acting but let's see how neurodivergent rDrama is:


"When I got out of my powerchair and my support worker left, it was just the two of us. I had no idea what I was in for."



Not gonna lie, everyone clapped after that.


My backyard borders the state gamelands, I've had bears in my yard. I've seen them as close as my front door and they are usually minding their own business, and run away if you are loud enough. I needed a protection order to get my ex away from me. So, I'll take the bear.

I realized I'm not very informed about bears, so I hopped to Google to see how often they attack humans:

Although rare, attacks on humans have occurred, inflicting serious injuries and death. Each bear and each experience is unique; there is no single strategy that will work in all situations and that guarantees safety. Most bear encounters end without injury.

And then I realized we can rewrite it like:

Although rare, attacks on women have occurred, inflicting serious injuries and death. Each man and each experience is unique; there is no single strategy that will work in all situations and that guarantees safety. Most encounters with a man end without injury.

But I guess I'd rather be in the forest with a man, just because it's a more familiar terrifying situation.

If I die by bear, it wasn't personal. It was an animal doing animal things for animal reasons.

If I die by man, it was most certainly personal. It was a person making a choice to hurt me for cruel reasons.

I'd sooner take my chances with a bear.

I shoot astrophotography so I'm sometimes out all night alone in remote areas. I keep bear spray and a knife on me during those trips and it's definitely NOT the bears that I'm worried about.

I dunno. I live pretty rural and I assume there is some sort of predator nearby when I go hiking. Out of the two if I saw a wild animal predator like a cat or bear (ignoring the standard rule that if you were being stalked you wouldn't see it until the initial charge/attack) I think I'd feel semi secure just backtracking to my vehicle as long as I'm armed.

If I saw a man coming and he gave me predator vibes I'm not sure. I've read stories of women even with like a Doberman being overpowered if the man is armed because he's proactive with his weapon. The timing of “is he coming for me or just walking past me” can be the difference of life or death even with a protection dog. He could even disarm me if he came at me with that as a priority and caught me off guard instantly. I think a bear wouldn't reach for my gun and hopefully I've responded by the time it got that close.

So I'm leaning to preferring walking across a predator like a cat or bear then having to deal with that rather than an unexpected man in the woods.

I'd take a black bear over a strange man for sure. Grizzly bears are scarier, but then again, a lot of men are scary and wily. I think once you get away from the grizzly it wouldn't bear a grudge and come back for you, but as we all know, unfortunately men will. For polar bears, maybe I'd choose the man.

Bears are not smart enough to carry a gun or machete

Bears are not smart enough to anticipate a face full of capsicum

Bears are scared of loud horns

On the flipside I am instinctively scared of bears and I would automatically go into panic mode if I saw one anywhere close to where I was and if it had noticed my presence. I would probably end up spraying it in the face with hot pepper.

I don't know who the man is, what he's capable of and what weapons he's carrying. The man could be anyone and since at least 40% of men have admitted that they would rape a woman if they could get away with it. Around 20% would commit violent rape. I'm plus sized and 35% of men are attracted to a chubby-fat woman, 12% prefer obese women. That gives me around perhaps 5-10% odds that I could be with a potential attacker. Just under 90% of people arrested for robbery are male (that doesn't even account for the fact that a lot of women are accomplices for a man). If I have my phone with me, which is a rather nice phone, how do I know that said man won't steal it from me? Plus all the cash and debit cards I could be carrying.

Not to mention all the other things that exist in the woods during summer, hornets, wasps, mosquitoes, gadflies, wild pigs, stags, snakes, spiders. I also have an unstable knee and ankles and I am physically unable to run and I can't walk very well on uneven surfaces. I think I would rather stay out of the woods.

Bear. Where I live, we only get black bears. They are not that large, and they tend to shy away from humans. Also any decent hiker knows basic black bear behaviour and can act accordingly when they encounter one.

Some random dude in the woods? Nah. I hike alone every once in a while, and I automatically go into hyper vigilant potential defense mode if I encounter a man in the woods. They are not predictable, and they could potentially try to do me harm for no reason. I'll take the bears.

A bear! Hands down!


A bear isn't going to rape me, trap me, or torture me. If a bear means me harm it's gonna slaughter me quick. How do I know this? Well it will either eat me cuz it's hungry or end what it thought was a threat. Either way it's going for an efficient kill. Men on the other hand might have other intentions and motives

Also, my experience has been, bears are just as afraid of me as I am of them. Men on the other hand, they aren't afraid of a tiny petite woman like me. They know if they use force, weight, strength, etc that they'll win unless I have a weapon to defend myself with

Nothing will change my mind on this subject


Jewish lives matter


Also the tattoo is clearly fake af


an isolated incident

AITA for apologizing and not tolerating a pick me girl? : TwoHotTakes (woman DND :autism: inside)

How the frick do you deal with any of this shit? Good lord.


The Wisconsin woman accused of decapitating her lover during a meth-fueled escapade gave a sick description to investigators of how she dismembered him and sexually abused his corpse at the same time, her trial heard Wednesday.

Taylor Schabusiness, 25, offered up the disturbing details in a filmed interrogation soon after she allegedly choked her 25-year-old boyfriend, Shad Thyrion, to death with a dog collar in February 2022, jurors heard.

"I was sucking and cutting at the same time," Schabusiness said in the video, which was played to the jury during Wednesday's proceedings, Law&Crime reported.

"I liked it," she continued. "I didn't know what to do."

Schabusiness, who could be seen laughing at various points throughout the interrogation, added that her lover's head was allegedly the "first thing I took off" and that she was "very" excited about abusing his corpse.

Green Bay Police Department Detective David Graf, who was among those to interview Schabusiness, testified Wednesday that the alleged killer had copped to initially choking her boyfriend as foreplay --- but she "enjoyed it" and "wanted to see what would happen." :marseyhead:

Schabusiness then allegedly confessed to cuddling her boyfriend's headless corpse in the wake of the grisly slaying, Graf said.

"She described how she had sexual contact with the body in terms of playing with his peepee. Also, she described that she had a dildo that she placed into his mouth ... And that she had also cuddled the body," the detective testified.

Prosecutors have said Schabusiness used the dog collar to strangle Thyrion at the Green Bay home he shared with his mother before she sexually abused him and then dismembered his body with kitchen knives.

Thyrion's severed head and peepee were later found by his mom in a bucket in the basement of her home, jurors previously heard.

Investigators subsequently discovered parts of Thyrion's body spread throughout the basement, including his torso, which had been emptied of its organs and had his foot shoved into the chest cavity.

Schabusiness is charged with first-degree intentional homicide, mutilating a corpse and third-degree sexual assault.

In February, she attacked her former attorney in the middle of a court hearing before a deputy wrestled her to the courtroom floor.

Brown County Circuit Judge Thomas Walsh ruled in March that Schabusiness was competent to stand trial after that same attorney entered a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity on her behalf.


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