Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing?’ thread #24: Lot of stuff coming out all of a sudden, feels like

Frick Remnant 2 if you play that you a dumb ho 💯💯We all know you have a backlog of better games, play those instead😎

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I've been playing more Warcraft 3. I'm up to the Night Elves campaign and god darn it, I hate the Night Elves so much. I hate the way they look, I hate the way they sound, and I hate that they're so darn squishy. I need to power through it because I know that on the other side it gets better.

I've also been playing Age of Empires 4. Yup, it's an Age of Empires game. I like that each faction has its own unit designs, so the units actually look appropriate to the faction you're playing. Also, the campaign is fun because as you play through it, you unlock little documentary videos about the medieval world. I unlocked one about how paint was made yesterday!

But if I had to choose, I'd still go for Age of Empires 2. Apparently the team that did the 'Definitive Edition' of 1, 2 and 3 are doing Age of Mythology next, so I'm really looking forward to that.

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Niko and his friends are so shit they almost lost to complexity. I need a new team to support but all top teams are either Reddit, Russians, literal whos, or Russian literal whos.

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WoW. New megadungeon was/is fun and the quests to unlock old Nax was as well. Also baby dragon daycare (though I'm not really far with that one). Good casual game :marseyboomer:

I'm eyeing Jagged Alliance 3, but will probably wait until Christmas season for more free time for that. To much hiking & grilling going on atm for it.

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The Destroy All Humans 2 Remake is awesome

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FFXVI: I'm about a 3rd of the way though. I like that its a very cinematic, cutscene heavy game, but the combat is pretty braindead, exploration sucks, and the RPG elements are severely lacking. That being said, I wouldn't mind the flaws nearly as much if there was an actual party system. A shallow action rpg could be way more interesting with a whole party to deck out and optimize and the one thing that makes a final fantasy game a final fantasy game is the party. I heard the combat is actually good on new game plus but I have no desire to experience the same game with better combat.

Street Fighter 6: This is the first fighting game I've really tried to get into and i'm having a blast. I'm playing chun li with classic controls(keyboard) because I am both a thigh fetishist and I like playing challenging classes/characters in games. I'm a shitty iron player but I think my inputs are getting more consistent. I definitely have some bad noob habits like jumping in to attack a lot and panic mashing so i really need to work on that. I'm also horrible at reacting to drive impacts, and i need to focus my eyes more on the opponent's character and not my own so I can react to things better. I have mixed feelings about modern controls because it sucks getting autocombo'd by some other noob, but at the same time it means I get to practice against more challenging opponents at low rank. I am too bad to comment on the games' balance, but I along with many other players think getting pushed into the corner is too punishing. If the stages were a little wider it would at least feel like you deserve it when you get someone in the corner.

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I started playing LISA after enough dramatards shilled it in this dramapost

I was fully expecting to hate it for a solid hour or so but I have to admit it's good, I was misled into thinking it is anything remotely like Earthbound or Undertale.

RPG with a huge roster of characters that are at risk of unexpected permadeath is a good bit, I'm glad I played it on Pain but wish I could turn off the minmaxing neurodivergent part of my brain that makes me savescum out of bad choices. The version currently on Steam says "Definitive Edition" so I was worried it was censored but can confirm it's still racist. Being an indiegame I was expecting gratuitous pop culture meme references, but they've only been about wrestling. Considering this based.

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Exoprimal is a very fun game about fighting hordes of dinosaurs with a team. You're stuck in a dimensional time loop running wargame simulations for a rogue AI. The exosuits are satisfying to use and the overall vibe is kino.


It's an odd mix of PvE and PvP. Every mission you compete against a second team in a mirrored dimension to see who can finish first. Sometimes(or all the time if you select the matchmaking optoin) you get put into the same dimension and have to fight against the enemy exosuits as well.

My only gripes are it takes a bit too long at the start to get to new content(still fun!) and people who decide running 4 tanks is a good idea.

Someone ping dinochads for me.

Forgot to mention it's on Gamepass.

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Started another bloodborne playthrough, i get that itch every few months

Also hoi4 bcuz :marseyautism:

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Hey, me too. Doing a Saif run this time. Never bothered with the Saif before but I’m loving it. S-tier moveset.

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Yeah, the fact that you lunge forward with every swing is great for keeping the pressure up

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Continuing my bethdrone pilgrimage. Finished Morrowind just yesterday - took a bit longer than anticipated, probably because the game is actually so good that you subconsciously want to prolong the experience :marseycomfy: Because of this I might have to cut my visits to Skyrim and Fallout 4 to a straightforward main quest rush. Never actually done that with those games, so it might be fun :marseydance:


I don’t think I can provide anymore insight into the absolute ludo that is Morrowind. Although it is definitely a rough transition from giant proc-gen spaces of Daggerfall - the handcrafted nature of the game world feels incredibly soulful and it is the one thing Bethesda never fumbled with their games :marseykingcrown: Vvardenfell might look alien and illogical on the surface, but it has a lot of thought put into the settlement placements and the general positioning of locations. It is one of the few games where the fast travel system is so tightly woven with the world design that it always makes sense to use it :marseysherpa: My only gripe would be the Grazelands on the north-eastern part of the isle. I never noticed before this playthrough how the whole region is just brazenly dropped there, without even smoothing over the borders with the surrounding biomes.

Atmosphere in Morrowind is in its own league. The society of the Dunmer is complex enough to confuse you at first, but logical enough that you will get a hang of it in about a few hours of playing. As some old review said, the game gives us the absolute kino premise of Persia being occupied by the Roman Empire :marmseylegionnaire: Knowing Kirkbride’s anthropological leanings - it might very well be the intention.

I am consistently shocked with how Morrowind continues to filter zoomers. They completely ignore the attributes and skills, grab the iron dagger that holds the note in the customs office and then die to the first mudcrab :marseyraging: I can understand the frustration with the invisible dice rolls, but the inability to read two sentences of text makes zoomers look particularly r-slurred. The game provides you with an info box for almost anything on your character sheet, so you have no excuse outside of illiteracy for failing to grasp the mechanics on your own :marseyretard2: I find Morrowind’s system to be the "golden middle" of Bethesda’s game design complexity. No obscure eldritch systems like in Daggerfall, which you only learn about through the manual, nor is it so intuitive and challenge-less as with Skyrim.

I am now going into Oblivion, which for all the goofiness and the nostalgia might actually be Bethesda’s worst rpg, purely because of the dreadful levelling system. What were they thinking :marseyangrygamer:?

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Morrowind combat is shit but it was never good in any of the TES games. That said a simple addition of dodge animation and sound indicator would improve the feel considerably.

BTW: OpenMW 0.48.0 will be released in a few hours if anyone cares.

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>As some old review said, the game gives us the absolute kino premise of Persia being occupied by the Roman Empire :marmseylegionnaire: Knowing Kirkbride’s anthropological leanings - it might very well be the intention.

Interesting take :marseyreading:

>I am now going into Oblivion, which for all the goofiness and the nostalgia might actually be Bethesda’s worst rpg, purely because of the dreadful levelling system. What were they thinking :marseyangrygamer:?

Correct me if wrong but I think it was the first mainstream "modern" open world game (compare morrowind where some areas are just flat out impossible for weaker characters before levelling). As such the clumsy level scaling was probably an attempt to allow the player to go anywhere, and do anything. The industry's knowledge of game design has improved over the decades (not that they always apply the lessons well...)

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>first mainstream "modern" open world game

It was indeed the first game of the genre to reach mass appeal, both due to it being released on Xbox 360 during the first few months of the console’s existence and thanks to Todd’s shrewd catering to a wider audience. You are right that level scaling was a bandaid solution to the problem of total player freedom.

What I can’t fathom is how a company with veteran designers and generally knowledgeable people when it comes to rpgs (Arcanum is one of Todd’s all time faves) came to the conclusion that flat monster and reward scaling is a good system. I could expect a young company making its first rpg to make this mistake, but Bethesda already should’ve know better by that point.

Hmm... I feel like these words can be put on a plaque outside their main offices.

Bethesda Game Studios

"We Should Know Better"

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Hmm... I feel like these words can be put on a plaque outside their main offices.

Bethesda Game Studios

"We Should Know Better"


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Morrowind was great patrician taste

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Solstheim was easily my favorite Morrowind region. It just has the perfect icy cozy vibe and enough of a dangerous challenge for end game characters. It has more of the unique/mysterious stuff that sort of was missing from Tribunal (like the witches, high level random NPCs, weird items scattered around). Love my Ravenrock mansion.

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That degree finally paying off

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Pikmin 2 cuz I'm poor lol. It's good! I love how colorful and obnoxious the graphics are :marseycolorblind: Tried to play it a year ago but couldn't get it on switch after pikmin 3

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I've only played the first Pikmin and I never finished it because the time pressure stressed me out too much :marseysad:

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it's a pretty chill game, just do all that shit the next day! I failed miserably trying to play bloodborne and shit. Elden ring looks cool too but I suck lol

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I remember in the first Pikmin, if you didn't reassemble your spaceship within like 30 days or something, you'd be stranded forever :marseyscared:

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Played a crapload of Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 1 this week while listening to podcasts; it confirmed that, to me, they are still more fun than Battlebit. I think I'm just not into the milsim stuff they added to battlebit (though I appreciate it) as well as honestly hating the graphics/artstyle.

As for this weekend, my EZflash came in today (it's basically a gameboy advance cart that you can put roms on) and plan to do a cozy day tomorrow just playing some Pokémon or something :marseyslowpoke:

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GBA Fire Emblems are the best the series ever was

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Okay cool I will have to check them out, any recommendation on a specific one to try out?

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Blazing Blade then Sacred Stones. Never played the JP only one

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Heroes of Might and Magic 5.5

Necropolis rules :marseyskeleton: :marseyzombie: :marseyghost2: :marseyvampire: :marseynecromancer: :marseygrimreaper: :marseyskeletontrex:

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Started a new character on diablo 4 since seasonal just dropped.

Can't wait until they nerf this one too.

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Dave the Diver. He's fat but loveable.


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Just finished FF16 and want to kill myself

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was it good?

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No, it was basically a corny anime movie with some square button mashing

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Thanks for saving me money. I'll buy that trash in a year when it's 20$

I don't understand how it got such good reviews??

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The prologue was pretty hype, but the rest of the game was a slog to get through

It does have some insane boss battles, but those can be enjoyed on YouTube as the climax is just QTE bullshit

Reviewers really like Yoshi P and suck him off.

Skill Up loves the guy, but even he was deeply disappointed

Honestly I was just listening to podcasts and skipping all the cinematic scenes to finish the game so I can sell or trade it

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I have been playing Pikmin 4. It is a very relaxing game to play on a lazy Saturday.

Formerly Chuck's.

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I hadn't played Oxygen Not Included in awhile so I didn't realize that the new private bedroom requirements call for the ceiling to be at least four tiles off the floor, so I had to rebuild my fricking living area. I also didn't realize that the room needs to be at least 24 tiles so I need to rebuild it again. I still give it best survival building game/10.

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Mostly Workers and Resources. Still one of the best games ever made imo. Also picked up Two Point Campus last night, fairly interesting management sim. Also been playing more of Airport CEO, the game has grown on me, but there's quite a few strange pieces which simply don't exist, and many features which aren't properly explained.

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W&R is really interesting. Realistic mode turns it into a true logistics sim and I love that. I don't think I've actually gotten to a point on a save file where I could move people in though.

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Yeah, I play strictly on realistic. Everything takes a long time, but the challenge is worth it. If you want any tips I'm more than happy to give suggestions. For reference, I've made a few successful republics, but haven't gotten too many years into the game.

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How do you get the construction infrastructure up and running? My strategy so far has been to spam all the free offices, buy like 6 cement mixers and dump trucks and 2-4 of everything else. I end up running out of steam, maybe due to foreign workers not replenishing fast enough, or just distance to the border being too far.

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1. Super important that you make efficient use of mechanisms. Cranes multiply construction speed, road mechanisms and excavators substitute for workers. I typically build a real construction office as soon as possible, once I've got the electricity set up, though this isn't strictly necessary (electricity is only used for the fuel pump) though you probably do want electricity first, because keeping your mechanisms fueled up without them leaving the office is ideal. The reason for this, is that mechanisms (excepting road cranes) are super slow, so being able to stow mechanisms in a construction office with a flatbed or two for delivery makes things far more efficient. Also, separate your construction offices into building construction offices and road construction offices, for two reasons. Firstly, there are a number of mechanisms which are only used in the construction of roads, footpaths, and factory connections (bulldozer, paver and roller). Secondly, if you don't separate them like this, you will end up with excavators being sent to build gravel roads and footpaths, which you don't want, as they're significantly slower than bulldozers at this.

2. Gravel roads are good enough for almost everything at the start of the game. Don't invest in asphalt roads and associated mechanisms until you've got your own asphalt plant.

3. Once you've got basic infrastructure suitable for your difficulty set up, don't hesitate to mass import citizens, until everything has enough workers. Do adjust the number of workers in each building to a reasonable number (typically 5 is enough early on), but you should have enough for that + enough to run your construction industry. It typically takes me around a year to get everything built.

4. When it comes to asphalt roads, you should only have one under construction at a time, per paver. The game will automatically distribute construction in a dumb way, ensuring that nothing is built quickly or at all.

5. Things to build after citizens arrive:

A. any missing service buildings (cinema, indoor pool, etc)

B. fire station

C. Justice infrastructure. The latest update added an official small prison, which I highly recommend using.

D. A university. A small headquarters of the communist party was added in the new update, which is much easier to build, though less efficient in terms of workers to students.

E. Initial industry. Fabric-> Clothes is very good. If you're playing with hard money settings (I don't) you may want/need to do this earlier.

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Thanks for the tips king, you've got me motivated to try and build again :marseythumbsup:

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Also, plan out railways early. You probably want a rail construction office in your first town, though rails are fricking expensive. Also, the EDK300 ( the best track builder, by a lot) can only come in by land using a large customs office. Railways make aggregate resources efficient to export, or even to just move around. The rail distribution office is amazingly useful, and should be built when you can afford it. Boats are extremely expensive, infrastructure is expensive, best to use em later in the game.

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Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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@loli_esports please ban this cute twink

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Finally got around to playing control. Fun gameplay, but I've come to appreciate Gordon Freeman being a silent protagonist.

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control was weird because the best part was when alan wake appeared and i did the soy face + that one song sequence and the rest was mediocre

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One thing i never got about that game was how pissy the MC was about being giving magical powers and massive amounts of authority

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Right? I spent 2 hours playing armchair psychologist trying to figure out why I disliked her so and I came to the conclusion that she just radiates a non-personality, and she's aware of that so she thinks being confrontational about anything will give her a semblance of an actual personality.

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For whatever reason I just couldn't beat one of the early bosses in that game, the dude that floats around and shoots you I think he's like the first main bos. Maybe I missed getting something early but I literally rage quit that game.


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Yeah, that's kinda bullshit fight, loading screens tell you you're supposed to sprint around during it, there's also a bullshit invisible r*pe monster

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Played Katana Zero on my :marsoy:

Cheers whoever here recommended it to me

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Wu long and terminator resistance

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I finally started Zelda. So far I'm enjoying it. Last night I did my first traditional dungeon. Overall an improvement over the divine beasts, with a larger area, more navigational challenge, and the ability to climb. They've still got the unfortunate lack of normal enemies, though. It was just one at a time, and never an interesting or challenging encounter. And I miss dungeon items.

While I really loved BotW and am excited by how much they've added, I already feel the game might be a bit overstuffed. I'm not going to book it for the endgame, but I'm okay with not exploring every corner of the map this time. BotW was too much of a hit to not make another in its style, but I also hope we get another more traditional Zelda in the future.

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Honestly if they just had dungeon items that were impactful, contributed to the dungeon puzzles and had wider use in the world instead of useless sage abilities (I would've traded all of them for a rope) it would've been an S tier game

dude bussy lmao

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Yeah there's way too much content lol but it's also great because you can find something to do if you walk ten steps in any direction.

Formerly Chuck's.

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My kenshi solo playthrough is going well. Starving bandits have beaten my butt 15 times but I haven’t been enslaved or permanently crippled.


Got a house in Quinn and am now a rich miner.


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Digimon Cyber Sleuth (haven't been a Digimon fan in 20 years but it's fun)

Half Life 2. I skipped Half Life 1 because I wasn't enjoying how it played. Haven't played Half Life 2 since The Orange Box came out. Looks incredible for its age. The opening is kino as well. Gameplay hasn't aged too well, but it's not terrible.

Still playing Battlebit as well. Playing it a little less now, going through one of those phases where I don't feel like multilayer games.

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The Black Mesa remake is honestly the best way to play HL1 these days. Boomers will say it lacks SOVL but it fixes the shitty ending levels and modernizes the gunplay.

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Ruins the soldiers though. Combine AI doesn't suit them

dude bussy lmao

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I almost bought it, but I'm too much of a traditionalist so I bought the original. I'll check it out if I'm craving more Half Life after I'm done with 2 and the episodes.

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Trepang2 :marseyfacepeel: :marseytrollgun: , Amnesia: The Bunker :marseyww1french1: , Vintage Story :marseysow: , Way too much Pavlov VR :marseydeterminedgun: , and some VR Walkabout Mini Golf :marseycountryclub:

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Finished chapter 8 of INFRA, it is seriously the most amazing game I have ever played. Also found out that Amnesia TDD got steam workshop integration for custom stories, might try out a couple of the highly rated ones.

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I´m doing the new blue mage stuff on ff14.

Too busy to play much else atm.

I bought strangers of paradise last steam sale and I should get around to playing it because it´s hilariously edgy.

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update: I am playing ff14 and only ff14

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FF14 is so fun but if I pick it up again I know I'm going to play it and only it all the time and I want to finally beat some single player games.

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Played 80hrs its amazing, brings back BFBC2 vibes

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You played wingman ?

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It’s like ace combat 7

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project wingman? yes I played it was awesome

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