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  • timmy_blueballs : game with tagline," War. War never changes." about the inevitability of war and not about capitalism

To nobody's surprise, the media literacy enjoyers were wrong about the intention of fallout
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iirc the Donkey for democrats was adopted by President Jackson bc republicans kept calling him a stuborn donkey


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neighbor the republic party didn't even exist when he was alive

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@AstonishingGirth can't believe Reagan called all the democrats donkeys. Fricking FAZZZSHITS

hillary 2024 shit

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Lincoln used to play Dixie at his speeches. It was such a banger they couldn't resist.

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Abraham Libcoln was a pot-head


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This is true @Sasanka_of_Gauda smoked with him. This post rests on native land.

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Kill breadtubers, behead breadtubers, roundhouse kick a breadtuber in a trashcan, etc.

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In a fair world Contrapoints would have been just another middling, drug addicted, philosophy professor at a community college.

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In a fair world that neighbor would have drunk xhemself to death 10 years ago.

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I'm kind of surprised there aren't more dead :!marseytrain:s in breadtube but you know self-aware wolves and what not

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Probably closer to grad school dropout :marseysmug2:

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In a fair world philosophy professors would be lynched if they're not Nietzschean

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>if they're not Nietzschean

Yeah what we need is definitely more schizoid rightoids going on about master slave morality and le aryan Übermensch, completely misunderstanding Nietzsche's writings all the while pretending to be trad Christians.

Also, what's the point of teaching philosophy if you're not gonna teach the historical background and context that informed and lead to Nietzsche's views? Without the Greeks and the likes of Kant and Schopenhauer, Nietzschean philosophy would be nothing more than schizophrenic ramblings. Philosophy has to be taught in a continuum.

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!sophistry background is dumb your views exist in a vacuum :marseypojom: (the vacuum :marseypojom: of space) therefor what you think :marseymischevious: and say is independent of the history :marseyww1american1: and culture around you

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I, the gigasophist, think what I want and feel what I want regardless of context. How can one attain such power? Sheer sophistry.

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It's the other way around actually. Without Nietzsche, the greeks, kant, and schopenhauer would be nothing more than schizophrenic rambling.

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Nietzsche wasn't even against Jewish Lives Matter, he was against Jewish religion.

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Yeah but that's a lot to read

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What the world needs is more deleuzian strags :marseyeyeroll:

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TBH at least those neighbors are fun and give rise too good literary critique. What the frick have analytical midwits ever given us?

Reminder that Jewish Lives Matter is pure ideology

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That but women specifically

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>"War, war never changes"

>This is somehow unclear to zoomers

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Can't blame us, we were never drafted.

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I've literally seen threads of people arguing about what that means. Do they not teach literature any more?

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They teach you not to notice.

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I think the main contention is Metal Gear fans arguing for the Kojima interpretation of the saying.

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War never changes what?

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Bud it's in the sentence. War never changes war.

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Bussy, Bussy never changes.

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how the heck was fallout critical of capitalism lmao?

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Considering that siding with Gizmo gives you the good ending for Junktown I have no idea how people came to this conclusion lol

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4 and 76 went pretty heavy into the capitalism of the pre-war era, they made it a lot more heavy handed. They also changed Vault-Tec to be more of a critique of capitalism and less of academics, which was the original intention.

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The feeling I got in the pre-war was a world where people stopped giving a shit because everyone knew the bombs were coming. Companies dodn't worry about lawsuits because they weren't goimg to live to see next quarter.

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The part where basically every pre-war company turned into some evil caricature doing anything for their bottom line, from just selling trash to experimenting on humans and producing weapons which ended the world.

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Was there any of that in the first game tho? I can't remember, I haven't played it in this century.

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The Valut experiments and FEV but that was all the secert government aka the Enclave.

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Did the Enclave exist at all in FO1? It's been a long time but I remember that being an FO2 innovation.

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In 2

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Yeah that's what I thought. I already considered it kind of cringe bad writing in 1998.


The bad guys are my strawman of stuff from the past that I'll never understand.

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The Valut experiments

Definitely was not in FO1.

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Well retroactively.

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Well let's make hanbok and cool hats cool retroactively.

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1 and 2 had only bribes of pre-war texts.

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@VK_User explain the lore

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Germany destroys the world for a fourth time :marseysteaming:

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I'm a zillenial, so I couldn't tell you.

I need to play it sometime tbh.

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I picked it up on sale at Fry's. Believe it or not, you went to a store to buy a game on physical media in those days. :marseyboomer:

It would be a bit of an acquired taste for someone in your generation, but seriouspost: if you like Fallout or RPGs in general it's probably worth the learning curve. Combat is turn-based, very different from Bethesda Fallout, and tbqh not as good. But pretty much everything else is better. And you can lord it over your peers, pretending that they don't have media literacy because they haven't played it. And if you ever get permabanned from here they'll accept you at RPG Codex. :marseythumbsup:

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Hey now, I started out with W95 and DOS games, you didn't have the clouds or steams or valves or whatever thingamajigs kids use these days either :!marseyboomer:

Was just too preoccupied with car games to get in on RPGs and other classics I guess.

Fallout 1&2 is at the top of the list of stuff I'd wanna play through if I get a Steam Deck or something, seems like a perfect handheld game.

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I dunno about that. Unless they've totally redone the UI. It was very mouse oriented.

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The Deck has two trackpads, which I figure should work great for stuff like Fallout. If we're talking sticks only.. yeah prob not.

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yeah they super villainized anything even remotely resembling a company or corporate. It was cartoon levels of stupid like well everyone's dead but our company will somehow make record profits!

I know they have ghouls in the universe but profits off whom exactly? lmao As usual it's braindead hollywood writers idea of capitalism instead of anything resembling reality.

They make a big deal about commies and how oppressed they are (super lmao) in the states but then by the end the most commie communist turns out to be the psychopath villain so idk what they meant by this tbh.

Show was ok, it got more praise than it deserved IMO it just ended up not being a total dumpster fire of an adaptation but clearing that low bar is enough these days.

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That's only the show and a little of F4; New Vegas featured the most corporate man to ever live as the hero of New Vegas.

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I wouldn't go as far as saying it's critical so much as it's a parody of political systems and culture.

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It was somewhat after fo3 with the ridiculous corpo stuff but early fallout satirized the commies (i.e. the Shi in San Francisco) as much as capitalists it just had more focus on America than China because of the locale.

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Chuds that worship the Enclave despite them embodying the deep state glowies they hate the most is still funny :marseyindignant:

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The enclave makes 'automation will bring communism!' hippies seethe too.

"No you can't manufacture a war to kill the bottom 99.9% of your now useless population just because you've perfected robotics!" :soysnooseethe:

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Nikka @Penny was unbanned, get your record straight

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I know I just haven't thought of a new screen name fakkit

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anything is better than california 2: nuclear boogaloo

jewish lives matter

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I always assumed that Fallout was (modestly) grillpilled in that it believed that both Maoist-style gommunism and 50's-based American nationalism were r-slurred ideologies that cynical warmongers took advantage of to convince their uber-paranoid populace into a further escalating and all-consuming total warfare against their enemies both at the front and at the point where they would have gladly killed the world through nuclear holocaust if it meant that the other guys would've gone out as well.

but that's what I have always thought, just a mere theory lol :lelolidk:

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Yeah there was a huge load of "both sides bad" but commies cant look past a few feet in front of them

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Google "death of the author". It'll blow your mind

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The new left wing thing is "media literacy" where whatever themes they pull out are the only intended themes of a work and if you disagree you are a stupid chud who doesnt realize it was making fun of you :marseyindignant:

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It's like middle school english class: "ok kids you gotta do a 5 paragraph essay on this book, here is the list of theses you are allowed to write about."

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Unironically old Jewish Lives Matter directors including that libertarian polanski knew how too incorporate political and philosophical themes without overly obvious allusions or simplistic reductions that turned everything into an allegory.

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contemporary political events

And these tards don't even understand that NOBODY in the world took communism seriously in the 1990s. That's not my opinion as a chud or something, it's just a fact everywhere on the planet, even goddarn Albania.

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"Allegory is for brainlets."

-JRR Tolkien

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I've only seen media literacy as an rDrama meme, who is saying this unironically?

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It was all over twitter and bled into YT:

It even hit journos:

Issues that extend to the community as a whole, however, seem to grow more unwieldy by the day. "The thing about this game is that on the surface, it looks like a game for chuds," user Rayni said over Groomercord. "Media illiterate boogaloo boys will take the advertising at face value not realizing they're the ones being parodied, like people who unironically think Homelander is the hero of The Boys."

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Polygon as journos :turtoisevomit:

This Helldivers conversation is hilarious. "No, when I pretend to kill a bunch of stuff and run around repeating slogans, it's just ironically. The whole time, I'm just laughing at the comedic irony, there's no roleplaying or immersion, just like watching SNL. I press B repeatedly to blow this thing's head off again and again, but just for an ironic laugh because it's preposterously wrong." We're almost full circle to anti-violence in games, almost fricking there, and it's just edging me these past couple years. I need the drama from the polygon crowd to broadly come out against guns and violence in games. Jack Thompson that shit, try to get shit banned in California.

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Thanks, you're really vindicating my habit of not being on Twitter or Youtube (or reading video game journos, that should go without saying). :marseyclueless:

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Frick nugget and steve shives lmao

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Death of the Author is a valid point of view but most of the time interesting art is made by interesting people, so trying to determine how the artist's lived experiences influenced their art is fun. You wouldn't understand this because you're not an interesting person, which is why your book never hit shelves and you are compelled to skinwalk as other people.

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Whats ironic is that "death of the author" directly violates leftoid focus on identity.

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Some authors 'die' more than others. You already know which ones.

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What book? Wtf are you talking about

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:marseysurejan: how convenient that you forget about bragging about being a soon-to-be published author

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:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Good idea, comrade


:marseynotesgenocide: :marseynotesgenocide: :marseynotesgenocide: :marseynotesgenocide:

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>Man when we just ignore the author's intent and base it on contemporary ideas they say exactly what I want!

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This is profoundly ironic. The amount of smooth-brained, pseudo-intellectuals and dimwits who take that essay literally and then turn around and try to present it as a grand revelation of sorts is genuinely hilarious. It's even funnier when these same dolts try and shit on the whole "media literacy" crap.


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!bookworms !sophistry OP unironically exposing himself :marseyfacepalm:

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Your pings are boring. Sorry, bud. :marseyshrug:

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They are not.

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It always pissed me off since the games barely cared about capitalism if at all.

Even New Vegas didn't just say "capitalism bad socialism good" or blamed one single group or people. House was a capitalist who saved Vegas, the whole Casino DLC was created by a capitalist guy wanting to swoon a girl, the whole bad ghost shit existing because Big Mt forced him to allow their little experiments in exchange for funding, him not knowing much about wtf the shit is.

The series always seemed to be about war and conflict, in pursuit of human ideals. Human ideals will always bring war, will always make men kill each other as long as other men have dreams.

The master was an example of this, his goal being to end conflict by infecting people with FEV since if all people are under one idea war won't exist.

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Fallout was never a political game.

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:marseyagree: The original concept was "let's make an RPG out of Mad Max", not "let's make an RPG out of Das Kapital".

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Let's remake Wasteland

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It's been awhile since I heard the interview, but iirc they said it was just wanting to directly do Mad Max. But I can't imagine they didn't at least think of Wasteland a lot.

Kind of like Civilization. Sid Meier insists that none of it at all is based on the board game Advanced Civilization, and I mostly believe him. It obviously owes a heck of a lot to Empire and he's mentioned Sim City as an inspiration. The rules of it have very little in common with the board game. But it must have been rattling around in the back of his mind. (Also there was litigation over the name of it, so he couldn't admit it if he wanted to.)

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Fallout was only ever an improvement of Wasteland (not really an improvement, more like a slight update) so really Bethesda could always take the concept of Wasteland, throw it in blender, add a coat of paint and call it theirs :marseylickinglips:

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I tried to play Wasteland but it's got the one layer of obsolescence I can't take: There wasn't enough space on the disk to store text so they printed it out in a book and you have to look up a certain page. I still play stuff like MULE, Seven Cities of Gold, Lords of Conquest, but that's too much even for me.

Oh yeah, I need to get around to this.

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You are one of us oldstrags. How the frick does the game not know how to print those pages to the disk, even with the text on screen, wtf? How old was this game when it came out?

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It was 1988. I remember seeing that iconic picture on the front of the box going into the PC game store. :marseyboomer:

The one time I tried to play it, it was 10+ years ago. I pirated it from HomeOfTheUnderdogs (hardcore !boomers remember the ultimate abandonware site of the golden age) so I had to keep alt-tabbing to the manual constantly. Totally ruined it for me. If "remastered" means I don't have to do that I'll play. (And I really don't play party-based RPGs other than Darklands but please don't tell anyone that.) :marseysweating:

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We always knew.

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Oh boy I'm starting to feel like a boomer myself. What was it like, I can't even remember. You remember the feeling of being a kid, playing a game and feeling like you were just there. Youd click right, click left and then you'd see the game and feel amazed by something so advanced. :marseyitsover:

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>one of us oldstrags

Neighbor you're literally 1 year old

:marseybib: :marseylaugh:

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I joined rdrama the day I was born. This site is all I have.

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Literally 0 trans lives matter

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Wow you mean the game series that all start off with "War never changes" are about War and not commie bullhsit? Even the shitty Bethesda games arent anti capitalist.

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