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Creator of Bloodborne Kart seethes after being traumatised by nonconsensual award giving

So some chuds recently made a game awards show called "The Real Game Awards" as an ostensible competitor to the woke and cringe game awards shows run by games journos. The intent I guess is that real g*mers will give awards to games that are good instead of just giving the award to the gayest person with the pinkest hair even if their games were shit

Iconic celebrities such as the angry video game nerd even hosted it


This cost 30,000 dollars by the way

Anyway, one of the awards went to Bloodborne Kart/Nightmare Kart, an homage to PS1 kart games with a Bloodborne theme made by a :marseytrain:, b0tster

The :marseytrain: thinks that this is somehow an epic own because they gave the award to a trans person which surely must be a mistake because le chuds obviously only care about white supremacy or whatever


Twitter responds by pointing out that they gave the award because they liked their game and they don't care if someone is trans so long as they're not a weird freak about it


b0tster responds by hiding all the comments about how they just wanted to give an award to a good game, but keeping all the harsher comments so they look like more of a victim



when that isn't working and they're still getting called out they decide it was illegal to give them an award


finally they just melt down and lock their account completely


twitter is still full of people dunking on theythem. as is ever the case, trans people can't just take a win and have to be weird about it. also the trans woman indie game dev obsessed with ps1 graphics calls themselves lilith btw


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The trannification of Bloodborne must be studied. They genuinely think all the stuff that is supposed to be disgusting and revolting and eldritch horror is "cool", "womanly" and "motherly".

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Bloodborne was a great game, From Software's best after Demon's Souls.

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Nah, way too many baffling design decisions. Frenzy. Farmable heal items are back for some r-slurred reason. Cannot rest at lamp to refill vials / bullets. Logarius runback. Chalice dungeons. Plot somehow even more cryptic than Dark Souls. Bloodtinge. Blood gems.

Sekiro is their best game.

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Sekiro was the one where you actually had to get good at the game. Every other one you can overlevel to make bosses easy.

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The only actual issues you mentioned are blood vials and maybe blood gems :marseysmughips:

We're still complaining about runbacks in 2025? And if it weren't for the r-slurred blood gem system, chalice dungeons would have been a great bonus (and let's be honest, you only really need to farm blood gems if you are trying to do some neurodivergent bloodtinge or arcane build, and there are custom chalice dungeons that have been found for easy farming anyway).

Bloodborne has the best lore out of any FS game don't @ me :marseyindignant:

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Cute twink. Also you're gay.

Armored Core has the best lore. I LOVE NINE-BALL I LOVE NINE-BALL I LOVE NINE-BALL :marseytrollcrazy:

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>Cute twink. Also you're gay.

Stop flirting with me wtf :marseyflirt:

The Lovecraft shit is just way too cool and well implemented, especially if you weren't spoiled on that part, too bad you aren't gigabrained enough to understand :marseyteehee:

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I just think it's very poorly communicated to the player.

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How soon we forget the cultural phenomenon that was Dark Souls 1.

Which is in fact better than Demons Souls for PS3. :marseyserioushatfact:

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I can sort of buy it. The game gives you the option of interpreting some of the frickshit as good, just far departed from normal human standards. Like Christianity is a cannibal death cult from a certain point of view. Maybe there's something worth celebrating in the baby squid ending, it just requires accepting that humanity is not the ultimate moral good. The sublime is scary, and to embrace it may require our own destruction, yet some of us pursue it all the same.

However, I think that the head chop ending is the true good ending, and everything else is madness.

I think From games are usually truly open to interpretation, but the fanbase are so obsessed with "hidden" lore and edginess that they wrap around to declaring that Kaathe and the baby squid ending are objectively good and there's no nuance. I believe the Frenzied Flame ending of Elden Ring is actually a meta joke about this; at first it seems like a cool alternate anti-capitalist-cycle path for only the most skillful and lorestraggy g*mers, but the deeper you go the more obvious it is that it's just an unambiguously cartoon evil ending. Do you persevere with kneejerk contrarianism and doom the world, or do you stop yourself in time? !g*mers

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>he doesn't want to be reborn as a Great Old Squid


Imagine the possibilities! You could fill her every hole :marseynut: !coomers

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Sekiro chads win again :#marseyweeb:

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Every coin has three sides

our Thalassic mother is also a murderer

Nature is big

idk. You're kind of a BIPOC. But I forgive you. @BILLYBIGBOLLOCKS !schizos !followers

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nono see the evil monsters are actually just trans people who are being forced to live as their birth gender instead of ascending as a being of pure womanliness.

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Men desperately twisting themselves into a facsimile of something they cannot be is pretty in line with the stuff in fromsoft's games

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But what if I just like customizing a giant robot.

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heck yeah

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it has a lot of stuff involving motherhood and babies in relation to the eldrich beings and whatnot, which really makes it ironic that tranners who CANNOT HAVE CHILDREN act like it somehow applies to them...

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Reminder that she charges $855 for a single blender model because why else would you commission a 3d modeler unless you actually wanted the source files for further use. I bet game industry pros wish they could charge that rate :marseyxd: !furries Bunlith is one of my fav grifters. Very mediocre work which only bolstered by her popufur rat king status


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thos prices arent outrageous for 3d furry art, but the pricing for the style/quality might be a bit high. thats on the lower end of the price range for vtuber models.

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frick I need to stop doing birds for free

I'm wasting my talents on this site :marseyindignant:

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1000 jimmybux for sexy jimmy carter peanut statue birdmoji

this is not a fricking request, it is a fricking demand

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in progres

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Trans women are women, chud. :marseyannoyed: And we hate women here. :marsey:

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Obviously, her workflow isn't like a Game development, artist, why would she price based off that?

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Just saying $855 for that quality isnt worth it for a single blender file 0 animation . Furries are just r-slurs who treat commissions as luxury fashion rather then actual art

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that sounds more like art than the professional mass media people refer to as art these days

That being said the pricing definitely indicates bun either hates mapping proper or has a workflow entirely unsuited to it lmao

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this :marseytrain: btw was pegged by SNOY previously


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17381838287fow3Z8qJjOeWw.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738183829LUi340Et5OcLxA.webp xthey btw

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Same autism face as the Bloodborne-obsessed :marseytrain2: from Easy Allies :marseynooticeglow:

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>black dress with fuggly, beat up brown boots

!fashion GET XIR :marseyraging:

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My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hon

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@jesus and @X are drooling rn

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Partisanship is a cult. They can't accept people liking something they've created based on merit if they don't agree with everything they believe. Can you win with these people? :marseyconfused2:

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In her defense, the "well intentioned" guy who was interacting with her immediately used her deciding to not interact with him as incendiary ammo to say "see she's just a snowflake who can't stand not making everything woke". Completely proved her point.

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I mean she also kinda proved his point by immediately acting like a snowflake so it kinda seems like they were made for each other

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@BWC wheres the pic with the chud and the roon jaks

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fr fr


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No, he was pointing out that the :marseytrain: was hiding his post but not the negative replies to hold up a victim narrative.

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Literally how r-slur? Craig didn't like that he was being called a transphobe or that his show was "anti-woke". She shit talked him first, I fail to see how he started it unless I turn off my brain and bash it in like you.

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Chuds act like BIPOCs then complain about being kept at arms length

This is what people mean by "bad faith"

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But the person literally started it by insulting the person based off a stereotype

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Chuds act like BIPOCs


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This is why I use the N word so much

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Maybe she shouldn't sperg out like an r-slured :marseytrain: then :marseyquestion:

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:#marseysurejan: :!#marseysurejan:

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I really cannot fathom why people are so keen on screwing over the transes

A mystery for the ages

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>Best Nintendo IP


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>No Metroid


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Literally the only good thing to come out of Nintendo :marseyitsover:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738224233iTqf4swbXVxt0Q.webp :marseymommymilkers:

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tfw no Fire Emblem kart



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TO THE THARJAMOBILE! :marseycoomer2: :marseyblacked:

https://i.redd.it/7mjmlzioqkta1.jpeg !fireemblem !g*mers !weebs

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Wow, these are trash

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Bunlith is trans? The more you know

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You're really out of the game if you can't automatically connect a fur and Lilith and get train

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I thought it was just an OC tbh

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Nah there is some weird subculture involving bunny girls and boys and it's all gooner centric

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What happened to good old fashioned porn addiction

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It's a hunger that knows no end or depth. There always needs to be something weirder and more taboo

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>best jiggle physics

>Shitty butt game of the year by AVGN

:marseyboomer: heck yeah

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what's the thing with people talking about new vegas and :marseytrain2:s?

it's a good game and didn't make me want to chop it off

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didn't make me want to chop it off


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Trans women love new vegas. They assume this is because they're trans and nobody else likes it as much as they do. They are wrong, because new vegas is loved by neurodivergents generally. However because they're neurodivergents they are incapable of realizing other people's internal realities and so cannot understand that it's the autism that's the common factor.

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my first FO game was Fallout. I'd say that NV is the "true" part 3 and is most like how you would play the originals.

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They always name themselves Lillith

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Good to see Stuttering Craig is still getting some work. Haven't seen him since I used to watch ScrewAttack Top 10s as an neurodivergent child.

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What an unlikable :faggot: . I guess I shouldn't be surprised when I see both of those flags in a name.

P.S. Is there a way to filter usernames with those emoji in their names? So far I've only been able to filter out posts that have specific characters in them.

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How it started how its going

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