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Do you think it's appropriate for parents to spank their children as a punishment? (50% poles do)

In Poland it is prohibited by law to beat people and children obv, (in australia and canada it's apparently awwwight if you use it "reasonably"

I am completely against it, my mom never hit me. She did shout a lot at me though and it had really bad impact on me. We talked recently about it even and she felt bad about it.

I think that if one gets driven mad by their child and thinks it's a good reason to spank them, they should not have children in first place and resolve their dumb mental issues with a professional

But some people (here is data from a polish report) https://fdds.pl/_Resources/Persistent/a/7/5/8/a758b76965a114d233d30bbdb81f58845242d7a6/Postawy%20i%20stosowanie%20kar%20-%20raport.pdf

In Poland, the percentage of opponents of corporal punishment has been syste-

matically increasing. In 2022 more than half (59%) of participants in our study be-

lieved that beating children as a punishment should never be used.

• Since 2017 there has been a substantial increase in support for the legal ban on corpo-

ral punishment by parents against their children. In 2022 it was supported by amajori-

ty (70%) of respondents. More than half of the respondents (57%) know that in Poland

the use of physical punishment by parents against their children is legally prohibited.

• The majority of respondents supported a legal ban on slapping a child across the face

(70%), beating hard with a hand (68%), beating with a belt or other object (68%), pulling by

the hair or ear (66%) and shaking or pushing (62%), and half (50%) of respondents agreed

with the legal prohibition of spanking children (this percentage increased from 34% in 2017).

• Half of the respondents (51%) witnessed verbal disciplining a child in the year pre-

ceding the survey, and 39% when physically disciplining a child. In total, 60% of

the respondents encountered a situation of child abuse.

• A significant proportion of witnesses of both verbal (38%) and physical (41%) cha-

stisement remained passive towards these behaviors.

• According to respondents, police and NGOs are the institutions that children who

have been victims of maltreatment can count on to the greatest extent.

• Most parents at least several times disciplined their children verbally (70%) and

used prohibitions and restrictions (70%), and 39% of respondents more than once

disciplined their children with corporal punishment. The most common method of

disciplining a child with force was spanking (36%).

• 6% of parents admitted to frequent disciplining their children physically. There

was a positive relationship between the frequent use of various forms of corporal

punishment by parents – all were significantly correlated with one another.

• Strong nervousness (38%) is the most frequently indicated by parents as a reason

for the use of physical punishment.

• The prevalence of parental burnout among parents aged 18–44 was 4%. The level

of parental burnout was positively correlated with the frequent infliction of cor-

poral punishment.

• Respondents find the lack of time, tiredness and trouble in balancing professional

life and the role of being a parent as the biggest difficulties.

• According to the respondents, own experiences, family members or friends, as

well as psychologists and educators are the most important sources of knowledge

about raising children.

• ¾ of the respondents said that people raising children should be supported by the

family, and 67% see the state in this role.

• Adults had various memories of the physical punishments, which were used by

their parents when they were children. For some of them, these situations were

traumatic, while others claimed that they did not leave any emotional scars.

So, do you think it's appropriate for parents to spank their children as a punishment?

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I unironically wish my parents hit me more, i deserved it

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God I was so bad for my mom, I even threw a doll at her once.... My mom is a saint for not hitting me, I deserve 💯%

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This you?

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Even as a demon kid I would never prefer getting the mayo barbie :marseyextinction:

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I had feelings like this too, what if my mom had been beating me up instead of shouting at me like crazy. I still fear her shouting

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I think that if one gets driven mad by their child and thinks it's a good reason to spank them

Children should never be struck in anger, only as discipline

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:marseypuke: it goes like this though:

oh no i am angry => the kid needs discipline because i am very angwwwy and that's bad :soyjaktantrum::soyjaktantrum::soyjaktantrum: => beats up a kid instead of explaining to them what's wrong

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Kids are dumb, but they understand shock (since spanking barely hurts)

If your kid is a little r-slur (it will be) who keeps trying to run in front of cars for example, a good spank will hurt them a lot less than getting pancaked by an auto will, and THEN they'll learn to not cross the street without looking both ways

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Kids are dumb, but they understand shock (since spanking barely hurts)

Moreover, spanking is ineffective because it is different from other forms of punishment and discipline in that it involves hitting, which is of course a form of violence (see further discussion of this issue later). Hitting, by its nature, causes physical pain, and it can be confusing and frightening for children to be hit by someone they love and respect, and on whom they are dependent. Children report fear, anger, and sadness when they are spanked (Dobbs, Smith, & Taylor, 2006)

found this and it's contradictory

from here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3768154/

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Actually, spanking is quite effective if used correctly and sparingly. It is different from other forms of discipline in that it involves hitting, which is a form of physical discipline. Hitting, by its nature, can cause physical pain, but it can also be a way to get a child's attention and help them learn to behave.

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I am going to hit my child on the butt with open hand

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I don't trust any parenting advice from this millenium tbh

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what year is ok

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Nah, kids feel safer and more secure under a firm hand because then know a firm hand protects them.

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You DEFINITELY have to explain what rule they broke before the spanking

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why not just explain? how about spending more time with the kid and appreciate behaviours that are good

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If you could talk a kid into being a well-adjusted person, none of us would be on this site

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true :marseysulk: i wish i could be more like my peers i idolize every single of my classmates

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I think the emotionless, blank expression spanking is even weirder and more psychotic. Of course you will be mad and disappointed if it comes to spanking and it is alright to be so.

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If they were good at parenting to begin with they wouldn't have to hit their kids.

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Whinecels be seething over spankchads.

Unironically though, I knew a foid who always said "The studies say spanking doesn't work!!!" :hysterical:

Then she became a middle school teacher and that went out the window.

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and i have an elephant in my room

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Cool! :marseyelephant:

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Story is real, I guess your room is now full of elephant shit.

Foid is kinda cute too (cuter than you).

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Childless cute twinks who are too selfish and childish themselves to ever have children of their own lecturing others on child rearing. “If you just lecture little Timmy for two hours about how x behavior is illogical and self-defeating then he will surely make the right choice!” No, you are r-slurred. Your hyper-rationalization nonsense doesn’t even work on you, dear internet commenter, who quickly gives in to their every temptation and has zero self control. You truly have no idea what you are talking about. I don’t give one shit about your studies made by other childless mentally ill homos in a joke of a field undergoing a replication crisis. If you love your kids, then you will spank them.

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the real question is if you drink alcohol

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This is both true and makes the drunk in me seethe

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you posted cute pigs tho i will let it slide

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thos pigs knocked me face first into their literal shit more than once.

And when they ran away it was hours work to drag them kicking and screaming back to their pen

still veyr cute tho

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thos pigs knocked me face first into their literal shit more than once.


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And one of them could climb fences. Her big pot belly made it hard, she'd get to the top and get stuck on the fence, I'd have to push her back so she didn't crush any of the chickens (all this was because she was greedy and wanted the chicken food, even tho I gave her the same food)

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i have not read animal farm but i will take this as a plot

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commies = pigs confirm 2022

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Only on special occasions like vacations/business trips/weddings/holiday gatherings. Complete abstinence in between those times.

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ok good i thought i had to red flag. stay sober, avoid drinking occassions

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My parents never had to resort to violence when dealing with me cuz I was a good boy :marseyembrace:

My r-slured siblings can not say the same, howver

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i had fights with my brothers a lot of time

i don't remember i have ever been struck, maybe my dad but i honestly dont remember my a lot of my childhood.

now i am a model citizien dog-like follower and mute :marseygiveup:

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Yeah my parents grew up in a dictatorship where loyalty to your superiors was expected. That probably influenced them a lot.

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well i live in poland :marseyxd:

i dont have a grudge against my mom for shouting a lot at me though, she went through a lot :marseydepressed: at least she has not repeated the exact same punishmens as her mom did

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Hitting your kid's a shit thing to do and should not be done, but if the little shit's throwing a tantrum in a shopping aisle or otherwise being a big nuisance to bystanders that it's fine to physically move them instead of trying to debate the brat.

Don't want them learning that crying's the way to go for getting things your way.

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Yeah. Didnt read btw

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Proud polski tradition, RETVRN to spanking especially with kapcie

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yeah better yet, put your child in a small windowless room where their only source of light a bulb and make any resistance to following order result in electrolution.

award with food if following the order

if they lay on the floor and give up altogether, electrolute to death


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That's how my babcia raised me :marseymarseylove:

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goals :marseyxd: model citiziens unite

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mimw look at this

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omg :marsey: snappy is LITERALLY me :marseyfluffy:

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Hitting kids just teaches them that violence is a good way to :chadcopecapy: with their frustration. They should model patience and try to act more mature than a child

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Wait until your child laughs at every "mature" and "patient" "punishment" you throw at them and starts laughing at you and your pathetic inability to control them. Hope you don't get a kid like that, but it's not unusual at all.

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You can be strict and unwavering without hitting a kid, it's just lazy. Parents hit their kids bc they wanna make them shut up asap and they're too r-slurred to do that another way

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Sure bro, you know better I'm actually convinced now.

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in a perfect world a parent could control their emotion and reasonably explain to their child why a certain behaviour is wrong. but people love to treat kids like fricking idiots (baby talking, which is bad too and make them fulfill their old dreams

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My mom spanked me til I was ten, her rationale being that at that age I would be able to understand reason :marseybigbrain:

She was right too. I had been told plenty of times as a kid not to run in the road, but I was a little r-slur and did it anyway :marseydramautist: I sure as heck stopped after I got spanked tho.

There’s a huge difference between child abuse :marseybardfinn: and using the strongest deterrent available for the most crucial lessons. Obviously you shouldn’t hit a kid for stuff as trivial as crying in public or the like, but if I hadn’t been spanked you bet your butt I would have kept running in the road until a car stopped me.

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I would never hit my children, I would give them siblings who would then do it for me

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Spank? Yes

Practice their 6 hit combo for the bar later? No

If my parents merely struck my butt one time instead of whipping with sticks and electric cords and punching us in the face I'd be a much happier person.

People really misrepresent what spanking is or should be

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Practice their 6 hit combo for the bar later? No


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Spare the rod, spoil the child.

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:#marseycracka: :#marseysingapore:

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Don’t yall spank adults too and have basically no crime because of it? I always thought we should do that in the US. Would solve most petty crimes without locking them into the prison industrial complex

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only males and it's an additional sentence on top of a prison sentence and for certain crimes only lol

but yeah it's a good deterrent with how scary the whole caning experience is portrayed in the media :marseyscared:

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Is there a designated male spanker and is it assumed he’s aroused by it?

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yeah kinda, they're like specially selected lol

The prison officers who administer caning are carefully selected and specially trained for the job. They are generally physically fit and strongly built. Some hold high grades in martial arts even though proficiency in martial arts is not a requirement for the job.[36] They are trained to use their entire body weight as the power behind every stroke instead of using only the strength from their arms,[37] as well as to induce as much pain as possible. They can swing the cane at a speed of up to 160 km/h (99 miles per hour)[38] and produce a force upon impact of at least 880 N.[39]

as for aroused i'm not sure but asians don't have emotions so it's hard to tell

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I am completely against it, my mom never hit me. She did shout a lot at me though and it had really bad impact on me. We talked recently about it even and she felt bad about it.

:marseypearlclutch: :marseylaugh:

just like with the law, you need an ultimate recourse of violence if you want to actually enforce it.

The problem is it isn't an ultimate recourse to some people.


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no violence. I demand real power and control

If i can exert dominance just by being in a room and make ppl throw their monies for me just to get a glare from me then :marseyitsover:

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Hypothetical: your child discovers that you can't actually hurt them and just calls you a stupid cute twink whenever he sees you

what do

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spend more and more time with the kid

laugh like a madman when they do it

read books with later or ask them what they wanna play or if they want to listen to my hobbies

i wanna learn piano too i love pianos

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read books with later or ask them what they wanna play or if they want to listen to my hobbies

that might work after a while but you're putting yourself in a passive position entirely dependent on them making the choice to change their mind. Basically, your family dynamic is now being led by your kid. You're relying entirely on love which is only one side of coercion (getting people to do what you want) the other is fear.

The stuff you're talking about, glares and yelling, only work if people think they'd actually suffer consequences from testing you. There's a point in the testing where you have to be 'violent', e.g. spanking, that proves there is actually a threat. If they keep testing you and nothing happens, they know you don't have any control and even if they give up on one issue they're going to act against your wishes whenever it's convenient.

i wanna learn piano too i love pianos

Why does every Pole play piano?

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I dont play piano :(

we have a very old not adjusted piano in the house, but no one plays it. I just love piano and people who play piano sweetly'

and no i dont to make my kid fear me lmao, i want other b-words around to fear me and know i can deroot them out of this world (in a very peacful way)

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I got hit a few times and it was fine. The problem is that you need to show children that something is wrong before they're old enough to be able to reason why it's wrong. You can sit them down and talk it out but it's not going to register in their minds and they're gonna keep on doing it. Really the only other option is manipulation and psychological games which I'd argue is even worse.

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I got hit and it was good for me. Kids don’t listen to reason and even adults need to get smacked every once in a while.

I’d go as far to say a lot of today’s issues are because we stopped doing the latter.

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