- ChristoffWChanderson : Unironic report, jannies pls gigarape this man
- kongus : lay down the fork and go for a run porky
- SmallNips : Coal post
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- playforfun : I also don't do creepcord. I'm not a child.
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- AmericanLumberIndustry : /h/furry
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Sorry for not posting this in /h/furry, @MarcoHoHo bit me.
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Is that too much to ask?
The longer it takes, the more of a creep it makes of the ALL people associated.
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If I have to go to other sources to get rid of the creeps, well so be it
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Im so confused
I thought you were a bunch of cute twinks idk wtf you guys are im out jesus christ
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"I found irrefutable proof that he has had and/or been having s*x with men on the side throughout our entire relationship. It even got to the point where I downloaded a Grindr account. He seems to sign on about once a month or so. I've actually fricking chatted with him anonymously on the account, finding his likes, and trying to - I don't know - make him feel bad for cheating on his girlfriend? Now that I'm typing this out I'm really seeing how unhinged I've become."
What are the odds this dude's been posting in super straight?
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That is a fake person, it may very well be the actual bardfinn plant, but it's darn sure not a 50 something year old woman who just happens to be obsessed with bardfinn. I suspect it may be carp.
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Crazy too watch this 2012 video knowing that India would end up going from such a sorry state too a world superpower in only 8 years
Trans lives matter
- Hopalong_McGurk : not drama, literally just a thread of libertarian anime
- TheThing : Come on man, I didn't need to see :(that