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Steam sale :marseychonker2: :marseydiscount: is here, post your recommends for good games or good deals

My recommends

Rogue Legacy 2 - 40% discount, 15 bucks/euro, one of the best platformers around. Yes, it's kind of proceduraly generated. Yes, it's a roguelite. Yes, cope seethe and dilate.

Caveblazers - less than a dollar/euro. Pretty good action platformer, for its price probably the best deal on steam rn. Another proc gen roguelite, please let everyone know how much you dislike these.

Neon White - 40% discount, price is under 15 bucks/euro. Fps/puzzle/race game. Neat.

Ori and the will of the wisps - under 10 bucks/euro. The other best platformer around.

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Outer Wilds https://store.steampowered.com/app/753640/Outer_Wilds

One of the best games of all time, don't look up anything about it, just play it.

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Not to be confused with Outer Worlds, the steaming heap of shit.

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:marseyhesright: the dlc is also worth playing after the main game


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I didn't really like the DLC tbh. Without text there is just too little information

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I loved the more visual storytelling combined with the music/ambience

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This game and disco elysium are among the most overrated games of all time.

Don't @me

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Disco Asylum called me a centrist for not knowing if I'd look good in pants before trying them on, made fun of me for it, and gave me an achievement after for being made fun of

dude bussy lmao

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I'm confused, are you trying to sell us on the game or scare us away? :marseythinkorino:

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If that doesn't sound funny to you don't buy it.

That game makes fun of you regardless of how you play it. So if you're gonna get triggered by politics either don't 'roleplay' as yourself or don't play it.

I like it, I wish more RPGs had some of those mechanics in their dialogue. Unfortunately that's really all the game offers.

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BG3 calls you a cuck for trying to peacefully negotiate out of combat

dude bussy lmao

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Good. And your companions shouldn't want to frick you anymore if you're gonna be a little b-word and avoid fighting. No pacifist b-words in this polycule :marseydramaorgy:

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You sure you're not thinking of Outer Worlds

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Seriously, buy this game and play it all the way through. It's maybe the most impactful game I've played.

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it is a top 10 all time tho

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Look, OW was the game that really opened my eyes to how shitty and unoriginal most game design is.

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u must have so many bangers on ur backlog if the themphibians game was what opened ur eyes to this truth

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Most games are bad :marseyshrug:

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Outer Wilds fanbase always says shit like that.

The game certainly isn't fun. But apparently if I waste another ten hours playing it I'll see that it's "important" and "impactful". :marseyjerkoffsmile:

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I got that game for free from Xbox ages ago.

What a boring butt game.

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I'm sure you can find a mod that plays subway surfers videos in the corner of the screen

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Filtered :marseyfoidretard:

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ok im sold, though im worried my shitty pc wont be able to run it


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They're working on a switch port so it probably can

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No, people should look it up. Not saying it's bad but it's definitely not the type of game I enjoy. I tried it using gamepass so I'm not seething, but I was completely done with it within a couple of hours. I think the art style is ugly and the controls are completely unacceptable for a game released this millennium. There's absolutely zero action, it's just fighting the controls so you can fly around and find clues to solve a big puzzle.

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t. filtered

Although, did you play with a gamepad or m+kb? Because that's the one criticism I have - it controls great with a controller but m+kb sucks. And looking it up wouldn't have told you that :marseyindignant:

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I use a controller for everything :marseybrainlet: (besides strategy games and CRPGs)

Yeah, I got filtered. I'm not going to play a game I'm not enjoying for more than a couple of hours. Doesn't mean it's actually bad, but I don't think it's like a game like Doom where you can pretty much just say "if you like shooting stuff buy this"

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well I found the controller controls super intuitive and easy to use so idk

was there something in particular that you were struggling with?

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Flying the ship. I think there's N64 flying games that feel better. Oh, and they usually have me shooting stuff instead of just meandering around.

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