The P320. It ends today.
— SIG SAUER (@sigsauerinc) March 7, 2025
SIG Sauer is a Swiss weapons manufacturer with an American branch that just recently won the contract to build the next rifle for the US military. The American branch is also infamous for developing the P320, a semi-automatic pistol with features like no other - it fires when it shouldn't.
For starters, the P320 already had an early design issue, in that it could fire if dropped, which no modern pistol should do.
SIG Sauer did announce an upgrade for all P320s several years back to fix this drop issue, but in doing so, may have somehow introduced a new issue where it can accidentally discharge. (This is from an anti-gun source, but does include a few gifs of incidents where the gun went off along with an animation of the design).
Are a good chunk of these probably people negligently discharging or something getting stuck in the holster? Probably, but there are a few suspect incidents that make it seem otherwise.
In any case, for no random reason, SIG Sauer releases that statement yesterday.
Twitter users start poking fun
In other news, Boeing released a statement saying that their planes are totally safe and fine and absolutely nothing is wrong with their manufacturing and quality assurance processes.
— John (@Slagonomics) March 7, 2025
— Rehab President (@RehabPresident) March 7, 2025
— Moose Bro (@moosebro45) March 7, 2025
— Emu Secundus (@EmuSecundus) March 8, 2025
— GLOCKTOR WHO (@NorCalRiverRat) March 7, 2025
The SIG Sauer and P320 subreddits rush to SIG's defense.
I keep waiting for a P320 that has had an "uncommanded discharge" to be analyzed to demonstrate what went wrong to cause it to go off.
Conspicuously, it's NEVER EVER been done. Like, it would be the simplest, most obvious and objective way to settle the issue once and for all. There should be completely irrefutable material evidence in every single one of these instances. A broken striker tab... a misshapen sear (well, two sears, since it has a 2nd sear in case of failure of the first one)... a firing pin block that sticks in the open position... But completely bizarrely - no such evidence has ever been put forward.
The total lack of evidence of a faulty firing mechanism is almost as conspicuous as it being basically only cops that have "uncommanded discharges".
Ever notice how nearly every single incident involving the P320 was by a cop? 🤔
For all the ones that have fired on their own is there any commonality between them?
I have tested mine and nothing, seen a bunch of other people testing theirs with no results, and it has me curious as to what the point of failure is?
Yeah. User error
Good for Sig
CCW and firearms are little more confrontational.
They really went in and hit every buzzword lol. Anti-gun groups, mainstream media, clickbait farmers, grifters, all chose to go after not just one company but one firearm model. Agenda driven, rhetoric, "highjack the truth". Give me a fricking break. This reads like an AI press release.
Sig sounds kinda sauer about it all.
The sig subreddit is literally blaming everything but the gun from the holster to weather conditions it's concerning how much they fanboy.
It's also hard to claim it's a flawless gun if you rolled out a voluntary recall program lmao.
The hair around my butthole has a greater level of intelligence than that sub.
Anyways, there's no issue. Make sure to buy their $2.5k rifle with an "in spec" gap between the upper and lower receiver!
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Whats the point of having a sick carry piece if it doesnt even go off if you throw it???
but go off i guess
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im literally screaming, may you literally all be blessed with random P320 discharges !marseyfans !firearms
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omg! I had a random discharge once, and She wasnt happy
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Im not a gun guy, so maybe this seems incredibly naive, but wasnt literally all this shit figured out like 120 years ago???
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120 years ago semiauto handguns had like just been invented and barely had literally any drop safeties, and Most parts were sorta eyeballed and developed through testing rather than modern analysis, and Manufacturing was also shit in 1920
I just think it's funny that This was completely normal back then
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revolvers are betterr anyway, and shoot through the jacket, never jam, cool like western
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Ok boomer
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yes and no, its complicated by gun manufacturers trying to create new features that domt always work as intended, and Also mass manufacturing will always have shortfalls and sometimes there can be a simple defect that makes an extra nub or something on 1 in 1000 parts that leads to the defect, and Even tho its 1 in 1000 when Sig makes as many guns as they do thats hundereds of guns made with the defect
!slots100 and thats the tea, sis
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That literally happened to the M1 Garand, during the initial batch of production they would missfeed literally every time a round was loaded from one side of the clip, Turns out one of the toolpaths wasnt set up properly and left a nub somewhere it shouldnt have been
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also like Virtually literally all firearms are capable of some sort of mechanical failure leading to unintentional discharge
Short of a single shot thats like only loaded immediately before firing, literally all guns have some level of potential to misfire
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Modern handguns dont do this, and Its like just a p320 issue and its EVERYTHING
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Modern handguns dont do what the 320 does, but even ar15s can have hammer follow and such
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also like Modern handguns arent striker fired???
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omg! They even made safeties and kept playing with the trigger designs for muskets, so single shot isnt even r-slur or defect proof
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You forgot another important defect with the P320, which is that you can permanently damage it by inserting a standard factory mag totally into it!!!
Theres no over insertion protection, so if you insert it hard (you know like you care about it being seated correctly or something), it can over insert and bend a pin inside
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I think the cost per gun for the army was like 238$
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um Oh boy I love super high chamber pressures made on the cheap
like Just double-checked the numbers and 277 produces 30-50% higher pressures than fricking 50 BMG
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Context and thats the tea, sis
207$ pistol holy shit and thats the tea, sis
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Should have dropped it to $85 and had literally everyone dripped out in Hunnit Dolla Bill hiiiiiiiiii Points, which would be like just as tactically useful in a military setting and align better with the lifestyles and aesthetic goals of the average enlisted personnel issued a pistol *sips tea*
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The people who choose the specifications and set up the competition are r-slurred bureaucrats who dont know literally anything about gun design
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Overpromise to get the contract. Underdeliver to ensure there is another contract down the line.
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Isnt that considered unacceptable with consumer electronics or even industrial machinery??? and thats the tea, sis
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literally, Im waiting for the John Wick where he uses a bounce house and P320 with extended clip to defeat the entire army of a small country
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Its called a drum, idiot
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High quality thread
I just think it's funny that Great maymays
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The one on the right looks like my dad
!chads !BIPOCs !macacos !followers
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literally All threads about random drama should involve memes, and If good memes havent been made about it then it isnt dramatic (shouldnt be posted in the first place) *sips tea*
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The MCX receiver gap is
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Thats worse than mashing two different brands of Chink airsoft receivers, and Ive never seen such bullshit before
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I havent seen literally any combo of receivers that look that bad, and It looks like a frankengun
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omg! !firearms i know for a fact that literally all da/sa 22x pistols are not drop safe, and If you drop a da/sa 22x on its barrel while loaded, even with the hammer not cocked, it can slam fire without pulling the trigger, and The safety that prevents the hammer from falling without depressing the trigger is disabled by the shock and the hammer is able to drop and impact the firing pin hard enough to fire, and This has happened to me personally while running while carrying a 229, and This can pretty much like only happen when the pistol falls straight down on the barrel, so it fires totally into the pavement
I just think it's funny that So should I video this happening again and frick with sig???
Putting the
spookieturkeymerrynew yeardonkeyJump in the discussion.
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Ive got a 228, and Should I drop it on the barrel to test this???? and thats the tea, sis
im literally screaming,
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Dont forget to post recording to carps favorite site and its EVERYTHING
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Im going to take mine to my buddies house soon and try and film it, and He has a field down in a bottom it should be safe to film it since you cant predict what direction the shrapnel will fly
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spookieturkeymerrynew yeardonkeyJump in the discussion.
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I just think it's funny that What do you have to lose???
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throw it barrel-forward at your enemies
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i feel like But then the barrel is going to be pointing at the ground (which is a safe direction) so firing a round isnt a big deal
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I was running full speed toward some malfunctioning equipment so I was 10-15 feet away when it hit the ground and I still got brass shrapnel in my arm (lightly but it drew blood), and It will never be recalled bc its probably not going to kill anyone, but it isnt safe to have it happen, and Scary as shit
Putting the
spookieturkeymerrynew yeardonkeyJump in the discussion.
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My P365 has like only ever negligently discharged once, and that was like only because my dumbass 2 year old nephew was playing with it
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These things happen, and
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What a fricking r-slur, and I hope you made him pay for the ammo
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also like Let kids enjoy things darn
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my heart is telling me If its not a west german p226 or older p210 its not a sig I want
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I love my p225 but go off
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i feel like Maybe avoid dropping your gun like a fumbling r-slur
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Chucking your gun across the room in a rage is a time honored american tradition
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omg! Have people tried not dropping it???
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im literally screaming,
my heart is telling me
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I like just stick with my beretta because it was the pistol john had in die hard
and thats the tea, sis
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my heart is telling me Here is a quick 20 min recap, realistically the FCU design they use is way too complicated, its also like just not that intelligent compared to how a Glock works
I believe it was Terri a Davis, who said an idiot, admires complexity, and agenius admires simplicity
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I still have a GEN one 320 FCU and technically right now the recalls voluntary so, well actually its not a recall, and It is a, voluntary upgrade, so if I ever stop posting its cause one of my own guns shot me but its whatever
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Sig fixed the drop issue like 8 years ago, and Are they too stupid to like just add an additional letter to the model number and move on???
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yes, and sigs whole thing is *sips tea*
literally, if they changed the model number it would be admitting there was an issue, and they did it with the p365 too (though the p365 is genuinely quite a good gun, whereas the 320 is mid even when it works fine)
bottom line though cops were like just shooting themselves and accusing the gun, and they did they same thing with the glock in the 80s and 90s because cops couldnt keep their fingers off the trigger
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I just think it's funny that Someone has tested it, and With a P320 in a retention holster that locks onto the slide, like most Safarilands, a small shock to the grip module can cause the gun to fire
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yeah iirc they made the trigger shoe way too heavy so it could like just move under its own weight, firing while uncommanded but still technically pulling the trigger, and they did change that but not retroactively, so if i were ever going to buy a used non manual safety 320 (and i dont know why anyone would) id immediately replace the trigger with a new one
^ the above is why so many people distrust sig now, and had they issued a mandatory/free upgrade for literally all 320s it would have been a darn thats stupid but they made it right thing that like only temporarily tarnished their reputation, and by quietly allowing owners to upgrade their guns they didnt admit literally anything and now people are seriously questioning their trustworthiness, and i still stand by dont buy literally any new designs until theres a second generation and youre fine but god darn could they have avoided this, and and the tweet makes them look gay, and biggest sin tbh
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Remember when GM had ignition cylinder defects, but didn't bother to stamp an updated part number on the corrected cylinders, nor apparently did they track VINs under the recall, so dealers had no idea if you still had a defective ignition cylinder?
It really only affected poors and olds though. If you're entering your 30s and still driving a Pontiac with fewer than 8 cylinders, you made terrible life choices.
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um fricking siggers
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The Swiss company and the American compant are almost entirely different companies desu and thats the tea, sis
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itd not supposed to pew when a finger isnt on the trigger, and This is lile a car with no breaks and a throttle that sticks, like a rogue prius or something
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its a joke, r-slur
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youre a joke
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also like
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Whats up my Siggas, and Also Sig US has nothing to do with literally any overseas Sigs but its whatever
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https:// x .com/Ghostwatch898/status/1898120018874740898
omg! https:// x .com/17NGreene76/status/1898227507582697567
https:/ /x .com/Yes594710552442/status/1898393036666839151
Holy shit lmao Im kinda impressed
they were able to turn this totally into DA JOOOS
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Anti-sigitism PERIODT
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my heart is telling me They also make the MCX Spear rifle??? Our army is so fricked lol
I should carry a P320 so that I can kill someone in cold blood and like just blame it on my gun falling out of my holster
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I just think it's funny that Daily reminder that Glock should have won the M18 contract, and if you think the Glock 19 is inadequate as a combat pistol you suck at shooting and literally have zero facts to back up your opinion
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a good vod on the the Lawsuits
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