Any recommendations for games that focus on diplomacy? :marseykissinger:

!g*mers I'm looking for a strategy game that's built on interactions with the AI. Where diplomacy is truly meaningful to the game and not just tacked on. Civilization and Total War are far too simple, to provide examples of what doesn't work for me. I've always heard Paradox games are good for this but I'm looking for more niche recommendations (plus that dlc shit expensive)

I'd like diplomacy to be more important than any fighting mechanic (though I'm not saying war can't be in the game) or internal management (like settling uninhabited land by yourself in Civ) I'm also looking for AI that's capable of actual deals. In simpler games AI will never give you a fair trade or sell you territory and they're always asking for handouts they would never give you in a million years. Something like the Louisiana Purchase is impossible in a lot of games because the AI would never give up that much land to a nation it was only on okay terms with no matter how much money was offered. Real life humans are selfish yet history is filled with alliances and deals and quid pro quo. I'm tired of AI that has toddler levels of spite and greed. I want diplomacy you can work with.

Recommendations don't have to be 4X but I am looking for strategy and not something like a Telltale story.

Thanks @kaamrev! :marseyxoxo:

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Kasmrev, I know You're a saafer and obsessed with real time with pause, but tyranny has nothing to do with big national diplomacy.

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There is a shitload of alliances you can perform if you play your cards right, where you can have every single faction join you by end game

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But it's not nation state diplomacy, it's just a crpg with a bad time mechanic

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Real time with Pause


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Sengoku Rance

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I would've liked Alicesoft games more if they stopped constantly showing me two (or more) people I don't care about fricking.

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@RWBY on a similar note, EraTouhouK.

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There's nothing like what you are asking for

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maybe one day

language model based games are coming.

they alreaty got that vampire game its a proof of concept at least

it would be nice if it could run locally and not rely on a service that might die in 6 months when new tech comes out

I think the biggest problem is interpreting the models output into actions ingame.

like how can you tell when the model actually wants to go to war vs it considering or just joking about it or sumn.

like you'd need a second ai model to judge the intentions of the first one lmao


so much still needs to be handcoded. until the AI can literally change the code of the game or at least write scripts to invoke whatever action it wants to take in a custom way, ur limited to what human hands could be bothered to type up. its just moved where all that case by case stuff needs to be done

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This is essentially already a solved problem, you can just give a smart enough model an API and tell it how to use it. Look up Toolformers. It's what OpenAI uses to allow chatgpt to call DALL-E.

Too bad it needs a really powerful model and the big company are all cucks when it comes to violence and the like.

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This or vic2 mp

@Communist_spez love sucking peepee

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Sadly I think @RWBY is an antisocial SP cuck. :marseysigh: :marseyill:

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Heard of this but it seems like more of a single character story? It seems to have scripted endings kinda like Papers Please rather than being a dynamic experience.

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The game you're looking for does not exist. AI is simply too r-slurred, if you want diplomacy, go play RP HOI or Victoria.

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Vic3 is the closest PDX game I guess but it's butt otherwise and internal management is still the majority of work.

I don't think the game you want exists. Land in most of these game types is always a boon and never a detriment. Nevermind by playing as "the spirit of a nation" you're divorced from the wants and cares of the real-life powerful actors that make up a nation. Louisiana is always a boon for France in a game because unlike in real life the French settlers there aren't already uppity and increasingly Americanised, you can easily pre-plan your wars and have no need to finance them like Napoleon did and losing land is always a loss of potential as worries over things like independence rebellions are made a simple matter of keeping a subject happy even if all its population wouldn't be.

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Why 3 and not 2?

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2 has more war and a slightly lower amount of internal work. Most importantly 2 is only a bit better than EU4 in diplomacy which is what he's looking for in the first place.

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EU4 is the closest. Just do the dlc sub

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Lol no, and it's not even close. EU4 is a map painter exclusively.

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Eu4 has the best diplomacy from the 4x I've seen. The combat isn't at all in depth.

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EU4 diplomacy is literally non-existent, as is every mechanic. As I said, it's exclusively a map painter.

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Every war in eu4 is a total war. Allies will fight to the death to protect each other even if the alliance is 3 month old.

Peace deals are pretty well made however.

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funny, @Communist_spez's allies get one of their forts sieged and instantly white peace out of @Communist_spez's wars

@Communist_spez love sucking peepee

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If the game has a multiplayer option, it's frankly not worth developing a good opponent AI because humans are just so much better. It's a waste of time and money.

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The Romance of the Three Kingdoms series is pretty close to what you're looking for I think? There's war ofc but you need to build warlord alliances to stand a chance.

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Suzerain is not exactly what you've described, but it is heavily based on diplomacy, and it was my favorite game that I played in 2023. It's usually cheap too, so you can't go wrong.

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Yeah Suzerain isn't what the OP is asking for, but it's what ntRose are looking for

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Seconded Suzerain, never felt so betrayed in a video game before.

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SMT :marseybaphomet:

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Machiavellian Suns was simple, but fun IMO. Maybe more of a puzzle game.

Download to download and play it, and other flash games from back in the day.

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CKII or victoria 3. Larping as the patriarch founder of a thousand year dynasty is pretty great

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Trust and Betrayal - Legacy of Siboot

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CTRL+F "Crusader Kings"

Finds nothing

:marseysoyswitch: :marseysoyhype: :soyjackwow: :soyjakyell: :soyjakfat: :soyjak: :soyjakfront: :directlypointingsoyjak:

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It's series of strategy games heavily relying on diplomacy, r-slur.

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Which were already mentioned in the thread...

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Fricking say that then instead of a confused Marsey..keep yourself safe.

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I think this has been on everyone's wishlist for a long time. Maybe next gen games with AI will actually be able to do it.

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