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They don't make new pokemon spinoff games anymore, just mobile slop :marseygiveup:

I get it, mobile games cost about the same but make like 10x more money if you are a big brand like pokemon, but it's depressing because pokemom has had so many cool collaboration with other studio.

In the early switch era the spinoffs we got were fantastic (Mystery Dungeon, Pokken, and Snap), and the studio who worked on them were unironicly better and more competent then modern gamefreak nowadays with their new games.

However over thr last 4-5ish years they realized how lucrative the mobile game market is and stopped caring about full fledged side games, even the main games have significantly less content because they treat them as live service with the "raid" systems, which sucks because you have no single player content left.

I was stupidly hoping for a new Mystery Dungeon or Pokken tbh :marseytabletired2:


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Also I don't like how Legends-AZ has the same artstyle as Gen 9, movement and battles look stilted too.

Legend Arcues being good was a fluke because it was directed by the guy who oversaw B/W 2 and HG/SS, aka the last director who gives a shit at Gamefreak

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Lol look at this texture in the new game.


Most profitable gaming company btw


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:marseysad: I was really hopeful for AZ because XY always felt like they could've been great with more time in the oven.

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Pokemon :marcusgiratina: died when they realized they can make the games :marseygamer: as quickly and cheaply as possible and it has zero effect on sales. Just coasting off brand recognition forever :marseymoidmoment:

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>Typedo cancelled out of the franchise

>replaced with TEPIG

Total Meganium (soon-to-be MegaMeganium) victory :marseyxd:


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They choose 3 of probably my least favorite starters lol

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I'm a huge fan of Meganium so I'm pretty happy it's getting a grass/fairy typing buff and a mega. Not buying the game or a Switch though.

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I'm a huge fan of Meganium


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:marseyagreesuperspeed: My favorite pokemon are everything Giovanni has ever used (except Rhyperior) but Meganium's very cool.

Ryhorn is the perfect design and not even the move to those awful 3d models could make him look lame.


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I'm happy for you then!

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piplup and squirtle were the only good starters

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They need to do something besides the Fire, Water, Grass trio over and over. I will never stop saying this :marseyindignant:

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I'm fine with it as long as they give the starters cool secondary types, but gen 8 and 9 didn't

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They keep forgetting metal and earth



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Chikorita is my spirit Pokémon

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Typhlosion already got some glazing in a better game (PL:A). The only thing that mystifies me is that they used the other 2 Johto starters with an unused Unova starter instead of replacing 1 of them with an unused Alola one, to follow PL:A's pattern.

I always hated how Litten turned into a bipedal furry wrestler. They could've used this as an opportunity to fix the Shitten line.

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Typhlosion already got some glazing in a better game (Arceus).

He flew too close to the sun there and got new lore. It's over for him now. Shuffled off into the backroom, never to be seen by the public again.


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Incineroar is already a shill mon and loved because its just too good, but yeah i hate it because it's just a fursuit wrestler

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Pokemon games are legit boring as frick. It's okay to have nostalgia but also grow up. There's nothing there for you anymore

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Nah, gens 1-5 feel very refreshing to play after I play a longer grindy tradition jrpg lol

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:marseytrain: like pokeman?? No friggin wayy!

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Mystery Dungeons Blue and Sky are still the best the franchise has ever had

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Play literally any other monster collecting game.

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No thanks I get kitty

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Frfr, I the only one I ever played was diamond back in school on a friends nintendo, and at the time I liked it since I was a kid and didnt play much vidya at the time. But then I tried it again on an emulator on my phone a few years ago, and darn the game sucks lol. Its boring, but even worse, it wastes so much of your time to drag out your playtime. Sometimes through backtracking, but the worst is constantly being roped into battles when you just wanna go somewhere. Mf trainer kids leave me alone or Im gonna beat your butt.

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I think it's just knowing the mobile market has way more expansion opportunities for them.

As weeb-y as Pokémon can be I think it still has general market appeal for normies who weren't going to buy a switch.

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Yeah but they are the most profitable media empire maybe ever, they have no excuse not to be chucking money at developer who have a track record of making good games to make spinoffs for them.

It's good advertising for people who don't like core pokemon but instead a different genre of games to get into their merch ecosystems imo.

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I think they do have an excuse when these mobile games get more money back than a spinoff switch game would :marseyshrug:

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Yeah, when that mobile card game got released a few months back, all my coworkers got into it. They're all normie dudes, 25 to 40 year olds; some of them didn't even play the games as kids.

I think a couple of them are still playing it to this day

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I stopped caring about the franchise when they saw "card games on motorcycles" and thought they could do even better with "the Pokémon ARE the motorcycles".

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Card games :marseyminecraftcat: on motorcycles was actually :marseyakshually: cool though.

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9 Gen rideable legendaries would have been fun if the game ran at a framerate that wasn't worse then Ocarina of Time on a native n64

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I shamefully have to admit I think the MOBA isn't terrible, only mobile-style slop I can actually play

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I had a :soyjakwow: coworker who loved it because the chat was limited and "you can't be abusive like in League"

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Thats literally the only reason to play league

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didn't nintendo just make a spin off for the switch

and are making a sequel to that spin off

or does open world pokemon not count

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The "open-world" Legend games are mainseries because they are make by gamefreak. I consider them the same as new pokemom generations

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what about pokemon snap there was one on the switch

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Snap is a spinoff because it has no gameplay ties to the main series. I don't think it was developed by gamefreak either

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i think there was a mystery dungeon game on switch too. and a detective game.

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Yes, and those were not developed by gamefreak...

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i only read the title of the thread but it seems like they make non mobile spin offs to me :hmph:

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Yeah but all the ones you listed are from 5 years ago, I'm saying they don't nowadays lol

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Remember Pokémon Conquest?


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Loved that game, still kicking myself for losing my cartridge when it goes for over $80 to get a new one nowadays lol

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surely you can just play it on an emulator these days, right bb?

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For sure and I probably will but real hardware feel better to me so it is what I go for if the game isn't scalped to death

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Just buy a DSi for like $60 and mod it to run .nds files off of an SD card, then all ds games are free and it's on legit hardware


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Flash carts are okay but they don't let you leave a save file and go back it which is my issue with them, at that point I might as well just emulate it

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? if you mod a 3DS to do NDS ROMs you'll just get a save file you can back up.

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it looks like shit. The only okay part is AZ and Floette in it.

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It looked too bright and the textures looked lazy, plus I think gen 9 characters look uncanny imo

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it's absolute garbage, possibly worse than Ps2 graphics. None of the characters look memorable at all. I think it's millennial/zoomer influence.

AZ looked better in XY, which is just remarkable.

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Pokémon hasn't been good for a long time , they will always play it as safe as possible to keep the infinite money train going

Palworld was good though !

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IDK Arceus seems broadly loved by the community.

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Yeah but the full game spinoff were always good, because the developer they give the IP to always cared about making as good of a game as possible (probably due to pressure from The Pokemon Company lol)

That why I'm saying its a shame they huck money at mobile games and not developers that actually make good games.

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they announced coliseum 3

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Its for mobile devices unfortunately

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and console

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