@crystalvulpine comes out as true and valid

You will eat the lumpy potatoes

TERF gets what she asked for
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Egg Fried Rice
Things that make you mad
Where's your head at :marseyjam:

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  • X : lol a case of a drag queen being a child sexual abuser was just posted last week

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Gender :marseyclapping2: Reveals :marseyclapping2: Kill :marseyclapping2: People
0 days without nonsense (test)

I'm aiming this post at guys who are still in high school, or younger

Please leave this site, delete your account, block the address, do whatever you need to do, to get yourself away from this sub, and any similar community.

Take a long break from anything like this, and go out and live your life, you don't know it yet but you have such great opportunities if you are still in school, so many people (guys and girls) who are available to talk to, even become friends with. Girls are so much softer on guys in school, their standards are lower, and some will be open to speaking to you. You have the chance to be happy, please don't throw it away before you've even left.

:marseyschizowall: test

Have you ever had s*x? No? Well, theres no need to be ashamed. Because there is no such thing as s*x as it is impossible. You see, girls actually don't have vaginas. They just pretend they do so they can promise us something of great pleasure when they can't and won't even give it.

"Oh but what about porn where people have s*x?" you say? Well, its just carefully edited cgi as such activities are impossible with the human body. And your friends? They are just lying to look cool. Oh but where do babies come from? Space. No, hear me out. When an asteroid crashed into the earth millions of years ago, ending the dinosaur age, we, as illegal aliens landed on earth. The viruses we brough killed off all our predators and enabled us to live the perfect life. And when we proved we were living a stable life in the form of a "family" we were sent a baby from out home world as a gift.

I know its very hard to take in. But how else would you explain us not being able to have s*x for this long? If it really did exist we should have been able to do it by now.

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  • TheFatController : the man has 3x thussy ripe for the pub quizzing and he's wasting time on pronouns
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Two new moderators have been added. @Grue and @Lappland. I'm going to quickly explain our moderating philosophy so people understand: it's entirely vibes based. You will be unbanned and banned at will, depending on how one of the mods is feelings. For mods, if you have a strong disagreement on a ban, talk it amongst yourselves. Obviously, the mods above me (tb and xa) have final say. I also ask that newly added mods do not mess with the current exile list, though you can reason with me in private if there's someone you really think should be unbanned. Finally, feel free to suggest other moderators so we can round out our lineup a little bit. That goes for our new mods and all users who can still post here. Thank you.



Reintroduction Thread

Name: Penny

Pronouns: She/Her

Hobbies: Making Nazis Cry (and leave social media), not having any recent selfies, frustrating fascism and fascists.

Here, Mostly, just to claim this anchor. People tell me good things about the community.

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