Indie Game Dev :marseysoyhype: does marriage update without gay :marseyhomofascist: marriage included, mild shitstorm :marseyjanny: ensues.

Low effort post, I'm sort of annoyed by this shit for the reason I'll put at the end. I'm sure there is some more context to dig but eh.

Some indie dev adds marriage to this game and asked "Where are all the cute twinks" he replies with this

This causes a mild shitstorm as per usual, with a homo indie dev then posting a callout post

Our other indie dev then responds

Suprise suprise, the reddit jannies are against OUR GUY game dev, not that it matters since he's laughing to the bank with new chud dollars.

I'm not going to lie, it's sort of embarrassing how easily you can market to chuds as long as you create a twitter shitstorm. Guess at least they buy games to "own teh wokes"

I totally buy these game devs doing this fake beef shit hoping to go viral to shill their own games.

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>leftoids using le funny green meme arrows in a Xigger post

um sweetie thats Cultural Appropriation sis :marseyyass:

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¿Are polish snowbunnies bvilt 4 bbc? @BWC @Regan @Kang-PrimeTimeline

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I don't really mind since they always frick the ugliest broads. It leaves fine butt chocolate queens for us yt boys and if they reproduce it makes a light skin with daddy issues. Win win.

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Yeah walking BBCs almost always go either for overweight fatties, ugly broads, or foids that are about to hit the wall.

>light skin mutts

It depends tbf honestly. Most mixed raced mutts end up being the ugliest people in existence sharing the worst traits of each father, unless it is a quadroon or a lightskin which gives them plumpy lips and an butt :horny:.

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Bitching and moaning about muh ancestors because Redditors :marseysoypoint2: attacked you for hating Strags is very Poolish yes.

A balkanoid would :marseymid: have just responded with slurs, death :marseycarpocide: threats, more slurs :marseyswear: and some sort of spiteful in game mechanic.

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Polish """"people""" are as annoying as kimchicels or irish. Both b-word and moan from their neighbors while sucking up to them. Specially polish that are working gypsies within the territory of europe, filling jobs wherever they can, whose only purpose is to beat jeets in who can take the most jobs at the worst conditions possible.

There was an icelandic man who said:

A frenchman, a german, and an icelandic gathered in the top of the tower Eiffel. The frenchman threw a baguette because there are lots of baguettes in France. The german threw a pretzel because there are lots of pretzels in germany, and the icelandic man threw a polish from the tower, because there are a lot of polish people in iceland :marseydisconcerting:.

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That joke is awful.

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:marseyflagpoland: Polska Gurom :marseyflagpoland: poland superpower 2030 :marseypolandflag:

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tbf that reddit post title is absolutely sensationalized and just some own the libs self sucking, I would have removed it too

also reeeeepooooost :marseybooing:

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Indie game dev beef is apparently the new very gay zoomer version of rap battles.

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>implying that rap battles aren't embarrassingly homosexual

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You know rap battles are rehearsed bullshit because they never culminate how they naturally would otherwise :kissin:

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You misspelled "beautifully" :marseyhomofascist:

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Killing people and not adding gay s*x into vidya is kinda the same tbh

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>outraged by an accusation, group does exactly what it is accused of

chad move tbdesu

It's kanye vs jews all over again, just with more pathetic fighters

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frick the jews

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generational trauma, but unwoke :marseyunamused:

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Repost but it was a long time ago (within like 4 days maybe? Idk for sure) so i forgive you

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What's really weird is that I was already following this guy looking for indie gamea a year ago

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>Bounding into Comics


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Poles are the mayoest monkeys around but have a chud card after WW2

Slavs in general can get away with this

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Nazis did not explicitly hunt down and kill gay people until Hitler thought Ernst Röhm (leader of the Brown Shirts and well known bussy blaster) was a threat to his power.

Then he used his bussy blasting skills as an excuse to kill him (and 200 other people in his own party).

Liberals are fricking uneducated r-slurs.

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