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As I predicted years ago, this will keep getting worse as foids lose sexual market value to "men they deem desirable" and desperately try to find a way to blame it on the men before they do any self-reflection.

I'd also like to point out this problem is even worse than they claim, because while 40% of college students maybe men, women might find 15% of that 40% acceptable.

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This is why obesity rates in women are sky high. They'd rather blame men than fix themselves.

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Most men are bloatmaxxed as well, they just don't take pride in it / pretend to be happy about it.

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26 BMI Chad with a 17.5 BMI Stacy gf reporting

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Based husband in a classic sitcom

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The kid isn't(or won't be) your's.


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How tall tho?

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Ideal male height of 5'6"

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Absolute shambles 😂 Manlet BTFO, tale as old as time 😂

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U mad that my gf is cuter than yours?

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U mad that you're stuck liking gussy? 😂 I can't remember the last time I had to waste money on condoms and alimony 😂

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We can always count on you for this kind of post, pizza.

I do think, however, that you are being generous on the 15% of 40% figure. If we were going by the "top 20%" thing, it would have been more bleak.

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Feminist policies recreate harem culture

Islam is truly undefeatable, habibis

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Aren't you supposed to be on your way to turn yourself into a popsicle?

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No, not for a few days.

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Why not leave early?

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Just not how I operate.

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The early bird catches the worm, pizza. Didn't your mother ever teach you that?

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I follow plans exactly as written and do not deviate unless one of the variables change. Then I follow the designated plan in response to that variable change.

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☹️ shit I have autism

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Bardfinn-tier post

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Bardfinn is a genius, so that makes sense.

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Beating your wife to live rent free in rdrama.net's head forever



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May I please read your plans as they are written?

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Where do you loose a finger from frostbite in the plan?

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Sure is gonna be funny when I return from Alaska completely fine and you r-slurs eat your words.

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You've marked yourself out as u/onitan's next target anyway, sure he normally prefers indigenous women but if he rubs your face in the dirt a bit you wouldn't look very different anyway. I'm sure it's been slim pickings for him what with lockdowns and all.

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Which agency are you running from?

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I've heard taking a shit in a frozen forest is a life-affirming sensation.

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@FrozenChosen pizza is going to shit in your forest confirmed

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Being kept warm by nothing but the turds freshly fallen from your BUTT will do that to ya.

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I once had steam coming out of my piss, as it went in an arc. Was such a mesmerizing site, like one of those fantasy world waterfalls with water vapour everywhere. I regret not drinking more water just to piss more there.


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Men behaving like women. Women seethe cope and dilate. More news at 11.

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When will men adopt many cats and become cool wine uncles?

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They dont coz they arent r-slurred enough to shoot themselves in the foot and call it victory.

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>Affirmative action foids into college

>Wonder why there are more foids than men in college

>Get Mad at moids

Women moment

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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I don't think affirmative action has much to do with it, lol. The problem exists for multiple reasons, some due to policy some due to just natural factors.

A) Men have a much easier time finding well-paying jobs that do not require a college education, and they're more willing to do those jobs than women are. Right away men view college as less valuable than women do.

B) Higher education has genuinely become incredibly toxic for men, I'd be not very shocked if men dropped out of college at much higher rates than women do, due to how toxic it can be and the fact men are more likely to have social problems than women are.

This is all made worse by the education system outright refusing to address the problems men and boys face within the education system, an almost hostile resistance to even admitting a problem exists causes them to do the exact opposite, and funnel more money into making the education system (that's already very friendly to women) even more friendly to them, at the expense of men across the board.

Women being a minority in 4/11 fields of study is a national crisis, being a majority in 7/11 is an achievement to be celebrated. Your average college has like 50 different programs for women, 0 for men.

We're in the middle of a serious crisis amongst young men in America, a crisis nobody will really acknowledge because it's inconvenient for the feminist movement, and thus the established liberal order to do so.

What efforts they do make to address these problems are framed almost exclusively through the lens that men are just defective women and should be more like women and their problems are their own fault, which is never the case when talking about the issues women face.

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You sat down and wrote all this shit. You could have done so many other things with your life. What happened to your life that made you decide writing novels of bullshit on rdrama.net was the best option?

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moids deserve it tbh

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The only foids that are pissed are the ones that go to college for their Mrs. degree

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Isn't that basically everyone? Most people go to college with at least a goal of meeting the right person.

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Not if you go to an engineering school like Harvey Mudd. Once you rule out the moids and the moids (female), you're left with the five remaining lesbians in the united states.

(They might still frick you if you meet them at a party and are willing to be a flesh dildo)

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I hope foids burn this world tbh. They are already doing their best.

A large part of the current medical personnel shortage(and thus high medical costs) worldwide is caused by women. They enter medical at roughly the same rate as men and barely work as doctors, that's 50% of medical training near about globally being wasted for literally no reason. A uni in nihhonland even got in trouble for trying to correct for this decline, by subtracting marks for being a peepeecel. Google about it though and literally every article is about what the medical profession, hospitals etc must do to be more welcoming to foids. Not one is questioning why 80-90% of foid med students never practice med, they start with the blame assigned and work from there.

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If your peepee glows longer then 5 hours you should consult a doctor and an ABC expert :marseyglow: :marseyradioactive:

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A whole syndrome that is just women seething that people are shitty and cheat more now.

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A whole syndrome that is just women seething that actions and behaviors have consequences.

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There's no way people cheat more with technology and social media the way it is. More people probably just get caught.

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It's amazing. They are against slut-shaming because they're sluts and then complain men don't want to settle. It's hilarious how "sexual freedom" bites them in the asses. Who could predict that women who are so easy that they sleep with men on first date and access to abortion so men can make women just abort their child instead of taking care of their off-spring would make men to sleep with tons of women instead of wanting to tie the knot with the one?!

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“The s*x ratios among college-educated, hetero singles in Manhattan is approximately three women for every two men. I’ve interviewed a lot of men who were continuing to take advantage of that imbalance,”

What this is secretly saying is more men, especially educated ones, have taken the bussy pill and freed themselves if foidery. Hetero foids btfo by this turn of events. It'll get even worse as dating trans women becomes more acceptable and trussy replaces gussy more and more. They'll eventually just be a bunch of angry terminally-single foids, too educated to live in blissful ignorance of their increasingly grim situation. Their seething will reach levels once thought unreachable.

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That's the elephant in the room. Men are identifying as bisexuals at very high rates and if you even fall anywhere above a 0 on the Kinsey, the increased attention makes bussygrabbing way more appealable. Just last week, one of my former straight friends admitted bisexual attraction and said that his profile likes went from 3 to 100+ within a week of adding men to the dating pool.

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coined by a foid in upstate NY

Who could have known?

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I'll grant you it is funny that the problem (well, "problem" frick credential factories) of declining men in education becomes another complaint about men by women

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The inline card on the page:


Okay NYP. Also click through to the Daily Mail article for 700 comments of cope/seethe.

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It's not the foids nor the moids, it's the culcha.

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was this article written in the mirror universe?

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Cope tradie, collage gradyuets are the Chads now

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It's literally a shit post

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Fat men aren't fat only fat women are fat

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Imagine being fat

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My dad doesn't understand my switch to Linux or open source software in general. He told me to print a document today, something I hadn't done and never planned to do on Linux since I ditched Windows. I connected the usb cable to my laptop, did an lsusb, it was connected. I went into LibreOffice to print the document, it was undetected. My dad asked, "what can your garbage linux do?" and left the room. After 10 minutes I figured something out and printed the document. I handed it to him and told him my laptop isn't useless. He laughed at me. It almost looked like he proved me right. I knew it wasn't true but something about it just hit me. I don't know why I'm crying rn. Is it because I feel defeated by windows-only hardware or because I'm an incompetent wimp?


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And yet this man could find a foid (male) if he went to university. Really makes you think

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A but if A a bit of B snapsnap

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happened to me once, the trick is to swallow your ego and install a gui for printing

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LVFs get monkey-branched; hate it. Sexual liberation for me but not for thee.

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Brother have you considered Islam, Allah and the Prophet (PBUH)

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Now do the same with the urban population.

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I honestly think there are tons of great men out there and I don’t know why so many women seem to have issues finding them.

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Lol they legit won't date men that don't fall into their fabricated social classes.

Like, when you just straight up discount 60% of the male population due to stuff like that you have a hard time.

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Doctors warn men to get COVID vaccination:‘Do it for your peepee’

Elvis Presley got erection filming ‘Girls! Girls! Girls!’ — and it wasn’t edited out

Doctor explains how to tell a guy’s peepee size— without using a ruler

Activists hold ‘Small Dong March’ to end ‘shaming’ of tiny peepeees

Based thrashy journos

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Can we crunch the numbers really quick on the number of Stacy's in a college that chase after a coed Chad vs. the number of Melvin's throwing money at TwitchG*merKittyBoobGirl doing the same thing?

I just wanna check something.

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Is it cause 10% of zoomer moids just become goth anime catgirls uwu?

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This is not a real thing though.

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Ps why would you post right wing propaganda though 🤔

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