Mine is that Elden Ring is very overrated, the open world is bloated and the entire thing would benefit from being maybe half as small or at least condensing dungeons/things to do. It has a bunch of random shit everywhere but none of it is compelling or fun to do and basically useless aside from sometimes having good items. They're also almost all exactly the same shit over and over. The weapon upgrade system is anti-fun and keeps you from experimenting with anything new. Many of the quests are basically impossible to do without a guide. The platform sections are trash, though thankfully not too widespread at least. The game just gives you too many random shit items, too. The melee combat isn't that fun either, but that is more of a personal preference I guess. I played a sort of battle mage type character so I had a variety of spells to cast at least. I didn't hate it at all, but by the last 1/4 of the game or so I was just ready to finish and probably would have quit if I didn't feel compelled to beat it. I would say it's a 7/10, people act like it's the greatest game of all time though.
Probably not as unpopular but Jap games (maybe more specifically JRPGs, that's mostly what I've played) in general just have way too much random bullshit. They'll come up with a good gameplay system but add like twice as much shit in it than is needed.
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Sonic the hedgehog is gay (idk i just get that vibe)
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yeah gay for kitty maybe, your jealousy of successful hedgehogs has really been showing through on your posts lately and frankly i'm worried
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Wow, okay. The homophobia in this comment. Who said being gay was bad?
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Anthromorphic hedgehogs are an endangered species so them being gay is actually genocide. i would give you a pass for ignorance but somehow i feel you already know this, but just don't care.
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Bethesda games, including Skyrim, aren't good.
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I thought Skyrim was OK, never played any other ones. Definitely overrated, the combat is shit. I guess I respect how sandbox-y it is, but i'm not gonna install a bunch of mods to make a game more playable.
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Bethesda games are great for the first playthrough when they're brand new.
10 years of skyrim was fricking whack, however.
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You're not right. They suck even new. I sucked it up and got all the way through Skyrim. It never got good.
I tried both Morrowind and Oblivian, no good.
Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 both sucked peepee and I didn't finish.
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They have some interesting ideas (music, worldbuilding) but they're ultimately a jack of all trades, a master of none from a gameplay perspective. They aren't great FPSs (tactile) and they aren't great RPGs (cerebral). They don't have a niche.
Morrowind was an interesting thought experment (FPS + TTRPG = ?), but the answer to that riddle is "meh." And every subsequent game is doubling down on a bad idea. I'd like to see The Elder Scrolls lean one way or the other. Either a Bungie game (FPS) or a Larian Studios game (RPG).
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I legit hate everything about Bethesda games
The UI irritates irritates me so much I barely last an hour
Oblivion was fun to watch my friends play, but thats it
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video games are for children
don't @ me, greasy nerds
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True, most are made with kids in mind. I don't think it's that weird to like them as an adult though, it's really not any worse of a time waste than watching TV (unless you let it get in the way of actual life shit)
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fair point
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it's far better use of time than TV. There is a decent likelyhood that the average g*mer will age far better than a TV or tiktok slop enjoyer due to higher stimulation (if this prevents decay)
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I'm not greasy, I actually have severe eczema
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If you occasionally play as a female character you're not necessarily a
(OP, elden ring is a legit 10/10, your opinions are wrong)
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Is this controversial? I had a couple of female toons in WoW and will play female for RP-adjacent purposes (I don't actually RP, but for example in Elden Ring I tried to make an assassin type character with the dagger from the all-female assassins, forgot their names, so of course made the character female. too bad it sucked and basically didnt work) or just because they look better, in Dragon's Dogma I made my second playthrough character a woman because the chest armor I had (which was the second best in the game I think) looked ridiculously flamboyant on a male character, plus I ended up thinking the run/jump animations were more suitable for an agile person compared to someone with full plate (did mystic knight first run through).
it really isn't. even just the quests alone being basically unfinishable without an online guide is a massive enough flaw to take off a point.
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First part of your comment:
Second part: trumpwrong.jif
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for elden ring, I guess I just really dislike when a game is so opaque that you're basically forced to use the internet. The NPCs would literally teleport around at random with no way to even check what the last conversation was in game. Were you supposed to literally write it down? Even then it would have been hard to know where they were going to.
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The opaqueness is by design, it's there for several reasons, the main 2 being:
Souls games are built on players sharing information and experiences, that's literally why the ground messages exist, you're supposed to not be able to do it all on your own,
It forces you to explore more and more, and always pay close attention to everything you see.
It's not for everyone, sure, but it works miracles in creating atmosphere.
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Some of the quests were legit unfinished/glitched on release tho, and the messages are definitely not going to help you complete them even if they were finished. The state of them was sad, I think I remember one of the patches actually added map dots for them but that was after I'd beaten the game. Don't get me wrong, I the opaqueness in other aspects and did like the message system, but i don't think it applies in this case. There literally isn't anything you can do but follow a guide for these, or get lucky, or comb the entire map to find out where they may have gone to this time. They also would even sometimes interact with each other in strange ways where you have no way whatsoever to tell what will advance the quest. I don't know how you could say this isn't a glaring flaw tbh, it literally is a flaw and result of bad design, it isn't an opinion
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As for the unfinished/glitched I don't know about those but I believe you, it's not out of character in From.
The messages aren't for helping with completing quests, it's just an example of the "you won't make it all on your own" feel the entire game series has, very much on purpose. From wants you to feel lost and helpless, and they want you to keep thinking "wtf!" at every step of the games, it's very much a part of the mood of the series. The mystery and opaqueness in the quests help that. Same for the "retro-innovative" (when they started the series) high difficulty: "you're lost, you're helpless, you won't make it, get some help" (go online, get some summons, or go explore). Same with the lore, you can beat each game 10 times without ever understanding what the story is about (and it's always about r-slurred nonsense). The unexpected interactions in quests (often with different unpredictable resolutions) is another side of that: "you're lost, you're helpless, here's another wtf moment". Because that's what these games are, a mood. That's what makes them great.
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I had a female dark elf in Lineage 2
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Multiplayer competitive games like fighters and FPS are peak gaming because you are defeating real human beings.
people who act like having thousands of hours in various mediocre RPGs and movie games is better than having thousands of hours in one competitive game are massive soy cute twinks
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If you put thousands of hours into a multiplayer game and aren't a professional getting paid you are literally the biggest fricking loser lmao
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lmao I don't even want to remember how much time I put into WoW while paying for the privilege. I guess mmos are a little different from CoD or something tho
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How can people be this buckbroken over skinner boxes meant to r*pe your psychology for pennies lmao
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GlowBIPOCs did EVE
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Most people are so bad at video games multiplayer games are a total cakewalk. Single player games like the new Doom or Elden Ring are legit harder and take more skill
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acting like either one is better than the other is pretty straggy tbh
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People now act like Wind Waker was great and misunderstood. There was a reason people didn't like it. (I don't think it's bad tho and don't have a problem with the toon style).
I don't care if EA nickels and dimes people with the Sims, I like more stuff and I don't pay for it anyways.
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The only Zelda game i've ever beaten is Link's Awakening, so I think that's the best one
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2d zelda
are the only ones worth playing
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the only other one i've played is Twilight Princess which I did not like, so i'm inclined to agree
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good choice !
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A game that doesn't frustrate you in its difficulty is basically a movie and not worth playing.
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probably the first one so far I truly disagree with lol, but i'd also say theres a difference between a good challenge and something being actually frustrating to do.
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New vegas is pretty mediocre. The dlcs sucked gameplay-wise and that dude with the deagle and bandages covering his face isnt as deep as the youtubers and redditors claim
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You don't get it. He was a bad guy and now he's a ? guy.
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rs2/osrs was the only real valid game in existence. every other game contains but a shard of what rs2/osrs had. I'd rather run head first into smoking crack than go play rs2/osrs again, because then I'd have significantly less of a chance of addiction.
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RS was fun, I have a weird amount of friends/acquaintances that still play it a lot actually. Once I started playing wow i've never felt like i could go back to the point and click type gameplay though. I did always think the quests were really good for the most part, stuff like Desert Treasure where you actually get amazing/game changing rewards was awesome compared to wow's mostly lame quests.
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I really just enjoyed the PVP and huge economy/trade
Yes quests really are fun too but the multiplayer aspect of the game is what did it for me
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I used it as basically a chat client a lot since so many of my friends also played. never got much into the pvp like others did, my brother was obsessed with staking and actually did pretty well with it. worked his way up from an abby whip to a purple phat
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staking was incredibly fun but you have to be a piece of shit to succeed
my strat was figuring out who genuinely had a fraction of my wealth and staking them, since I had more wiggle room for double-or-nothing
but real pvp was where it was at, it was like playing 3 games of rock-paper-scissors per second.
gud taiimmmss
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my brother had two pure accounts where one i think did 60(?) ranged for i think magic bow and the other did 40 ranged/40 defense for rune throwing knives + rune kite, which was very favored against the ranged pure. they had the same name with a different amount of spaces (no underscores at this time). he would stake someone a few times up until making a big bet then switch to the other for the last one lmao. basically all my friends just liked scamming people, i did the guthan's spear/leaf blade one to somebody once and felt so bad about it that i ended up giving it back.
i did do some pking but making a good character was never my forte, i couldnt handle the grind
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oh those fricking knives are brutal man, incredibly fast and I'd probably turn into that german keyboard smasher kid if I was at the other end of that scam betting a large sum lmao
yeah essentially in order to succeed in the game you have to at least understand how to operate with no morals because, to be frank the concept of pvp is you killing another player to get their shit. The game was crawling with scammers and the scams weren't even game bugs 99% of the time they were just straight up complicated social manipulation schemes and some literally involved people befriending you for weeks. Shit was wild you wouldn't expect it from just looking at the game
But it's full of soys now with game update to help prevent some of the lower hanging fruit scams and that might be for the best. I was introduced to these backstabbing antics and absolutely sociopathic behavior when I was like 12 lol I'm surprised I didn't break any keyboards starting out
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lmao you're on point with teaching kids sociopathic behavior, running those long cons and just the general economy/incentives to act like a shithead. in my friend group people would even be hacking each other and stealing shit if they got the chance to, wild times. the "trimming armor" thing is a meme but it's funny how it would work for unassuming literal children, then the higher level ones with trying to lure people into the wildy (i guess before they added the line) then using ancient magick friend to freeze them and then kill. thinking back it's funny so many kids were living in this massive anarchical lord of the flies type world while their parents thought it was just some dumb game lmao.
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I'm grateful for it tbh. Before the ditch was added there was a player jojo3000 who was famous for making those types of videos. I was actually upset they added the ditch. The game was fricked up but probably the least harmful way to learn that these techniques exist and to know how to identify signs of malice.
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RS was Ultima Online
for poors
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u never figured it out
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Minecraft is not actually fun and if it weren't for my neurodivergent friends I would never ever play it again
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I've never played minecraft at all, i still don't even understand what it is. i've seen some cool replicas made in it but i don't get where the "game" part is
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You fight zombies and shit sometimes
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The game part is where you build elaborate machines of dubious purpose out of redstone.
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I can never get into minecraft
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Donut county is gaming at it's peak, everything else falls way short.
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Great games also.
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Fallout 3 is worse than 4 in every way. If you like 3 more than 4, that's just nostalgia talking.
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Good thing I like New Vegas, and don't really care for 3.
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Playing Tetris at the barcade is acceptable
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Anyone who patrons a barcade should lose voting privileges
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Shadow of the Colossus sucks shit. The world is bland, boring, and the game is a chore to play.
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The bosses were the world though, pretty innovative from a design viewpoint
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never played but i've always wanted to considering the acclaim, but reading about the gameplay did always give me the impression it could be tedious
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I like my dark souls in release order, i.e. 1>2>3
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Skill issue
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I beat every boss in the game
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NG+10 no armor lvl 1 or you didnt
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I think Miyazaki and his team aren't very skilled at making open environments. The Lands Between has a lot of good vista, but they really could do more to fill it up with meaningful stuff.
I would give it a 8/10, but I think your assessment is pretty fair.
Also, I think Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker sucks. It sucks harder than MGS4, and MGSV is only marginally better than Peace Walker because the gameplay is better.
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Just having the quests work better with exploring the world would have gone a long way, in addition to not being recycled. I'm not sure it needed more stuff, less is more sometimes. Like the hero crypts could have been bigger and replaced all the filler ones, with maybe some difficulty increases at obvious points (and shortcuts to get back) so they have mini bosses and shit with item drops without you feeling the need to go through crypt or cave dungeon #50
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I agree. There are a lot of interesting caves, but they really stretched themselves too thin on it.
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MGS V was unfinished or at the very least should have had a sequel, but I think the studio wasn't willing to bankroll kojima's vision, so he got fired or whatever instead.
Silent Hills or w/e also got axed at this time. They had released the demo for it or whatever, but it's their IP so when they fired Kojima the project got scrap heaped.
Apparently they offloaded a new remake called silent hill f to some taiwan studio or smth, so we'll see how that goes.
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My controversial opinion is that starfield is good.
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It would be good if it came out a year or two after skyrim. It doesn't live up to current year.
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still haven't played it, doesn't look that interesting to me tho
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it's basically skyrim, but space shit. i find that compelling though.
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The likelihood of me ever playing a triple A game for the rest of my life is zero. The likelihood of me playing a Nintendo game for the rest of my life is also zero.
Text based games need to make a comeback as well.
The less/worse graphics a game has the more interested I am in playing it. Pixel art is good but spreadsheets and numbers are better.
Using your phone as your main gaming platform of choice will probably become standard and the App Store will see less poorly made schlock and more professional, well made games come to it. This last one is not a prediction it's already happening and I am enjoying it immensely. You probably can't play the newest COD but any single player game can probably be ported over to mobile and remain enjoyable to play.
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Text based multiplayer games still exist - they're only populated by boomers and libertarians who typefrick their libertarian friends. I do not recommend it.
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Rule The Waves 3
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Hideo Kojima is the most overrated butthole on the planet.
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elden ring isn't even 7/10. it's just legit dog shit lol.
the only reasons it's popular or well regarded is because of dark souls morons or fricking grrm strags.
dark souls shit is gay. the combat is clunky as heck, which is r-slurred since it's basically the main focus of the game.
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I can tell you died to the Tree Sentinel immediately
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nah i got the horse and ran around for a bit then got bored bc i didn't know where the frick to go
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Oh you're actually r-slurred
The game has giant arrows telling you where to go
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I agree with the combat being clunky (only played Elden Ring as far as the dark souls shit goes tho), but I guess that's personal preference. The game itself has some massive objective flaws to me as well, that's why I don't understand why its rated so highly
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I don't get it either. I've tried to play it on like 3 different occasions, it's just not good or fun.
Also, I liked bloodborne a lot, so it's not even like I hate all souls-like games. Elden Ring is just shit.
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Wow, that place is awful! Found them quoting and tagging you there. Also, looks like you responded but they deleted your comments? Seriously, ignore that place. It looks like they just enjoy dumping on things that people enjoy, which is all manner of sad...
Honestly I had no idea that sub existed, apparently neither did she. Then they tagged her over there and... lolcow? Is a thing. It's a person they "milk for lols"; don't ask...
It is way, way, way more toxic than her edit. I think she just edited her post to address her own confusion as to why a group of emotionally stunted folks would do that... but, hey, it's the internet. Β―\\_(γ)\_/Β―
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GTA games have average gameplay as best; their real strength is in world and writing (and I don't believe that GTA VI will deliver good writing)
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