
Habba also said that new criminal charges will "absolutely" be filed in its wake




Glocks don't have safeties. Safeties on carry guns are dumb and dangerous. And you see that black thing the gun's resting in? That's a holster. And harness? Wtf is this 1970? Who carries with a harness?

Might get a Tesla to own the libs


Guy going on a cocaine bender is paranoid and convinced his wife is cheating


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Why are we upset Bitcoin is at 79k, we all inned at 20k and 15k right? Right guys?


Bard spotting on Bluesky 03 March 2025 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

I Was a VIP at Singapore's MOST LUXURIOUS Hotel :pepemoney:

!asians :marseyjewoftheorient:

:marseyshesright: :marseytruthnuke:


Have no fear :marseyraccoontrouble: is here


Content Moderation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
More than 1/4 of Canadians see the U.S. as an 'enemy' country: poll :marseycanadian: :marseytunaktunakinvasion: :marseyjetfighter:
Watching spiderman ban everyone like:
Day 6 summary of 2025 Freestyle Chess Grand Slam Weissenhaus

vincent draws his match with magnus, meaning.......bozo magnus is out, from his own tournament :marseyrave: :marseyrave: was busy so havent looked at his postmatch whines

hikaru fails to win and gukesh refuses to win. after 3 draws, their 2nd tiebreaker is going on

edit: gukesh is victorious, in their bid to not win a match. (he lost if you are neurodivergent)

back to the main highlight, world no 2 caruana vs no. 31 sindarov

neighbor caruana accepts draw in a totally winning position and when i say total, totally. -5.3 on the eval bar winning. maybe the reason was he had a min on the clock and sindarov had whopping 24. whatever is the uzbeck version of voodoo, its working

they then had a nailbiting tiebreaker - that was a draw too and are currently playing their 2nd one. sindy will win it!

funny post of the day


I'm a good boyfriend but I can't get a good girlfriend

I had a long weekend back in SF. I took this woman all over the region from Santa Cruz to Presidio and showed her all the things that would make her happy. She loved it and completely fell in love with the area. She couldn't believe that I was telling the truth about everything (how beautiful the area is, how physically ugly the people are, and how god darn expensive it is).

We role played for a few days that we were in a relationship and I was showing her the area. I was still recovering from my surgery but even more importantly - this was the death rattle of our time together as lovers. I've grown more distant to this woman and care for her a lot but on this trip I felt love for her but not the kind that would blossom into an ever lasting relationship.

I've been really having a hard time adjusting with so many factors. I'm in my third year of living in NYC, I miss the bay area, I'm losing my apartment and have to find another, and I still can't get a job due to this frozen butt economy. I've been stuck in team match for closing in on a year with one of the biggest tech companies because they simply aren't hiring. I'm plenty good at interviewing but no one is really hiring.

And all the while, I feel that this surgery was quite intense for what will be minor payoff. It truly is a 1% better type thing. It's going to be unnoticeable on the daily but it's like having your teeth a couple shades whiter. It'll subtly move you towards being more attractive and therefore getting people to acknowledge you as a potential suitor.

I'm just feeling down because I turn 35 sooner than later and this is just not the life I've imagined a 35 year old me would be doing. Cosmetic surgery? Unemployed? Nearly homeless? Unable to find a woman who is suitable for a relationship? It's incredible to think I've worked so hard at so many facets of my life and I've still come up so incredibly short. It truly speaks as to how much is determined by your genetics and the environment you're born into. I've truly done incredible things to get where I am and I've never met anyone who has gone from where I was and gotten to where I am. But the fact I am no closer after three years of insane effort to being in a happy family speaks to how broken the idea of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps is.

The woman who I spent time with is great in many ways btw. If it wasn't for a few things, she would otherwise be very good. The biggest one though is that I just don't have that urge - that urge that normally compels me to be with someone and talk to them endlessly and want to always be around them. It's not there at all and never really was there to begin with. I've tried to make it happen but it isn't there. I want it to be because then my life would be easier (not perfect) but it hasn't happened and I've really given it a shot.


reminder that a random no name company "accidentally" leaked every single American SSN to the dark web and :marseyreportercnn: :marseyreporterfox: hardly talked about it and no one went to jail/got fined. The SSN is literally worthless now especially if ur young

Groups you don't hear about anymore
  • antifa

  • westboro baptist church

  • anonymous

  • …

I feel like they used to be a pretty big deal in the 2000-2010s. And now you never hear about them anymore.


Also long time ago I heard anything about ISIS or maybe I just stopped watching the news??

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It is Peanut's birthday today


Happy bday peanut :marseychungus: :marseyeasterbunny: :marseybunny2:

"How would you feel? It's not happening here, but it's happening now"


Personally, I'm quite willing to give some of the Aussie outback to Israel.



:marseymilei: Men who eliminated women :marseyelonmusk:
Thoughts on language school in Japan or China? :marseychingchong: :marseymindblown:

I'm considering going to China or Japan to learn their unique language. Also to bang some local chicks there :horny:

Has anyone here done it?

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