People feel superior of not being involved and laugh at all involved losers
Ted posts about polyandry in birds
Pizza shares a dangerous fed post: Foids have gone too far
Everybody knows about pizzashill and ted_simp, so I won't bother introducing them. In case you have never heard of these two: Pizza is in his early 30s and most likely the most known user of this place as he longposts about women and politics for years at this point. Ted is in her mid 20s and has amassed a pretty impressive amount of followers by posting about birds, her issues with mental disorders and other events many dramatards would love to know.
Previous Fight
more dumb foid nonsense posted.
and you felt the need to give this post attention…why…?
because you need to be knocked down a peg. You are building up way too much simp inertia.
no i don’t, and if i do, you’re not gonna be the one to do it. you are the most pathetic “man” i have ever interacted with, even more so than LLM
lmao keep seething foid.
I'd beat you to death in under 30 seconds.
i highly doubt you could with that pathetic physique of yours
Try me, foid.
Thread about this fight: Pizza and Ted drama
tbh it's probably the second. if a foid views you as a loser she won't really hang out with you like that, foids are basically vicious animals and see "lesser men" as diseased.
no wonder you ended up with such a winner if you think like this
my gf has a masters degree. You're a r-slur with an eating disorder that spends her life trying to collect simps on an autism forum.
masters degree in what? she’s literally one of the most r-slurred people ive ever interacted with. and surprisingly i actually have a life outside this website. im quite smart, graduated college with a double major with honors. why tf would i have my masters at 22? im going this year
you r-slurs get trolled lmao. She's way smarter than you are.
she flushes her tampons down the potty. she’s r-slurred
No she didn't lmao.
Either way most foids do that, seen it many times.
i think expectations should be talked about once the relationship (or whatever) is established, but just going up to your friend and being like “hey wanna frick?” is definitely weird
typical foid bullshit.
If anything this guy is one of the good ones, he could have manipulated and abused her and got what he wanted, but he decided to be up front.
is the bar THAT low? can you keep yourself safe already?
I tell the truth.
Also I'll outlive you due to the fact I don't have an eating disorder.
why do you keep bringing up the eating disorder like who cares lmfao? and im not trying to live a long time
Because it points to you being an emotionally damaged piece of garbage, probably abused, likely by a relative.
yep all true. im still smarter and hotter than your fatass “girlfriend”
poor little abused Ted Simp. Daddy? Uncle frank?
Or was it a cousin? Brother?
My gf has a BMI of 20, btw. And she's a lot better than you are.
sorry, i’m not giving you jerk off material
Did it hurt, Ted? Having your trust violated like that, abused by someone that was supposed to protect you?
Has it led to a pattern of you letting men take advantage of you and abuse you, because you're desperate for male attention?
[...] Direct Link For More
nobody is gonna treat foid slike "ladies" anymore because you're all pieces of shit.
fun fact, most people DON’T think like you do. this is a good thing
no lmao, we all think like this. Most just aren't upfront.
if thinking that makes you feel better about yourself, go ahead lil buddy
[...] Direct Link
Not wrong.
incel instigates: yeah that foid annoying asf, hope she kills herself for real
I am currently working on that.
you are not doing a good job
neighbor stick to selling shoes and being terminally online lmao
stay out of this, simp. You're as pathetic as she is.
Ive seen your doughy butt in front of the computer, your pig of a girlfriend complains about you daily maybe worry less ab some foid online and more on buying meat that isnt expired
nobody cares what you have to say, you mongrel simp.
Cope harder shoe monger. Maybe buy another clapped out corolla neither of you knows how to drive
Again, nobody cares what you have to say, mongrel. Probably aren't even white.
[...] Direct Link
Pizza Threads
DM Leak: Ted telling Pizza to keep yourself safe
Pizza declares victory: INCELS: YOU CALLED AND I ANSWERED. Ted Simp has been defeated and exposed.
foid psych 101: how to neg a foid into doxxing herself.
Meta Threads
Can we have a complete rundown on which dramatards have fricked each other?
Am I the only person who hates both marseyismywaifu and absinthe?
Petition to Admins: I want to block all the participants of Foid-gate at one go
This site is about to become the worst version of /soc/ bc of foids and simps
The recent face reveals have inspired me to post my nudes!
The trainban and it's consequences
Ted Threads
Someone jerks off to Ted's selfie
Weekly Sunday Ted_Simp Appreciation + Fan Art thread
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That one picture you post that, should've stayed in the drafts
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Oh yeah, that’s true for all face doxxes tbh. I guess the fact that she always talks about how hot she is makes it a bit worse lol
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Thx I needed that image lol
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how hard you go
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