Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #29

Bought Rain World (in a bundle), but will I ever play it…?

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I am now on the Fallout 4 leg of my pre-Starfield pilgrimage and it was always the stretch I dreaded approaching the most :marseysad: . It is a weak ending to the whole adventure, which leaves one in worried state about Starfied and the future of Bethesda overall. Some might be delighted in seeing the company fail or even die, either due to personal hatred or just contrarianism :marseyindignant: but I don't. If autism really is a spectrum, then Bethesda game design perfectly aligns with my personal wavelength of neurodivergence :marseyautism: . It is normie enough for me to enjoy the games for what the are and to ignore some of the worldbuilding issues, while still possessing some esoteric mechanics and quirks that make the game's entertaining from a design perspective :marseydramautist: Hardcore nerds find it too surface level, while average people consider them complex. I feel navigating and interfacing Bethesda worlds to be extremely enjoyable and almost second nature. Even Fallout 4, which I consider a bad game, still has a very good exploration and dungeon design elements :marseyfallout:

Skyrim deserves no introduction :marseydovahkiin: . It is the game that is both the critical and commercial high point of Bethesda. After its roaring release the company went into a stage of what I would call “resting on their laurels” :marseyastronaut: . They managed to glide their way as an industry darling through most of the 2010s and might've continued to do so up to this day, if not for Fallout 76 bringing them down to earth and curb stomping :curbstomp: their reputation until nobody could recognize the over-ambitious company behind their childhood games :marseysheogorath: . Some speculate that Bethesda would sell for much more if not for the fiasco with their multiplayer Fallout, which in turn would reflect on Starfield. I think everything that happened with Fallout 76 should've happened as Bethesda was already getting complacent with their games, as evident with Fallout 4, so a jolt of criticism and a round of introspection was desperately needed :marseydownvotemad: . As far as I can gather from Todd's interviews, the media fallout from 76's release was a key factor in them pushing the release date of Starfield by almost a year :marseysweating:

It's hard to really to properly roleplay in Skyrim, as the developers chose to make it almost a classless game, giving the player the ability to be equally talented as a warrior, a mage and a thief. As a result, you don't feel as if you really play as any of these roles. Still, I wanted to spice up my playthrough for the pilgrimage's sake, so I chose to create a support character. I never really played Skyrim with followers :marseygrouphug:, much less relied on them :marseylovegigaorgy:, so my character was an alchemist with knowledge of restoration spells. I chose to recreate Dar-Ma, the argonian girl you have to rescue from the lovecraftian :marseyeldritch: village in Oblivion. She is defenceless, relies on other to protect her and her mother is a trader with a large variety of alchemical ingredients in stock. Seemed like she would be a perfect fit for the kind of character I envisioned. Also, Dar-Ma technically has a “sharpshooter” :marseybountyhunter: class in Oblivion, so I can lore-wise justify her doing a little bit of stealth archer tomfoolery here and there. I don't know how long is the lifespan of argonians in elder scrolls, since it never comes up in the mainline games, so I assumed that just like real reptiles they can live for centuries :marseydinosaur:, so a very young lizard girl during the Oblivion Crisis could theoretically live to see the events of Skyrim.

In the middle of the playthrough I had a bit of a somber moment when passing by the Valtheim Towers with two followers in tow (one of them was the pilgrim from the Kynareth quest). The Jeremy Soule music, the visuals of the towers straddling the river and the sense of adventure were overpowering enough to immerse me in the game world for a brief moment :marseybiting: . It was brief because I immediately realized that all the elements feeding into my sense of immersion were handcrafted and them perfectly aligning at rare moments like this was by design :marseyprojection: . Starfield plans to use proc-gen planets and quite a lot of quests will be radiant with the emergent storytelling being similar to that of Daggerfall. There might be rare cases of the systems working together to create a compelling narrative, but it won't compare to the actual handcrafted content. The era of Bethesda I grew so fond of might truly be over :marseyitsover: Starfield will tell, but I am extremely doubtful.

I have mixed feelings towards Skyrim :marseyyesandno: . On one hand, I lament the simplification of their rpg formula with the removal of attributes and other smaller mechanics like item durability. It's understandable that they wanted to create a game that would appeal to as many people as possible, with the predictable audience of casual g*mers with no experience in rpg games forming around it :marseyclueless: . On the other hand, it is the only game that my mother managed to get into and play on her own volition to this day. It is truly special to be able to talk about vidya with a parent on the same level you would with a film or a book. All my media connections with my parents were preciously one-sided, with them recommending me something that they hold in high regard before engaging in proper discussion after I finish whatever media they recommended to me :marseyreading: . To be in the opposite position, to share something you like with a person you already love is really special. While I cherish the fact that my mother actually manages to enjoy Skyrim, which creates plenty of opportunities for us to bond and discuss something we both like, I also understand that she is only able to do so because of all the simplifications and streamlining that I detest so much :marseyfacepalm: . It is entirely a personal struggle, as I don't want every game in existence to be approachable by non-g*mers like my mother. Still, Skyrim has this special connection for me, a connection that makes it impossible for me to hate on it as much as the game may deserve from an objective standpoint :ragestrangle:

I most likely won't be posting next week, for obvious reasons :marseyfsjal: . I have voluntarily chose to go on this pilgrimage and make Starfield a bigger thing in my worldview. In any case, I've never done a back-to-back playthrough of all mainline Bethesda games like this, although whatever observations and conclusions I gathered from this experiment are dubious at best and speak only to my personal sensibilities :marseyeyeroll:. It doesn't take a wise man to tell you that all Bethesda has been doing is slowly chipping away at the same formula they established two decades ago, trying to make each new iteration more streamlined and appealing to average people, ie potential customers :marseymoney: . The fact that they can sustain themselves through this method speaks volumes about the quality of their original ideas and undoubtedly makes one sad that they haven't tried anything new for so long :marseyrain: . Starfield comes along, where they promise to do just that - try something new. But now you are just anxious that they forgot how to properly do new things, since they haven't done that in two decades, so the result will probably be lukewarm at best :marseywoozy: . There is a reason it is marketed as 20 years in the making, but will it pay off? In five days we will see...


Bethesda Pilgrimage - Almost done :marseyitsover:

Sense of taste - Absolutely demolished :marseygigaretard:

Altar to Todd - Erected :toddhoward:

Starfield - Preloaded :marseyastronaut2:

Fun - Guaranteed :marseykino:

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I'm so glad Fallout 4 is starting to get some really substantial mods. Fallout London and the final part of Sim Settlements 2 both look great.

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Darn, bro, you write this shit for free?

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:marseyshrug: Its just some thoughts I had when playing through games. Felt that besides this homosexual forum there is no other place I can really dump them. :marseybruh2: I think these are surface level observations at best.

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he likes FO3 but thinks FO4 is a "bad game"

bro how many microplastics do you have to ingest to get on this level of brain damage

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The atmospheric stepbacks with Fallout 4 significantly hamper it in comparison with 3. Art style and tone matter a lot and can allow you to ignore certain other issues the game might possess. If the art direction is bad than all the gameplay blemishes are right on display. It's weird how hard it is for some people to grasp this.

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Fallout 3 was my first Bethesda and first Fallout, so I will always love it. New Vegas btfos it though

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While Fallout 3 is far from my first Bethesda game, I still respect its artistic intent, which is severely lacking in its sequel. You don't need to look far to see my opinion on New Vegas.

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pre-Starfield pilgrimage

Lol. Once Starfield releases and you get around to playing it tell us if it's good so I should know whether to pirate it

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Lmao, I am too biased at this point to give a proper review

Mindbroken by Todd and I don't even hate it

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All them words won't bring your pa back.

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Tales of Zestiria.

It's not great, but it's fun to randomly button smash while ignoring all r-slurred mechanics. What other reasons do you need?

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Finishing up Turbo Overkill, and then continuing with the other games I haven't completed yet (there's too many :marseypain: )

Until I hyperfixate on some other game.

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Destiny :marseyitsover:. New season came out, Hive themed, Hive is my favorite enemy to fight. It's the same bullshit game but it looks so good and the gunplay is unmatched. Plus my graphics gard can still keep up.

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Dude tell me about it's a shame I won't unlock all the shit due to starfield

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Trying to get the TLB clear in Rolling Gunner on original mode atm. Playing like complete shit and wasting perfectly viable runs on stage 4 & 5, might play some Hollow Knight or something to seethe less.

Rain World is gorgeous and incredibly satisfying to play, but be prepared to feel lost for a good while. Also some shit will feel plain unfair until you get a feel for how things work.

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Trying out Hardcore Classic WoW, it's pretty fun if not for just being a F R E S H server. Made it to lvl 16 but I've almost died so many times. Luckily I picked Paladin :marseycrusader: so I have like 3 oh shit buttons already. I'm almost positive I'm gonna log in drunk and do something stupid to die but it's about the journey I guess

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Pokemon Omega Ruby since I haven't played a Pokemon game since SoulSilver

I hate the trade only pokemon/evolutions so much

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This is why I only play romhacks that replace the trade evolutions.

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Where do you find these? Could only find pokéharbor and there aren't any 3ds roms

But that's probably what I'll be doing when I redo platinum and soulsilver when I finish the delta episode and get tired of filling the 'dex. I already got gold badges on all routes, will do the platinum badges If it's not tedium.

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Not complete but has a nice amount of them listed.

I don't usually play the 3ds hacks actually, not many exist. Most romhackers are still on 3rd and 4th gen, waiting for BDSP to be fully hackable.

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I still find myself coming back to Flora Sky and Light Platinum.

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Yep, dated but still enjoyable. Though Drayno hacks will always be my favorites.

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The GBAs resonate a lot with me, they're basically the peak of the games I grew up with on GBC.

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I finished the FF13 story. Now I'm getting to the ENDGAME GRINDING :marseytrollcrazy:

I'm also playing South Park Stick of Truth.

Really I'm just trying to get through my backlog before I finally get a newer gaming pc and armored core, which should hopefully happen soon.

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I'm re”playing” the Life is Strange games. I love the gay chick RP and I'm tired of pretending I don't.

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AGP yuristrags deserve less

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Blasphemous 2 and Armored Core 6. More the former than the latter so far but both are really solid.

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I started and beat Disco Elysium last week, loved it.

Have been going through the new game from the cultist sim dev, Book of Hours, and its really cool. Also going through the fricking slog that is Pathfinder WotR. I really don't care for how overtuned every encounter feels on core.

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Path of exile again lets goooooooooo :#marseyletsfuckinggo2:

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Skyrim Requiem

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slay the spire: Finally achieved my goal to beat the heart on A20 twice in a row with silent. Next I'll be trying to do the same thing with defect.

Bg3: I'm about halfway through act 2 right now and I'm loving the game but Im kinda tired of being in dark areas. I'm really excited to get to act 3 for a change of scenery but I've heard some mixed things about the last act, so I'm considering holding off on that until the game is patched since I doubt I'll play through the game twice.

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i gave up on RDR2. after constantly hearing since its release about how it was the greatest game ever made i was truly surprised with how boring it was. i don't think i made it more than halfway thru chapter 2 and i've been (trying) to play it for like two months. i hated it so much i basically stopped gaming for the last month.

i'm still wailing and gnashing my teeth over not being able to play BG3 so i decided to try Divinity Original Sin 2. really really fun! i'm playing as Lohse with Fane, Sebille, and Ifan as my team. i almost made it out of Fort Joy last night but my stupid black cat died from a puddle of poison and my last save was from like 2 hours back so i ragequit lol

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RDR2, like RDR1 is an alright interactive movie and great sandbox. The game itself is mid.

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i prefer interactive movies aka games with plentiful cutscenes, companions, an interesting story. the problem w/RDR2 for me was everything else. it felt like there were too many menial chores you had to constantly keep up on. also janky controls and sloooow movement drove me nuts

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Bad controls always kill a game for me, it's why I could never really get into Stardew Valley.

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New league is pretty half-baked, but I'm still having fun with the regular mode.

Diablo 4 also has no business being 70$. Greedy fricking ladygardens.

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Orb of Creation just got an update. It satisfies my autism.

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oh sweet I love that game

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Playing Ruiner the top down cyberpunk shooter

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Its pretty good. Polacks make some nice games.

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TF2. I've determined there's no good VR games other than Alyx or Blade & Sorcery.

dude bussy lmao

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Hotdogs, horseshoes, and hand grenades is also great.

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I have that but it's [pretty unintuitive, I'll give it another shot when I get a day off

dude bussy lmao

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lone echo 1 and 2 are good

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Just finished Witcher 3 plus dlc for the first time and I'm taking a break from gaming.

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That will suck your soul from you to 100%

I did all the points of interests as well and had to take a long break myself :marseycyanide:

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I'm playing FF12 and autogrinding blue slime dudes in the mine where they respawn infinitely if you use Break on them so I can skilltreemax

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Genshin Impact. Really enjoying explooring Fontaine. Any other !gacha g*mers?

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I'm surprised that underwater zones are generally well received. Normally g*mers tend to hate them, even when they're exceptionally well made (see: Vashj'ir in Cata).

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I think a lot of it has to do with movement speed and control. You move as fast or faster than you do on land, have a lot of stamina which regenerates fairly quickly for sprinting to go, and new characters can even porpoise jump (which feels fast and satisfying).

Honestly it feels very free, more like flying above the landscape as opposed to how so many other water zones slow you down.

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Oooh I need to get on that. I never finished Sumeru - got to the desert area but didn't actually finish the Archon quest line.

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Been on that arknights grind.

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Finished Wrath of the Righteous, started Baldur's Gate 3. The inability to pause during cutscenes, and in general, is actually really annoying.

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i have heard Pathfinder called Mathfinder. is it really that complex? i've considered buying it before but always been intimidated and held off

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I played that shit braindead as frick. The complexity ceiling is high, but the floor is also low enough I think.

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Ghostwire tokyo. I just finished Farcry 6 and this game is an urban japanese reskin of the farcry games but with slow semiauto weapons and bullet-sponge enemies. I hate it but am determined to finish.

Also doing another playthrough of dante's inferno.

Grim Fandango.

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Finished Bloody Heck. A lot better than it has any right to be.

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Baba is You. I remember thinking I'd be too stupid for such a game but it turns out that it is a very good difficulty. I feel accomplished when I complete a puzzle while not getting hard stuck.

Also Genshin 4.0 dropped so I've been running around exploring stuff. I'm so glad they added a multilayered map because my terrible sense of direction means I get lost super easily. The underwater exploration is generally not super annoying although sometimes it's hard to interact with things. The world lore is impeccable and I've been having fun arguing with 0 reading comprehension Reddit spergs about it.

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Also Genshin 4.0 dropped so I've been running around exploring stuff


dude bussy lmao

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Honestly not much cause been touching grass recently but played some Witcher 3 today. Had to say goodbye to Triss, I am now sad :marseyrain:

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I can't not 100% games :marseylegioncommander: like that. It really :marseythinkorino2: makes them hard to replay

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Oh yea I love to 100% shit as well but I make an exception for character driven games like this one. So while I might pick up every quest in WoW or Skyrim or Borderlands where I don't play as any defined character, here I'm trying to stay in role and do things that make sense in a given scenario. I wish I could say it adds a replayability factor, but I haven't touched any of such games a second time so far lol. It definitely makes playing them easier though cause you don't get overwhelmed with stuff

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Only book of hours

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Dope game but I felt like a total tard at the beginning

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I spent both the early inks in dumb shit so it took me a year to respond to the trust lmao

But BoH is still a thousand times more forgiving than CS

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Armored core 6 and goysloptiny2

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$5 recolors are your cup of tea?

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Just finished Prey (2017) a couple days ago. I genuinely enjoyed it for the most part, especially when strip-mining every room paid off and I started to accrue enough ammo and resources to actually start to feel badass. I almost quit it at first because it was a bit too creepy for my kitty butt.

I loved the setting and the lore, but the ending felt super rushed and tacked on. The last mission didn't even offer really any kind of challenge. Basically just told you “go here, put this thing on this other thing, go somewhere else, push a button, tahdah.”

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This song from Prey slaps. I still listen to it sometimes.

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So I somehow missed this. Darn!

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Its one of the most detailed games I have ever played this decade.

It matters to me, because immersion makes me care about the shit going on in game. Most games never hit that note.

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Yeah, I absolutely loved the crew tracking system for instance and thought it was such a cool layer. Lots and lots of great touches here and there.

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Armored Core 6, frick this Batelus :marseyrope:

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Lodlows akimbo with chicken legs build is awesome. :3 Have a laser on R shoulder to punish staggered mobs.

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@HarryTrumanDorisDay THE CHICKEN LEGS DID IT!!!!! DOPAMINE :carpexcited:

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Well done bro, glad it worked for you. If you get stuck again keep at it, there's an easy mode build for every single boss.

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Also AC 6, shit slaps.

get a super heavy build with tank legs, double trigger kinectic on hands and energy weapons on shoulders

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I figured that would be the way to do it, but I wanted to be cool with my legs :marseysad:. I have been getting him to like 3/4s dead with an energy sword and smg with Rockets on shoulders

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sword was too costly for me, easy to get hits in but always with disastrous trade hits like a barrage of missiles or his fricking shotgun

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Been playing kingdoms of amalur: rereckoning

I got bored :marseyyawn: because it's too easy. Gonna :marseyvenn6: get back into destiny probably while waiting :marseywait: on starfield

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Or you could play something... Good?

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Idk man been playing COD I don't wanna replay Halo, Fallout :marseyvault: 3, NV, FO4, or Cyberpunk for the millionth time and I wanna shoot :marseyjunkie: shit

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You didn't name any good games...

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Lol if you start praising some indie shit game ima laugh :marseygossipsmug: at you

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Please play it :marseybegging: so good and the sluggies are so cute

Spoilerless Survivor campaign is one of the best games I've ever played tbh, think more about Rain World than I do most AAA releases in the past 5 years

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Are there more kpop fancams in the campaign?

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I wish :marseycry:

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>its da jooz

shut your mouth pigskin,even if the jews arent BLACK they did more to mankind that the cumskin,snow dwelling white monkeys,all wh*te dog should know their places in the bottom of the race pyramid

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