I know I'm a day late on this, but sometimes life takes some unexpected turns and you have to prioritize the people you love most dearly in life. In any case, I finally tracked down and picked up my Renamon body pillow that got lost in the mail so lets get this show on the road.
Without further ado, here are your winners for the 2021 Drammy awards!
One fine day, the innermost circle of Reddit janitors decided that it's been a whole 2 weeks since they last flexed their collective e-peens and coordinated in a secret Groomercord group to shut down /r/NoNewNormal - an anti-gigavax subreddit that offended the vast majority of the powerjanny clique's delicate sensibilities. Their plan was to "blackout" Reddit, suddenly and simultaneously setting all their major subreddits private in hopes of riling up their users and attracting media attention; it's worth noting that this tactic is the go-to method when the powermods are having a slapfight with the admin jannies, having been employed multiple times in the past over equally inconsequential bullshit.
However, their surprise attack was ruined the day before they were ready to strike when a certain unnamed Dramatard somehow snuck into their janissary ranks on Groomercord, and leaks of their pathetic behavior were passed along to our very own beloved
@carpathianflorist and uploaded straight to our mega awesome website where we got to see for ourselves their secret discussions of how best to "psychologically manipulate" their sub's users into being their personal army. How scandalous!
News of a sussy imposter among their ranks swiftly reached the jannycord once these leaks started to be shared on Reddit itself, causing the ringleaders to fly into a sheer panic and start locking down all the server's channels. From there, they employed the most state-of-the-art verification system ever devised by mankind to keep us naughty dramatards out:
Surprisingly, this wasn't super effective at preventing the continued flood of leaks that kept coming out.
In the end the leaks, and subsequent onslaught of astroturfing of said leaks resulted in multiple Reddit moderator breakdowns, in-fighting, multiple moderators leaving, and the entire protest in general falling apart for a period of time. While /r/NoNewNormal did eventually fall to the eternal y'all, this bout of mischief was a testament to the kind of tomfoolery we have the capacity to pull now that we're living off-site and free from the watchful eye of the Reddit chadmins, beating out Christine Chandler's acts of matriphilia, the Kylie Rittenhouse saga and the short but sweet /r/superstraight movement to be voted your favorite dramatic moment of 2021. The whole event was notable enough that it was made a featured happening over on some New Zealand agricultural forum.
Notable rDrama threads regarding this dramatic happening, compiled by generous Kiwis so I don't have to:
Update - It's getting really good
J-Slur-In-Chief has JUST NOW reached peak mald
Janniecord is currently melting down
Moderator belleariel has breakdown
Janniecord is in full civil war
Oh dear! In a shocking twist, the collective autism of this site's many beloved neurodivergents and schizos has managed to beat out Chris Chan's zany antics to be your favorite lolcow of the year!
Sorry Cristine, I'm afraid you're going to have to do better than frick your own mother if you want a shot at the prize next year.
Special shoutouts to @pizzashill,
@Impassionata and
@mermaid for really putting the work into this group effort and winning all of us this prestigious award!
This one was a close race between @John's fabulous animation of Marsey showing off her cussy in glorious silky smooth 1080p 60fps, and @Berzel's hilarious Marseyfied take
on the classic troublemaker cat meme. John however narrowly takes the top spot, and has been awarded 1000 dramacoin for his efforts! Not to worry though, because this isn't the last you'll be hearing of Berzel's great contributions to our site this year.
Unexpectedly beating out the big favorites of /r/TXBountyHunters, /r/transparenttranskid and /r/friendsofbrian, the best voted rdrama bait of 2021 is actually coming from inside the house!
By impersonating a Wired journ*list looking to interview some dramatards in the wake of the /r/friendsofbrian shitshow, @Lv58_Skeleton successfully strung along the entire mod team as well as a significant chunk of the userbase into thinking we were due for our big breakout into internet stardom, only to out us as gullible fricking r-slurs thirsty for any sort of attention or validation from some D-list journaloid. His motive? He just wanted to prove to the jannies that he could make an alt that nobody would figure out was actually him in disguise. Fantastic work all around, and 1000 dramacoin has been delivered to our favorite spooky calcium comrade's crypt.
An effortpost so long that it had to be posted in two parts. @Berzel's exposΓ© is a fantastic write-up of the seedy underbelly of the popular zoomer vidya Roblox and the child prostitution rings operating on the site's official forums, and I think it's best to let the posts themselves do the talking here. I don't care if you're an illiterate mong with no attention span that gets scared by posts longer than two sentences, they're well worth the read if you're hungry for some amazing drama that occurred in a relatively obscure part of the interwebs.
@X (formerly chiobu)_
Having contributed at least a whopping 112 marsey emotes and making consistently great high-effort posts, it's no surprise that @X (formerly chiobu)_ was by far your favorite candidate to be Dramatard of 2021. A huge congratulations, and thanks a ton for all the great drama and artwork you've provided throughout the year to make this little corner of the web a delight to keep coming back to!
In honor of being the first to win this amazeballs title, X (formerly chiobu) will also receive a special exclusive Dramatard of the Year profile badge as soon as I bother to figure out how to actually add one of those.
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We've been playing around with an idea of making BEST RDRAMA BAIT category a recurring, monthly event in order to encourage you r-slurs to actually go out and do shit. If you have any sort of ideas on how to make that work in the best way possible (prizes, visibility, encouragement), please let us know (as a reply to this comment, for example).
EDIT: Yes, MasterBaiter badge and some DC grant are a given. I'm looking for slightly less obvious ideas, lol
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I like the idea of having more themed challenges or contests, maybe it could be a little more specific than just best bait.
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Frick the carrot, give the stick: whoever posts the shittiest bait gets grassed.
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Why stop at grass, most of the shit bait on here is by literal nobodies that wouldn't be missed
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Off topic but your profile anthem is a fricking banger
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Thanks, it's an old meme but I thought it would be fitting enough
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But what if it was meta bait to trigger dramatards with sensitive dramatic palettes?
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Do you remember Game Of Trolls? Is it possible to recreate that today (using pushshift or something to get accurate downmarsey counts)?
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idk if we can get accurate downmarsey counts anywhere anymore, reddit intentionally fuzzes them (and has for a better part of the decade). Plus we're looking more for seethe and impotent rage rather than just getting brigaded from r/worstof / SRD or something.
If you want to make that - I don't think anyone will stand in your way, but we're probably going to go more subjective "dramanauts pick your favourite" route.
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Maybe bi monthly and give whoever wins a special badge.
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