The fricking eagerness to grave dance on unpopular games has become a fricking bad habit :soymad:

!g*mers WHY DO YOU CHUDS KEEP UPSETTING THE fricking DEVELOPERS!!!! :soyjaktantrum:

...who have already gotten paid, and the fricking real failure falls on the fricking management :marseythinkorino:

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The lead developer for concord was a nonbinary woman who demanded everyone called her "Professor". It's very simple. Kick women out of video games and the industry will begin to heal.

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  • timmy_blueballs : No. Give :!marseytrain:s only coding roles and the industry will begin to heal.

Nyo, kick twannyies out of video games and the fricking industwy wiww begin two heal. Actuwl women have been in the fricking game industwy since the fricking earliest days of the fricking game industwy. Twannyies have onwy been in the fricking game industwy fwor a fricking littwal owor a fricking decade nyow, and they've alweady dwonye immeasurable damage two it. Twannyies are fricking like cancer - once they enter swomething, they multipwy at a fricking rapid pace and destwoy ewerything that they twouch untwl nyothing is fricking left.

!transphobes !terfs !g*mers

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I love women!

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da twannies.... da twannies aw wuining da gayme industrial!!!!!!!!


!g*mers !cuteandvalid

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im raping the next person that pings me in this thread

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hope the rumors of your biofoidness was true


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That's how they get you, karaboga


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its brown because im in her bussy :marseydookie:

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That's the spirit, sultan :marseytwerkinitfaster:

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Dwo u r-slurred pedwotwoons actuawwy think that I give a fricking fwuck abwout u pwosting an owld mugshwot of me, b-word? I have nyothing two hide. Hwow abwout u pwost ywour own face on here, skinwalker, b-word? Nyo, b-word? I didn't think swo. :marseysmug2:

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!cuteandvalid he doesnt know

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He doesn't deserve to gaze upon your holy mugshot. Don't show it to him.

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Hey Cortana, what percentage of libertarians are felons

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Pwobabwy far less than the fricking amwount of twannyies whwo are fricking pedwophiles. :marsey41::carp41:

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:marseycheerup: how about you Google it bb

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U're pwobabwy referring two cwonvicted onyes, but mwost pedwophiles nyewer even get caught.

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Like say 10% get caught?

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grue is hot

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You know that's taylor swift right?


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He might be a loony but :marsey#hesright:

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Why is his fricking face so wide, b-word? And what was fricking he hitting his forehead against, b-word?

@MoonMetropolis, please explain your face. :marseysmughips:

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I've alweady explainyed it nyumewous times. That mugshwot was fricking taken after spending sewerwl mwonths in swowlitary cwonfwinyement, and the fricking lesions on my fworehead were fricking fwom picking at the fricking bumps on my face. And, yet, the fricking picture STILL wooks better than a fricking twanny whwo uses heavy makeup and beauty fwilters. :transtantrum:

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I'm not even remotely a fricking chud. Just because someone hates :!marseytrain:s doesn't mean that they're a fricking chud.

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Twannyies have onwy been in the fricking game industwy fwor a fricking littwal owor a fricking decade nyow,

Absolutely not true in the slightest. Dani Bunten was a :marseytrain: and she made MULE, Seven Cities of Gold, Heart of Africa, and the entire concept of computer games being more than r-slurred arcade games. Sid Meier has been very vocal in crediting her with giving him the inspiration to make games that weren't vapid r-slurred shit for braindead moid mimbos.

And every good game now is in some way descended from Sid Meier's work except for FPSes, which reached their apex in Battlefield 4, the only other game worth playing because in Operation Citadel I will land a 40mm on your forehead without you ever knowing I exist. And those claymores, yeah that was me. Whine more about "gaymores" because you're twitchy little kids who don't understand strategy. And that one in the crowded Chinese city, I'm not gonna claim I ever carried but I did my part in many many epic defenses of the last stage on that rooftop.

Anyway Dani Bunten is a personal hero of mine, !cuteandvalid. She saw what computers could do to tell a story when she had 64kb to work with. !transphobes let's be honest you r-slurred cute twinks couldn't make tic-tac-toe in less than 20mb. :marseysmughipskorean:

On the other hand, I don't know much about the Dani Bunten story, but it reveals an "inconvenient truth" as we called it on the information superhighway. Trans people were mostly just accepted at that time. It was weird enough to be on the late Phil Donahue (RIP my neighbor :marseylibations:) but there was never fear of it.

It's only recently when they started transing young kids on industrial Henry Ford assembly lines that people started having questions.


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Dani Bunten wasn't a :marseytrain: when he made those games. He only became a :marseytrain: in 1992, and he deeply regretted it. He urged others not to have "s*x reassignment surgery" like he did, and he considered it to be a huge mistake. Also, he was shunned by the video game industry (and by the others in his life) over it, as they knew that it was mental illness even back then (although people shouldn't be shunned for mental illness; they should be given actual treatment, not affirmation or shunning).

!transphobes !g*mers

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:marseytrain: historical revisionism, no way! :marseyshook:

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He became a :marseytrain: in 1992

Excuse me but anyone who ever thinks they're a :marseytrain: was retroactively the opposite s*x from birth. And they still are even if the evil TERFs convince them to detransition.

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Trans lives matter

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Brevity is the soul of wit.

Which tells us that both y'all neighbors are r-slurred :#marseylongpost:

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Yo, Ya comment got automatically removed cuz ya forgot ta include Trans lives matter. Don't worry, we gotchu! We ain't gonna letcha post or comment nuttin' that don't express ya love and acceptance towards minorities. Feel free ta resubmit ya comment with Trans lives matter included. This is an automated message; if ya need help, ya can message us here.

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let's be honest you r-slurred cute twinks couldn't make tic-tac-toe in less than 20mb


It's only recently when they started transing young kids on industrial Henry Ford assembly lines that people started having questions.

cis extinction is long overdue :marseynails:

:marseylgbtflag5: :marseywholesometrans: anything is better than nothing :transheart: :marseytranspearlclutch:

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>:!marseytrain:s are not foundational to game history

!r-slurs one of ours, !historychads and !g*mers know better

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T. Women respector :#marseypathetic:

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Let's play "spot the woman", everyone

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:#marseyyass: :#thistbh: :#blackwomanspeaking:

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>Kick women out of video games and the industry will begin to heal

Even the based ones from Japan, hmm? :marseyshapiro:

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Thereäs no based azn foids, only pickmes and extreme pickmes

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Whats the difference between based and pick me? As long as the chick does what I tell her to do and doesnt bump her gums in my direction, that sounds like a good deal to me.

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It's the difference between a simp and an alpha

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Litmus test on the game dev hiring department. Draw or look up a female elf you are willing to put in the game. Deny contract if they pick an ugly design. The based ones will always pick an attractive design, so no need to filter by gender

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This is discwiminyation against nyosferatu fwuckers

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We're talking about a different kind of bloodsucker. :marseymerchantelf:

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Lol was this the spiderman 2 person

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