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Post your suggestions and jannoids will decide which ones to add. Thank you.



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You should understand that there are 8.3582221e+48 (83,582,221,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) (83 million billion billion billion billion) possible subreddit names in the standard subreddit URL namespace; roughly 1.2 million of those have been claimed. That's less than one billionth-billionth-billionth-billionth of one percent. Statistically speaking, Reddit is cosmically empty. It's wide-open!

But at least 1 of those subreddits -- r/AgainstHateSubreddits -- isn't wide open.

There's a topic.

We're not going to debate / discuss / fight over:

What is or is not misandry

What is or is not misogyny

What is or is not racism

What is or is not hatred

What is or is not r*pe

What is or is not crime

What is or is not sexual assault

These are all things which

actual experts in their fields have already established descriptive and prescriptive definitions of

AgainstHateSubreddits isn't a place to publish a thesis challenging these established and published experts

AgainstHateSubreddits IS ONLY A PLACE TO SAY:







YOUR ONLY PURPOSE IN /R/AGAINSTHATESUBREDDITS IS TO OPPOSE THAT CULTURE. HERE, YOU WILL NOT SOLVE "Is this really misandry? Are these statistics accurate? I need sources."









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Is this the AI from I have no mouth and I must scream?

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That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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did he really

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did he really what

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naughty naughty :marseysmug3:

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As a straight guy, erect peepees are more attractive than boobs. Everybody knows this. Peepees are the most attractive things humans have. They are smooth, they are not confusing in how they work (looking at you vaginas) and they are good sources of pleasure. Sometimes, I just look at gay porn so I can admire the peepees. Im straight but this needs to be said.

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The central research question in this thesis is, simply put: โ€œhow does Hearts of Iron IV, through its aesthetics and gameplay, deal with Nazism?โ€ Hearts of Iron IVโ€™s setting, after all, demands a conscious approach to Nazism as an ideology and a historical concept. In the game, a certain view of Nazism is expressed through its aesthetics and game mechanics. My analysis will look at how various aspects of the game come together to form a coherent representation of the Nazi ideology and Hitlerโ€™s Third Reich. As there has been a notable level of engagement from some white supremacists with Hearts of Iron IV, understanding the way in which the game portrays Nazism might contribute to build an understanding of how such groups engage with digital culture.

I would note that while the game does have some significant appeal among contemporary white supremacists, as I will document later in this chapter, this does not necessarily mean that the game itself is in some way inherently sympathetic to Nazism. Right wing extremists will project their ideology onto different media whether there are grounds for doing so or not. One example of this is their past admiration for Taylor Swift. When she did not to endorse Hillary Clinton for president in 2016, โ€œalt-right trolls adopted her as an Aryan idealโ€ (O'Neil, 2019). This worship of Taylor Swift from right wing extremists is perhaps best summarised in the following quote from one of their bloggers: โ€œTaylor Swift is a pure Aryan goddess, like something out of classical Greek poetry. Athena reborn.โ€ (quoted in O'Neil, 2019).

Their adoration for Swift lasted until 2019, when she explicitly denounced them. In an interview with Rolling Stones, she said that โ€œThereโ€™s literally nothing worse than white supremacy. Itโ€™s repulsiveโ€ (Hiatt, 2019). Following this she immediately fell out of favour with those groups. This series of events demonstrates how white supremacists are ready and willing to take any media, such as the stardom of Taylor Swift and the lyrics in her songs, and read it as a positive endorsement of their movement as long as it does anything less than explicitly denounce them.

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you're fricking bananas if you think I'm reading all that, take my downvote and shut up idiot

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You are ironypoisoned and are so contrarian you got psyopped into liking Israel and Jews, congrats you're dumber than even 5%ers

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Not sure I'd have saved the world. But I'm fairly sure I wouldn't have chosen to join the SS, willingly participated in genocide, and then lied about it for years in order to escape justice.

I'm not a perfect man. I wouldn't even say I was an especially good one. But I've never volunteered to participate in genocide. I may not be 'morally just', but I think I can draw a pretty big line there.

Now, could I participate if someone put a gun to my head? Who can say?

But... why do you assume he had a gun to his head? Because I have new for you pal. This guy wasn't some hapless civilian who turned a blind eye to horrors beyond his comprehension.

The reason his lie about being a farm labourer was believable is that he could have chosen to contribute to the german war effort by labouring on a farm.

He chose to enlist.

Then he chose to specifically join the SS. Then he chose to lie about it for years afterwards when questioned as to what he had done.

My ancestors fled Bavaria in the 1880s. In another timeline, and if I'd been born a century earlier, I might have grown up German instead of British. And I can't say for certain that I would have ended up on the right side of things, had I been born in 20s Germany. I like to think I would have. But there's a decent chance I wouldn't have seen Nazi Germany for what it was until after the fact.

But you better believe my descendants would have been rightly disgusted for my silence. I can be darn sure I wouldnt have volunteered for it.

This guy? He actively sought out the SS. He chose to participate. You think that because it would have taken a gun to your head for you to participate in such atrocity, everyone needed the threat of death?

This is the Schutzstaffel for fricks sake. The ones who ran the concentration camps were literally called the SS-Totenkopfverbรคnde ("Death's Head Units").

They were volunteers. You could be conscripted into the German Army but the SS-TV were volunteers. They chose to be there. They chose to do what they did. And you could - and some did - be transferred away from camp duties.

Comparisons to what wed do in desperate situations when forced, are, frankly, irrelevant. Because that wasnt what happened. The SS wasnt made up of reluctant conscripts. Those were sent to the meat grinders on the Russian front.

Yes, there are redditors passing moral judgement on this guy. Because believe it or not, I'm not confident on my stance on an awful lot of issues of morality. But I am perfectly happy and perfectly willing to cast moral judgement and feel morally superior to someone who wilfully and willingly abetted genocide.

I get it. It's an appaling thing to imagine. That anyone would willingly participate in such a thing. So you imagine 99% of the guards would have done what they could if only the threat of immediate execution wasnt hanging over them. Because surely that many people couldn't willfully participate in such an engine of atrocity?

They did. They absolutely did. Understand this and accept it. There were plenty of men who'd be thrown a rifle and told 'Fight for Germany' and they can be forgiven for marching under the Swaztika. This man, is not one of those men. Nobody who served at Death Camps were.

The SS was a purely volunteer organisation. Not a single person who joined the SS was there against their will. Realise this and accept it.

Not everyone in German was complicit in the holocaust (though a darn sight more than we like to think were party to creating the environment that allowed it to flourish; and as late as a decade after the war over half of Germany thought Hitler was a Great Man who merely made a few mistakes. They didn't see themselves as liberated until the next generation came along.)

The SS were the ones who volunteered, who believed in what they were doing and knew exactly what they were doing, and why. Every. Single. One.

And some of them - not many but some - are still alive, and have, until now, escape justice. They were the true believers.

That's why he lied about it.

If someon3 is reading this and honestly thinks this guy deserves mercy, on account of his age, ask yourself this: How long did Epstien need to have lived before you'd think it was pointless to charge him for his crimes? What's the checkpoint to reach before your forgiven of your crimes?

Because believe me, the SS are guilty of far worse. It defies imagination to envision what they did and what they were capable of. And it is some really backwards logic to suppose that a group committing a crime dilutes the guilt. 5 murderers who kill a man, are equally guilty as one murderer who kills a man. They don't each share 1/5th of the guilt. And someone who shares guilt with 50,000 other murderers, is similarly as guilty of each and every death they cause.

And he wasnt some indirect, hapless victim.

He directly murdered specific people with Zyclon-B. Specific, individuals with names, birthdays, favourite ice-creams. And he was there and he did it because he chose to be there, doing that specific job.

Do not delude yourself into thinking there was some innocent mistake and he happened to end up working as at an extermination camp. He was an SS Guard. And you don't become and SS guard by accident.


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you're fricking bananas if you think I'm reading all that, take my downvote and shut up idiot

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I am a pure untouched truecel. Kissless hugless virgin. I've never :marseyitsover: flirted, never :marseyitsover: asked :marseythinkorino2: anyone out. I've been at uni for over two years and I have not had a single :marseywall: conversation with anyone in my classes, I've never :marseyitsover: even asked :marseythinkorino2: for help from those responsible despite :marseybipocattentionseeker: how badly I'm doing.

Normies who whine :marseycomplain: about their jobs and their girlfriends get the fricking wall. Appropriating our cultures and languages while being normal :marseychartgaussian: people who just desperately want to seem quirky :marseyteehee: and different :marseyvenn3: despite :marseybipocattentionseeker: being the most basic :marseysymbol: normie possible

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I remember I got into an argument on reddit awhile ago with a person over Italian food. It got to the point they were following me into other subs to harass me.

I clicked on their profile to block them and their most recent post was them drinking their own piss on /r/piss. At that moment I realized I had spent so much pointless time arguing about the taste of food with someone who drinks their own piss as a hobby. This site is a shit hole.

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I do not say this lightly.

This might be the most delusional foid ramble I've ever encountered online.

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What youโ€™ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this site is now dumber for having read it. I award you no upvotes, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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"The appropriate response to someone declaring that they don't intend to treat others as though their lives and well-being amount to anything is to get ready to fight them, not debate them."

It's more than different viewpoints. It's disgusting, unethical, fascist-adjacent[1] bigotry and stochiatic terrorism[2] which has led and continues to lead to the literal genocide of trans people (see the UN definition of genocide; USA and UK alone are actively genocidal toward trans people and they're supposedly the "developed world").

[1] See Magnus Hirschfeld, Institute of Sexuality, the first Nazi book burning which specifically targeted his trans research, pink triangles, etc. [2] See Lily Cade for example, Posie Parker encouraging people to shoot trans women in the bathroom, the murder rate of black trans women, trans/gay panic defense, etc.

Alongside numerous anti-LGBTQ+ hate groups Stock has signed the extremist WHRC/WDI declaration.

For more endless Stock/TERF/GC/transphobe criticisms see Christa Peterso, Katy Montgomerie, Trans Atlantic Call In Show (on The Line channel) and the XX Factor.

GTF0 off with that bigotry. LGBTQ+ existence is not a f#####g thought experiment or up for debate.

Stop spreading bigotry and further oppressing the most intersectionally oppressed (black, disabled, queer, trans women specifically)

Educate yourself. Do better.

Otherwise... Reread the first quote.


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you're fricking bananas if you think I'm reading all that, take my downvote and shut up idiot

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As a queer person i dont think about s*x normally. i think about it in a cooler and deeper way that most people dont. im really cool about s*x and i think about it alot but in cool ways and really smart. bet youve never thought about s*x like that but i have.

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Make snappy ping ! everyone every once in a while

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High school had a way better culture, for one. I cannot understate how insanely good my high school teachers were, they left me with a ton of respect for the profession. They loved being there, they loved their subjects, and they loved the students (not in a p-do way.) College professors seemed to just really wish they were doing research instead of doing lectures. They weren't bad but you couldn't really have the same relationship you could with high school teachers unless you lived in the professor's office hours. More noticeably bad, I found it really hard to make friends at college though. High school you were in class all the time and you'd have multiple classes with the same people and you were forced to go and all hated it. I made my high school friends by bonding over hatred of having to write specific essays or specific bullshit math tests. With college, 200 people pile into the lecture hall for 90 minutes, you take notes the whole time, then you all leave, and never see those people in any of your other classes except maybe the corresponding lab to the lecture. I had little more success with extracurriculars. It seemed like there were two types of students, frat bros and cute twinks, and I didn't really like either. Frat bros were passable company for getting drunk or whatever but they're no help with homework (their business classes are equivalent to middle school classes [this is true btw my college offered pre-algebra as part of the business program {and the business school is relatively famous for being a "smart" business school. :marseydespair:}]) The best company I found was with the Catholic community on-campus but that still didn't really work all that well. Being there felt like this: :tradboy: :tradwife: :ayydance: :!tradboy: :tradboy!:. It was a bunch of mild mannered engineering students (mostly male [very blackpilling :marseydoomer:]) who were nice to me (they even invited me to their dry parties :marseyheart: [which I would always leave early from after standing alone in the corner for an hour :marseycry:]) but I just wasn't like. They would talk about the big game or square dancing (there were square dancing nights on Saturdays and being one of the rare men with a date for that was a huge deal :marseysinga:) whatever and I would just :marseypokerface:. At least if there were edgy converts there I would've had someone to argue with. I noticed that I was the only person there who had any foul language at all, like nobody else would ever say "frick" or "shit." We were just on different wavelengths. A lot of them were in ROTC which I found fascinating since the other ROTC kids I met were all gay or trans (not even kidding, every single ROTC person I met at college was either openly Catholic, openly LGBT, or both.) So yeah I was a total misfit which was a real shock since I was only a partial misfit in high school and EVERYONE in high school, especially my parents, told me that college would be the best time of my life, socially. I had no success with women, of course.

oh yeah the classes, that's the important thing. They sucked. The labs, especially in my final semester, were fun but everything else was HUGE lecture halls (I went to a big public school because $12,000 a semester is better than $50,000.) I went into pre-med because that's what smart poor people do and I ended up sucking at it (:marseyshrug: I probably could've tried harder but working really hard at school in a subject I hate in order to go to more school to work really hard in a subject I hate in order to get a job where I work really hard in a subject I hate doesn't seem like a good life plan.) I didn't want to transfer into humanities or business (you had to have a really good GPA to transfer into a different science or engineering degree) so I dropped out. I'll probably go to college again, after I have a better idea of what I want to do with my life. "Doctor or engineer" was my entire life plan because my parents picked it for me.

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Not one single person is gonna read all that

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Carp ruins fricking everything

@JewTwo was watching a streamer today and he was talking about something related too fishing. Absolutely no relation too carp whatsoever but people were spamming the chat with " :marseycarp2: " and "he does it for free".

Compare that too an hour later when the guy was literally talking about QuadNarca and Joan_Wayne_Gacy and interestingly there was no emoji spam in the chat.

โ€œWhy are you seething about something so small?โ€

Why do you constantly try too shove carp's shitposts down everyponyโ€™s throats whenever you get the chance? If youโ€™ve watched this guy for any length of time you know heโ€™s not gonna say poz my neghole no matter how much you spam. What are you trying too accomplish asides from being weird little freaks?

trans lives matter

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Hi everypony :#marseywave:

trans lives matter

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โ€œOn this sub we can always count on you to show up and say something fricking stupid and backwards.โ€œ

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The prophet Muhammad (pbuh) before marrying that harlot Aisha, was well known as a buggerer of young boys and a catamite to various African visitors to Arabia.

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He killed a p-do. If the Onion were still funny it would have followed ii this trial with โ€œRash of Kyle Rittenhouse copycats devastate Child molesters community.

Child molesters all over America are scared as doughy losers, troubled babyfaced young men, and High school dropouts are abandoning school shootings as the path to fame and notoriety since they realize that they too cam become beloved heroes by bagging themselves a chomo. โ€œIt's not safe on the streets,โ€ says Tim O'Boyotoucher, a former Catholic priest now counseling โ€œat-risk youthโ€ in the homeless camps of San Francisco following a short prison sentence โ€œIt's open seasons on MAPs.โ€ Henry Smalls, an obese anime fan, furry, and fat rights activist currently in traction at the Joe Paterno memorial hospital agrees. โ€œI was talking to this cute little loli by the schoolyard and trying to get her into my Obi-San van when a group of baka baras pulled up and unloaded a full clip at me. If I hadn't studied the blade and mastered ninjutsu, I'd be dead.โ€ When reached for comment the school principal, who asked to remain anonymous on threat of lawsuit, disputed this and claimed that Mr. Smalls had been assaulted by a little league baseball team. Clearly , Kyle's cruelty has even corrupted our youth. Hugh j. Peepee , head of the local Pride organization told us โ€œIt's not my problemโ€ and that we should โ€œGet out of my house before I call the copsโ€.โ€

Something like that but actually funny.

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You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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Again you go yapping things I don't know or care to know what they mean.

And while I'm glad my low-effort, thoughtless lunch break commentary warranted inviting your meta:marseytrain2: clique here, I'll ask to be kept out of it. Most people are here to be entertained, not bored to death :marseysleep:

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so just because i ahve a rare and incurable condition where i can only understand human suffering thru the lens of showtunes and cartoons aimed at preteens means my posts about labor disputes aren't insightful? tch [turns on my heel and like five pins fall off my little backpack with nothing inside except the leather journal i'm writing my fantasy novel in] [turns back around immediately] so yeah it's sort of a chaotic found family story and it's like really wholesome but feral AF and there's a lot of queer representation

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Reddit hates Trump more than they hate genocide

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And Reddit will still eat the butt of the people who killed him, because redditors are nature's cruelest mistake.

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He's wrong. Hatred is the Quebecois state religion. Quebec got rid of the church but kept their hate. The church is now just another of the Quebecois eternal enemies, which also includes Usonia, the rest of Canada, Coca-Cola, England, Mexico, the Chinese, and the indigenous population.

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The great champions of neoliberalism are falling one by one. Amnesty International, The American Civil Liberties Union, the New York Times. Democracy dies in darkness and one by one the stars are winking out.

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โ€œPeople who can speak well, speak briefly.โ€

โ€• Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Demons

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Sir pls do the sneedful

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do you really believe that? You know i make these threads because i want some fun and to open myself to being bullied so that we on Rdrama dont take ourselves so seriously and have some fun about non-important stuff instead of @snally bitching about to much chudposting about eurocucks

Then you guys come with genuine sincerity and have even worse takes than my shitty ones

Why u say it's aweful, because you just decided so? You think a genre should just cease to exist because you dislike it? I hate Roguelikes, but i believe they should persist in the gayming ecosystem.

Your FPS complaint makes sense only in your shower argument against the mirror - my bitching is the absence of both RTwP versus Turn-based. In the past 20 years, not even 10 games have been released in this genre, while Turn-based g*mers have been spoilt for choice with over 1000 titles on steam alone, both indie and AAA alike.

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Good! Glad we understand each other! walks up behind :marseynotes2: you and trips :marseycheckem2: you with some fancy :marseycheers2: footwork, you thud to the ground, and I yank your sneakers :marseyexercise: off in an instant!! Haha! LOSERRRR! chucks them at you

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โ€œIt's an immense problem for the layman,โ€ Marsey says. โ€œDrama is difficult to use, touches many parts of our lives and has not become significantly less difficult in the past 30 yearsโ€ฆ In our institutions and gooncaves, and the holes they connect to, drama is handled for us by the manufacturers. We never see it, never interact with it, and in many cases cannot interact with it.โ€ We're placing an immense amount of trust in the drama of manufacturers, Marsey argues, and therefore we're effectively โ€œtrusting them not to ropeโ€

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And now you're about to me attacked by my blockhammer.

The FIRST rule (ok, sixth rule, but it should be first) of SRD club is that we don't post our own drama.

And I see you are obsessing over that list, so here's another list for you to obsess over. My blocklist. Get that butt blocked.

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Shut the f word up you arent some 4cuck veteran โ€œepiclyโ€ putting down some โ€œnewbieโ€ like this is an internet herstorian video this IS rdrama HOMO! This IS my personal army! I LITERALLY pinged my personal army! R-slurโ€ฆ

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Nooo Kim Jong Un Chan, you can't strangle me with your thighs that's against so many UN human rights directives- ACK src

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for the /h/personal hole


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This is what happens when women get power. They feel an immediate need to stratify everything in to a hierarchy and appoint leaders to each organisational unit.



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