Monthly Website Stats Post (November 2022)

Monthly Growth (Month-over-Month%):

  • Users: +807 (+0%)

  • Posts: +8496 (-13%)

  • Comments: +151 387 (-6%)

User growth and content creation are down approximately 20% over last month after accounting for a persistent spammer creating accounts this month. … Spike in user signups on Nov 6th was from 24hrs of Login Required. Spike in user signups on Nov 13–14th was from a banned user creating ~200 accounts to spam us with. … The number of search queries we rank for on Google has been markedly down since late October, despite performing well when we do rank. We have no idea why.

General Stats:



Google Search Traffic Highlights: Hot search queries for the past month were

  • pipkin pippa face (158 clicks, 548 impressions, rank 3)

Seriously, it's just that one and some slight variations on it. Everything besides dozens of misspellings of "rdrama"—it's a six letter word, y'all, how do you fuck it up so many ways—is about Pipkin Pippa. Warrant Canary, November 2022 — For the Period 2022-11-01 to 2022-12-01

National Security Letters: 0
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court: 0
Gag Orders Under 18 USC § 2705(b): 0

DMCA Takedown Notices — Received 0: Complied 0, Counter-Noticed 0

Over this period, no warrants were served to, or principals or agents, or site administrators. No searches or seizures of any kind were performed on assets over this period.

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For those of you keeping score, Snakes described WPD's growth as follows:

WPD Growth Report: User growth rapidly accelerating, +55% over previous month which was itself +70% over prior. +18k users over this reporting period. Posting holding steady, commenting slightly up. Keep in mind this means WPD gained more users in a month than rDrama has in total

We're about to get our 80,000th user. In 7 months.

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Nice. I hate growth


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Agreed, also watching gore all the time is a fricking insane thing to do

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I know you are a prolific gore poster, tomar.

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his skeletons can’t stay buried forever

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Keep in mind this means WPD gained more users in a month than rDrama has in total

:#marseyseethe: No I'm not mad that those necrophiles are more popular than the wholesome family drama site.

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homosexual orange cat dating website is kinda self-limiting, ngl

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limiting but beautiful :#marseycry:

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Cool. Still never gonna go there.

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Good, we are an exclusive club

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How many of these are fake or bot or alts?

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Reported by:

Holy shit hahaha. Snappy literally just picks a random entry from a list, but she don't miss.

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no way do I believe it’s completely random. post titles that include certain words has to make a difference in what the bot decides to post. or limits the pool or marseys to pick from. not a codecel but it’s way too good to be random

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I have personally worked on the Snappy code. This is literally it:

body = random.choice(SNAPPY_CHOICES).strip()

SNAPPY_CHOICES is just a mix of all the Marseys and the snappy copypastas/quotes. Also we have special cases for Carppoasts, Lawlzposts, /h/dankchristianmemes, and /h/masterbaiters.

This says a lot about the human condition: we are creatures endowed by our Creator with intellect and the ability to detect patterns—sometimes even when it's just noise. As people ignore the tens of thousands of times Snappy posts something retarded and unrelated to a post, we're left with naught but confirmation bias.

I mean, dude bussy lmao snappilent

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something more perhaps?

it was funny :marseylaughpoundfist: the whole "sentient" thing on /r/Drama back in the same. some people were convinced that there :marseycheerup: was some sorta text :marseywoah: matching and stuff and i actually :marseyakshually: considered adding that at one point :marseysoypointgoldpoint: as a special :marseychristmastree: case for /r/Drama, but never :marseyitsover: did. but yeah :marseyagree: we just :marseyblops2chadcel2: did random.choice()

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hmmmm. I don’t believe you, but i don’t care bc snappy is funny regardless. If it is programmed as i think it just makes the mods look funnier so :marfield:

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I was curious and looked through the code myself and they're telling the truth, except that /h/truth gets the same special list as /h/dankchristianmemes. Unless they have secret code that they deploy separate from the public repo but that would be a completely r-slurred thing to do oh wait :marseythinkorino:

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What about the fact that snappy acknowledges every lawlz post as such

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it's alive

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I wanted to use

but it didn't get approved when i submitted it before and now I keep getting 'please match the requested format' for tags on the submission page. Is there an instruction page for the submission form? I know I saw an announcement post but i forgor the rules :(

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what tags r u trying to enter

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any or all of

it's rigged rig goomble gamble lottershe election dating test blackjack roulette

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remove the '

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thx bby

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np love

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User growth and content creation are down approximately 20% over last month

The power of :#marseyturkey: and :#marseygrass:

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Canary still there even after the brooks kerfuffle? I'm beginning to think no one cares about us :marseytears:

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I can state affirmatively and positively, and in full use of my Constitutional protections against compelled speech, that we have not received any communications from any law enforcement agency regarding J4D, or anything else for that matter.

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This is actually one of Snakes' duress codes. Let me look it up in the codebook. :marseyreading:

Ah, here we go. This one means "I have been abducted by the Jordanian intelligence service. I swear I will tell them nothing."

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It's not really that surprising. It's not like the Waukesha County Sheriff is going to waste a bunch of time and resources hunting down trolls after confirming the juror post was just a hoax.

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Based legalese-speaking snek


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Would it be fair to say that the State of Wisconsin is not a living, breathing person?

I am not Darrell Brooks, I am a third party intervener, here on behalf of my client

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💃🏽💃🏽 no warrants babyyyy

editing bc tf is pippa?

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Apparently she's a "virtual Youtuber"

Here's her avatar

Here's her real face

And here's her fursuit

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i hate furries :marseyrage:

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mello has an important message for you as he larps as a woman


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ain't penny no more tho im grinchnny now 🥲

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penny is why i turned off signatures lol

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Well that's not very kind because we really like you :marseytears: :marseyrain:

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ur not a furry tf???

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lol dw I'm joking :@mrpennycoomstokidspat:

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sweet baby Jesus u scared me nigra

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You're so full of hate.

Maybe you should let a little joy and love into your life.

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That face pic is from some random Russian girl on instagram with a similar username unfortunately

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volcel if you wouldnt

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>0 new users


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Incel r-slur

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>incels are bad because uhhh... they just are okay?

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Maybe we should double down on meta posting too push through the stagnation?

Trans lives matter :marseybow:

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I am shocked. Shocked I say.


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Umm... im a lesbian dog

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Trans lives matter a whole lot


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Yes, I post my furry OC to rdrama under the guise of irony, how can you tell?


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@SoreNoell 100% know that there is no other art of this character

Trans lives matter too soren

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About what?

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where are the stats for best post and why am i not number 1

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pipkin pippa face (158 clicks, 548 impressions, rank 3)

Seriously, it's just that one and some slight variations on it. Everything besides dozens of misspellings of "rdrama"—it's a six letter word, y'all, how do you frick it up so many ways—is about Pipkin Pippa.

I guess I need to make a Pippa marsey. If she wasn't the Farm's Girl, she'd fit us pretty well.

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Empty canary section

Those are rookie numbers and need to be pumped up


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Why are the bardfin bot stats not included in this thread?

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BARD_BOT is actually just some user's homemade bot, not one of our in-house ones. We don't have any extra info on it than what it posts publicly.

P.S. Hope y'all Dawgs are ready to get your asses kicked tomorrow in Atlanta. Geaux Tigers

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Regardless of whose bot it is it would be a fun site stat maybe for the random bots? Maybe a thread for stats like that?

P.S. Frick the Tigers we are going to kick ur butt :marseyblowkiss:

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren: Reset the counter! Current counter was: 0 days 07 hours 29 minutes and 08 seconds

Record is 1 days 03 hours 34 minutes and 29 seconds by Shreddedmanlet

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was F0555hill which was 0 days 13 hours 20 minutes and 49 seconds

████       7  11-27
███        6  11-28
█████      9  11-29
███        5  11-30
██████████ 19 12-01
███████    13 12-02

Best friend is aminobastard with 25 mentions

rdrama is currently running at 210.439 µBardyhertz with 1272 total mentions since 2022-09-24

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Still don’t know what a bardyhertz is :marseysad:

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren: Reset the counter! Current counter was: 0 days 06 hours 20 minutes and 57 seconds

Record is 1 days 03 hours 34 minutes and 29 seconds by Shreddedmanlet

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was F0555hill which was 0 days 13 hours 20 minutes and 49 seconds

████       7  11-27
███        6  11-28
█████      9  11-29
███        5  11-30
██████████ 19 12-01
███████    14 12-02
█          1  12-03

Best friend is aminobastard with 25 mentions

rdrama is currently running at 209.973 µBardyhertz with 1274 total mentions since 2022-09-24

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rDrama is finally starting its death cycle :marseyexcited::marseyexcited::marseyexcited::marseyexcited::marseyexcited::marseyexcited::marseyexcited:

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Spamming mass chud awards makes the site unusable and hostile which drives off users. This is what the powerstrag cabal wants.


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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

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