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BREAKING: Chief Counsel for the ATF Pamela Hicks, a Democrat donor, was just terminated pic.twitter.com/z4kQqitXNM
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) February 20, 2025
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This is going to be a post where the one guy from New Mexico on rDrama gets really mad, like when Texas people get pissy because you added some kidney beans to your chili or whatever. Hey hypothetical future New Mexico angry guy, it's all good, you should be mad. I am literally raping your culture on purpose.
This post is about making something that's relevant to the state of New Mexico where they venerate a specific type of non-spicy pepper called the Hatch Green Chile. New Mexicans have made this product a point of cultural pride for their state and have done a pretty good job of exporting it all over the country during the brief window they're harvested (late August through part of September if you're looking for some). Now I said "non-spicy" but nowadays clever growers have created new varieties that are pretty spicy, although not much more so than a Jalapeno or something similar. If you want your green chile stew to be spicy, you can either look for those hot varieties, or just add some other peppers for heat. Personally, I don't like using the spicy Hatch peppers in this recipe because you need to add a LOT of peppers (like 30 or 40) which can get INSANE if you use the really spicy ones. It's up to you and your colon, though.
If you buy fresh peppers during the harvesting season, the grocery stores will roast them for you on site. Whole Foods likes to do this in some places. Otherwise, somebody in your town will probably get on the bandwagon. They bring a big roaster out in front of the store and sell the peppers by the pound. You'll probably need in the area of 1 - 2 pounds of peppers to make this recipe. If you go nuts for these things and buy a whole 25 pound case, make sure you have a vacuum sealer and a big freezer because these will not stay good in your fridge for more than a week. They're very wet after roasting, so you can only imagine how fast they're going to grow mold.
On to the stew. This recipe is dead simple to make. It's all just prep work. Hope you enjoy cutting things. You'll need:
1 to 2 pounds of pork shoulder, cut into 1 inch cubes (actual size of the cubes is up to what you like to eat, but if you make them too big you'll have to cook everything longer)
1 to 2 pounds of green chiles (I didn't weigh them or count them when I made this last night, but it looked like there were 25 - 35 peppers)
A big russet potato or a couple red potatoes
2 big carrots (not traditional, but my favorite version of this had them so I use them too)
A big white onion
Lots of garlic
Chicken or beef stock
Onion powder, cumin, oregano, black pepper
MSG in the form of Sazon Goya (totally optional)
Plenty of salt
First, you need to process the chiles before cooking them. You need to chop off the seed pod that's on one end and scrape the skins off. The skins aren't exactly inedible, but they have a bad texture that will make you look like an idiot in front of your guests while they try to pretend they don't hate you and your lousy dinner. You don't need to be careful about removing all the seeds, they really won't hurt anything, you just want to remove the seed pod because it's hard as a rock.
You could scrape the skins off the peppers using a fork or a butter knife, but I suggest you use the back of your relatively new, extremely sharp chef's knife. That way, you can talk on the phone with a friend while you're doing it, get distracted while turning the knife over in your hand again and again (using the sharp side to cut out the seed pod and the dull side to scrape, naturally) and then nearly cut the end of your index finger off when you grab and squeeze the sharp side of your knife.
Once you get back from the emergency room, start by browning then removing the pork cubes, then saute the onions, garlic, and chiles a little with the dried spices, before adding back the meat, potatoes, stock and everything else. Cook for about 2 hours (45 min covered and the rest uncovered). If you want to cook longer, don't add the potatoes right away or they'll turn to mush. Add the MSG right at the end or it will lose some of its potency.
Real New Mexican recipes I found online don't have carrots, but the first place I ever had this stuff at was in Provo, Utah (Black Sheep Cafe) and it was so good that I have always tried to imitate it.
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We did it! Honored to have received such an award @AB84 https://t.co/b1DU59cztb
— Noah Knigga (@KniggaNoah) December 28, 2024
Cracker of the Year
Neighbor of the Year
Neighbor of the Year (BIPOC category)
Businessman Cracker of the Year (Hunter Biden snubbed)
American Cracker of the Year
Dog of the Year
Cracker of the Year (Florida category)
Cracker of the Millenium
Funniest Cracker of the Year
Biggest Cracker of the Year
Chink of the Year
Cracker of the Election
Biggest Cracker Moment of the Year
Influencer Cracker of the Year
CTE of the Year
Druggie of the Year
Dumbass of the Year
Cracker Transformation of the Year
Direct Message of the Year
X Account Cracker of the Year
!mensfootball TBH I realized quickly the only one worth posting was the Athlete of the Year, but sunk cost fallacy hit hard
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And is performative edginess actually any less cringe, or just a slightly more offensive manifestation of the same ODD toddler mindset? Can you be outré without being a ten year old who finally worked up the nerve to curse on voicechat?
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Apparently Jesse had an episode with another guest (not Katie TERFzog) where they talked about Musk, Rotherdam and made some lame jokes and talked about Elon's interest or something. I didn't listen to the episode....
....Instead I was watching the absolute chimpout on /r/BlockedAndReported
I suspected that the Substack commenters would be more supportive on this episode but there are ~700 comments after a day over there so, uh ...
I'm 25 minutes in and the jokes and accents are unbelievably cringe and borderline un-listenable, aside from the distastefulness of the jokes themselves being about kids getting gang-r*ped. Bad bad bad. I've never posted on this sub as a 2 year subscriber but felt compelled this time.
The first segment of the episode really annoyed me.
Whenever there's an incident or scandal or story that is able to be used by certain Right-leaning parties to advance their narrative, then many on the Left make it their business to minimize, obfuscate, distract, and just generally draw the focus to things other than the core issue in order to lessen the ability of those Right-leaning figures to use this issue to bolster their position. (To be fair, I can believe that this exact dynamic probably plays out exactly the other way too, but being someone who consumes mostly Left-leaning media, I see it on the Left much more often.)
I feel like that's exactly what Jesse was doing throughout this entire segment. Elon is a bad guy. Elon is advancing certain ideas about Muslims (or certain Muslim immigrants) that Jesse disapproves of. Elon is bolstering the far-right! So Jesse is doing his part to show what a jackass and liar Elon is so as to lessen Elon's influence in spreading those ideas. But the story here should not be about Elon, and making it about him is part of that exact reaction described above to draw people's attention away from the much more important parts of it.
I don't dispute that Elon says some dumb, inflammatory, and even possibly untrue, things. And it's fair for everyone, including Jesse, to point those things out. But I think that Jesse's interest in focusing on Elon's missteps is because drawing the focus to Elon's idiocy allows the focus to be taken off of all the things that the horrific grooming gang scandal brings to people's minds: unpleasant truths about Muslim culture, about unfettered immigration, about multiculturalism, about political correctness, about the hypocrisy of many feminists and #MeToo voices, about the fecklessness of trusted authorities in the face of accusations of racism. About the neutrality and truth-seeking of the press. About police collusion. It takes the focus off of so much stuff that the Left prefers people were not paying attention to (well, I'm sure they want people to know about police corruption) because those things weaken the Left. And Jesse, being a reasonable liberal, still believes in a lot of those things, and doesn't want them undermined by the likes of Elon. That's what this piece was all about. That's why it annoyed me. Because Jesse choosing to focus
Jesse has a really unfortunate habit of doing this. See also the Louden Country schools sexual assault story and the Citibike Karen incident. He bends over backwards trying to dismiss the way the right wing will inevitably spin it, rather than admitting the inconvenient facts.
Jesse did cover the Loudon County school assaults and he did a much better job than right wing media (unfortunately), what the heck are you on about
Two BARpodoids in a row spelled Loudoun County wrong
This episode was awful, I'm a >3 year sub and I'm considering unsubbing over it, I'm legit pissed. It's hard to say "well they do good work and have some bad takes" when you know how the take will land based on the subject matter.
Jesse writing this off as "well covered" is bullshit. It was mostly in the British press, and the British press to this day downplays the fact that the vast majority of the offenders here are Pakistani, and repeatedly insists that CSA is a general problem—vs the particular extremes at play here. Also, it's not well reported in the US press. The NYT had five articles on this, all from the early 2010s. Meghan Markle personally has more coverage by the NYT. If the US had a scandal whereby white gangs in Minnesota had preyed on 1000s of Somalian girls, we would quite literally hear about it for the next 100 years. The NYT would have an op-ed about it at least once a year. Saying that this has been litigated is nonsense.
I don't like Elon. I think he's a dork, his company makes crappy cars, and nearly everything he does makes me roll my eyes. That said, I'm grateful that he used his platform to put a giant spotlight on this, and it's extremely frustrating that Jesse used this episode of all things to (a) make some of the shittiest jokes ever on the pod and (b) go full nuance bro on something that doesn't require or even suggest nuance. Had this been about some gender clinic, the tone would've been very different, and that's pretty much all I need to know about this episode.
Has me mulling over my long subscription also. And if it weren't for the fantastic crowds at their live events and parties, I think I would have cancelled already.
I can usually FF past the frequent and turbocorny Musk takes, which eat up way too much time anyway, but now they have Musk in the episode title? Then they throw in some megadumb voices and the whole predictable thing is grody and cheap.
But god darn, the NYC events are so fun and the attendees are pleasant to the max. It's a tough one.
"The.....the NYC events were so fun.....I got laid with fellow fat BARpodcels so many times......but honestly....I think....I might have to end things here.....I might have to unsubscribe."
He's just a good liberal, what's more important?
Tens or hundreds of thousands of poor girls getting gang r*ped?
Or the right making political hay out of the left's complete complicity in that fifty-year ongoing r*pe culture?
Bussy Singal is a GOOD DECENT libtard
So this is the first time I heard about ANY of this and I was honestly so shocked and upset when they went into the detail of the gang offending that I was kind of on Elon's side in that he's just found out about it and is also horrified.
Haven't heard the ep yet - I'm nervous - but my reaction to Musk intervening here was not just because I think he's a dangerous fool and I would like to oppose him where possible. It's also about the fact that he has rolled into his response lionisation of the white nationalist grifter Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (stage name Tommy Robinson) AND that this is a very disturbing proof-of-concept of his current level of political power. The politically motivated billionaire used his social media network to set the political agenda of a country on the opposite side of the Atlantic. Details of the particular case aside, we should all be quite worried about his ability to do this.
I don't think they should have done this one. A half hour isn't enough to establish even enough facts to dunk on Musk.
And I get they were trying to lighten the mood but all the (not very good) joking around was kind of inappropriate.
I recommend skipping to the next segment. In the first segment they are talking over each other, using cringey inappropriate accents, and retelling a story I'm sure many people here have heard before. It's not the right kind of story for Jesse and Jeff. The Meta AI segment is much better.
The accents were so goofy! It's not fun to listen to strangers do accents badly. Maybe it's funny to listen to your friends at it but I had to stop listening.
God forbid Jesse doesn't use female pronouns for certain lunatic men lest he hurt their gender feelings but the sexual torture of working class girls is a topic ripe for hilarity 👍
Also Jesse you're not funny, sorry. Please stop trying so hard to be - especially on this of all topics.
ummmmmm jesse babe. you're not funny. you're actually gay and should keep yourself safe. #SorryNotSorry. Toodles, babe!
Yeah, two middle aged men laughing about a situation in which 12 year old girls were being repeatedly gang r*ped was extremely gross and misjudged. Definitely rethinking my subscription.
"Two fricking STRAIGHT white CIS men were joking about.....uggh.....I might have to unsub....I just can't today"
I've long suspected Jesse of some latent misogyny and this really hasn't helped, I can't imagine I'll be renewing my primo membership. I'm interested to see what happens next and Katie's take on the whole thing.
"Latent misogyny"? I feel like this conclusion is pushing it too far.
Jesse and Katie typically make terrible jokes about the most appalling things. The Holocaust, genocide, whatever. Sometimes the jokes land; sometimes they don't. In this case, I agree most of it wasn't particularly funny, but I don't think it's any different than their spectacularly dark humor on many other issues. And they weren't actually cracking jokes about kids being r*ped in this case -- if anything, they were commenting about how horrific and serious the topic was, so they felt the need to insert absurdist humor. And even then, there were several moments where Jesse actually stopped, took a moment and said, "And yeah, this is truly awful and very serious..."
That said, obviously if dark humor makes you uncomfortable, you shouldn't necessarily be paying for it. Just like Dave Chappelle humor, it's not for everyone.
I didn't find the segment particularly funny, but at no point did I doubt that they found the actual events to be horrific.
I think a lot of people have latent misogyny due to the society we live in. I haven't come to this conclusion due to solely this episode, it's a vibe I've picked up from listening over the years. Dark humour doesn't make me uncomfortable, but the approach to this topic did ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I can't wait until Jesse complains about Jews who are still upset about the Holocaust. I mean, after all, it happened AGES ago and there's been plenty of discussion and outrage already. I hope we can a deep dive into every maniac who claims that 6 million Jews were gassed instead of clarifying that most died of other causes and that it AKSHUALLY was 4 million or so.. I mean, seriously, folks.. it's been 60 years and you're JUST talking about it now?
Only someone with malign intentions would make such a big deal over it!! Downplaying such a tragedy bc I think the people bringing attention to it are doing so for bad reasons? Now that's where the virtue is! I am very smart and good! Listen to me do silly accents while I describe the sexual torture of children! Please pay me money to listen btw :)
I created a reddit account just to say I unsubscribed after this episode. And unsubscribed from Jeff's substack. Jesse & Jeff force cringe-inducing unfunny jokes about accents while lightheartedly skipping over details from atrocious r*pe and murder- yikes. I'm only listening free for Katie & Helen Lewis at this point (who are great). To be clear- Casting doubt on Elon adulation and the Free Press angle of the story is a worthwhile perspective but Jesse executed this ep horrendously. I'm sorta friendly with Jesse in NYC and now I feel like I can't look him in the eye for a while. I'm a tv comedy writer and always down for dark humor on the grounds that the jokes are actually funny (this was not). This segment felt so crass & self-serving. So, to quote this episode: check please.
I'm worried about listening to this - afraid they'll offer some apologia for media failures here, or approach it dismissively because Musk is the reason for the present notoriety and outcry.
Can anyone comment on whether they acknowledged that these r*pe gangs in the UK are a direct, specific import from Pakistan—the BS "state" in which the most virulent misogyny from Muslim & South Asian cultures have been alchemized into normative sexual violence against women & girls?
Did they mention the kidnappings and r*pes of adolescent & even prepubescent Hindu girls in Pakistan as both the precursor & parallel to what has been happening in the UK for several decades now? Or extend the discussion to the regularity with which husbands dump kerosene on their wives and burn them alive in Pakistan in pursuit of better dowries or new excitement, another direct import to the UK - with, unbelievably, equivalent failures of justice?
I really don't get why people are saying Jesse butchered the Grooming story. And I don't even believe he put forth the opinion you all are crucifying him for having.
As someone who listens to a lot of true crime, I'm pretty familiar with the crimes mentioned in this story. How it came about, what exactly happened, etc. Truly, horrendous shit. Jesse certainly reiterated again and again how awful it was. I didn't hear him try to "explain away" the severity at all. Nor downplay that race was a factor (as liberals try to do), and he even highlighted that left-leaning outlets didn't want to cover this because of the race elements. He did shit talk Elon's tweets, but I took it as more from the angle of, 'Can you believe this guy with so much wealth and power just hopped into an issue he learned about 20 seconds ago and is now tweeting out to his MILLIONS of followers who he thinks of the people peripherally involved should be literally imprisoned?' As in, isn't it insane for someone with so much power to just tweet whatever batshit, highly consequential thought comes to his head? NOT as in, Elon is wrong, no one should be held accountable, this wasn't that bad.
Idk, I'm having trouble articulating my thoughts bc this conversation, in my opinion, has gotten really convoluted, but yeah, just wanted to add that I disagree with a lot of comments here. I thought this was a great episode and I think Jesse is being misinterpreted
This sub is actually pretty far to the right of the hosts and thinks Jesse is only marginally to the right of your average 2010s tumblr user and interprets everything he says with that in mind.
I also thought the episode was fine and the main point, ie that Elon is talking out of his butt about this because he only just learned about it, is obviously true. They even mentioned multiple times that the response was slow and incomplete but if the focus of an episode isn't exactly calibrated to the sensibilities of this sub and didn't go on for 3 hours to cover every detail and angle on a decades old scandal then it's time to start cancelling subs and whining.
The accent bit needs to die though. It's not funny and genuinely interferes with following the story
Please tell Jesse and anyone who wants to listen that putting on voices is not funny! I had to skip through that segment. Musk is an r-slur though so mocking him is worth it
Everyone on /r/BlockedAndReported should be forced to compete in a wrestling match with a dozen extremely buff trans women and get beaten to death until they realize that TRANS LIVES DO IN FACT MATTER
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Podcast fatigue is real.
— Azealia Banks (@azealiaslacewig) January 4, 2025
Listening to Red Scare, Rory & Mal, etc…. And it’s clear that investors’ forecasting about podcasting being the future were very wrong.
You can hear how unenthused the hosts are about podcasting now and I think hearing from everyone twice a week on…
You can hear how unenthused the hosts are about podcasting now and I think hearing from everyone twice a week on the topics we already see hashed out on social media is a bit redundant
Btw Azealia is allegedly the one BIPOC carp
At least that's what I heard.
@FormerLurKONG say this as a feminist ally of course
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— ye (@kanyewest) February 9, 2025
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Why do so many liberal women date conservative men
Long time lurker of this sub but thought to make this post. For preface I am a liberal guy but am bisexual. Currently in a great relationship with a guy and not interested in dating women. So this isn't a "why don't women date me" post.
So I've been pretty involved in liberal politics in my adult life. Been to plenty of protests, rallies and even worked for a democrat running for local office. Due to this my social circle is filled with like minded people including plenty of women.
Over the years it seems that every single one of my female friends has brought around a conservative boyfriend at some point. Some of them have held their views secret but all of us could tell through comments and obvious discomfort with our political views. Others have been outwardly conservative both in person and on social media.
Recently a female friend started dating a die hard MAGA guy. The type of dude who wears a MAGA hat to the grocery store. Lets just say I was shocked. This was the same girl who went to protests and was outwardly anti MAGA. I asked her and her response was "oh he's only MAGA because he cares about the economy" when his social media is filled with posts that were everything she hated.
I understand that people's views can change but it seems like a really abrupt 180. Going from "I'd never date a conservative guy" to "oh he just cares about the economy" within days.
I've done some internet lurking about it and lots of posts say its a masculinity thing. Conservative men tend to fall into traditional masculinity a lot more (financial provider, family values and such). I'm wondering if any Gen Z women can shed some light on this?
For preface I am a liberal guy but am bisexual.
"Why don't women see a guy who gets fricked in the butt by other guys as a good long-term mate?"
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!nooticers 6 million
GENEVA, Feb 7 (Reuters) - More than six million people could die from HIV and AIDS in the next four years if U.S. President Donald Trump's administration pulls its global funding for programmes, the United Nations AIDS agency said on Friday.
Although a waiver was placed on HIV/AIDS programmes in last month's U.S. foreign aid funding freeze, many concerns remained about the future of treatment programmes, the deputy executive director of UNAIDS told reporters in Geneva.
"There is a lot of confusion especially on the community level, how the waiver will be implemented. We're seeing a lot of disruption of delivery of treatment services", Christine Stegling said.
Trump put hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of foreign aid donations on hold for 90 days upon taking office on January 20. In the following days, the U.S. State Department issued a waiver on the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) - the world's leading HIV initiative - for life-saving humanitarian assistance.
While welcoming the waiver, Stegling stressed the situation remains chaotic.
Amid a broader decline of funding, Stegling warned there would be a 400% increase in AIDS deaths if PEPFAR financial support is not re-authorized between 2025 and 2029.
"That's 6.3 million people, 6.3 million AIDS-related deaths that will occur in future...Any penny, any cut, any pause, will matter for all of us" she said, urging U.N. member states to step in.
"In Ethiopia, we have 5,000 public health worker contracts that are funded by U.S. assistance. And all of these have been terminated," Stegling said.
She highlighted that community clinics were facing the biggest interruption as they are "entirely dependent" on U.S. government funding.
She expressed concern that some people may not come forward for treatment, which could in turn increase new HIV infections.
U.S. donations account for the majority of global funding for the U.N. programme that operates in 70 countries, leading global efforts to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.
Trump's administration says it is reviewing all foreign-aid programmes to see if they align with his "America First" policy.
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1. "some of you Chuds shouldn't reproduce"
"neither should you by the looks of it"
2. "did she breed with an alien?"
3. "he looks like Megamind!"
"he also looks like he's out of Star Trek
4. "Grow the F up!"
Chudposting intensifies
Brexit Geezer jokes intensifies
6. "I've got a sick sense of humor... but this is too far..."
7. "is there something wrong with the baby?"
"nah, Modok is fine"
8. "imagine pushing that out... pray for my poor vagina"
"not funny"
"who's joking?"
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This is why you should use Brave instead !braveshills
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Ya girl sexy mexy (thicc) released a vid of hersef crying about deportationarinooooos:
Selena Gomez just posted a video crying about deportations, but deleted it after outrage from fans…. pic.twitter.com/xRTO8x4ND5
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) January 27, 2025
Then xhe deleted it aka deported it to nowheresville:
Selena Gomez deleted her story crying over the deportation of Mexicans:
— Selena Gomez Charts (@selenagchart) January 27, 2025
“Apparently it’s not ok to show empathy for people” pic.twitter.com/Z8VbUbRQ18
Drumpler dont care about your tears b-word stfu:
Edit fake tweet.
— Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill10) January 28, 2025
“Selena Gomez, best known as the third amigo on that Murder Mystery Show that Chevy Chase wouldn’t touch…” pic.twitter.com/OBbJVvWr8z
Pretty funny he knows what Spring Breakers is lol.
Now folx are noticing that b-word is only half latinx:
Selena Gomez picked illegals over America b/c she's the 3rd gen descendent of Mexican illegals who received citizenship in the '87 Amnesty. She has an entitlement attitude toward America, like her illegal g'parents. Maybe Selena should be deported, too?pic.twitter.com/yTXlwtckwH pic.twitter.com/2UR6FY8d5i
— Sam Parker 🇺🇸🧯 (@BasedSamParker) January 27, 2025
Selena Gomez is American.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) January 27, 2025
Her mom is American. Her Mexican father abandoned them. She went from living in this small Texas home to this $5M palace in LA.
She's a billionaire because of America
Yet she does not consider us "her people"
We are over ungrateful woke victim brain rot pic.twitter.com/LEGmorbYjo
Look what the nazis did to our skinny queen:
“Keep eating Selena…keep eating…just a few more and I’ll let your abuela stay…” pic.twitter.com/7T0b04IfKL
— Dago Supremacy (@DagoSupremacy) January 28, 2025
If you prefer skinny Selena over thicc Selena you are probs a libertarian:
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This guy always comes up in my recommend videos after I click on political comedy stuff, and I think he is just totally insane. Vid related, like just look at this guys face its like he is on the verge of tears in every video, and his voice sounds like he is about to cry. He just has this totally desperate and unhinged look in his eyes.
Anyways, I still think hes funny because he gets into crazy situations with trumptards but still I wouldn't want to be next to this guy, he seems like he could have a mental breakdown at any second. Total male BPD shit. Also I noticed hes been growing his hair out (which you can see hes got a bit of a mullet in his beanie vids) and painting his nails so I think that he is about to transition.
Also I don't think making fun of rightoids for being volcels is a winning strategy. Some level of sexual repression is sort of necessary to get anything done.
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— Marc Nixon (@MarcNixon24) February 10, 2025
Canadians would pay 50% LESS IN TAXES and get FULL U.S. MILITARY PROTECTION.
“With the stroke of my pen,” Trump says he can stop companies from manufacturing cars in Canada. And he says he could stop Canada from being a “viable country.” This is how he treats America’s closest ally. This isn’t just bullying, it’s economic terrorism. https://t.co/5SUuR3XDHm
— Gil McGowan (@gilmcgowan) February 10, 2025
Trump: We’re making our country larger, we’re making our country stronger. And in the case of Canada—if this should happen—I don’t know how they can do it without us. Because without the U.S., Canada really doesn’t have a country.
— Acyn (@Acyn) February 10, 2025
They do almost all of their business with us,… pic.twitter.com/0RN4lyJ5RV
Trump: The reason Canada doesn’t pay that much for military is they assume we’ll protect them… That’s not an assumption they can make because why are we protecting another country? pic.twitter.com/UYEnBluKge
— Acyn (@Acyn) February 10, 2025