Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #27

I guess I beat Quake? Good timing since the 2 remake happened.

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Playing Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous on Core difficulty. What started as a fun and challenging experience transformed, by the end of Act 1, into something I can describe only as "WW1 on middle-earth". My main strategy to cope with the number of enemies was:

  • Shove your party in one small room across the floor

  • Send a rogue to open the door of the next "monster closet"

  • Run all the way back with the monsters on your tail

  • Make the mages build a trench with terrain spells (Create pit, grease, web...) to slow down the inflow of monsters

  • Leave the Paladin in full defense mode tanking hits at the entrance while the rest of the party shoots/throws/casts/etc

At least I managed to finish act 1 and get mythic levels. Let's hope things will become a bit more manageable now.

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Going on vacation so I'm going to be playing in the pool, see you later virgins

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Quake 2 remaster is awesome so far

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Fallout 3 and also South Park Stick of Truth and also Galaga

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Nothing really. Getting ready for poe league start next week :marseyautism:

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Dark Souls 3 because I had the urge for a From game and can't afford dem Elden Rangz. :marseypoor:

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I've been playing some Overwatch 2. I enjoy playing soldier, I like the challenge of playing a basic character with basic abilities against a range of crazy far-out weirdos. Before that I was playing Hades, but I got one really good run where I made it past two bosses and stopped playing because I know I won't get the powerup that got me that far on the next run.


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Dragon quest 10 offline

@_____ stand with Ukraine because it's important too morally support r-slurs.

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I've been playing Grounded with a friend. It's a survival game and while I really like the presentation, my patience inevitably wears thin when those games open up and you're supposed to just trial-and-error until you figure out what to do next. I'll probably just look at a guide to determine what you're supposed to do next.

I've also been playing lots of Age of Empires 2. I'm trying to make a custom map but I keep scrapping my projects and starting again because I haven't been satisfied with the results so far. I have a concept and I know how to make it work, but actually making a map that's fun to play on is the tough part.

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Finally gotten back into kingdom come and made it past where i got the first time i dropped it.

A few minutes ago i lost an hour of progress because i got ganked in the woods at night by cumans :marseycontemplatesuicide:

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As soon as you learn to abuse running to your opponent and pushing him, the game become way easier.

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Phenomenal meme


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There was no Akulakhan inside the Red Mountain, it was a fabrication by Azura to get rid of Tribunal. WAKE UP SHEEPLE

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Modded Mount and Blade : Warband

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I had a lot of fun with the Star Wars mod, I'm always impressed by what people are capable of doing

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Hollow Knight, TF2 after years of inactivity

Fightcade too

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What's goin' on with the fightcade tourneys :marseyshy5:

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It's coming along. I also would like to host ft5 grudge matches if there's interest. With betting.

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Been playing TF2 as well

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Trying to get into TF2.

It always feels :marseyvapecrying: boring.

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Git gud scrub

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I can't find a class that feels :marseyvapecrying: satisfying :marseysatisfied: to play.

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they're all satisfying if you're good at them asides from maybe sniper

dude bussy lmao

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Yea for example L4D2 all weapons :marseytf2heavy: feel good to shoot :marseycupidangry: and effective.

In TF2 shotties miss 1m away, and there's no autos or rifles.

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Autos are generally the lamest. TF2's bread and butter is fat chunky burst damage. make sure you have your hitsound + damage numbers on because those're like 20% of the dopamine.

After that, go for fat hits. meatshots do way more damage when you're in their butt, scout can do like 110 at :marseysniff: distance, but you really only need to do 90

Soldier and Demoman both do FAT damage. w/ ungodly amounts of movement to make it fat.

dude bussy lmao

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Who have you played?

And TF2 isn't a game about playing only a single class lol

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All of them:

  • Scout: shotty is really :marseythinkorino2: inaccurate, smg feels :marseyfeelsgood: like shit

  • Pyro: gets boring :marseynothingburger: after 1-2 games

  • Soldier: Rocket :marseybobpage: moves super :marseyspiderman2: slow, which is not really :marseythinkorino2: nice in a game as fast moving as TF2. Shotty sidearm is shit since shotties in TF2 are shit

  • Heavy: Really :marseythinkorino2: hate the chaingun, especially in TF2 where :marseydrama: heavy :marseytf2heavy: is not that chunky

  • Demo: Weapons :marseytf2heavy: feel really :marseythinkorino2: unsatisfying to play. Slow and lobbed.

  • Medic: Nah.

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You're missing about three. and if you feel that the scattergun isn't accurate, play uncletopia servers, bloom is disabled. Shotguns are incredibly strong in TF2, but you need to actually aim them first, TF doesn't pull it's punches when it comes to skill requirement.

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Haven't played TF2 in a while.

Spy and Sniper :marseyjfk: can't really :marseythinkorino2: be played unless :marseyunless: you've spent a considerable time into the game.

Engineer is just turret.

I also don't like how TF2 gives random weapon :marseybackstabsjw: drops.

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Haven't played this game in years and still stomp with stock sniper. :marseydisagree:

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I finished :marseysunglasseson: Little :marseymanlet: Nighmares 2.

It was between :marseyzeldalinkpast: mediocre and bad.

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Carp usually pins these posts. Can you continue his legacy? :marseypleading:

!g*mers new weekly what-are-you-playing-thread dropped

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Total war warhammer 3 ss13 and being forced to play overshit 2 by normie friends

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Started Remnant 2, playing as the dog ally class. Pretty good for a AA game.

But all I've heard about lately is BG3. Should I pause R2 and go play that?

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Never pause a game for another unless it's multiplayer.

Just finish R2 before starting BG3.

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Still working on FFX. I've also started a save file on original RE2. Might replay Death Stranding :marseythonk:

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Nought but Workers and Resources, which I believe I've :marsoyhype: about enough recently.

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Very good game, I wish the UI was better though.

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I honestly don't get the UI complaints. It's always worked just fine for me.

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It just feels janky and rough around the edges compared to something like cities skylines. Placing pipelines over roads is a good example of what I'm talking about. I feel like I have to wrangle the game to do what I want.

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I'll grant you that for sure. I thought you were talking more about the way you select things in the UI, or their organization. The game simply doesn't explain how you can or should actually manipulate infrastructure (I personally find it works best underground). It certainly is janky, though planning mode alleviates most of the serious issues. At least aggregates aren't such a pain in the peepee to manage now. The jank is probably inherent to the game, but it's something I've learned to live with. Part of the jank issue is that the cowtools you're given to manage it are fairly imprecise, so you simply must learn how to correctly space out constructions.

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La-Mulana 2. Ridiculously esoteric puzzle-focused Metroidvania for those who aren't familiar with the series—I've endeavored to beat it without consulting a single guide and although it's been killing me since April I've been making progress. I always get stuck on the dumbest shit too :marseycry:

Other than that I've still been playing TF2 with the boys :marseythumbsup: I've loved screwing around in it since I was 9 :marseyjam:

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Got ghost of tsushima for my birthday so I'm playing that. It's good, the combat does a really good job of making you feel like a badass samurai when you get it right. It's got the "you need to actually block and parry and dodge" mechanics I enjoy in Souls-likes, but without stupidly damage-spongy enemies.

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Don't you're bussy gets on fire because the game has no skippable cutscenes ?

@_____ stand with Ukraine because it's important too morally support r-slurs.

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I'm not an ADHD-riddled Zoomer so no, it doesn't bother me. I actually like watching cutscenes.

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When combat gets stale move up to the highest diffculty level (lethal?) it's really fun like that.

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Oooh, I should give that a shot

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Expeditions Rome because it was on sale.

Like it- RPG with xcom combat. What-if story about the alternative events should Julius Ceasar have died young. Good for history-cels. Have decided to play Total War Rome 2 alongside it to fully soak up the vibe.


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I really want to get into the Expedition franchise. Have you played any other of them (Vikings, ..)? How does Rome hold up to those?

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Rome's better than Viking and Viking was pretty good. Haven't played Conquistador although that's a historical peroid I'm more interested in than the other two.

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20 Minutes Till Dawn is really fun

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I bought Baldurs gate because everyone is playing it and says it's good but I don't like it! Horrible combat that's way too slow. I just like talking to people

Also all the characters seem like they're written by ugly people

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Playing some Skyrim :marseydovahkiin: survival mode. It's pretty :marseyglam: good. Hadn't played survival before :marseyskellington: on Skyrim :marseysheogorath:

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You are not wrong but I am unwilling to give credit to a cuck like you.

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