This is the biggest loophole in the history of loopholes. If Brooks gets acquitted on these , he can legally be shot as he’s being taken out of the courtroom!
Then you can go walk up to George Soros and shoot him in cold blood, and declare that you can’t be touched because you have the right to face your accuser!
Of course, in that case the glowies can legally shoot you in turn. It’ll probably be a while before the dust fully settles after we literally legalize murder. Maybe we’ll end up with a mutual agreement that if you’re murdered, a fictitious entity is entitled to press charges on your behalf even after you’re dead, to stop the cycle of revenge and deter future murderers?
No, that outcome’s probably too fanciful, but I did read a play about it once.
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OldMoneyShill 2yr ago#2923430
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Is this a common law court or an admiralty court?
I am not Darrell Brooks, I am a third party intervener, here on behalf of my client
I wonder if he has any sort of strategy beyond the sovcit thing or if he's genuinely thinking that this trial is rigged against him and wants to show the jury that. The way he talks and acts reminds me of so many people I've met with 0 social awareness but a ton of confidence. Like the kind of people who raise their hand in first year college classes to try and argue with the professor about something they know nothing about.
He very, very, clearly has no plan. Probably thinks he might as well wing it since it's open and shut and at least he gets to be famous and feel important for a minute.
His completely inane line of questioning is hilarious. He has to ask everybody if they know the State of Wisconsin, objects to everything, b-words under his breath because he doesn’t know the law, and has a general victim complex.
He's a career criminal, s*x offender with no self-awareness. A real nincompoop.
Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or my thoughts on age of consent laws
Tommytommy 2yr ago#2924938
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🌈🌟We are moved to tears by the sheer size of this thing.🌟🌈
August 2yr ago#2922174
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Part of me thinks he may be trying to trigger an outburst from the judge, from which he might try to derive a mistrial? To be fair, I don’t know much about that, but he’s clearly fricking stupid, too, so it’s okay for me to make conjecture.
Jesus loves all INCLUDING leftwingers and LGBT and minorities
lmao 2yr ago#2922108
spent 0 currency on pings
she looks like one of those porn acresses with a 10/10 face and tits that put on a shit costume as role playing, especially with the "Nerd" glasses that she obviously dont need and only makes her look the more hotter as we can save her from the evil nerds
They should cut the front off a jeep wrangler and put it above where he's sitting and when they read the jewry's not guilty smash him with and say "grouns"
This fricking jig will receive three hots and a cot for probably 40 years before finally dying behind bars. The aggregate cost of housing Mr. Subject Matter Jurisdiction and humoring his inevitable appeals will likely stretch into the low seven figures.
Her honor has acted like a saint during this ordeal, and I’ve been watching the streams since it started. I’m only thankful that she hasn’t blown up at him like I do the TV when he opens his stupid fricking mouth to ask “buh wudden it be fair to say” for the sixth hundred time.
He and every other sovereign citizen approach the law and their understanding of it as if there is a sequence of words that, once uttered, act like “cheat codes”. It’s their self confidence and arrogance that fricking kills me. Not like being driven over by an SUV kills, but really annoying.
But only in his capacity, accepted value for value, as a representative agent accompanying the legal and civil (diminutive necessarily, like for like as where applies and with equal value for share) person or personage of one titled for legal disclosure as Darrell Brooks.
Fricking CHRIST
He will have all the time in the world to find some. That’s the only good thing we will extract from him as he serves his meaningless life behind bars.
They tend to find god because after the world leaves them behind, there’s nothing else to either rail against or proffer your everything up to BUT faith.
And when it comes to faith, I suspect if he’s honest, he will acknowledge coming to terms with what he’s done and marrying that to God feels just like circling a great cosmic drain.
Good. Heck isn’t real, but maybe he might one day make it for himself.
If he must live, I want him to have access to all of the books of every great library, so he can see WHAT HE COULD HAVE BEEN, only so that later he can understand what he took from his victims.
Heck is repetition and even GROWTH, because in Heck, you SHOULD grow, you should see what you could have been, what your victims could have been, and you should be like Sisyphus, just pushing the rock, over and under and up and back over again to no end, no god among you for comfort but only occasionally there again to remind you that you’ll do this until you are dead.
I actually felt bad for the cop witness at the parade who said he shot at the driver to stop the threat. While he's sitting here listening to he has to live with knowing that he had one chance to legally end this dipshit's life if he were a better shot.
Tay Tay's last viable egg as it cries out "Whyyyy didn't you fertilize meeee???" 2yr ago#2922202
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Lmao his face at the end. Nothing convinces a jury that you definitely didn't murder several people better than staring down the judge like you want to murder her
remember when that dude drove an suv through a parade around christmas? this was the guy that did that. he has been representing himself in court, and it has been one of the funniest things this year
Firstly Mr Brooks is not what you would call a very intelligent man. He is fairly stupid, so I don't think there is much of a motive.
What seems to have happened was that Brook's girlfriend and babymomma, who lived at a homeless shelter, said she was going to give Brooks some money. Brooks drove to collect the money, but the girlfriend said that she wouldn't give him any money. So, he got really mad and plowed through the parade.
Does it make sense? No. But there really isn't a better explanation.
Lurtaylr/swift Drink Pepsi 2yr ago#2922199
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Is it just me or does this judge sound like a moron. She cant express herself without walking in verbal circles 5 times. Listening to her talk is extremely painful
Preoccupied and dedicated to the preservation of the motion of hips Lur 2yr ago#2922434
Edited 2yr ago
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I wouldn't say she's a moron but definitely a girlboss hire used to dealing with kissass lawyers. On the one hand it would be funny to see how a grumpy old white dude would handle this, but the fact that she is a woman clearly irritates Brooks which is dramaphilic.
Official Sysco®️ representative for marginalized social community inclusion
Lur 2yr ago#2923590
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You should watch how the prosecution explained their concerns about video timestamps for replay on cross. Absolutely loopy and repeating for minutes. Maybe there's something in the water.
Everyone's optimistically acting like Brooks is just r-slurred and that if they repeat things enough that it'll get through his skull. Basically the lawyer equivelant of speaking reeaaaallllly slooowwwllly
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kaptnynol_k_roolotyl 2yr ago#2924042
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Is that a ?
I am not Darrell Brooks, I am a third party intervener, here on behalf of my client
Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or my thoughts on age of consent laws
2yr ago#2924972
spent 0 currency on pings
This guy's voice sounds exactly like my schizo ex-roommate which makes it funnier. I only wish that he was the one about to go to prison for life. Dude was a next-level piece of shit.
This account is verified because they are subscribed to Twitter Blue and verified their phone number
HeyMoon 2yr ago#2925020
spent 0 currency on pings
Is that a ?
I am not Darrell Brooks, I am a third party intervener, here on behalf of my client
Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or my thoughts on age of consent laws
HeyMoon 2yr ago#2926548
Edited 2yr ago
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My ex-roommate literally tried to frame me for a crime. He used a copy of my key to unlock my door, put bullets into my ammo box and then called the police telling me that he was in fear for his life. The only reason I caught him is because he was moving out later that week and I thought he might get violent, so as I was loading my guns to make sure I was ready for any potential violence I noticed the bullets that he had put into my ammo case. (They were 45 caliber, so they didn't fit any of my guns which is how I noticed the discrepancy - that and he didn't have time to lock the door afterwards because I must have got back too soon, so my room was open which is what got me suspicious in the first place.) Fortunately the police officer didn't look in my room, and when I found the bullets I took them in to the police and reported this incident.
No sexualizing minors, even as a joke. This includes cartoons.
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"Im a GROWN BUTT MAN" 50 million black men have used this phrase as justification for poor behavior
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did he use "axe you"???
or am i hearing it wrong?
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lol, he did, and has been many, many times over the course of the trial
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gonna watch the trial then, this is too good
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At one point the judge had to explain to him there is no T is bias
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Is the state of wisconsin in the room right now
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have you ever spoken to the state of wisconsin
did the state of wisconsin ever speak to you
who would you say is the plantiff in this matter
would it be fair to say that the state of wisconsin is not a person
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Hopefully he gets access to the vehicle and runs down more people
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He's freed on the condition that he go to Ukraine and mow down some Russians
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This is the biggest loophole in the history of loopholes. If Brooks gets acquitted on these
, he can legally be shot as he’s being taken out of the courtroom!
Then you can go walk up to George Soros and shoot him in cold blood, and declare that you can’t be touched because you have the right to face your accuser!
Of course, in that case the glowies can legally shoot you in turn. It’ll probably be a while before the dust fully settles after we literally legalize murder. Maybe we’ll end up with a mutual agreement that if you’re murdered, a fictitious entity is entitled to press charges on your behalf even after you’re dead, to stop the cycle of revenge and deter future murderers?
No, that outcome’s probably too fanciful, but I did read a play about it once.
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Is this a common law court or an admiralty court?
I am not Darrell Brooks, I am a third party intervener, here on behalf of my client
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Did none of the victims survive? Jeez
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I mean plenty did i think some testified but he was only accused by the state of wisconsin
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He spent seven minutes asking a witness why he was testifying in court (the witness is legally obligated to due to being subpoenaed)
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He was paid to being a cop
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I wonder if he has any sort of strategy beyond the sovcit thing or if he's genuinely thinking that this trial is rigged against him and wants to show the jury that. The way he talks and acts reminds me of so many people I've met with 0 social awareness but a ton of confidence. Like the kind of people who raise their hand in first year college classes to try and argue with the professor about something they know nothing about.
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He's just a remarkably dumb sociopath.
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The most entertaining kind!
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Unironically way more entertaining than Hannibal Lecter.
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He very, very, clearly has no plan. Probably thinks he might as well wing it since it's open and shut and at least he gets to be famous and feel important for a minute.
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it's pronounced impornint
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His completely inane line of questioning is hilarious. He has to ask everybody if they know the State of Wisconsin, objects to everything, b-words under his breath because he doesn’t know the law, and has a general victim complex.
He's a career criminal, s*x offender with no self-awareness. A real nincompoop.
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"Under what lawful law?"
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i think that this is it, also i think he is just r-slurred and has no plan
some people have suggested he is just delaying the inevitable because court is nicer than jail
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Part of me thinks he may be trying to trigger an outburst from the judge, from which he might try to derive a mistrial? To be fair, I don’t know much about that, but he’s clearly fricking stupid, too, so it’s okay for me to make conjecture.
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Yeah that's in the sovcit playbook. Piss off or bore the judge until they make a mistake. It never works but they keep trying.
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He’s just in denial that his life is over and on some level thinks that as long as he keeps talking he can postpone the inevitable.
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Juries love it when the judge sends them out repeatedly because of the defendent's behavior. It really endears him to them.
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I hope they come back with a not guilty verdict soon .
He'll be out on the streets just in time for Christmas eve .
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ngl I want the judge mommy to yell at me like that
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she looks like one of those porn acresses with a 10/10 face and tits that put on a shit costume as role playing, especially with the "Nerd" glasses that she obviously dont need and only makes her look the more hotter as we can save her from the evil nerds
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yeah no wonder he's acting out all the time
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Can they just take this guy out back already and quicken the pace of justice
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I want the judge to call him the N-word so we get a mistrial and get to do it all over
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Dramatards hoping for a just world are like Jews hoping for a 4th Reich.
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you mean based, right?
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Idk a summary execution by a court official would be pretty dramatic
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They should cut the front off a jeep wrangler and put it above where he's sitting and when they read the jewry's not guilty smash him with and say "grouns"
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Fricking king shit man. Trans lives matter.
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I absolutely love how very specific yet often applicable this Marsey is
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This fricking jig will receive three hots and a cot for probably 40 years before finally dying behind bars. The aggregate cost of housing Mr. Subject Matter Jurisdiction and humoring his inevitable appeals will likely stretch into the low seven figures.
Her honor has acted like a saint during this ordeal, and I’ve been watching the streams since it started. I’m only thankful that she hasn’t blown up at him like I do the TV when he opens his stupid fricking mouth to ask “buh wudden it be fair to say” for the sixth hundred time.
I wish we had Mad Max justice sometimes.
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If Wisconsin had the death penalty I wonder if he'd still so brazenly demonstrate his complete lack of remorse for his actions.
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He and every other sovereign citizen approach the law and their understanding of it as if there is a sequence of words that, once uttered, act like “cheat codes”. It’s their self confidence and arrogance that fricking kills me. Not like being driven over by an SUV kills, but really annoying.
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He hasn't even tried saying "Tubal-Cain" yet. Ngmi.
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Actually i wasn't driving, i was travelling. So you can't charge me.
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But only in his capacity, accepted value for value, as a representative agent accompanying the legal and civil (diminutive necessarily, like for like as where applies and with equal value for share) person or personage of one titled for legal disclosure as Darrell Brooks.
Fricking CHRIST
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I did not joinder that parade
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We haven’t even defined “I” your honor, I do not consent to being called by that name, and for the record I beeped at them old shriveled b-words.
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Everyone knows the only cheatcode there is is being rich enough for a really good and/or really jewish lawyer.
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Why did you say the same thing twice?
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Bold of you to assume he has any remorse.
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He will have all the time in the world to find some. That’s the only good thing we will extract from him as he serves his meaningless life behind bars.
They tend to find god because after the world leaves them behind, there’s nothing else to either rail against or proffer your everything up to BUT faith.
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And when it comes to faith, I suspect if he’s honest, he will acknowledge coming to terms with what he’s done and marrying that to God feels just like circling a great cosmic drain.
Good. Heck isn’t real, but maybe he might one day make it for himself.
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If he must live, I want him to have access to all of the books of every great library, so he can see WHAT HE COULD HAVE BEEN, only so that later he can understand what he took from his victims.
Heck is repetition and even GROWTH, because in Heck, you SHOULD grow, you should see what you could have been, what your victims could have been, and you should be like Sisyphus, just pushing the rock, over and under and up and back over again to no end, no god among you for comfort but only occasionally there again to remind you that you’ll do this until you are dead.
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I actually felt bad for the cop witness at the parade who said he shot at the driver to stop the threat. While he's sitting here listening to

he has to live with knowing that he had one chance to legally end this dipshit's life if he were a better shot.
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Lmao his face at the end. Nothing convinces a jury that you definitely didn't murder several people better than staring down the judge like you want to murder her
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it’s a shame this bipoc won’t ever be put in pub gen.
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I have no idea who Darrel Brooks is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask
We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!
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remember when that dude drove an suv through a parade around christmas? this was the guy that did that. he has been representing himself in court, and it has been one of the funniest things this year
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Pretty sure the SUV drove itself
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she SUV drove him
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my fave part is still when he said "the dead people can't come testify so let's just call it quits"
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As long as it wasn't across state lines they still should be in the clear.
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Do you know why he did that?
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Firstly Mr Brooks is not what you would call a very intelligent man. He is fairly stupid, so I don't think there is much of a motive.
What seems to have happened was that Brook's girlfriend and babymomma, who lived at a homeless shelter, said she was going to give Brooks some money. Brooks drove to collect the money, but the girlfriend said that she wouldn't give him any money. So, he got really mad and plowed through the parade.
Does it make sense? No. But there really isn't a better explanation.
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calling him very stupid is too generous. apparently this is from his FB.
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Oddly enough in all his ramblings in court he hasn't said anything about race.
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Honestly I didn't pay it any attention and kinda forgot about it.
We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!
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Don’t worry, neither does he!
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Is it just me or does this judge sound like a moron. She cant express herself without walking in verbal circles 5 times. Listening to her talk is extremely painful
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You talk about Mommy like that at your peril sir.
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Come after me judge r-slur
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I wouldn't say she's a moron but definitely a girlboss hire used to dealing with kissass lawyers. On the one hand it would be funny to see how a grumpy old white dude would handle this, but the fact that she is a woman clearly irritates Brooks which is dramaphilic.
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Brooks sperging out is hilarious but this would be much funnier if she could get through a sentance in less than a minute.
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You should watch how the prosecution explained their concerns about video timestamps for replay on cross. Absolutely loopy and repeating for minutes. Maybe there's something in the water.
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Everyone's optimistically acting like Brooks is just r-slurred and that if they repeat things enough that it'll get through his skull. Basically the lawyer equivelant of speaking reeaaaallllly slooowwwllly
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Is that a
I am not Darrell Brooks, I am a third party intervener, here on behalf of my client
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I weep for the future. The bar must be pretty easy to pass if these people are getting through.
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This judge is turning me into a scrote!
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Snapshots: (click to archive) (click to archive)
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This guy's voice sounds exactly like my schizo ex-roommate which makes it funnier. I only wish that he was the one about to go to prison for life. Dude was a next-level piece of shit.
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however bad your roommate was, I can't imagine that he'd be worse than Darrell lol
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Is that a
I am not Darrell Brooks, I am a third party intervener, here on behalf of my client
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My ex-roommate literally tried to frame me for a crime. He used a copy of my key to unlock my door, put bullets into my ammo box and then called the police telling me that he was in fear for his life. The only reason I caught him is because he was moving out later that week and I thought he might get violent, so as I was loading my guns to make sure I was ready for any potential violence I noticed the bullets that he had put into my ammo case. (They were 45 caliber, so they didn't fit any of my guns which is how I noticed the discrepancy - that and he didn't have time to lock the door afterwards because I must have got back too soon, so my room was open which is what got me suspicious in the first place.) Fortunately the police officer didn't look in my room, and when I found the bullets I took them in to the police and reported this incident.
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When he goes to prison we gotta write him some letters. Does anyone have a PO box?
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I had the same idea
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sentence him to custodial duty
UNPAID of course
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Cruel and unusual punishment
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The only way this could be hotter is if she was smoking ciggies while laying it on him.
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