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BioWare Studio Update – BioWare Blog: A core team at BioWare is developing the next Mass Effect game under the leadership of veterans from the original trilogy, including Mike Gamble, Preston Watamaniuk, Derek Watts, Parrish Ley, and others. In keeping with our fierce commitment to innovating during the development and delivery of Mass Effect, we have challenged ourselves to think deeply about delivering the best experience to our fans. :marseyclueless:





!g*mers !chuds

Hello Everyone,

Today, we are turning towards the future and preparing for the next chapter in BioWare's story. As we announced in August 2023, we are changing how we build games to meet the needs of our upcoming projects and hold ourselves to the highest quality standards.

Now that Dragon Age: The Veilguard has been released, a core team at BioWare is developing the next Mass Effect game under the leadership of veterans from the original trilogy, including Mike Gamble, Preston Watamaniuk, Derek Watts, Parrish Ley, and others.

In keeping with our fierce commitment to innovating during the development and delivery of Mass Effect, we have challenged ourselves to think deeply about delivering the best experience to our fans. We are taking this opportunity between full development cycles to reimagine how we work at BioWare.

Given this stage of development, we don't require support from the full studio. We have incredible talent here at BioWare, and so we have worked diligently over the past few months to match many of our colleagues with other teams at EA that had open roles that were a strong fit.

Today's news will see BioWare become a more agile, focused studio that produces unforgettable RPGs. We appreciate your support as we build a new future for BioWare.

Gary McKay

General Manager, BioWare

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this seems like a soft closure with a full closure and mass effect cancellation coming either next fiscal year or in a friday news dump when nobody is paying attention !g*mers

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:marseyagreesuperspeed: All !nooticers can read between the lines here. The most Mass Effect g*mers will see in the future is a microtransaction for Asari skins on your football slop.

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I would pay $60 USD(American) for Madden Asari Bikini Football 2026

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I've never paid for microtransactions frick the big Corps.

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The best our customers want completely controlled by the high standards of Sweet Baby Inc.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Look they may be shit games but they got cheap investment due to a high ESG score and in the end isn't that what really matters?

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It's time to take bioware out back and put a bullet in their head, they done pulled a Bharv

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What's a Bharv?

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When you drink too much on a Friday night, you bharv all over the backseat of the taxi.

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:redlight: :redlight: :redlight:

The lead writer for dragon age the Veilguard is part of those laid off.

How it started:

After almost a decade of brainstorming and debating, designing and revising, getting knocked down and getting back up again, the hard work of the whole Veilguard team has paid off. I am so grateful to everyone who believed in us, and I hope the game is a warm light on a dark evening for you.

Trick Weekes (@trickweekes.bsky.social) 2024-10-31T22:34:48.120Z

How it's going:

I'm now looking for a new writing/narrative position. It's been a privilege to work with so many amazing devs over my 20 years at BioWare, and I will cherish the memories of the wonderful folks in the community I've met along the way. Thank you all.

Trick Weekes (@trickweekes.bsky.social) 2025-01-29T22:58:09.452Z

Bonus lore he's been at BioWare for over 10 years. He wrote the companion Mordin in Mass Effect.

Also his wife, also a veteran at BioWare was also laid off but I don't really know what she did.

Hello! I’m looking for work, ideally in an editor role. It’s been an honor to work with so many talented professionals, and a pleasure to meet so many amazing community members, in my 19 years at BioWare. I’m so grateful to all of you.

Karin West-Weekes (@karinww.bsky.social) 2025-01-29T22:58:08.742Z

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A lot more than that got laid off. The strag who made the transition and pushup scenes in the game has been laid off too !chuds we're so back :chudspin:


One of them unironically said "folx" in their laid off message you cant make this shit up :marseyrofl: :chudconcerned:


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lol well shit he's married. I woulda pegged him as gay. wtf kinda straight guy would write that NB slop?

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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He identified as nonbinary now

Patrick > Trick

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Trick was once Patrick Weekes, right? So he transitioned at some point during development?

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He transitioned from competent writer to wingcuck schizoposter.

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He wrote Mordin? But Mordin was amazing.

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please just kill off mass effect already

it died when u let the lead writer go,

and this attempt at sustaining a zombie is just painful

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It's not like the best parts of Mass Effect were the setting, which was mostly ripped off from Kotor Star Wars anyways (Twileks became all female Asari, Force became Biotics, Jedi became Spectres etc). Nu-Bioware used to be great at character fan-service and party banter. Not that those two things make for great RPGs, it's just those were like the only two things that made those games compelling. These days Bioware can't even do it's lame fan-service for tumblr and reddit formula that made Inquisition sell like crazy.

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It's not like the best parts of Mass Effect were the setting, which was mostly ripped off from Kotor Star Wars anyways (Twileks became all female Asari, Force became Biotics, Jedi became Spectres etc)

The truth hurts.

:marseysad: :marseygiveup: :marseysulk:

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Kotor was probably the best thing to come out of the entire SW franchise, films included, cmv

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I can't

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An Ewok Adventure would like a word

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@PeepeeButtKiss loved the setting, Star Wars is a little too fantasy imo

Trans lives matter

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The original ME1 setting minus the Reapers would have been great tbh. Just exploring that world as space cop Shepard would have been great and it didn't need any weird plot gimmicks that the Reaper narrative caused.

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Was this when they gave up on the ME3 Dark Energy story and decided to go with the RGB endings? Can't believe Marauder Shields died for that crap

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It's gonna be shit :marseydisagree:

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And it'll force Liara on you who is annoying :!marseydisagree:

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You never met pb

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I actually did meet PB or however you spell that

I let her girlfriend fall into the lava :marseysmug2:

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They name the character Pb and you can't even fill her with lead...

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Good joke!

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I forgot how dumb that shit was. What an r-slured game.

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I don't find her inherently annoying, but the romance feels really fake. And I don't like how they basically act like she's the canon pick

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All of Mass Effect is just Liara's seething fanfiction. It's part of the time capsule she made in ME3


Shephard's canon love interest was Jenkins. Liara was jealous so she killed off his character at the very beginning of her version.

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I look forward to playing as EnbyShep

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In the year 2025, players on Earth discovered the remains of an ancient video game series. In the decades that followed, these mysterious artifacts revealed startling new insights, enabling prospective buyers to know whether a game would be good without even playing it. The basis for this incredible ability was an observation of the obesity rate at development studios.

They called it the greatest discovery in gaming history.

The peoples of the Internet call it...


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GabeN lost the weight and Valve doesn't make games anymore, this checks out

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Just go make your writers go watch shit like Aliens so they can write some scifi without sounding like a zoomer.

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Wowsers! I feel like I know these "veterans" already. What an adventure.

The things they must've seen..

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