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  • LatinxGroyperCivilWar : Dawg imagine bein a grown butt man and still playing with little figurines
  • WayOut : Aggravated homosexuality
  • Allende : Cope and seethe reporters
:marsey40k: :marseybeanpleading: :marseypleading: :marseypleading2:
For @sneedman



Another day, another MTG and Warhammer controversy. Today's episode actually begins with some YouTuber on a one man crusade to destroy Kotaku. Some jurnalist took issue with this and the YouTuber started making fun of her. In a reasonable escalation of the situation, the jurno tracks down the Tuber's wife and starts DMing her. They go back and forth slinging shit at each other and of course the j*urnaloid can't help but claim harassment. This is where the story proper begins:

Paul Scott Canavan, a MtG and Warhammer artist tweets the following:

This is absolutely the play - we should be doing this with all these weird creeps. Track down their significant others and mothers and string them up.

Surely, this was posted in good faith. Unfortunately, bigot chuds took issues with his tweet and Paul doubled down until bravely private his Twitter and Instagram.

The following threads have some good redditard discussion on it. /r/freemagic will likely go on a campaign to get him fired, and even /r/mtg seems to largely denounce his behavior.

Some choice comments:

Guess this guy has never heard of a slippery slope.

What a loser.

He meant proverbially. Like held accountable.

His wording was flagrant. But I do t think he actually meant to hang people.

It's hyperbole I believe.

It's another episode of the words we say don't mean what they mean! :!marseysoylentgrin:

I am not one for cruxifying people for their opinions, but holy shit threatening peoples family because they don't agree with this jerk offs opinion and ideology is a new fricking low.

That's not what happened here, though. If you look at the context, what he was saying is that if someone is harassing women online their actions should be shown to the women in their life.

He's not saying kill the families of online trolls, the title of this post is really misleading.

"Track down their significant others and mothers and string them up.”

That is verbatim what his tweet said. How is the title misleading?

Several other redditards crawl out of the woodwork to explain how Paul is defending women, so his calls for killing are good, actually. :marseyakshually:

I believe unfortunately he has a history of sketchy behaviour. He is the one who posted sales of his artist proof cards and then ghosted people and scammed them out of some money.

Hmm, maybe this guy is based after all… :marseyhmm:

I think you are perpetuating a bad faith interpretation of a poorly worded tweet.

“Bad Faith! Bad Faith! Bad Faith!” :soyreddit: say the line, redditor!

Anyways, place your bets on whether or not this brave woman defender will keep his role as a Magic and Warhammer artist. Personally, I hope he gets fired because he already seems like a schizo. Losing his job would likely make him even more deranged.


!chuds !nooticers

Anyone have any experience with Rotted Capes? : rpg

Basically like the /r/Polandball joke life preserve, because much of the front page is now spammed by colonizers who basically spam :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: memes

What army do you queers paint? :marsey40k:

Youre not a hobbylet, right?

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Warhammer :marseykhorne: is for everyone :marseynorm: (that isn't poor).

Mörk Borg is my favorite RPG of the last few years for its very elaborate aesthetic and great setting. :marseyviewerstare2: :marseywindmill:

Mörk Borg is a setting where the world is prophesied to end and everyone knows it.

The thing about this game is that they've adapted a 3rd Party Liscense for anyone to make homebrew content for the game and be able to sell it. Already there are 1000s of custom campaigns and characters


The core game is based off Old School Essentials with the lethality of Warhammer Fantasy and Lamentations of the Flame Princess. A more "rules-light" approach where the GM is meant to reflect the cruel and capricious nature of the doomed setting. (pdf of core book :marseyantiwork: )

Cy-Borg is a sci-fi twist on Mörk Borg where the world is again doomed to apocalypse. They will allow you to take whatever from Mörk Borg over too as the world seems trapped in a cycle of suffering.



Since Warhammer 40,000's 10th edition was released last year, each of the wargame's factions has been getting the traditional rules refresh in the form of a new Codex book. The latest deals with the Adeptus Custodes, genetically engineered bodyguards of the Emperor so gigantic they make space marines look weedy. (They also happen to be Henry Cavill's army of choice). There are 10,000 of them and in the past they've only ever been depicted as men. In this latest iteration, shock horror, at least two of the Custodes are women.

Most players seem to have responded to this by shrugging and getting back to arguing about the new rules, but there's always a vocal minority who go on a tear. The Mail Online ran a typically subtle and understated headline that declared "It's Wokehammer!" and the meme community Grimdank has declared posts about "Femstodes" will only be allowed for one week before they join "Female Space Marine posts" as a banned topic. Games Workshop's official response is a tweet that says, "In regards to female Custodians, there have always been female Custodians, since the first of the Ten Thousand were created."

Is this a retcon? Yep, and it won't be the last. Warhammer 40,000 has had fluid "lore" right from the start. The original Custodian Guards were depicted as shirtless hunks who never leave Earth---a long way from the heavily armored galaxy-spanning golden gods they became---to say nothing of tweaks to the 40K canon like ditching half-eldar space marines and rewriting the Horus Heresy from a short story a handful of pages long into a series of 60+ novels.

The Adeptus Custodes aren't 40K's only genetically engineered supersoldiers, of course. The setting's flagship faction are the space marines, who are created differently---where Custodes are enhanced via a unique process begun when they're infants, space marines begin being grafted with a "gene-seed" when they're on the verge of puberty. And while the explanation that space marine gene-seeds are "keyed to male hormones and tissue types" goes back a way, it's not the real reason Games Workshop made a whole army of dudes who are men.

As GW's former head of IP Alan Merrett once explained on Facebook, "The reason there aren't female Space Marines has nothing to do with lore, or background or character of Marines. It's to do with [the] simple logistics of making miniatures and selling miniatures." In the 1980s GW sold miniatures in sets called blister packs, and as Merrett explained "the intention was that upwards of 25% of all models would be female." That didn't last because "retailers kept complaining to us that customers weren't buying the female models and could we not include any in their restocks." By the time Warhammer 40,000 was designed, GW made sure its poster boys were, well, boys to ensure they'd sell. As Merrett put it, "All the background fluff about why there are only male Marines is there to justify a commercial logistics issue."

And the same was true of the Adeptus Custodes, until it wasn't. Though the customers at the average Warhammer shop are mostly men, these days there are usually one or two women as well. And the men are a lot less likely to throw a hissy-fit about having women in their armies than g*mers in the 1980s, despite what Reddit and Twitter might suggest. All of 40K's lore and storytelling exists to provide context for selling toy soldiers to people, and as the customer base changes so too will that lore.

these are real Magic cards

just fricking kill me

Decided to Stir the Pot a Bit



TL;DR: Beastmen players get fukt again, 3 decades of suffering.

GW has just announced that a slew of models are getting nixed for AOS 4th ed. The three notable groups getting dropped is a wizard Stormcast thing (IDGAF about sigmarines, look it up yourself), savage orcs, and Beasts of Chaos. BoC getting dropped like this is particularly brutal, as this army has been the whipping boy for 30+ years both in fluff and in the rules. The writing has been on the wall for a while as despite 3rd edition being about the age of the beast, they got next to nothing.

Most are decrying the removal of several factions from the game as obviously scummy, but there are those who disagree. Using such arguments as "Guys, it's hard to write rules for an army so they had no choice" :marseyreading:, "GW didn't make any new models, there was nothing else they could do" :marseyshrug:, and "LMAO beastcucks go play The Old World" :marseylaugh:.

Needless to say, plenty of bickering in the warhammer subreddits. Some foolishly believe they can convince GW this is an r-slured move and are encouraging redditors to email GW about how disappointed they are. I encourage all BoC players to get started on rebasing. Should have done that already considering ToW and Fantasy (any edition) are better games. Probably shouldn't have even left square bases to begin with.

Notable threads:


They aren't getting removed.

Your models will still have rules for years.

You don't have to start over. Those models don't disappear or stop working.

The only thing to be disappointed about is that there's not going to be anything new for them in terms of Age of Sigmar.

They're doing the right thing by telling you now that they won't be fully supported after 2025

They aren't getting removed.

They literally are getting removed as a faction.

Your models will still have rules for years.

You mean year.

You don't have to start over. Those models don't disappear or stop working.

You do if BoC is your only or main faction.

The only thing to be disappointed about is that there's not going to be anything new for them in terms of Age of Sigmar.

No. This is disingenuous. New PDF rules tend to be watered down and not as exciting. The army is as good as dead for fourth unless you want to play a bare-bones faction that probably won't be any fun.

They're doing the right thing by telling you now that they won't be fully supported after 2025

They are only doing the right thing in the context that they are squatting the army anyway. They aren't doing the right thing by squatting the army in the first place.

Side note: if you're argument is "well they are still used in Old World blah blah blah" this is an AoS and that's not relevant to most of the player base here.

I lost 3/4 of my army, but if it make the game better I'm good with it. Stop crying.

They are going to have legends rules for the time being.

Friendly games can still have them .... I dont get the backlash , maybe its cause i have very few units ( that i dont even play ) affected

oh boo-fricking-hoo to all you Stormcast, you've still almost twice as many options in just Footlords alone. so what you get a well deserved culling of your overbloated roster, you got plenty of other shiny golden butt Einherjar lookalikes that no one can tell apart from each other anyway, it's nothing compared to the Beast Players losing their ENTIRE GODDARN CODEX!

Everyone is acting like those armies are forbidden from being played now. They are supported through legends, rules that are allowed everywhere but competitive tournaments. With the stats from a little while ago, that not even 10% of the playerbase attend any tournament through their hobby lifetime, let alone one that ban legends content this all seems like a crazy overreaction.

So if the community could just stop being babies about all this and put out actually interesting posts, I would really appreciate it.


Black Templars vs SoB :marseyhmm: :marseyhmmm:



Once thought a meme, now an actual talking point for leftoids (I even seen one unironically post making a wheelchair dnd thing on heroesforge).

It's that thing once again, leftoids are trying to push a certain thing in a fantasy hobby that fits their political worldview of idealism that usually makes no sense and requires even more suspension of disbelief than roleplaying in a magic land with dragons and unicorns.

WHEEL :#marseyclapping2: CHAIR :#marseyclapping2: ACCESSIBLE :#marseyclapping2: DUNGEONS:#marseyclapping2:


Anyway there is plenty of "right wing extremist" dunking on the thread, so I picked some replies/subthreads from lefties since those are more interesting to read.

Reading all the comments here, there's so much vitriol for just wanting for disabled people to be treated equally.

They WILL pull their weight because they ARE heroes, simple as that.


Complete with PF card for said wheelchair

Some friendly fire:

Few more choice pearlclutching.

Last time I read a thread on this I think the "adventureres wheelchair" I saw was something that basically couldn't be broken unless there were two crits against it, which makes you wonder why not every wagon and vehicle was made with this cheap wheelchair technology. These people can't even design something with some risk because they're so afraid of losing so they need an invulnerable wheelchair.

And why even a wheelchair? Learn to levitate or something. If you're a wheelchaired martial character just go home :#marseyxd:

EFFORTPOST Yu-Gi-Oh! is hard, but not because of funny border colors

Modern YGO being hard is one of those lasting imprints the franchise left on the wider zeitgeist, along with draw 2 cards:marseypotofsneed: and le censored boobays :marseymommymilkers:

It's not exactly wrong. IDK if it's much harder than Magic because im not a boomer. But one of the boomerisms used often is ":klanjak: we have black cards now!?"

I'm going to go over the new summoning mechanics implemented over the years and then some actually unintuitive rulings.

New Monster Types

Most of this is set dressings. They aren't harder than the ol' reliable Fusion monsters, with one expection, which i'll get to.


To Synchro summon, you just need monsters on the field whose total stars equal that of the Synchro monster, with one of them being a Tuner monster. One Tuner, any number of any monsters. You can see if a monster is Tuner by looking at it's tribes on top of the effect text box. They work like normal monsters in any other context.

To Syncro summon Stardust Dragon(8), you'd use Galaxy Serpent(2), a Level 6 monster, or two Level 3 monsters along with any other combination. It's just addition r-slur :marseyretard:

Some of them can specify other materials, restrictions on how few monsters you can use and the like. But these are few and far between. It's also still just addition :marseyretard4:


This is even more generic. To summon a Rank 4 XYZ monster, you need 2 Level 4 monsters. Simple. Do take note, you can't use an XYZ monster as a generic material for another XYZ monster, because they technically have Ranks instead of Levels. Which is mostly an arbitrary distinction and won't come up often.

The complicated thing about XYZ is what happens to their materials. They don't go to the Graveyard like Fusion or Synchro materials. You stack them under the XYZ card you summoned. XYZ monsters have effects that activate by taking out some of those materials and putting them into the Graveyard, but this doesn't activate effects of monsters that pop when they are sent to the Graveyard. Quite unintuitive, but just consider that a card is in the aether if it is under an XYZ card. Most cards can't interact with them, unless they have an effect specifically to do just that. This wasn't always the case, but it was changed several years ago to prevent some unintended interactions.


Links just requires as many monsters on the field as their Link rating. You can see their Link rating on where their DEF stat would be, because Links can't be put on defense position.

When using Link monsters as material for a new Link summon, you can use their rating as how many monsters they count as. So, to Link Summon a Link 3, you can use 3 monsters, or a Link 2 + 1 monster.

They have as many arrows on their art border as their rating. If you have no Link monsters, you need to summon your first one on the Extra Monster Zone, which is the 2 extra Zones added with this mechanic. All subsequent Links must be summoned to a zone which is being pointed to by an existing Link monster.

This isn't complicated in execution, but does raise eyebrows by those who came back to the game. Since zone placements have not mattered much before Links came around. Also makes it hard to play without a mat if you aren't very careful with how you place your cards.


This is the start of complicated mechanics in this write up.

Okay, why do they look so weird? Because they are both monsters and spell cards. But not at the same time. If you summon them, they're monsters. If you play them on the spell & trap zone, they're spells. Only one effect text is in the works at any given time, depending on it's position. Top for spell, bottom for monster.

To Pendulum summon, you need to play 2 of them as spells, on the left-most and right-most zone of the S&T zone. These are called the Pendulum scales. They're numbers under the left and right arrows on the card. These are always the same number.

Once a turn, you can summon as many monsters as you want from your hand, whose levels are between the pendulum scales. If you played SG and TG magicians in your pendulum zone, your scales are 1-8. That means you can summon monsters whose levels are 2 to 7.

Pendulum monsters also don't go to the Graveyard when destroyed. They go on top of the extra deck, face-up. You can summon one of these Pendulum monsters on your extra deck with your pendulum summon. They work like Link monsters, in that they have to either go into an Extra monster zone, or a zone a link arrow points to.

Even though these cards don't go into the GY when destroyed, they mechanically work like do. So if you had Banisher on the field, they would be banished instead of going to the extra deck. :#marseyeyelidpulling:

Too much text

I might as well use Pendulums to segway into the most common complaint, cards have too much text.

Endymion here is the face of what was the one good Pendulum deck for years, so it's hardly a misplaced example for the problem.

As I said in the previous segment, at any given point only one of those text boxes is in effect, so you don't have to take it all in one go.

Problem Solving Card Text

PSCT is what Konami came up with to standardize card text and leave less things up to interpretation. Cards made before this have weird phrasing;

Under any condition? sounds foreboding.

But this format has a problem with verbosity.

Look at all the punctuation. Colons signify conditions for the effect, semi colons start chains, commas separate steps of the same effect, stops end an effect.

The original version played in Japan is a bit more readable. They separate different effects by numbered points. Konami America didn't chose to import this part of the game for some reason.

No Keywords

Unlike Magic, YGO doesn't have keywords. It was only a couple of years ago they abbreviated Graveyard to GY. This causes a lot of common effects creating text bloat.

Take Once Per Turn for example. This is a stipulation that is printed on most cards made in the last decade. The most common form, called Hard Once Per Turn, is signified by "You can only use each effect of "Card Name" once per turn". The use of the "Card Name" makes it so you can't use duplicate copies of the card either. But since YGO cards also have long names besides long effects, this contributes to the :marseylongpost: problem. If they got the point across by just writing HOPT at the end of the card, it would greatly improve readability.

Perhaps the most egregious example of this is writing rulings that are already implied.

This is a Gemini card, shown as a tribe on top of the effect box. But the gemini mechanic is still written beneath it. Anything preceding the point in this card text is also in every Gemini card. They can remove that paragraph and nothing of value would be lost. Geminis suck anyway, so :marseyshrug:

Confusing Mechanics

Targeting vs Non-Targeting

Can Dingirsu "Send 1 card your opponent controls to the GY." Obelisk, who is "Neither player can target this card with card effects."? Yes. The targeting mechanic requires the card to specifically use that term. The window to respond also opens when you target with a targeting effect, but if it doesn't target you can only respond as the effect is activated. On that note;

Destruction vs Non-Destruction

Can Dingirsu "Send 1 card your opponent controls to the GY." Cocytus, who is "Cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects."? Same. For an effect to be destruction, it has to say it verbatim. It also skirts by effects that pop when they're destroyed. But Banisher also banishes them, like it does with Pendulum monsters, because they were supposed to go to the GY.

Spell Speed

Spell Speed is a fan term to show which effects can be responded to by an effect. The slowest effects are Normal Spells and Ignition effects.

For example, Lonefire Blossom can "Once per turn: You can Tribute 1 face-up Plant monster; Special Summon 1 Plant monster from your Deck." You can only activate this effect during your Main Phases. It can't respond to your opponent's effects, nor can it be activated during your opponent's turn. Same is true for normal spells like Monster Reborn.

Traps and quick effects are faster, they can respond to the activation of other effects and can be used on your opponent's turn. Quick effects are signified by this logo on spells, and as text on monster effects:

But the fastest cards are Counter Traps, which can only be responded to by other Counter Traps

Inherent Summon

Question, Steelswarm Roach can;

when a Level 5 or higher monster would be Special Summoned: [Text]; negate the Special Summon, and if you do, destroy it.

Then which of these cards would it be able to negate the summon of, Cyber Dragon or Beat Bison?

It's Cyber Dragon. Why? Because it doesn't have a colon or semi-colon. Roach negates Summons, not effects to summon. Cyber Dragon's ability to summon itself from the hand is an effect, but it doesn't activate. It just happens. This is an Inherent Summon, which goes for Extra Deck summons too. Meanwhile, Beat Bison activates an effect that special summons itself. If you wanted to negate the summon of Beat Bison, you'd need an effect that negates monster effects.

Summons don't start chains, but the monster hitting the field does. Think of the summon as the game state immediately preceding it hitting the field.

Summoning Conditions

Sky Fire is a strong monster with a hard summoning condition. But thankfully it has a support card that can summon it from the GY "ignoring its Summoning conditions". Now you can just mill it to the GY and resurrect it for easy access, right?

No, as it turns out. If a card has summoning conditions, it has to be summoned properly first before it can be cheated out with other cards. So, Flattop can revive a Sky Fire that was properly summoned but then sent to the GY, but can't revive a Sky Fire that was sent to the GY from the deck by Foolish Burial.

Fun fact, Sky Fire's groin missles were removed in the TCG because it was too phallic for the American audiences.

Missed Timing

This is a distinction of When and If. If the activation requirement for an effect is written as "If [thing] happens" then it will activate with no problem. But if it is "When [thing] happens" it will miss timing, and won't resolve.

An effect misses timing when it isn't resolved immediately after it's activation. This happens when an effect is chained to the when effect. Chains start resolving from last to first activation, so if a when effect is chained to; it will activate, another effect will activate and resolve, then the when effect will miss timing.

If you Synchro Summoned Whale, which can:

When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can destroy all your opponent's Attack Position monsters.

But your opponent chained a quick effect to it's activation, the effect won't go off.

Negate Activation vs Effect

When an effect is negated, the effect tries to resolve and then fizzles out. But some cards also negate the activation, which makes it so the effect can't even attempt to resolve.

This doesn't come up often, but if a card has a once per turn clause, if its activation was negated, a second copy can be used afterward. But if the effect is negated, you can't activate any more of that card, since the once per turn effect has already attempted to resolve. Even more of an edge case; while cards that can only be "activated" OPT can be reused if their activation was negated, cards that can only be "used" OPT can't. Because you already used them, even though they were negated.

Negating at the point of resolution

This is an amendment to an amendment of the previous point, but this is another form of effect negation. Cards that negate at resolution don't have colons or semicolons in their text, meaning they don't start chains. Unlike other forms of negation, here the card activates like it's going to resolve, then just fizzles.

Normally, negation that is not continuous are applied as a reaction to an effect, forming a chain over the effect that it will negate. With resolution negation, you choose to negate as the effect is going through, like if you are going to negate the chain 1 effect of a chain with 3 steps, you'd wait for the first 2 steps to resolve, then negate the final effect at it's resolution.

Funny interaction with this mechanic, Cerulean Skyfire is one of the only non continuous ways to negate Super Polymerization.


So yeah. This has been my compilation of 200iq rulings you won't find in your childhood rulebook. Tell me if you have any questions:marseywave2:

Posting cute art.


Seems like a cool system at least better than 5e lol

Men are simple creatures :marseynails: :marseynails: :marseynails:

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