
Like why doesn't this b-word just call herself. frickin foids, I bet when they argue (aka she does something fricktarded) she lists her chores like every other woman "I WASH THE LAUNDRY, I DRY THE LAUNDRY, I FOLDED THE LAUNDRY, I DO EVERYTHING AROUND HEEERREE!!!!!" yet she can't be assed to do this basic FRICKIKNG task i'm so god darn pissed off at this commercial for ac you guys.


It's not like the door needs fixed or the sink is busted or some shit, yet she acts like she has no agency to PICK UP THE FUCUCKING PHONE HERSELF. Like b-word please why don't YOU FRICKING DO IT. and he's so used ot being nagged to death look at how he responds to her, fricking soyboybetacuck arrrrgh I'm fricking malding here.

This, this is why I choose to be gay.


None Hello, I am not writing this to garner sympathy. I am writing this because I thought it would be informative for people to read about what i have gone through concerning scary and sexually abusive experiences in my life. Just normal life as a female. I think it is important to state that nothing I list below is unusual for most of the women I have talked to about these types of things.

I am going to list these experiences as they come to mind. They are not going to be in any particular order. Some things are much worse than others, however, they are all important to list, as they all concern different types of abuse, sexual and otherwise. I have been thinking about these experiences of mine, quite a lot lately. My go to is to write things down when they start to get overwhelming. Sometimes painting and reading are not enough. So here goes.

  • At five years old, I was taken into the room of a fifteen year old neighbor girl, who used to babysit me and my sister. She took off my shirt, and her own, then touched my chest, and made me do the same to her. She put her fingers on my vaginal area, over my pants. I don't remember what happened after that. I kept this to myself, and finally told my parents about it when I was 13.

  • I have been whistled at by males in cars many times, screamed at about my different body parts, and let me just say that when you are walking down the street, minding your own business, and someone yells at you from behind or beside you, it makes you jump, and scares the shit out of you, because you are not expecting it.

  • The first time I remember being screamed at, I was fourteen. NICE BUTT! Which came out of the mouth of an adult male. I was walking up the steps at the fair, going into the history exhibit. There were lots of people around, no one blinked an eye.

  • Adult male carnies, at the same fair, triying to pick me up.

  • My mother and I were at the seafood market, and an old man started talking to me, telling me that oysters were sexual aphrodisiacs. (I was fourteen) apparently, fourteen was the magic number, for the most part. Of course, we got the heck out of there.

  • When I was sixteen, mom and I went to lunch at a restaurant/bar. The men at the bar started loudly talking about how they wanted to have a piece of me and my mom. How we were fine looking, and other vulgar stuff. The bartender did nothing, we had to leave.

  • I was walking down the path to the office, in high school one day, and 3 boys told me they were going to r*pe me, after school.

  • Again, a teenager, I was walking down market street, in San Francisco, and a man started following me, telling me that he wanted some, "trim."

  • I was sixteen, my girlfriend was fourteen, we were walking down market street, and two sailors kept following us around, offering to buy us anything we wanted, if only we would go out to dinner with them that evening. Of course, we said no, and told them our ages. Didn't matter to them at all.

  • Went to a friend's wedding, and her friend's husband, came up behind me and put his hand/fingers, way down low, on my rear.

  • My roommate's fiance told me in front of her and her family, that I would look beautiful in the clothes she was showing them, that she had picked out for her wedding party.

  • I was grabbed in a suffocating hug, kissed forcefully, and told that I needed to leave my husband.

  • I was grabbed again, hands going over my breasts and rear, and french kissed. (A different guy and time)

  • I was grabbed and held by the sides of my face and French kissed, I was seventeen, the guy was in his twenties.

  • Grabbed in the walkin freezer at work by the bread man, he attacked me, I got away and ran into the office and locked myself in.

  • Same bread guy was always saying inappropriate shit to me.

  • At work as a waitress at the country club, i was sexually harassed by my manager. An example, he walked up behind me when i was rolling silverware, and put his arms on either side of me, rubbed his peepee on me, leaned in my ear, and asked me if i was wet.

  • The male members at the country club continually hit on me, asking me how many guys I dated, etc.

  • Cooks at the country club sexually harassd me, and were verbally abusive when I told them to leave me alone.

  • A guy I had went to school with, starting in elementary, (I considered him a friend.) Saw me walking down the road one day, offered me a ride home, told me he heard I was getting divorced, and did I want to go have a drink with him. (He was married) I said no, I didn't think so. He kept asking me if we could go have a beer at my house. I said no, he kept circling the block and would not let me out of the truck. Oh, I forgot, when I first got in the truck, he told me that he had always hoped he would see me walking down the road, so that he could offer me a "ride somewhere." I finally got him to let me out of the truck.

  • My ex husband and I had friends of his over from his school days, we lived in a two room apartment. I had too much to drink, and went in our room to lay down. While my husband was outside with some other friends, two of his childhood friends mauled me in my bed and kissed me. Hazy memories of that incident.

  • Walking down the street one day, and 3 guys drove in front of me, cut off my ability to walk around them, and asked me if I wanted to go and "party" with them. I Ignored them and they kept following me, shouting obscenities.

  • Followed around the block by guys in cars more times than I can say. One guy was so persistent that I screamed at him, "get the frick away from me, you murderer."

  • Went out on a date, and was r*ped. Afterwards, The guy told me that he really liked me, and would I like to go out to dinner with him the next night?

  • My ex husband r*ped me.

  • Dinner with my parents, with his work colleague and his wife. Age fourteen again. My dad's work friend started talking about my "budding body" and how pretty i was.

  • Walking down the street, going to meet my now husband, and a group of guys, as they were walking towards me, told me that I was "going to get fricked tonight." They all laughed at me as they walked past me.

  • Can't forget the classic, "Smile, you would be so much prettier if you smiled." Said more times than I can count.

  • Husband's uncle was continually pinching my rear and telling me that when I got bored of his nephew, he was willing to "take care of me."

  • Followed home from a restaurant one night, by a man in a truck. I had to walk past my house, and run away from him, so he wouldn't know where I lived.

  • Got disgusting sexual calls at my work, and no matter who else answered the phone, including other women, he would wait until it was me on the phone.

  • Was at a party, and one of the guys tried to break into the bathroom, while I was in there. He was pushing the door inward, I was able to keep him out, I have no idea how I was able to do that. Terror?

  • At fifteen, my first boyfriend, who was 18, tried to r*pe me on the wet football field one night.

  • My first time going out with a boy in high school, he parked and grabbed me and kissed me, without my consent.

  • Went out with my girlfriend one Friday night, and a group of men tried to convince us to go to a party with them. We were both fifteen.

Well, I do think that this list gives enough of a glimpse of what has happened to an ordinary woman during her life. I am now 56 years old. I must say, when I have thought about this stuff, it did not seem this extensive. Writing all of this down though, has made me realize the enormity of it all. Internalizing this crap is one thing, seeing it all down here, is blowing my mind. This is mostly what I can remember right now, I am sure there is more I am forgetting.

I can't say this enough, this list is not strange or unique, which is a big part of why I wanted to write this all down here. Some women and girls have had more terrible experiences, some less, but the awful thing about this is that these types of behaviors by men happen every single day to women and girls, and some men do not seem to understand the day in, day out reality of it. It is exhausting emotionally. Reading through this list, I am amazed I am still here, and surviving.

P.S. I intentionally did not include how some of these experiences were resolved, as it would be too much and too long to write about all of that. Also, if anyone is wondering, I have never had a driver's, incense, I rode my bike, or walked everywhere. I lived in a pretty small town.



take the banana pill

trans lives matter


Shame on you dramatard. You are less of a misogynist than an actual foid.


Redcap zoom-zoom berates OnlyFans hoes - This video sponsored by Bounty: The quicker picker-upper



I cannot express how much it bothers me when someone else's cologne or perfume rubs off on me in a hug or something, some scents bother me so much more than others but I simply HAVE TO wash whoever's scent is on me and replace it with my perfume and body lotion etc. Like I NEED to have control of my own scentscape at all times. If I'm at a hotel I need change my pillow case and use my linen spray. Am I part canine?? 😂😂 like I feel a strong need to scent mark my territory and to keep my own scent. It'll literally freak me out if I don't. I adore my dad but hugs from him rubs his cologne and aftershave off on me, even though his cologne is fabulous and I actually think it smells great, I HATE IT when it's on me, I start to feel like I'm lost at sea or something lmao like where am I?? And this morning I was over my mom's place and playing with her perfume and I spritzed her signature perfume on my wrist….. I do not know wtf possessed me to do so, but I immediately had to scrub it off me. I mean it's literally my mom in a bottle and is the most comforting scent but I COULD NOT bear it physically on me!! 💀 is this an AuDHD thing or am I just a wild animal? 😭


Me too! Though I only noticed it recently. I love smelling other people's scents. It's one of the things I love about theme parks, bizarrely; I notice all sorts of perfumes and aftershaves as we walk around. But we were at a couple of funerals recently where there was a lot of hugging, and I came home feeling quite uncomfortable with the smells that had attached themselves to me.


I audibly gasped/jaw dropped at reading your comment! I am completely shocked that someone could actually enjoy smelling other people's smells! 😅 Smelling other people even just briefly is so uncomfortable to me that my face contorts and my brain scrambles. Sometimes I even gag. Seems like literally everyone wears perfume and scented lotions these days too so you can't walk anywhere or buy a cup of coffee without getting scented on 😫


I can't stand my house smelling like food or other people or things I don't like. I'm constantly burning candles, incense, opening windows. I hate smells that get onto your clothes (mostly cooking) and hair. I will wear a beanie to open the oven door to avoid getting the smell in my hair…

I thought I was weird for ages but now I'm trying to just live with it. Bad smells like musty clothes in public (if I walk past someone or sit next to them in public transport) realllllly bother me.

It's a bit tiring but yeah…


Lol same here. Being part canine never occurred to me, but my dogs have been my bffs/family forever so maybe?😄 🐕

Occasionally it's not just from touch, but even odors in the air that are intolerable if they cling to me. Years ago, small doses of "retail therapy" used to be enjoyable until so many stores had migraine-inducing fragrances that I'd have to leave almost immediately. But saddest of all was a spouse whose attention to armpit hygiene was sometimes iffy, making hugs/cuddles unpleasant or downright impossible (yay passive-aggressive avoidance).😭



Jewish lives matter much more than any other lives

Anyone else stretching for Transtober?

Hope y'all sisters know the Pain Gain involved :marseynorm: with being a woman :marseysuffragette: and understanding what it means to be such.. wooo I'm outta breath. This dialation has been terrible. It's like someone kicked me in the uterus and pained me all to my heart. I feel with my sisters going :marseysalmaid: through the same. Love y'all, comments appreciated below.

The bottom :marseybearsick: line is this: men will never :marseyitsover: understand how we feel, that's why we've brought people who understand that which are men who identify as men and refuse :marseyprotestno: to give u

This is how women :marseywomenrentfree: play the drums :marseybongosrdine: in south :marseyelonpaypig: America :marseyatfagent:


Yes, the opera is a great first date! :marseychad: :!marseyopera:


Editor's Note: *Sophia Celentano is a content creator and rising fourth year at the University of Virginia majoring in media studies. This summer she is doing a corporate marketing internship at Ogilvy Health. The opinions expressed in this commentary are her own. Read more opinion at CNN. *

As I began my 10-week summer internship within the health group at the ad company Ogilvy, I shared on TikTok what my morning looks like on days when I commute by plane from my family's home in South Carolina to an office in New Jersey.

My untraditional commute provides me with significant financial savings. Rather than spending around $2,000 a month on rent (the average near my office in Parsippany, New Jersey), I book a $100 round-trip flight from Charleston, South Carolina, on the one day a week I work in person. This way, I'm able to live with my parents rent-free. After adding in $100 for Ubers to and from the office and $25 for dinner at the airport (given that I pack breakfast and have catered lunch at the office), I only spend about $900 a month on my commute; much less than I would be spending living near my office full time.

Taking a plane to work as an intern might scream privilege to some, but it's an innovative solution to a real estate market that's unbearable for many of us. Indeed, the median rent in the US fell in May from last year, but not by much: just 0.5%. And rents in many cities are still climbing higher --- Manhattan rents hit another all-time high last month, while cities like St. Louis, Missouri and Columbus, Ohio are seeing huge year-over-year jumps. US home prices, meanwhile, are falling, but mortgage rates are still high, and inventory remains low.

In addition to this commute saving me thousands of dollars, it provides me with notable lifestyle freedom. On the days when I don't commute, I can catch up on family time as I work remotely --- a luxury I may have not been able to experience before the pandemic normalized hybrid work. As someone who values the importance of travel, I genuinely look forward to my weekly adventure. Whether it be through people-watching at the airport or sparking up conversation with the person sitting next to me on the plane, super commuting has allowed me to connect with some inspiring people. In addition to providing me with an eye-opening life experience, instead of putting my paycheck toward rent, I am investing in airline miles that I can utilize for post-grad travel.

Understandably, my commute doesn't come without its challenges. I wake up around 3 a.m. to catch a 6 a.m. flight most Wednesdays, and after finishing my 9-to-5 workday, I then catch a 9 p.m. flight back home, which lands at 11 p.m. As you can imagine, I have encountered a handful of flight delays and cancellations. However, these have only been for my flights home. Given that early-morning flights are very rarely delayed, I have always made it to the office before 9 am. I also know that my commute is not the most environmentally sustainable decision. I would not have decided to travel by plane so frequently if my internship was longer than 10 weeks for this very reason.

Those who saw my TikTok expressed shock at how flying once a week could possibly be cheaper than living in the tri-state area full time. "I think you may be a little delulu," one user responded, "but I support you." Another said "there is no way that flying once a week is cheaper than renting a place with roommates outside of the city." And one observed how "this is so insane for an internship."

Of the many comments I received, those questioning why I would go to such lengths for an internship stood out to me. Their responses seem to show a lack of awareness for the challenges young adults face entering the working world.

Young adults face a significant cost-of-living burden. Many members of Generation Z don't even know if they'll be able to purchase a home in their lifetime. The average age of first-time homebuyers is increasing as many young adults simply aren't able to afford a down payment, according to the National Association of Realtors. The average Gen Z worker has only 2% of their income remaining to save after paying for living needs, data from real estate company Redfin shows. Although slowing, inflation has added an additional burden. It remains high at a time when many students graduate with tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt.

Not only is my commute saving me thousands of dollars in an economy that's difficult to navigate, it's also increasing my likelihood of being hired at a great company after graduating next spring. In a competitive job market where resumes are scanned by AI systems and some entry-level jobs still require years of experience, internships can make or break whether someone will be hired. It might seem crazy to take a plane to work, but when placed within the context of today's job and housing market, my commute may seem a lot less extreme.

Every generation goes through its challenges, and it's a rite of passage to have to jump through hoops when you're first getting started in the working world. There are hardships generations before me have faced that I will never understand, and I appreciate the sacrifices they have made so my peers and I can have opportunities they did not receive.

However, I think it's time that we peel back the layers on what some have labeled as the generation of entitlement. My generation has had to get creative to navigate today's complicated world. My super commute is ultimately about much more than how I choose to live and work; it's about the challenges my peers and I face as we enter the working world. More importantly than that though, it's about how boldly, passionately and creatively we are determined to navigate those challenges to pursue our goals.


P.S. trauma survivors poison the well. Kill the male feminist, kill the victims.



CNN: Melissa Hoskins: Two-time Olympic cyclist dies aged 32 after being hit by car

Oh no what a tragedy.

"Police will claim Hoskins jumped onto the bonnet of their $70,000 4WD Volkswagen Amarok ute and grabbed at a door handle while Dennis allegedly drove until she fell to the ground, The Adelaide Advertiser reports."

:#marseyxd: :marseyfoidretard#:

Headline's leaving out a rather important fact. "A statement released by South Australian Police on Sunday said that a 32-year-old woman had died after being a hit by a car driven by a man “known to the woman,” in Adelaide, Australia. Local media named the woman as Hoskins."


I think VW would be pleased to see that you've already forgotten how they programmed their diesel engines to have a special mode just to cheat on emissions testing. That's about 11 million vehicles that were polluting far above government standards.


Sounds like a roaring fight, he goes to leave, she tries to stop him, he perseveres and she gets killed in the process with both to blame. Total speculation on my part, but I guess I think of it because my parents had a fight like this once with my brother and me in the car. My dad was storming off with us, my mom came after him screaming hysterically, my dad just kept driving as my mom grabbed onto the door, and my dad ran over her foot.


Are both really to blame? Hitting someone with your car is likely to kill them, and you have to willingly put your foot on the pedal with them in the way.


Imagine saying that if she was driving the car, escaping an enraged husband.

Somehow this is downvoted :marseyxd:

It sure sounds like the woman was murdered by her husband. However, the title and the article use flowery vague language to describe it.


That time Yoko Ono's mic got cut off during a live show :mjlol:

YouTube :marseykingharkinian: having a field :marseytradwifedaisy: day with this one.


>I guess :marseyshrug: you guys aren't ready :marseyexcited: for that. But your kids won't like it either.

>Pubs in the UK used to put on the B Side of Cold Turkey, it's a notorious Yoko "song" (basically her screaming :marseyletsfuckinggo2: and repeating words) called "Don't Worry :marseyveryworried: Kyoko (Mommy's Only Looking :marseyflirt: For A Hand In The Snow)".....they put it on DELIBERATELY at closing time to empty :marseytemplate: the pub.......I'm not joking.

>Now I gotta :marseyparappa: listen :marseyhearnoevil: to Bill Burr's Yoko Ono rant again ahahaha

>When you give your little :marseykirin: brother :marseyobey: the unplugged controller


Song is Memphis, Tennessee

Guys I'm starting to not like women wtf
Red Indian (liberal) is wondering whether or not to break up with her white (lol) goyfriend over huwoman rights abuses (being a literal chud)
woman does dumb thing
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