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Steam sale :marseychonker2: :marseydiscount: is here, post your recommends for good games or good deals

My recommends

Rogue Legacy 2 - 40% discount, 15 bucks/euro, one of the best platformers around. Yes, it's kind of proceduraly generated. Yes, it's a roguelite. Yes, cope seethe and dilate.

Caveblazers - less than a dollar/euro. Pretty good action platformer, for its price probably the best deal on steam rn. Another proc gen roguelite, please let everyone know how much you dislike these.

Neon White - 40% discount, price is under 15 bucks/euro. Fps/puzzle/race game. Neat.

Ori and the will of the wisps - under 10 bucks/euro. The other best platformer around.

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Pathologic 2 80% off (fantastic schizo roleplaying game about being the only doctor in a WW1 era central asian village (this does not even begin to cover it))

Furi 70% off (fun top-down hack n slash game with cool music)

Ghostrunner 70% off (fast paced first person action game which reminds me of hotline miami in spirit)

The entire Borderlands collection is for 25 bucks instead of 335 so that's a good deal

Darkest Dungeon 80% off (best dungeon crawling roguelike)

Don't Starve Together is 4 euros for two copies and is fun to play with friends, and gets updated frequently

Dusk is 5 bucks and got SDK and community workshop update recently

Enter the Gungeon is like 4 bucks and is probably the best bullet heck game

Kenshi 55% off

Signal State is a good game for programmercels/zachlike lovers and is >50% off

Zachtronics bundle is 60% off

Terraria is 55% off and a must-try

Baba is You is a unique puzzle game (in a good way) and for under 10 euros

Crypt of the Necrodancer is under 3 bucks and a classic rage-inducing game

Original Deus Ex is under a dollar for all the zoomers, Human Revolution and Mankind Divided together cost 5 euros as well

All Dishonored games can be bought for less than 10$ together and are essential ImSim-core

Faster Than Light is a great roguelike and costs 2 euros

Frostpunk is 80% off and is a good colony sim

Hollow Knight is 50% off and one of the best platformers

Both Hotline Miami games are 80% off and cost pocket change. If you have never played/heard of them, get it right now

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is a fun multiplayer game with friends or in a party and is 70% off

Subnautica 50% off

The Witcher bundle costs 11 euros and while I'm biased, I believe it to be one of the best if not the best game series ever

XCOM 1 & 2 are very good turn based games and are at 80% discount

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Baba is You is a unique puzzle game (in a good way) and for under 10 euros

Baba is you is the puzzle goat and @HarryTrumanDorisDay hate puzzle games as much as @HarryTrumanDorisDay love sucking peepee

Both Hotline Miami games are 80% off and cost pocket change.

The catcher in the rye of videogames, but good.

Hollow Knight is 50% off and one of the best platformers


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Alright, give me a better platformer that had a PC release then. None of those 30 year old console games.

I'm being genuine in this request, I will try it if you name me one

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Rogue legacy 2

Both Oris

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I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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dreamwild :#platywave:

30xx :#megaman:

mortal sin :#antichrist:

arx fatalis :#marseythegrey:

battle engine aquila :#marseyzaku:

heretic (better than hexen) :#marseywise:

souldiers :#marseycrusader:

lodoss war pc game :#platyanime: the dreamcast one is also good though its not on steam :#derpthumbsup:

and lastly, godfall :#gigachad2: you're not a g*mer if you haven't played godfall b4 :#sigmasnap:

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No Man's Sky


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Nah, heard it was missing all the shit they promised before launch

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hope it was worth it x


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Im thinking of getting that for Switch


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>shills for dave the diver

>says its GotY

<shills for no mans sky when asked what to buy


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:#soyjackwowtalking: :#soyreddittalking: :#soyjakyelltalking:

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Good catch bro. If you liked shit like vagante or dungreed, this might be for you.

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Hogwarts Legacy is 50% off.


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They even tried to appease the mob by having a :marseytrain2: character.

Problem was that the only way to have a visible :marseytrain2: character was to make it very obviously not pass.


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very obviously not pass

If there's one thing I've learn from browsing /r/transpassing is that it's a myth that any trains come close to passing (except for a handful of Asian twinks). They know it too, which is why they push so hard for puberty blockers for kids.

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I think a few more pass, in photos, with the right angles and filters. Or at least enough to raise doubt.

In person though, you're back to that handful of Asian twinks. Not even the puberty blockers kids pass in person. They just like to cope that if only they had this surgery, tried transitioning earlier, they'd finally pass. Biology wins every time.

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>except for a handful of Asian twinks

Best part is that they do it without even trying, which makes the :marseytrain2: cope and seethe all the funnier.

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I'm waiting for this to be like ten bucks one day.

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I'm waiting for the sequel. No way I'm playing 2 Harry Potter games and I'd rather skip to the better one. It's what I did for spiderman and Jedi survivor.

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Spider-Man 1 is better than 2

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Oh well too late now. How was the sequel downgraded?

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Shorter, less interesting story and collectables are a lot worse, side quest and activities also worse. Spider-Man 2 has cool hunter act but venom act is such a mess, in the end the world became lame prototype. Also somehow Spider-Man 2 had tons of bugs it felt so strange first game run bug less and this one is a mess

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oh well idc about the story in vidya and didnt run into any bugs. shame about the side quests though. i had fun just swinging around and beating shit up. game felt just the right length as well (maybe even an hour or 2 too long). thanks for the answer :marseyblowkiss:

Maybe i should have just bought the miles spin-off game :marseythinkorino:

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Nah miles one doesn't have any cool signature Spider-Man villains

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Outer Wilds https://store.steampowered.com/app/753640/Outer_Wilds

One of the best games of all time, don't look up anything about it, just play it.

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:marseyhesright: the dlc is also worth playing after the main game


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I didn't really like the DLC tbh. Without text there is just too little information

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I loved the more visual storytelling combined with the music/ambience

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This game and disco elysium are among the most overrated games of all time.

Don't @me

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Disco Asylum called me a centrist for not knowing if I'd look good in pants before trying them on, made fun of me for it, and gave me an achievement after for being made fun of

dude bussy lmao

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I'm confused, are you trying to sell us on the game or scare us away? :marseythinkorino:

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If that doesn't sound funny to you don't buy it.

That game makes fun of you regardless of how you play it. So if you're gonna get triggered by politics either don't 'roleplay' as yourself or don't play it.

I like it, I wish more RPGs had some of those mechanics in their dialogue. Unfortunately that's really all the game offers.

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BG3 calls you a cuck for trying to peacefully negotiate out of combat

dude bussy lmao

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Good. And your companions shouldn't want to frick you anymore if you're gonna be a little b-word and avoid fighting. No pacifist b-words in this polycule :marseydramaorgy:

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You sure you're not thinking of Outer Worlds

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Seriously, buy this game and play it all the way through. It's maybe the most impactful game I've played.

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it is a top 10 all time tho

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Look, OW was the game that really opened my eyes to how shitty and unoriginal most game design is.

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u must have so many bangers on ur backlog if the themphibians game was what opened ur eyes to this truth

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Most games are bad :marseyshrug:

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Outer Wilds fanbase always says shit like that.

The game certainly isn't fun. But apparently if I waste another ten hours playing it I'll see that it's "important" and "impactful". :marseyjerkoffsmile:

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I got that game for free from Xbox ages ago.

What a boring butt game.

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I'm sure you can find a mod that plays subway surfers videos in the corner of the screen

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Filtered :marseyfoidretard:

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ok im sold, though im worried my shitty pc wont be able to run it


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They're working on a switch port so it probably can

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No, people should look it up. Not saying it's bad but it's definitely not the type of game I enjoy. I tried it using gamepass so I'm not seething, but I was completely done with it within a couple of hours. I think the art style is ugly and the controls are completely unacceptable for a game released this millennium. There's absolutely zero action, it's just fighting the controls so you can fly around and find clues to solve a big puzzle.

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t. filtered

Although, did you play with a gamepad or m+kb? Because that's the one criticism I have - it controls great with a controller but m+kb sucks. And looking it up wouldn't have told you that :marseyindignant:

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I use a controller for everything :marseybrainlet: (besides strategy games and CRPGs)

Yeah, I got filtered. I'm not going to play a game I'm not enjoying for more than a couple of hours. Doesn't mean it's actually bad, but I don't think it's like a game like Doom where you can pretty much just say "if you like shooting stuff buy this"

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well I found the controller controls super intuitive and easy to use so idk

was there something in particular that you were struggling with?

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Flying the ship. I think there's N64 flying games that feel better. Oh, and they usually have me shooting stuff instead of just meandering around.

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Not to be confused with Outer Worlds, the steaming heap of shit.

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:marsey40k: Rogue Trader is fun.

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Is it? It looks cool as frick but I'm in the middle of playing BG3 with muh foid.

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I like it more than I would've thought. The combat has that learning curve where it's really hard in the beginning but you feel like a genius by the end :marseyreading:

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How's the writing? I'm mostly into the lore. But I also like weird strange games with little rules and shit.

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Very good :marseyagreefast: I haven't sunk this many hours into a game so soon after release in a decade.

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I love warhammer so I may try it when I'm not working 80 hours a week brah I hope u can kill xeno scum

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You can. There's a couple xeno companions that you can just straight up kill instead of making them party members. You get plenty of chances to kill space elves.

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@Uncertifiedbussyoperator is sneed von valencious and @Uncertifiedbussyoperator declare total BIPOC death upon this sub sector

TRANS lives matter not

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Executing plebs for having the gall to address you without proper deference is justified and necessary.

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Given Owlcat's history, I'm waiting for the mountain of DLC to come out and then all go on sale before I play that one. Frickin Pathfinder WotR is still getting new content.

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Noita :mars#eywizard:

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Typical Noita Experience:

>pick cool wand

>look up spells

>neat it shoots 3 magic missiles at once

>the screen explodes

>it has Nuke on always cast


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>fire normal wand just like always

>propane tank buried in snow

>stray bolt grazes the tank, causing an explosion of frozen gas

>suffocate and freeze to death simultaneously

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>finally a run where I get to kick everyone's butt

>walk around kicking everyone's butt

>one tiny, microscopic particle of teleportarium grazes my boot

>teleported in alchemist's storage and all potions spill

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Can't play with controller :marseyboomer:

@HarryTrumanDorisDay love sucking peepee, @HarryTrumanDorisDay's own

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Both Starfield and Skyrim are on sale. You know what to do. :#toddhoward:

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Already got Skyrim on GOG. You have no power over me, Todd.

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But do you have the latest released version and all the DLCs? There's always one more Skyrim you could buy... one more...

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Buy them?

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4 shit games, impressive. :marseyclapping: Will make sure to blacklist them, king.

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vampire survivors

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RDR2, FIFA, NBA2K, latest COD

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Can you even afford a PS5?

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Team Fortress 2 :marseyboomer:

dude bussy lmao

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Highly recommend giving this free Sourcemod a shot.

It is a very loving remaster of stock tf2. Maps are recompiled with improved lighting / AO, old shaders and textures are restored.

It usually only has one or two full servers going, but really, that's all you need.


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>no market gardener

dude bussy lmao

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>he's a fricking trolldier player

Ah, a fricking homosexual

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No. I use gunboats. if it's a good map for it the airstrike for god's gifted rollouts. otherwise generally direct hit unless they don't have anyone who can move in a movement shooter. The market gardener is just to measure my hubris against an enemy g*mer. if the enemy g*mer can't make it fat, they fall to my hubris. if they can, my hubris falls.

I minmax hubris.

dude bussy lmao

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:marseysick: That's not any better

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I only play victoria 2, so that

idk if it is on sale


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Do you just leave it running in the background or something? I've literally never seen that much playtime ever lol!

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Its a good game

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Soren is a NEET, he literally plays it for like 14 hours every day.

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Have you tried victoria 3 yet? I didn't, it has mixed reviews so far. But maybe you have some opinion on it?

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no lol, it looks shit

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Why have you downsoren'd me for that :marseybeanquestion:

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Because how dare you suggest an neurodivergent plays the sequel to a game they love.

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It completely changes so much though, b-word? Like, you don't even control your own armies...

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Wait, they removed military control? LMAO

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This is tism on tism violence, soren


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It is shit. Played it.

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Game was fricking butt right from the fricking leaked demo, wiz doesn't understand why his games are fricking fun so he makes them shittier every time.

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also isonzo, get that

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I never took you for a genocide fan.

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