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He had his hands all over her at that press conference the other day. You don't touch someone like that if you're not fricking them lol

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>You don't touch someone like that if you're not fricking them lol

When you're a star, they let you do it.

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Grab em by the marsey :marseynutpat:

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Unironically Whatever daddy needs, I am there for him



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He needs to store his golf clubs in your rectum. Get stretching!

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It's OK though because he and Melania have an open relationship


All Trump family foids seem to be riding with Trudeau in fact


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Idk how you can cheat on melania for loony lol.

melania is a plastic doll but i dont feel sick looking at her like i do loony

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Serial cheaters like to cheat with the most foul and uggo foids, this is a certified moidmoment

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Melania is just there for the money.

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No real man doesn't want that bussy.

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Lmao leave it to them to find the one guy on the planet that's more r-slurred than Donald to suck up to

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Fun fact: Half the fricking admin team on this website has had penetrative s*x with Trudeau

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As I said yesterday, Trump fricking this bogged shizo broad is the funniest possible thing that happened this election cycle. Milo's twitter has been hilarious:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17264055521397104.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17264055522482245.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17264055524294236.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17264055525688214.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17264055526250134.webp


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Wonder what kind of blackmail Loomer has on Trump, because she has a history of threatening to ruin dumb chud moids if they don't have s*x with her:

Every possible outcome is a win for drama. If Trump is fricking her unwillingly, then LOL at Trump getting r*ped. If Trump is fricking her willingly, then LMAO the foids he's able to frick are a massive downgrade from before. If Trump isn't fricking her, it begs the question why he let this nutcase within 20 feet of him, pissing off nonchuds, grillers, chuds who have been r*ped by Laura Loomer, chuds who got upstaged by Laura Loomer, and chuds who have the bare minimum sense of optics.


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!nonchuds !oldstrags does anyone knows what happened to Steve Bannon and what he is doing today?, this neighbor was almost like the Amerimutt Rasputin from 2014 to 2017, quite an interesting figure in the whole MAGAland climate, as he openly associated with Neo-Nazi groups (I mean the bona fide "Esoteric Aryanism" types from Europe, not the redditor "all right-wingers are Nazis :soyreddit:" autism), he was even into Evola, Dugin, Guénon, and other occultist charlatans, but then suddenly he got fired by Trump himself, then he got arrested, and then Drumpf and the rest of the GOP have like completely memory holed him, and I do not hear of him since like 2019.

When he was arrested, the MAGAcels could have just claimed that he was framed and was a political prisoner of le Marxist DemonKKKraps and whatnot, and how him being framed and arrested by the Clinton-Epstein-Marxist cabal would have made him even more powerful and popular among the GOP, but this is not what happened at all, Bannon has been completely memory holed from the post-2020 GOP inner circle, Drumpf and the entire Gee Oh Pee really do not want to talk about this neighbor anymore, and even Mainstream Media has been completely silent on him, when they used to paint him as the mastermind of ultimate evil who was in true control of the White House, almost like Bannon was the Republican version of George Soros, but now it is like this neighbor never existed.

Perhaps the GOP realized that he was an opportunistic conman fat r-slur, and/or Drumpf's advisors told him that his Evangelical voter and donor base wouldn't appreciate Drumpf being a close friend of a fat r-slur who is obsessed with the occult writings of literal Satanists who wished to revive Paganism?, like the :imwhite: Amerimutt Rasputin?!


Edit: So apparently, he stole money from fellow rich MAGAcel campaign figures and donors :marseysurprisedpikachu:, yeah he is fricked lol, so that is why he has been memory holed in the MAGA country, he is pretty much a commie traitor in their eyes, and he did a heckin third-world shithole corruption which is terrible PR for the GOP, especially since he scammed the big sharks.

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FreeRepublic, a formerly relevant website (which brought down Dan Rather) and IMO a good indicator of a typical older chud, seems to like Bannon, though he usually just gets brought up in a "he's being persecuted for working with Trump!!!" context.

Trump's own falling out with Bannon was probably due to Kushner's influence. Also the Bannon build the wall grift was blatantly trying to upstage Trump.

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Idk the whole story but that big neighbor is in prison :marseychonkeritsover:

It really is hilarious this was the cover of Time:


He was THE bogeyman supposed to be the supreme mastermind actually running the White House and then like a few months later Trump fired him, called him Sloppy Steve, and he was never spoken of again

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He is in prison right now.

He is also facing a trial in December over the wall fraud. Daddy pardoned him federally so NY picked up the case, accepting the federal pardon is an admission of guilt so he is pretty fricked.

He has mostly been trying to cause civil wars in Europe. He has been spending lots of time in France.

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I mean, like how I said, the MAGNeurodivergents could have just said that he is a political prisoner falsely imprisoned by the evil DemoKKKrat cabal, they would be making campaigns and hashtags to free him, and say that Drumpf would free him when/if he becomes president, but they are not doing this at all, they have completely forgotten about Bannon in their media cycle, same with the Dems - Bannon was to Democrats what Soros is to Republicans, but even the terminal TDS ledditors who seethe about RethugliKKKans 24/7 do not give a shit about Bannon anymore.

At best when you tell some MAGNeurodivergent that Banno is in jail, zxey will just say that "oh he was a friend of Trump right?, and he is in prison?, well he is innocent and should be freed! :npcmaga:" before completely forgetting about the topic and coming back to 2024.

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The Haitians framed him commie Marxist.

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He should have made a third Biosphere mission instead of going into politics


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Bannon is in with the Paypal Mafia. He's Paretomaxxing hard rn.

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>Paypal Mafia. He's Paretomaxxing

Gave no context award :#marseymarge:

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No idea who you're talking about.

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does anyone knows what happened to Steve Bannon and what he is doing today?

He's drinking :marseyhungover:

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Only if he got a hookup for hooch wine :marseymugshot:

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Let me tell you, folks, Steve Bannon's pruno, it's tremendous, really fantastic. I've seen a lot of prison wines, believe me, and this one—wow, just incredible. The taste, it's bold, it's strong, very high quality, believe me. Steve, he knows how to make a hooch that's truly unforgettable, something special. I've had the best, and I'm telling you, this pruno, it's absolutely top-notch. So good, everybody's talking about it, and they should be. Steve's got a real talent, folks, and this wine proves it.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17263412880682473.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1726341252207322.webp

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>Big Orange Peepee



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Great titlemaxxing effort :#marseyupvote:

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Trump is a narcissist who, ever since he took over the GOP 8 years, ago reshaped the party in his image. This is probably good if you're an Iraqi child, but bad for his own reelection propects since he doesn't give a shit about anything other than complete obedience. Say goodbye to competent ruthless campaign officials like Karl Rove and Lee Atwater, say hello to Bogdanova, Tulsi "Less than 1 percent" Gabbard and whichever one of his dimwit sons is not currently hunting another species to extinction in Botswana.

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To me, it actually humanizes Trump a bit if it turns out that he would frick any other type of woman besides a leggy model type who has big fake tits.

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There are the kids too. And his daughter. Also I presume he also fricked the Russian hooker after pissing on her.

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Well, his daughter is a leggy model type. And if the Russian hooker story has any truth to it, I figure she probably is too.

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It's hilarious so I'm sure it's true. Also the speed at which Trump denied it and the other GOPers coming out and telling him to stop associating with her is a bit telling

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:marseyshook: big if true

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Unnecessary and uncalled for ping :marseydownvotemad: two more strikes and you're getting blocked + megadownmarseyd buddy, don't test your luck




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I'm enjoying 2024 fake effort trolling season much more than previous years. This timeline has like 10 great topics arriving at the same time, 2000 was pretty fricking lame and 2016 trolling the smug Clinton fricks was too easy.

It's a shame daddy is fricking it all up with this shit. He is just saying things he would have absolutely no power to do at this point and the court cases & seething would be fricking legendary.

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Should have posted on /h/drama r-slur :marseyretard2:

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>loomers be looming

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Isn't Laura Loomer a :marseytrain:?

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Non-passing cis transhumanist

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can someone do the thing with the green lines

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Milo says she's been cutoff as of yesterday

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