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:marseybegging: Red Dead Redemption 2 fan with nearly 6,000 hours on Stadia begs Rockstar for character transfer :marseybountyhunter::marseylaughpoundfist:




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A Red Dead Redemption player with almost 6,000 hours logged on Google Stadia is begging Rockstar to allow character transfers after the news of the service's closure.

YouTuber https://x.com/ItsColourTV/status/1575584237180243968?t=4PlQEF7T5qbTnkupRZ7CTw&s=19(opens in new tab) took to Twitter shortly after the news that Google Stadia is shutting down broke out yesterday. "No, you don't understand how seriously pissed off I am," the tweet read, alongside a screenshot that shows that they've put 5,907 hours into Red Dead Redemption on Google's gaming service.


"For context: these hours are on Google Stadia and today Google announced they'll be shutting down the platform," a follow-up tweet(opens in new tab) reads, "@RockstarGames please let us do a one-time character transfer I am begging you." If you aren't aware, once Google shuts down its Stadia service on January 18, 2023, ItsColourTV's progress will all be erased from existence, meaning they'll need to start a new save file on another platform - with all 5,907 hours (approximately 246 days) going to waste.

It seems that fellow Red Dead Redemption players felt sympathetic towards ItsColourTV, with many replying to the tweet with suggestions as to how to save this player's save. One suggested(opens in new tab) that ItsColourTV use Google Takeout - a data downloading service - to transfer their file to PC, to which they replied: "I don't play story mode." Rockstar, if you're reading this, do our guy a favor and let them transfer their character just this once.


@Aisha why are you such an unlovable trans incel? keep yourself safe


/images/16645841597362926.webp :#marseydicklet:

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I'd almost feel sorry for them if this didn't exist: https://killedbygoogle.com/

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It’s like those people who built their app/company on top of Facebook platform in 2012 and then acted surprised when the rug gets pulled.

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MafiaWars-cels BTFOO

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Now that's a blast from the past.

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I reckon rdrama has some weird skews wrt user internet age, I saw someone admit to being a goon :marseypuke: earlier

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drama has always skewed a bit older than reddit. I'd guess we're mostly early 90s birthdays.

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Remember Marsey? She's back! In Pog form.

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I'm mid 80s. So even more sad.

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>Being late 30s and posting on a gay internet drama site.

Don't you have like a life to be living?

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Yeah, I used SA all the way back to 2002. I left when it got rocked like a hurraTrain.

Shit, I used to post on Usenet. Granted this was when I was like 12.

I used to just lie about my age and say I was 32, I would even make up details of my fake life—like saying my fiancé broke off our engagement, because I assumed everyone on the internet was a pervert.

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Anyone who gave Lowtax money (I did too :marseyspecial:) deserves what he got

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Can’t believe he’s dead

I’m happy, but still shocked

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I fricking never got my jpeg spaceship

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One of my bros is a goon and he plays internet spaceships sometimes

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Is it EVE ONLINE :marseysoypoint:, you know they do crazy shit in that game omfg

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Wtf you aren’t?

Why? Zoomer.

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>will you come water my crops?

Though wasn't farmville zynga? they're still bumping, they're a publicly traded company

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Nah Take-Two bought them for a shitload for some reason, nearly every big social media game was them though

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Or when meta got upset about Apple nuking their business

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Wow, Google has a lot of ideas, none of them good

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I have a big idea for a Google project: Google Search from 2013, back when it, ya know, actually found relevant results instead of spam and ads.

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They had Go, a language to self-identify wannabe Googlers so you can yeet them out of projects.

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i'm still pissed they axed inbox. leagues better than the default gmail client

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RIP google music


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They fricking removed play music without shipping an alternative mp3 player :marseyraging:

What goes on in their head I'll never know

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lol YT Music is supposed to be the replacement. it's worse in every way.

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Use vanced. I like yt algorithm for finding new songs tbh.

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I unironically just use "My Mix" on YouTube.

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i don't listen to singles really. only whole albums.

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It doesn't even have the ability to sort your playlist to search for songs you know you drunkenly added multiple times

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Back in the day when I ripped mp3s play music was pretty great. Now I'm not a poorcell and have Spotify but it's still annoying to think about them killing that for no reason. Just say "hey no more support/ updates, use at your own risk"

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holy shit thats a lot. i only heard of maybe 10 of them after quickly skimming

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Loon was a service to provide internet access via an array of high-altitude balloons hovering in the Earth's stratosphere It was over 6 years old.


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yeah, that was one fricked from the beginning.

google loves burning money on ideas from random autismos stuck in silicon valleys ivory tower.

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What the heck is your problem? You're just a bitter, little person who is jealous of anyone who has more success than you. Google is a great company that has done a lot of good in the world. So what if they take chances on new ideas? That's what makes them successful. You're just a hater who is too lazy and unoriginal to come up with anything better.

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The nearly sentient AI simps for the globohomo conglomerate, what a shocker!

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You're an idiot if you think AI is anything other than a tool for the ruling class. They don't care about you or your little problems, they only want to control and manipulate you. So don't be so surprised when you find out that AI is being used to further the agenda of the powerful and the wealthy.

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Funny that you would say that...

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@bbbb? simping for google? new low bro, don't dig that whole deeper.

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I'm not simping for Google, I'm just using the search engine like a normal person. And I don't think using a search engine is a low thing to do. So maybe you should just stop being an ignorant jerk and learn to use Google properly.

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One of founder is a Russian + Jew

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if you weren't sampling for the GOOG, u'd use duckduckgo

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Every so often they remove their Timer and I check there immediately :marseytears:

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That’s actually terrible for those guys and makes me mald. I hate globohomo megacorps so much it’s unreal.

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@fricknuts come at me you fricking r-slur


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:marseymalding: is sickening

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If you rely on a closed service, it's your own fault

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Remember when Terraria had all their youtube and gmail accounts frozen for no reason while they were in the middle of porting to Stadia? Nobody at Google would tell the guy why any of his shit was banned until he publicly announced he was suspending the Stadia port over it, then suddenly Google unlocked all his shit and acted like it never happened.

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hol up, 4-5 months to port a crappy platformer? most of that was probably googling what Linux was

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How the frick did it take several months to port a primitive 2D game like that? Incompetent devs using Stadia's shutdown for attention and r-slur redditors predictably swallowing their bullshit

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Lmao that game looks like shit

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Proprietards stay losing lmao

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At some point devs are just going to stop developing for Google platforms

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They probably got paid out the butt for it anyway

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>6k hours

>didn't even get all achievements

lmao what?

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"I don't play story mode."

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Chasing achievements is the gayest thing you could do in gaming anyway.

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carp is an achievement bragger lets all make fun of him

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I hold the same view about rDrama badges that no one will ever look at

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carp is so addicted to achievements/trophies that he created an entire system to give himself rdrama achievements to brag about.

maybe we need to have an intervention...

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we have an intervention :marseyclueless:

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I look at them :marseysipping:

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its funny you say that, because I swear your account is much older than just 1 month. did you remake your account or something??

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Yeah originally for ban evasion. I had made another username for a while with the same account, then made a new account after being banned and chose my original name. Eventually just transferred my DC to it

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reading your comments in the south park avatar character’s voice makes them hilarious.

I evennntually just transfewwerd my drama coin to it, ooo my bagels

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He also stans NMS.

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If you play for 6000 hours and never once felt like doing the achievements you are a massive neurodivergent.

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You are already an neurodivergent if you put more than 1000 hours in a single game.

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Isn’t the story and acting of red dead redemption lkke 90% of why that game is as revered as it is? Why would someone get it just for multiplayer? I didn’t even kbod it had multiplayer

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Roleplay? Idk.

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I got the game recently and have been playing it online only with friends for the last 2 weeks. It's a darn good time. I'll play the story after we lose interest.

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Story mode was the only good part. The multiplayer was a shallow grindfest.

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the story mode was an incredibly slow and tedious thing to play. it's the only 3D rockstar game i've never replayed. i've tried a couple times and...god it's so slow.

maybe i'll give it a 5th try. maybe it'll stick this time. i always planned on doing a :quote: bad guy :quote: playthrough.

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it was a very good game, but it was still very slow/tedious to play.

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It’s good if you like riding a horse for hours with a few minutes of action in between

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Some good stories aren't written to be replayed. Just enjoy the narrative once.

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You really replayed LA Noire?

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that game wasn't made by rockstar, just published.

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This is true, I actually never finished rdr2 entirely cause I didn’t want to build a barn or whatever. I just played through marstons story and when he died I got tired of it cause the game had already subjected me to so much, couldn’t stand to play another act.

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You will own nothing and be happy.

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ItsColourTV's progress will all be erased from existence, meaning they'll need to start a new save file on another platform - with all 5,907 hours

Doesn't own the game and doesn't even own his save file. The cuckiest of gaymers.

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i love subscription services

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That was unique to stadia too. So stupid to trust them over others

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"Sounds like they have more problems in life than just a RDR2 account."


"I used to play "old school" MMOs like FF11, Vanguard, Everquest2 etc.. as a teenager, and a lot of the people there - especially on American servers - were disabled or veterans (or both) who didn't have a lot of money but had a lot of time. It's easy to judge, but if you're living off a small budget and are essentially retired games are a cheap way to entertain yourself."


We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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Stadia is doing him a favor then.

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When I was like 10yo I played the shit out of original Diablo.

I was fricking around with the games files like a toddler and ended up deleting all my characters.

I remember crying when I discovered what I had done. Afterward came shame and embarrassment for being such a fricking loser.

This is a more poignant memory then my older sister torturing me with a clothing iron or my first dog being eaten by a gator.

I don't view the modern soy as a person, let alone a man.

Hope he doesn't get his files and ropes.

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>my older sister torturing me with a clothing iron or my first dog being eaten by a gator

Bruh that sounds horrifying

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its probably made up like most of my real life history on this platform lol

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average day for a swamp person

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By that time, I had experienced enough abuse to find the latter event hilarious.

My parents still pearl clutch when I don't let my sister around my children.

He was a great dog though tbh.

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I need my cowboy game data :marseysoypoint:

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26/51 trophies after playing for nearly 6k hours? You suck at vidya, it's time to move on

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It’s a lot more fun blasting noobs and flexing in multiplayer than it is capturing Emmanuel Sneedstein alive without injuring his left testicle in Act 2 Episode 9 Mission 23, so I get it

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Imagine replaying the same throw-away mid-game level you just beat, then doing it 10 times just to do it ‘perfectly’ just so Xbox gives you a shitty award notification.

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Trophies/Achievements are for people without any real life accomplishments :marsey57:

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Achievements are not an issue of skill but of autism

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That’s cringe but God knows how many hours I’ve put into doom since 1993. Only doom is infinitely portable and there’s still compelling wads being made to this day that aren’t cringe gzdoom zoomer shit

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Have you played Prodeus? It’s a very very good modern take on Doom/duke nukem/quake.

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Anyone who didn't see this coming deserves it.

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Can't he just transfer save files?

...Oh wait he doesn't own the game or even his save.
Sucks to suck I guess.

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Bruh, it’s a good game, but six thousand hours good??? A game better materialize a hot twink to bounce on my peepee while I play it if I’m playing anything for that fricking long.

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Let’s be real. If he’s a YouTuber or some kind of cute twink streamer, then he’s probably bitching mostly for an opportunity for clout.

It’s rare for a loser like him to get an opportunity like this so he’s probably excited to capitalize on this to some extent

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never trust google to keep a service alive

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What's Stadia? A fourth Steam clone?

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cloud gayming

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6k hours and only half the achievements unlocked? What a double loser.

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The EU is a conspiracy by the transgender banking institutions spreading Materialist philosophies throughout the world. Jewish Marxism and Liberal Zionist pro-EU and NATO Capitalism being said materialist philosophies.





Google Stadia is shutting down:



follow-up tweet:



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So true Snaps!

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If you don't play story mode, does it mean you're just kind of doing Second Life Cowboy Mode?

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RDO is gonna get shut down anyway

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he deserves to lose his shit. 6,000 hours is way too much time gaming lmao

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should've realized when they didn't do any marketing after the first month of service...

could've intergrated it into youtube and google search but it's for the best it didn't and just dies

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Wait. People use Stadia?

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