OP shits his pants at work and makes a woman barf


I farted in the stairwell at work and it caused a entire ordeal.

So anyway I drank my usual morning protein shake and it gave me some bubble guts.

Im going up the stairs to my office and I ripped a huge fart in the stairwell. It was one of those steamy ones that really stink.

Anyway I guess the SVP of HR came in not long after and got a big face full of my beef.

She contacted the facilities team and they came to a conclusion that a rodent must have died in the walls or HVAC.

This led to them getting big blower fans and calling our HVAC company to check out the ducts and Orkin to scout out the walls

Anyway that's my story.


Sent my AirPod case through the washing machine πŸ’”


Pet Peeves: Adult fans of kids' show


How do you guys like Vegas?

I know a lot of people hate it and I get it but I grew up going and so I've always loved it! Things I love about it in no particular order= Gambling with men's money, nice hotels, shopping, spending like an r-slur, electronic music, smoking!!!!, getting fricked up shame-free, warm nights, not leaving for the club until midnight, camaraderie with other degenerates

I think if you're not a woman or a rich man it's prob not as fun but I know plenty of regular men/brokies that still love it.


plz :marseycry: :marseysad: :marseygiveup: :marseyrain: :marseysulk: :marseytears: :marseycrying:

/r/bellingham, the subreddit of a very liberal college town, has decided their mods are LITERAL NAZIS


Just look around there's a bunch of threads

Reported by:
The Doobie Brothers :marseybog: - Listen :marseyhearnoevil: To The Music :marseyyuihirasawa: LIVE TV FULL HD (with lyrics) 1975

Reported by:
  • Y : Get a "load" of this guy :marseyshesright:
  • Wuzizname : I don't work for you.
100 dc to anybody who tweets to Elon Musk's official twitter handle the Message I have for him in the post.

The Message:

"Elon. You know the world is not surviving till 2100. You need to stop with the dumb distractions because we need more than 10,000 people on Mars before 2050 if we are going to survive the collapse. Good luck."

Send me a screencap of the message being tweeted to Elon and I will transfer you 100 dc.

Preferably as many of you send the message to him as possible.

This is important. I have checked with both AI and psychic sources. This needs to be done now.

[office drama] I fricked up

So I'm at work and I'm about to start working a different schedule than the one I've been on for the past few months. This is all well and good, and I've known about it for several months at this point. As the day of the change approaches I'm talking to my manager about some other stuff and he says "By the way what was your new schedule again? Because what you told me the last time we talked about it doesn't match what's in the system."

Turns out someone fricked up the paperwork and my new schedule in the system is slightly off from what was in the announcement months back. While slightly less convenient, it's barely different from what I was already expecting so I'm thinking okay whatever. I just really really REALLY need my time off requests that I put in forever ago adjusted to match the new schedule.

Apparently this is not a simple ask. I got pulled into chief HR's office at the end of the day and was informed that the issue had been passed all the way up to corporate legal and they were going to offer to honor the schedule I was originally presented with in the announcement "as a gesture of goodwill (please don't sue us)". I declined and made it clear that I reeeeeaaaaallly don't give a shit about the minor schedule adjustment, I just need my PTO moved. Response was "we technically still can't force that through, you'll have to get $other_department to override it for you if you decide to keep the adjusted schedule."


So now the shitty part is that I know exactly who fricked up the paperwork and I'm worried that I've made enemies out of her entire chain of command. And all for nothing, because I still don't have a guarantee that I'll get my time off. I just wanted my fricking PTO fixed.

This is at a fortune 100 megacorp (doebeit at a very low level because I am an unambitious lazy r-slur).

Daily affirmation


I am addicted. This show rocks so hard.

Any other ERchads around?


I don't care about the size or weight at all. If it came with a modern SoC instead of some 5 year old mediatek garbage, a good amount of RAM, at least 512GB internal storage (with SD card support), a good screen, and a decent amount of promised software support I would absolutely buy one.

I've loved the "tank" aesthetic on smartphones ever since the first one I owned, the OG Motorola Droid.

It's hilarious how pro bailouts redditors are when it's LE HECKING ETHNIC FOOD


@TouchFluffyTails baits us all

The truth is, if your posts are no different than the average redditors', in what sense is it a bait post? "hey I posted 'what do you think about Trump' on /r/askreddit and people are responding! :marseylaughpoundfist: "

All that exists is text you can't say you "baited" them by secretly hating them in you're minds

"How are you doing today man?

'fine, how bout you?'

okay @SParousiAL guess (hehehe baited)"

That's called earnest engagement you rslurs.

and I think @TouchFluffyTails brilliantly satirizes that.

Bravo :marseyclapping:

White extinction is long overdue

Beauty will save the world
Cat thread?
Several Xbox Games Planned for PS5 Release in April, Reports Claim

Frick I hope it's true because in April the best Xbox game of the year is coming

Alysha in wonder ghetto, the game is gonna be lit.

You basically will play Sandy

Fighting some thugs and trying to save uncle tom wife

That game is art and shiiet

Frick this watching Family guy instead

Drop episodes. Watching s22 ep12 rn

:pepereeeeee: :pepereegun: :angrycomfypepe: :pepereeeeee: :pepereegun:No NEET Draft
Dominance established :parrot: :marseybackingintobush:
Reported by:
i hate wrasslin' fans

shilling :!marseytrain:s, a youtube channel, and chris chan. :uhuh:

back in my day we had REAL WRASSLIN' SIGNS


eddie was mexican but i'm sure i don't have to tell you that everyone knows dead wrasslers

edit: why didn't that first pic work is it just me it's the RODDY HAS AIDS sign

is it gonna work this time does rdrama just hate stuff saved from tumblr



The Orange One is now openly declaring himself King...

If you had asked me three months ago whether I would have been on the side of the Republic or Ceasar in 48 BC I would have without hesitation said Caesar. Now with how The Orange One is behaving I realize the error of my ways: Pompey was right all along...

[Poll] should I get a hair transplant from my pubes to my armpits?

I am as smooth as a seal and do not grow any hair under my armpits

However, I do have a luscious carpet that matches the drapes

I am now considering getting my pubes transplanted to my armpits

poll: should I do this? upgrizzly for yes, downsandkwinn for no

!coolcobras !ebayers !familyman !hibernians !hallowhitesupremacists @Discuss

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