EFFORTPOST The Great Neurodivergent Replacement. Malcolm and Simone Collins, an neurodivergent couple with plans of their family becoming over half the worlds population in the future



Depending on the ability of your pattern recognition skills :marseyautism:, you've possibly noticed the growing counter-narrative to the overpopulation discourse. Where many people are worried about the falling birth rates and worry that the current birthing rates won't be able to sustain our current population and will ultimately result in the human population levels collapsing in on itself.


There lies a dichotomy of people who attempt to address falling birthrates. On one hand, we have poor and stupid people birthing more children due to their poor understanding of what a condom is :marseypoor:, while on the other side of the spectrum, we have rich neurotic Silicon Valley workers bearing multiple children and pouring millions into research for solutions to address this issue :marseyelonmusk:.

While a majority of drama comes from nihilists and antinatalists, today we're only gonna focus on the other side, specifically one couple in particular. And how their obsession with birth rates took hold of their entire personalities and led to the formation of their momentously neurodivergent plans to save humanity.

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for neurodivergent inbred children."


The below-average-looking couple pictured above is comprised of Simone and Malcolm Collins. They describe themselves as pronatalists and are wholeheartedly committed to resolving the falling birth rates in several ways. Naturally, for their first course of action, the Collins has decided on having anywhere between 7 to 13 children. Additionally, they're attempting to shift the culture from people having no babies to having lots of them. Yet, before we discuss how they came to be their views we need to delve into their past.

A true Reddit love story :marseywholesome:

Simone and Malcolm came from very different backgrounds. Malcolm was a troublesome kiddo who was sent to Military school by his formerly wealthy father (who was a massive coomer, Dude was married five times and squandered his family fortune throughout these marriages). Leaving Malcolm with unresolved daddy issues. Simone however, always described herself as the odd one out in her family home:

Simone, meanwhile, came from polyamorous, tai-chi-practicing, hippie parents in Alameda, California. "I was kind of the black sheep of the family," she said. "Like, they would tell me to go out and drink and experiment, but I would rebel by staying home and doing my homework."

What a nerd :marseynerd2:

Simone wasn't always a pronatalist. She almost decided to become a childless femcel at the age of 24 after she got her heart broken (for the first time). But, Simone found the courage to not quit and assimilate into incel culture just yet, so she gave online dating a chance in hopes of meeting someone else:

Simone made a profile on OKCupid, where a picture of her dressed as a Stormtrooper in a sultry pose was catnip for the nerds of Silicon Valley, and rated her dates out of 50. After a string of 16s, Malcolm scored a 42. She made him promise to break up with her after four months. "I resent being in love with him," she said. "I was so disturbed when I fell for him."

The couple dated for a year and married each other after Malcolm proposed to Simone on Reddit through a proposal campaign (Link to proposal post). Malcolm knew that Jannies :marseyjanny: were sticklers for the rules and knew he couldn't outright post his marriage proposal without suffering the punishment of the mop. So he developed an elaborate scheme to post his proposal across several subreddits in hopes that it would blow up. And surprisingly, it worked and swept across multiple subs on Reddit. Malcolm was so proud of his achievement that he wrote his own article about it :marseyaward:


Descent into madness :marseyschizotwitch:

Both Simone and Malcolm went to elite business schools and ended up working for international business in Japan. It was during this time that Malcolm developed an neurodivergent obsession after learning about the collapsing birthrates. A majority of the worry was fueled by the general publics' insouciance response to it. Malcolms' infectious mania about the birth rates soon spread to Simone, and the couple acknowledged that action had to be taken to minimize the damages.

The couple arrived at the decision that they would bear several children (Anywhere from 7 to 13 of them :marseybib:), yet Simone suffered from fertility issues and was rapidly approaching the day of the empty egg carton, thus the couple briskly devised a plan to ensure that no eggs would be left to spoil.

They began freezing any available embryos Simone had in what they unironically termed "The year of the harvest". However, the troubled couple couldn't risk having a dramatard :marseydramautist: as a child, so they proceeded to have every single embryo genetically tested for risk factors which they put into an Excel sheet:

Simone pulled up a spreadsheet filled with red and green numbers. Each row represented one of their embryos from the sixth batch, and the columns a variety of relative risk factors, from obesity to heart disease to headaches.

But the neurodivergent calculations didn't stop there. The couple also looked at and primarily focused on selecting embryos that had a relatively low risk of different mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and ADHD, to ensure the best quality child. The couple often referred to themselves as "eugenics hipsters"

Despite, The Collins committing themselves to have several children, the task of salvaging the decreasing birth rates with only the two of them was beyond their means due to what the Collins thought were troubling aspects of modern-day culture that counteracted their goals:

The Collins worries that the overlap between the types of people deciding not to have children with the part of the population that values things like gay rights, education for women, and climate activism — traits they believe are genetically coded — is so great that these values could ultimately disappear.

With this predicament, the Collins deemed it necessary to ensure that the teach their little kiddos the value of having large families. They hope that each of their kids will also have anywhere from 7 to 13 children and that this trend will continue for about 13 generations until half of the worlds population soley consists of the Collins family :marseyshook:


On final note,

Due to their traumatic experiences in grade school, The Collins have also created the Collins Institute a online school program for the young and self motivated neurodivergents that allows them to choose what they want to learn. It features regular courses such as the math and sciences, financial literacy classes, and even courses on "how to make friends" (lmao)



Nazi chuds or just neurodivergent nerds? :marseythinkorino:

Now before we get to the drama, I feel that it's important to discuss how the Collins identify. Because shortly, you'll see chuds calling the Collins soy libs and libs calling them fascist mayo nazis. But what are they?

They claim they only slightly identify with the conservative party but stray away from associating themselves with the "crazy chuds":


Nonetheless, if you scroll through their Twitter long enough you'll see constant criticism levied against both progressives and conservatives (although more toward progressives) about not being concerned with popping out enough babies:



Birth rates? :marseystonetoss:





They also identify as secular Calvinists. More specifically they believe that certain people are chosen to be superior and that free will is gay and fake:


What did they mean by this?


Simone added, after noting that her Jewish grandmother escaped Nazi-occupied France. "I'm not eliminating people. I mean, I'm eliminating from my own genetic pool, but these are all only Malcolm and me."

Either way, I can't confirm if they're covert neurodivergent nazis, but in my humble opinion they just seem closer to nerds who only care about popping out as many babies as humanly possible


The Controversial Collins

The couple shares a Twitter account which is exclusively used for pro-baby messaging. But their weird and controversial takes more often than not lead to ridicule from their dissenters:

Swolemisia :!#marseybuff:

Unironically a fair amount of their criticisms go toward swoletards and those who don't look like malnourished twinks


Link to tweet

You can give me all the data you want, I’m not going to entertain words from a man who uses a picture of himself like this unironically. You should be ashamed of yourself.

I thought they were lesbians


Just remember chuds this is who calls you unhealthy and plans to replace you :marseysmug2:

There was an article written about this guy and his pro-natalist eugenicist movement. Look at what these freaks named their kids

Why is it that people I see who support eugenics always have some kind of defect? In this case they both wear glasses. Astigmatism is NOT the sign of "superior" genes

They are also ugly as frick

The article they linked also didn't support what they were saying but that didn't stop the Collins from doubling down and saying that was their intended purpose:

Dear Twitter: Good catch—we misread an article we cited. While it did show bodybuilders die younger we overstated how much younger. We were more interested in pissing people off on the internet than accuracy, not expecting the tweet to go quite as viral as it did. (1/7) 🧵


They go on to spew a lot of words about how :marseyakshually: they were still right, but anti-science chuds weren't buying it:

“We were more interested in pissing people off” I hope these people get hit by a bus


In one more attempt to calm the outrage, the Collins claim they just did it as a prank


Surely, people will forgive them :marseyclueless:

I am going to raise my kid to kick Torsten's butt. Gonna create a special breed of super bully just to beat up your dork kids.

If you're wondering what the heck a Torsten is it's one of the names of his kids along with brother Octavian, and their sister Titan Invictus. These kiddos really aren't gonna make it out of elementary school :!marseydicklet::!marseywhirlyhat:

Malcolm Collins also takes shots at high T males calling them genetic failures by claiming it's normal to be low T when you have kids:

Men's testosterone levels drop when they secure stable, committed partners and again when they have kids. When you see a jacked guy in his mid-30s, you’re looking at someone whose hormones are responding to a failure scenario (failure to secure a stable partner + reproduce).

While you can have both high T and a lot of kids (Tate claims to have 10) by supplementing, reducing emotional investment, or going poly, kids of less-invested fathers are more likely to drop their culture and succumb to the sterilizing memes so prevalent in our society.

Testosterone shortens your lifespan (it is a major reason why men don’t live as long as women). Men’s bodies are biologically geared to make them disposable, short-lived fighting machines in societies in which only the strongest men reproduce.

When men’s biology detects the presence of a dedicated breeding partner it says, “oh great, now I don’t need to be set to go-big-or-die-trying mode.”

Hhm I don't know if I trust the science on this one


Either way, the genetic deadends seethe at Malcolm over this tweet

It's clear that you do not lift weights. Athletic married men with kids who still train and lift weights can keep their testosterone level high. Try reading the works by davidasinclair or PeterAttiaMD .

:soyjak:Do toddlers count as weights?

Your wife will be 100% leaving you at some point in the future.


Why is EVERYONE on this site obsessed with E and T!? Incels/manosphere, "health" gurus, these fricking weirdos and certain types of trans people. They do not rule your entire life nor determine your personality. Cortisol is far more impactful, but they never talk about that.

Why does no one ever talk about muh cortisol


JFC dude, just say you don't like to lift. Coming up with some sorry excuse that men who do lift are failures are being and getting good partners is major cope.

How do we reach the kids?

Unfortunately for the zealous Collins, their baby propaganda often falls short of reaching younger folx due to the Collins being out of touch with reality and very cringe within their messaging:

We valorize those who party hard—like, they’re crazy but hard core and we respect that. Let's take it a step further with those who parent hard. Like: "I haven't slept and I'm splattered with masticated marshmallow, but let's GO MAKE A PILLOW FORT! WOO!"

This shit isn't fetch bruh frfr no 🧢


Whenever one of our kids comes up with a new word and we adopt it into the family lexicon (latest are Becausent, Bawawawa, and Dogo) we have to Google it just to make sure it isn’t also some slur we have never heard of.

Wholesome. I'm gonna have kids just to teach them slurs :marseyracistgrandpa:

General cope :marseysneed:







We always gag when we see nerds online lionizing the space hippies/communists of Star Trek's Federation. Fortunately, fertility rates indicate we are much more likely to see the Terran Federation

Could be poe's law but let's save everyone the trouble and assume you genuinely mean this. Your brains are completely dry rotted. I feel sorry for anyone who is going to have to deal with whatever insanity you manage to force down your children's throats, hope they disown this.

Reddit Drama

Malcolms Reddit account

Simones reddit account

Linked above are both Malcolms and Simones Reddit accounts (aptly named SirTechnocracy and LadyTechnocracy :marseynerd2:) which they use to this day. Going through their most recent accounts we find that they are often in the comments under posts about them, defending their beliefs. Even though they seem to have the standard persona of Redditors, they aren't well liked by them :marseysnoo:

Mayopeopletwitter :#marseymayo:

Simone & Malcolm Collins - WASP eugenicists who look like stick figures & worship Elon

I love smug people whose children haven’t had time to develop their own opinions, beliefs, and behaviors. Get back to me when your kid is wise enough to distance themselves from you. That will slap the Where’s Waldo glasses right off your faces.

It's almost as good as Redditors' imaginative fantasies


Congratulations, you diddled somebody and got them pregnant. Who’s trying to talk about overpopulation anyways?

Overpopulation is pretty much bullshit. We have plenty of room and material, just horrible peppered who can’t be bothered having them distributed effectively.

There’s no more water in the western United States. There are many signs that we have overused our resources. Hardly bullshit.


Wow, I can't believe the whole western United States is completely out of water. Why is no talking about this???

Did this guy just out himself as a wimp while trying to insult other people? I'm not sure what his deal is here. Has to be some projection, but is he jelly, or does he want a muscular man in his life?

He's insecure but can't just cope with it, (or go to the gym) he needs to have a reason he could never be like everyone else. Or he sees no reason to work on himself because he's latched down a woman with a child. Any way you split this, it's a cry for validation or outing himself as misogynistic or a wimp, like you said.

The Redditor recoils in fear in the presence of Übersoysch


Redscarepod :#maojak:

Imagine basing your life on an Idiocracy plot point

why are tech demons so obsessed with the roman empire

Why don't more people ask this question? I think it's kind of a parallel to people who revere the idea of western canon or classical music; it's a fetishization of "Western Civilization". Rome has been identified as its apex by classics nerds. moreover, the explanation that it ended was degeneracy and barbarian hordes, makes it appeal to reactionaries who feel like the rest of society can turn on them for having land and wealth, and also guys who like history because it can provide a grand narrative and identity but don't really have the capacity for nuance to challenge narratives they like. Ancient Rome, with it's history of military expansionism and downfall, appeals to STEM lords who also equate art with marble statues.


Simone Collins also appears in the thread defending her way of life but the commie chuds aren't having it:

TIL reddit pings your email if someone mentions one of your accounts, hence me ending up here this morning. Hey y'all! I'm the ugly, poorly-aging, body-pillow lady you're apparently talking about. A hot take I recently read re: Idiocracy (and love): "In a very important way, Idiocracy is actually superior to our world. Unlike our world, Idiocracy is a meritocracy ruled by rational people who know about their shortcomings. Remember that President Camacho realized that he was not smart enough and picked the most intelligent person in the world, as determined by an IQ test, to fix the nation's problems." I don't think IQ should be a determining factor for who gets to solve the world's problems (I think whoever solves the world's problems = whoever has the gumption, hustle, willpower, etc. to just step up and frickin' solve them), but it provides some interesting nuance to the story.


If you ever doubted that you wouldn't be able to find an neurodivergent gf with a breeding fetish, let me there is hope for you


Additional Readings and Videos about the Collins :marseyreading:

Podcast interview featuring Malcolm

He sounds exactly like you would expect lmao

Podcast interview with Simone Collins

Can super babies save the world

Meet the ‘elite’ couples breeding to save mankind

The 'Bizarrely Authoritarian' U.S. Education System Inspired This Husband and Wife to Co-Found a 'Genius School' for Future Entrepreneurs and Leaders

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>wake up in Martian colony in year 2285

>take usual morning jog down Procreation Lane

>pass the Natalist Auditorium and bow my head as i pass under the colossal murals of humanity's progenitors


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  • pH : this hurts
  • 9 : this is the worst thing ive read today

That smug frick is busting ropes in that high iq poontang every night while you nerds jerk it to peepeegirls on groomercord

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He also has his own charity foundation and everything. Dramatards absolutely fricking finished by a soynerd.

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If she was trans r*ghtoids would call her a disgusting carricature of what real w*men look like

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That's because of the peepee Borpa.

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She deffo looks like she has a peepee 😘

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this basically.

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I can't bring myself to hate them. They're just so neurodivergent it's funny and it makes their bravado oddly pitiable. Maybe it's because I'll never have to interact with them. Their choice to intentionally select embryos with low risks of common mental disorders is baller and Gattaca-pilled and I unironically support it.

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Gattaca was a great movie, though eugenics as an idea is horrible

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why is eugenis horrible? screening out embryos so you have a larger chance of raising functional people is a good thing.

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most of the times eugenics is tried it requires sterilization of people deemed not worthy, which is an obvious invasion of someones rights, r-slur keep yourself safe btw

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No need for that, just tax the inferior breeders.

You too stay safe. :marseykys2:

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look closely at your pfp cute twink https://i.rdrama.net/images/16822063519581518.webp

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Literally no reason to do that. Just have superhuman children and outcompete the Kaczynskicels and regressivecels. The only reason to resist developing the tech is that the :marseychingchong: will turn it into 1984 on genetic level.

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Any time a male and female becomes a couple they're engaging in eugenics by selecting for the traits they find attractive and thus also want to see in their offspring. Animal procreation is inherently eugenic.

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not the same thing, also frick off

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wrong :marsey57:

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They are funny (mostly unintentionally) and make /r/childfree predditors :marseysneed:

I honestly support their earnest autism :marseyautism:

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Based eugenicists. When I got my physical exams done for the military, the doctor remarked that I was one of the most genetically perfect specimens he'd ever seen. Good thing there wasn't a mental exam to prove him wrong.

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I had a doctor once refer to my health as "extraordinary". It's good, but it's not extraordinary. I think he was softening me up so that he could gain access to my bussy. All doctors are predators.

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:horny: Mmmm, yes. QUITE the specimen you are. Mm mm mm. Medically exquisite. Now, let's get those shorts off.

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>All doctors are predators

!doctors is this true?

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Only Gyane, Urology and cosmetic surgery

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>Ugh, doctor? I'm here for my colonoscopy. Where do I put my pants?

>"Next to mine."

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Post hog

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But that will get you pregnant! :marseyscared:

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Good we need to secure a future for the dramanaut race.

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Also her LinkedIn is kinda hilarious…former co-president of her high school’s anime club, degree in business administration from George Washington university, looking 50 at 35, naming your children Titan and Octavian, being too OCD to sleep in the same room as your partner…clearly elite master race genes and not just nerds with money



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I mean theyre doing it because they want their offspring to live through societal collapse, so i feel its fair to point out that their offspring's weapons grade eugenically perfected autism is a disadvantage. Like i can only assume that the people best suited to survive societal collapse are those with leadership and relational skills or the ability to, ykno, do a pushup.


The annoying neurodivergent will the the first to be choked to death and served up as bologna loaf

:ragestrangle: :marseyautismchonker:

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people who fight to the death a lot, even if they're really good at fighting to the death, eventually fight against someone who's even better. the people more likely to survive are the ones who win by avoiding fights altogether. it wasn't the swolest jews that survived the holocaust, it was the ones able to recognize impending doom early and to act decisively on that.

also, you don't need to be a social butterfly if you have 10 siblings and 100 nephews/nieces.

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:#ragestrangle: :@_suspat:

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haha foiled by the underline

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It works in the preview :marseycryingfast:

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it wasn't the swolest jews that survived the holocaust

this is misinformation, everyone remembers when Einstein personally beat up an SS officer and then swam all the way to America with his massive lats

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roundhouse kick a nazi into the concrete :)

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What an ignorant thing to say. People with autism are just like everyone else, and they deserve to be treated with respect. Your comment is disgusting and shows how little you know about the world.

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I know plenty about neurodivergent bologna loaf :marseysmug2:

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Neurodivergent bologna loaf is a load of crap.

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too OCD to sleep in same room as husband

Lol wtf

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Do they have a dedicated breeding closet?

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:#marseykingkrazy: we must secure a future for the krazy race:#marseykingkrazy:

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In the future every human will either be a descendant of the Collins or Krazys


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So she’s 35 and they’ve had 3 kids? Am I wrong or is that kinda low for a natalist?

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3 currently with a 4th on the way. They started somewhat late on having kids but they froze a ton of eggs which they're gonna use for IVF treatments to hopefully reach their goal of 7-13 kids

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they should just get surrogates to parallelise baby production :taythink:

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they've frozen 1000 eggs, and have selected the best 50 for future breeding.

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How? She’s got like 5 years of fertility left

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I think as long as you have viable eggs and go through fertility treatments a women can still have kids. The major issue with becoming older as a women is being eggless :marseyeggless:

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the frozen eggs have already been extracted, her fertility is irrelevant now.

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I'm reminded of Elizabeth Breunig's sob story on being a young mother at 26 (median age is 25)

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Yeah those mormon families have like 15 kids and they’re all popped out naturally

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>Two neurodivergents whos special interest cosmically aligned to be procreation with another neurodivergent whos special interest is procreation with (ad infinitum)

This advanced new species needs to be exterminated immediately if humanity is to survive, let alone maintain our dominance on Earth.

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if these nerdlingers' genes are so good why do they need glass

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so they can see you better :wo#lfdevilish:

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Trust the science chud :#marseynerd2:

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snoos will not replace us, snoos will not replace us, snoos will not replace us

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Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of neurodivergents

:marseyautismchonker::marseyautismchonker::!marseyautismchonker::marseyautismchonker: :marseyautism: :!marseyautismchonker:

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Wow, sexual intercourse for the sole purpose of procreation has never been this gay before!

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It was always gay. Imagine being a strag guy and not fricking women just cause you want to. You've failed as a moid.

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Only one of these super long posts I've ever read. Genuinely interesting and well written, great job nips :marseyclappingglasses#:

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I'm glad you enjoyed it!


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Their spawn will be competing against my Sprpr clones which is unbased. The future won't be black, white or women. It will be me.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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their sister Titan Invictus

Fricking incredible.

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Is that all carp's site is? Grown men gossipping about drama?





(Link to proposal post):

he wrote his own article:



[Collins Institute](https://" target=):








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Always has been


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Malcom looks and sounds like a homosexual. Can some psychologist here analyze this repression?

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Keyed? Keyed on what?

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They are so fricking based. How can I find a women like this (without the reddit?)


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I don't know, but if you find out please tell me


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Men's testosterone levels drop when they secure stable, committed partners and again when they have kids.

This is true though.

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growing counter-narrative to the overpopulation discourse

Thank the Lord, because I am so fricking tired of this overpopulation hysteria

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Why does no one ever talk about muh cortisol

Okay but we should. Last year I was struggling so hard in the gym, just getting nowhere, making zero progress, and it’s because I was completely stressed out of my fricking mind. Cortisol is seriously a killer. My hair thinned out and has just started to return to normal. You gotta just like, chill out man.

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I salute these brave heroes. As a nooticer I find it very interesting that neurodivergent dramautism is labelled as disability yet these people tend to be very successful high-functioning members of society. Seems to me that's not a disability, that's a superpower. I think the reason for this unfair stereotype is because many neurodivergents are too nice and don't realize that if you want the normie filth to respect you, then you have to hurt them every time they disrespect you. I think that instead of being OK and going along with it when people insult the gifted neurodivergents (not to be confused with the idiot neurodivergents) we should instead have a chimpout - the exact same way BLM or any other minority does when they feel disrespected - and inflict massive damage to society. Then maybe people would learn to respect neurodivergent people more. Granted we don't have the numbers that these other minorities do but we do have the technical skills to take out private jets quite easily and I bet that would teach people some respect real fast. And if our leaders are too fricking weak and incompetent to prevent a bunch of moronic Antifa or BLM protesters from burning down Portland then they're no way they could stop a bunch of smart neurodivergent engineers from burning down America. So if respect in our society is awarded by how many problems you can create if people piss you off (which is the lesson that progressives seem to be teaching) we should be like gods. Why are we letting narcissistic trains and alphabet people steal our spotlight and make everyone pay attention to their problems when we could just kill a bunch of rich buttholes and make everybody pay attention to our problems?

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Men's testosterone levels drop when they secure stable, committed partners and again when they have kids. When you see a jacked guy in his mid 30s, you’re looking at someone whose hormones are responding to a failure scenario (failure to secure a stable partner + reproduce).

yea, suddenly having to provide and protect a family from dangers surely gives biological motivation to be sedetary and grow a large gut lmao

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I like them just because they make wpt and rsp redditors :marseyseethe:

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I hate children and I love being swole so I am opposed to these people.

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No such thing. It's merely a way for those that are terminally online, or beep boop stupid web apps into existence, to prop themselves up as a group and pretend they're splitting atoms.

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Id rather live in the Idiocracy world than whatever they're planning

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So this is what happens when two :marseyautism:s find love. Impressive. I heavily dislike that they're trying to rid themselves of :marseydramautist: genes considering that any normal kid they have would definitely not follow their 8-kid program to healthy living. I suppose there isn't any genetic test for high-functioning neurodivergent vs medium or low functioning, though.

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

The Great Neurodivergent Replacement. Malcolm and Simone Collins, an neurodivergent couple with plans of their family becoming over half the worlds population in the future https://rdrama.net/post/164979/the-great-neurodivergent-replacement-malcolm-and #WhiteMenCantJump #x #de

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