Former head of Twitter trust & safety, Yoel Roth, wrote 300 page dissertation about how kids should be allowed on Grindr

Yet, absent from these discussions is even a cursory recognition that the new medium of gay-targeted social networking may be a crucial social outlet for gay, bisexual, and questioning youth. While gay youth-oriented chat rooms and social networking services were available in the early 2000s, these services have largely fallen by the wayside, in favor of general-purpose platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat. Perhaps this is truly representative of an increasingly absent demand among young adults for networked spaces to engage with peers about their sexuality; but it’s worth considering how, if at all, the current generation of popular sites of gay networked sociability might fit into an overall queer social landscape that increasingly includes individuals under the age of 18. Even with the service’s extensive content management, Grindr may well be too lewd or too hook-up-oriented to be a safe and age-appropriate resource for teenagers; but the fact that people under 18 are on these services already indicates that we can’t readily dismiss these platforms out of hand as loci for queer youth culture. Rather than merely trying to absolve themselves of legal responsibility or, worse, trying to drive out teenagers entirely, service providers should instead focus on crafting safety strategies that can accommodate a wide variety of use cases for platforms like Grindr — including, possibly, their role in safely connecting queer young adults.


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Been to any clubs recently?


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lol makes you wonder why so many people were mad after Elon took over :marseywrongthonk:


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It's interesting how when this guy was doing the same "shape the narrative" thing elon is trying to do, nobody cared. Elon like pulled the curtain back, but then instead of showing what was behind there he was just like :marseyattentionseeker:

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Now, what hashtag might that be?


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If you don't include kids in adult activities you're probably a white supremacist smh.


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I was playing that game last week.

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"This, but unironcally" - Critial Childhood Studies advocates

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"paranoid narrative"

I guess all those pedos that tried grooming me as a 14/M/UK in yahoo chat in 1999 just all went away and stopped using the Internet. Kids naively using the internet to find people their own age to chat to instead being directed by jannies and other "authorities" into the hands of people like Bardfinn, Merari, Aimee Challinor and that whole p-do-friendly network of freaks and frickups.

These nutters forget that the Internet has been around a while, pedos even longer, and us people concerned about pedos aren't just spooked by a phantom, we've actually seen them operating because they're pretty open about it.

Truly fricking disgusts me.

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When somebody constantly wants to have conversations with minors about their sexuality, 9 times out of 10 that person is a p-do. I'm not saying that minors shouldn't have any conversations about sexuality: everybody needs to get "the talk" so that they are educated and can stay safe in the sexual marketplace. What I'm saying is that talking to kids about s*x isn't fun, it's awkward and embarrassing, so when you see somebody who's eager to do it and seeks out opportunities to have these conversations at every turn, they're probably pedos.

This isn't rocket science, this is common sense.

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I just want to educate the youth of today so they can feel safe and totally not pressured into a specific ideology :#soyquack:

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It’s insane to me how much the msm and a subset of gay activists have tired to gas light everyone that grooming doesn’t happen online. I still see journ*lists sell the furry community as a safe space for queer teens. I wasn’t groomed by those fricks at 13 only to have journos funnel more and younger kids into the p-do den.

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lmao just seeing this gave me flashbacks to omegle and kik

Kids naively using the internet to find people their own age to chat to instead being directed by jannies and other "authorities" into the hands of people like Bardfinn, Merari, Aimee Challinor and that whole p-do-friendly network of freaks and frickups.

That's why I used video chat. Well that and because ever now and again some girl would shake her tits at me

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Best friend is aminobastard with 23 mentions

rdrama is currently running at 216.195 µBardyhertz with 1090 total mentions since 2022-09-24

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>The Cornell professor Tarleton Gillespie called teams like mine the “custodians of the internet.” The work of online sanitation is unrelenting and contentious.

Direct quote form his NYT opinion piece.

The memes truly write themselves :marseyjanny:

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I know the minds of totally not rightoids among us :marseysus: instantly jump to "THEY WANT TO DUCK KIDS" but you need to see the broader context - for many liberals and leftists, restricting people's autonomy is the worst crime you can commit.

That's how you get people letting homeless camp on the streets and leaving them covered in shit and needles, people furious about drug restrictions, I've seen leftist advocate for normalizing s*x in public etc. Just pure brain rot where people need to have freedom to do anything, consequences be darned.

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The types of naive advocates you describe create an environment where bad actors like pedos are free to operate, so to me it's a distinction without much of a difference.

That said I like your insight that some progressive advocates are like right wing libertarians (the political kind) where they'll advocate for pure individual freedom even if it degrades the freedoms and health of the group :marseythinkorino:

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some progressive advocates are like right wing libertarians

They are! It extends even to thing like plastic surgeries or train shit where they want near unrestricted access to hormones and surgeries. Or, perhaps the best example, "s*x work".

0 concern how showing yourself online to nasty horny moids can affect you. Push for legalization of prostitution, not considering how they're gonna get more women when demand increases.

Usually you get a cope like "studies show the demand doesn't go up :soyjakanimeglasses:" or "they're only bad in the capitalist heteronormative patriarchy". In luxury gay space communism, stepping on needles in a park, taking 3 peepees in the butt on camera or bogmaxxing will all be good!

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>bad actors


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there's a reason social liberalism is promoted by major corporations and media while the economic programs are DOA.

:#marseydarkpizzashill: The Democratic RethugliKKKan Party will collapse by 2030. :#marseydarkpizzashill:

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As a libtard I'm seething that it is a particularly illiberal form of "social liberalism" being advocated.

For exemple the freedom of speech and thought that liberals struggled so long for is not in a healthy place

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So freedom for everything except trunks honking? It's weird for these people to advocate for stuff like public s*x but draw the line at a guy using the wrong pronouns on twitter

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No ideological framework is fully consistent tbh, hard to criticize that too much.

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libertarianism is probably the most consistent ideology and it's a nightmare. Perhaps ideology should fit humans rather than the other way around.

:#marseydarkpizzashill: The Democratic RethugliKKKan Party will collapse by 2030. :#marseydarkpizzashill:

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I'm gonna go on a limb and say "allowing pedos free reign" being lower of a problem than "chuds publicly talking chuddery" IS NOT hard to criticize, personally

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Yes when it's white women saying it. It gets a lot more :marseysus: when it's a gay man saying it. Compare to strag advocating that teen girls should go to night club.

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I don't read it as "They want to frick kids" so much as "They want kids to frick." It's normal that teenagers have s*x, but adults directly trying to set up anonymous teenage hookups is repulsive at best and opens the door to :marseypedo: infiltration. There's a sexual ideological component here deeper than just individual freedom.

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I think most of it ultimately comes back to any sort of restriction to people's "autonomy" being frowned upon, but not inaccurate. Reminds me of someone in NY State(?) wanting to change s*x ed curriculum to being "pleasure based and queer friendly".

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I dont think it even is that deep, i think they just think about what they wanted when they were that age, with a heap of projecting their current wants. When they wrre kods, they were terminally horny and now are terminal coomer, not to mention being gay was actually still frowned upon when they were teens. But they dont realise the positive aspects of their own upbrining, only what they think was missing. So they want s*x ed to focus on pleasure and bussy blasting because its what they didng get, but they dont realise how they benefitted from learning about condoms etc.

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for many liberals and leftists, restricting people's autonomy is the worst crime you can commit.

Except that's not the case at all? They cheer if someone is expelled/fired/assaulted/murdered for saying BIPOC or committing a similar sin, they want to ban guns, they want to ban religion, they supported lockdowns, they want to and effectively have banned you from publishing books if you're a normal White guy. Their biggest cause is being allowed to kill babies, nothing more autonomy denying than death.

Like someone else mentioned below, they don't want people with the wrong opinions to be allowed to protest, see the Honkocaust or the Dutch Farmers.

How you've framed it is how they want people to view them: the reality is that libtards are just authoritarian hedonists.

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What world do you live in? Libtards don't want to ban guns, they want common sense gun reform. They don't want to ban religion, they want to keep religion out of government. They supported lockdowns because people were dying by the thousands and something needed to be done to stop the spread of a deadly virus. They don't want to kill babies, they want women to have autonomy over their own bodies. And they don't want people with the wrong opinions to be allowed to protest? That's literally the entire point of protesting, to have your voice heard even if your opinion is unpopular.

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Holocaust 2? Nay, merely jewish chad reform :marseytroublemaker:

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We don't need any more of your "common sense." We need real, progressive reform that will actually make a difference in people's lives.

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Agreed :marseytroublemaker:

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Why are you agreeing with me? Do you not have a brain of your own?

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:marseybrainlet: shut up

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Did someone ask you to speak? No? Then shut YOUR mouth.

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That virus was made in a Chinese lab funded by american money because that sort of research was banned in america. Educate yourself robot

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Umm, no. The virus was not made in a Chinese lab funded by American money.

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Well, if by "propagandist" you mean "effective communicator," then I guess I'm a propagandist.

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Cry more pinkoid

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Pink is superior.

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No one crying about libs being big bad meanies :marseycrying: can be considered superior

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Fine, I'll genocide them instead of using my words. Happy?

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Your problem here is lumping liberals and progressives into the same group.

Your rightoid brainrot tells you there are only two teams, but look deep into your heart and you will realize the guy who wants to buy amphetamines on amazon hates the guy who wants a tax on any book written by a white person.

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Liberals and progressives are the same, actually. Same with conservatives and alt-right. It's just about being open about your beliefs. No meaningful % of libtards oppose the things I mentioned, the vast amount will vocally support all of it.

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Well that certainly makes politics easier, I'll give you that.

Have you considered the fact that most people are tribal r-slurs with no meaningful beliefs?

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That's true, but those people all still call themselves something.

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So perhaps your assessment, that there are only two types of politics, is due to that fact that your country currently has two tribes.

You might find that those people who have tangible thoughts will be much more diverse in their political views.

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For sure! We are severely polarized right now. In a functioning society there would be more shades of grey. Right now more people than ever are pushed to the extremes and nobody is willing to compromise. This will of course be solved once we ship the nigs back to Africa

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True, americans do seem oddly enchanted by black people, on both sides of the spectrum.

I'm not sure if getting rid of them would solve the problem, or just make you start obsessing over some other brown person though.

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It’s only for Pervy, degenerate shit. They go full authoritarian when there’s a bad cold going around

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Except own guns

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We live in a golden age of gay acceptance, why do we need gay safe spaces for minors?

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so the parents won't :marseythonk: obviously

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increasingly includes individuals under the age of 18

Queers, I still support your rights but can you please help me :marseywoodchipper2: this guy? Come get your man and all that. Thanks.

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I have a step cousin that would go on Tinder while under age and get hookups. Just because teenagers are horny and stupid doesn’t mean you give up and encourage them to do it. Her life is a fricking disaster nowadays.

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kinda explains a lot ngl

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:marseydepressed: I thought the title was gonna be hyperbole

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who the frick reads this shit?

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I could easily see a case that went something like "kids are on these services anyways, better that you age verify them and only match them with similarly aged kids". That would be no worse than the status quo at least, and preferable even to a world where grindr didn't exist (as long as the age verification was at all reliable).

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If you're going to have an age verification system, why not just use it to keep the kids out so they won't "be on the service anyway"?

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They'd probably go on reddit or groomercord or smth instead. Until we get proper age verification for the whole internet (inshallah) they'll find a way.

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Didn't the bongs try this? With their porn needs age verification law? What happened to that?

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Grindr and safety is not a thing that should ever get combined. It’s fine once you know who to avoid and that putting no rice, no blacks, no beans in your profile filters out a lot of the weird ones

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But then you don't get to match Asians, black people and Latinx and what's the point of using Grindr? Fricking MAYOS? :marseydisgust:

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No, you get to match with the self hating Asians, blacks and Latinx who are way hotter usually

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