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EFFORTPOST FACT CHECK: carp paid for 76 ghost awards and printed 20 LEAKS INSIDE: How I thwarted an rdrama furry groomercordcel cabal that were making plans to destroy the site and bring me to justice for my crimes of fursecution :marseywtf2:



OP image graciously provided by @Gandalf-the-Whey.

This is a followup post to @TracingWoodgrains' story of the events here, except with the juicy leaks included and not just a wall of :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost:

Since Trace pretty much detailed the whole thing for me already, I'll mainly be focusing on the behind-the-scenes stuff and the juicy inside leaks that he unfortunately failed to deliver.


A few days ago I was DM'd a Groomercord server invite from @Jackal AKA @TracingWoodgrains, who supposedly set up a safe space for all the drama-adjacent furry degenerates that currently plague the site. I declined of course, since I'm not a furry and I assumed this was some sort of doxing or grooming attempt by our local journo friend using the CNN playbook. :marseyjourno: :marseyhacker:


Skipping to yesterday, I had the dastardly plan of ghost awarding Jackal's weekly furry thread in hopes of disrupting the meta furry circlejerking and co-opting of the site. They didn't exactly respond well to this, and responded by bitching to Carp to get ghost awards nerfed and/or removed entirely so they could continue to namestrag and attention-whore while posting their weird fetish porn. Unfortunately Carp being the closet furry he is, kowtowed to the pressure and offered up a sitewide poll to determine the fate of ghost awards. When the voting didn't go his way however, Carp decided to then print off a frickton of ghost awards and plaster the whole site with them in hopes of causing a large annoyance, before opening up a second poll in hopes that his tomfoolery would be able to swing the vote in the furries' favor this time around - which in the end still ended with a plurality of users wanting to leave ghost awards unchanged. I'm sure the majority of you were around to see all this for yourself though. :marseythumbsup:


Whilst this big shitshow was going down however, I recalled the Groomercord invite that Jackal had sent me prior and realized they must have been coordinating their plans in there. Out of curiosity, I shot Jackal a reply asking for a new invite since the old one had expired - unsurprisingly, I was told that I was suddenly no longer welcome to see what secrets were waiting within, and he used two rather strange and flimsy excuses to why: one that I'm apparently a dangerous potential dox-sperg now because I happen to have a Kiwifarms account like the majority of dramatards, and two because I had previously banned one of their members from rdrama for a week for posting porn of an "aged up" version of the child-coded furry videogame character Ralsei. :marseyconfused:


This is the character in question for reference - I've been asked to keep a neutral stance on this topic, so it's up to the denizens of rdrama if you think this act constitutes as libertarianism or not.


Not to be dissuaded however, I was easily able to bribe one of the more impressionable furtwinks in their ranks to provide me screenshots of the hot gossip going on in their secret grooming circle, with a promise of disgusting erotic furry roleplay in return which was left unfulfilled. :marseysmug3: What I discovered will (not) shock you!



So it turns out I truly live rent-free in the minds of every furry dramatard that somehow found their way here. They had been talking about me non-stop for hours and were devising different gay-ops in hopes of getting me demopped/evicted from the site, all because I ghosted awarded their gay little circlejerk thread. Little did they know I tend to have a talent for getting into private groomercord cliques and proceeding to leak all their r-slurred nonsense. :marseyglow:

Note: I've decided to omit a bunch of typical furry coomer garbage, as while it's disgusting, it's the same shit you'll find in any run-of-the-mill gay furry groomercord.

Conspiring about the mass ghosting which occurred yesterday:





There was also plenty of gossip about yours truly, and their paranoia slowly began to bounce off each other until they started to convince themselves that I'm a deranged serial killing doxer that was ready to swat them all at a moment's notice. Rude!












Eventually this schizo paranoia culminated in our mildly neurodivergent friend @Suicidal_Tendies attempting to coordinate a gay-op where tried to convince a bunch of furries to paypig, in hopes of then pressuring Carp/Aevann to revoke my mop and get me removed from rdrama. It's a shame this plan fell through, because it would've been funny to let them all hand over their neetbux to the site first before getting told to kick rocks and having all their shit leaked afterward. :marseysmug2:






After compiling screenshots for a couple of hours, my lurking PoC acquaintance @SneedCityUSA - whom I had been watching this unfold with - decided he wanted in on the action. He used the 67000 dramacoin generously gifted to him through reparations to start grass awarding the main culprits of the furcel conspiracy, including messages about the server's intimate happenings in the process which gave away the game that there was an imposter among them. :marseyimposter: :marseytwerking:

Predictably, the whole server rapidly descended into seething, paranoia and infighting. :marseysmug3:





Eventually they decided @of_blood_and_salt was the most sussy and kicked him from the server, which unfortunately meant I could no longer collect any more screenshots to show here. :marseycry:


At this point though I was already getting bored of this pathetic groomercordcel nonsense and just sent the server invite to Carp, where he found out all his furry-friends were shit-talking him behind his back whilst at the same time begging for his help against the ghost awardings. :marseylaugh:



@Jackal REKT

@TracingWoodgrains DOUBLY REKT

@Soren REKT

@Jaukea REKT

@SparkBrave REKT

@of_blood_and_salt REKT

@Corvus REKT

@AshiahTheEgyptianCat REKT

@Suicidal_Tendies REKT

@Lycanroc REKT

@ThreeLetterAgent REKT

@adiosamigo REKT


:marseyjam: Thanks for playing! :marseyjam:

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Greetings Marco! I was just wondering why I was pinged in this post for being "REKT." I was looking at the images, and there seemed to be an account also named Soren; I wanted to tell you that the groomercord account "Soren" is not me. Just clearing some things up, so I can keep my good name!

PS. What does "REKT" mean?

Good furry hunting,

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Could you please use zombie wolf while replying to me? Yeah thanks...

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Who are you?

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They call me flairmaster.

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Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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:marseywoodchipper: :marseypedo: :marseygroomer: :marseyvan: :marseypedobear: :marseyfrenchvan:

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As I said with the previous reply, Marsey is triggering to me, please use Zwolfie in your replies. Thank you in advance.

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:marseydisagree: :marseytwerking:

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Please stop.

:wolfpat2: :wolfpat:

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:i: :d: :o: :n: :t: :t: :h: :i: :n: :k: :i: :w: :i: :l: :l:

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Gold K witnessed!


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I was waiting for someone to soyjack reply :diddle:

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Golden K!


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If that's not you, then who is it, and why did they think they'd be outted right away? :marseythinkorino:

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Soren is marseyismywaifus alt I think don’t quote me girl kek Aevann would know tho :marseysipping:

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pls lean close to your computer as you scream it gets me :horny:

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MIMW and I are nothing alike:

He is neurodivergent, I am a charming super genius.

He loves Marsey, I love ZombieWolf

He gets angry easily, I am level headed

He made his account on the 28th of July, I made mine on the 4th

He has more DC, why would an alt have more DC than the main?

that is really all I can think of right now

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:marseysipping: i been called functionally illiterate today bb but even I know that it don’t matter when you make an alt dumbfrick

charming super genius


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you know what, you are blocked you fricking chud.

edit: oh


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blocking is for losers bb πŸ’πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ

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I am level headed


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this is taken wholly out of context.

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What's the context, hon?

Speaking of alts you do have your name in a different colour as a flair just like the "person" that abused my flair.


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I am level headed





You betta not frick with my b-word Ms Penny.

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I don't know what you are trying to say in this post.

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The foids on this site are tight knit, cheif. You better watch out.

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You got banned :marseysad:

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know that lmao but I mean the libertarian soren in the groomcord screenshots :marseyyikes:

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kek πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ

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No idea who it is.

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God I need to leave this site :trolldespair:

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!metashit this is your daily :marseydose: reminder to kill all furries

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u really link us to a 1yo thread !metashit this is getting out of hand

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Yes the ping group :marseymeangirls: didn't exist when this was made

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I see you also checked his profile for a drammy draft :marseyretardcheers:

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So you're saying that I share a website with all these people in the screenshots?

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You should eat off the floor more, king.

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This is incredibly embarrassing for everyone on this site.

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perfect :marseyjam:

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This "house" bullshit. Furries are as bad as the loud :!marseytrain:s who insist that you celebrate them and subject you to their narcissism all the time.

I'm aboutta start House Boomer. When this rarted shit happens, we just show up with a shotgun to say, "Get off my lawn."

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Hi Wiz :marseywave:

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Darn lol, he's said the exact same thing before :marseycry:

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God could you imagine if wiz was intervention

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That would mean you've seen her peepee pics lol :marseylaugh:

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He can be in House Boomer.

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Can I come?

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Do you have a bad attitude, beer, barbeque and a shotgun?

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I don't have a shotgun but I have other guns

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Good enough.

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Same OS.

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I just wanna grill for god's sakes, or whatever the internet shitpost equivalent of grilling is.

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Smh when will the fursecution stop. Trains have much more rights than furries at this point, the lgbtf+ movement really failed at including us furries

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Get off my lawn and back in your fricking dog house.

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You see that’s more like it! Finally someone respects my identity. Woof woof!

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:marseyropeyourself: :marseyropeyourself: :marseyropeyourself:

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I'll join House Boomer. I was reminiscing about the good old days before I even graduated from high school.

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Real talk

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Too long didn't read



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That feel when you effort post just for it to become my gambling thread



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Oh and it's a lucky one too



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Nevermind this thread sucks

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Or maybe....?


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I bring super good luck

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I told you

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I won 2000 later in this thread

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This but unironically

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Hey @Marco, why is the Soren guy saying he's going to be called a libertarian now? I skimmed the whole thing trying to find why I should care about this post.

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Okay so this Soren creep is a degenerate libertarian. Why are all furries and people who believe in queer theory like this?

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I went back and read it and it's a good effort post. Nice work.

Sorry I was scrolling new for a goombling thread at the time

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Wonder Woman is an ancient and physically developed warrior in canon, and that's why Marco believes he should be able to have a profile banner of her in her skimpy getup at 2 years old.

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nice try furries in derailing this thread. wont work

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I am horribly offended. Frick furries.

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Not like literally tho

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You're alright

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