
My money are on Mexicans not Mexicans that are living in US because they will vote for peepeelecans but those that are newly arrived. But it's funny I seems some reportage from NY that neighbors didn't liked that og neighbors (African new refugees) getting more neetbuxx that black Americans :marseykneel:

Mayocide will be completed

@Szia_uram will vote for any laws that support relocation of refugees to Hungary perhaps EU will put me into your apartment :marseycool2:

Why do i have 500 marsey bucks when did this happen

Whatever gonna goomble

He liked the feel of the footlong

I'm a little lost in the sauce

Not quite like I was last. I'm doing the shitty drugs that are stereotyped as being used by the socially r-slurred tech bro micro-optimisation life hack class, the ones who take (((nootropics))) not drugs. I'm slamming back memantine, phenibut, and uncomfortable amounts of caffeine. Since I've been a little zooted and deinhibited I also tried getting some modafinil analogs on order, I probably got scammed but maybe it'll come in.

My nervous system is on edge but my mind is too lost in the sauce to feel the same. I just feel off, alert but I feel nothing. Don't bother with these bullshit drugs, do the real things. The real things will ruin your life but you'll at least feel like you're climbing up while you're falling down. You'll experience nirvana and heck during the same day. It's exciting. I felt confused, but alive. I saved the world by peeling off my toenails.

Right now I'm just acutely aware I'm drugging myself with none of the fun parts that come along with that. Just mildly reduced inhibitions encouraging me to post this L. Not reduced enough to go back to onions and induce bipolarism again. It almost was, maybe if the last DNM I used was still there. I don't feel like sifting through markets and finding old vendors, or finding trustworthy new ones if the old vendors I used are gone. I'm pretty sure all the good PCP analogs are gone anyway, don't tell me if they aren't I'd rather believe they're gone and unobtainable. I'll keep my job on these shitty drugs, I probably won't keep my job if I go back to the good shit.

I'll get off this cocktail in a few days, probably. Not that good. Namaste.


Seethe is out of control as you might expect, fortunately the jannies locked it up so there's no wrongthink. :#marseywrongthonk:

March of the high school drop-out contrarians.

Epic may maying in progress.

My aunty has started babbling about the UN taking our property if the Yes vote wins... And I'm like what the absolute frick are you on about?, you pelican.

That definitely happened.

Just a noisy rabble that likes shouting at others and scaring children and they don't even know why they are voting No.

As opposed to the enlighted yes voters, tips m'federa

Imagine, you've just finished working your 40 hours a week. The weather is good and your pay check rolled in.

You then decide to spend your Saturday making an butt out of yourself on national television.

As opposed to OP, who spent his Saturday making an butt out of himself on Reddit.

"A No rally turned ugly?" I'm pretty sure it was pretty ugly from the start.

-t :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

is there a good Youtube video that goes over both the YES and NO positions? Was there a YES NO debate held on TV or anything like that? I lived in Sydney until I was 26, then moved to America and Europe, I haven't really paid to much attention to Australian news since 2003, recently got back into watching QandA online but I haven't come across a good unbiased debate or deep dive into this question, did I miss one?

downmarseyd to below the threshold

I dunno, not much drama just a lot of circlejerking, I just miss voice posts, haven't seen one in a few days. The people in the video are total losers but it's hard to tell how big of a loser they collectively are, since they are Australian they default to loser anyway.

Hot Russian girl

Would the Taliban let Lord Miles go to Gaza?

Basically title if he was still alive I think it would be funny :marseyxd:.

Today I am going to learn about Jewish History:marseyexcited: OYE VEY!

This is the most dramatard wikipedia opening lines I have ever seen.

Opening sentence:

Jewish population centers have shifted tremendously over time, due to the constant streams of Jewish refugees created by expulsions, persecution, and officially sanctioned killing of Jews in various places at various times.

Second Para:

The 20th century saw a large shift in Jewish populations, as a result of large-scale migration to the Americas and Palestine due to pogroms in the Russian Empire followed by the Holocaust. The independence of Israel sparked mass emigrations and expulsions of Jews from the Arab world.

Ancient times section opening sentence:

The Torah contains a number of statements as to the number of (adult, male) Hebrews that left Egypt

hmmmm I am starting to notice a theme here

Same para:

The number of exiles who returned from Babylon is given at 42,360.

Same Para:

Tacitus declares that Jerusalem at its fall contained 600,000 persons; Josephus, that there were as many as 1,100,000 slain in the destruction of Jerusalem in CE 70, along with 97,000 who were sold as slaves.

Next para opening:

In the Bar Kokhba revolt of 132โ€“135 CE, 580,000 Jews were slain, according to Cassius Dio (lxix. 14).

Next Para opening:

By the first century, the Jewish community in Babylonia, to which Jews were exiled after the Babylonian conquest as well as after the Bar Kokhba rebellion in 135 CE,

Hmmmm maybe things work out better in the middle ages section.

Middle ages section:

1st para nobody is getting exiled or killed. Wow middle ages were a better time for the Jews

2nd para opening:

The Middle Ages were mainly a period of expulsions


The rest of middle ages is more of jews getting killed and expelled every para. Sometimes multiple times in one para

Let's check in on the modern day:

Whew. First para going good for the Jews.

new record second para has no mention of dead or exiled jews either

Third para:

Assuming that those numbers are reasonable, the increase in the next few centuries was remarkably rapid. It was checked in Germany by the laws limiting the number of Jews in special towns,

That's an improvement. No more exiles at least.

4th para nothing bad happens

5th para:

Jacobs in the Jewish Encyclopedia presents some evidence that Jewish increase in this period may have exceeded that of the general population, but remarks also that such figures of increase are often very deceptive, as they may indicate not the natural increase by surplus of births over deaths, but accession by immigration.

Key part:

but remarks also that such figures of increase are often very deceptive, as they may indicate not the natural increase by surplus of births over deaths, but accession by immigration.


forcible measures were taken to prevent Russian Jews from settling in Germany

Aaaannnd we are back!

After this is the holocaust and you all know Jewish history from that point.

Holy frick though I used to think that whole Jewish Exile and historically a bad time to be a jew was a meme. Boy was I wrong.

Serious: Why are Modern day muslims able to get along with Christians more so than Jews?

If you look at it historically, there has been far more blood shed between the Christians and the Muslims, then why is it that the present day Muslim has a far easier time putting up with Christians than with the Jews?

I am not trying to nootice or anything, but I cannot help but observe that the middle easterner has an easier time getting along with the gays or :!marseytrain:s ( Iran ), than with Jewish people.

Today, you will find more goodwill from the arabs towards blacks who they were enslaving and cutting the balls off of a few centuries ago, then the amount of goodwill the arabs have towards the Jews.

Could somebody genuinely explain to me how the Muslim has a higher tolerance for the greatest degenerate acts of the west than for a Jew?

Arestovich announced that he will run in the next presidential elections in Ukraine.
Moid moment, especially #12 :marseymoidmoment:
This old banger of mine :marseywitchtriggered:

I think i made it. Honestly not sure. :marseywatermark:

It's All over Now, Baby Blue - YouTube :marseyitsover:




Why I Believe in God

Why I Believe in God

by Eric

This is kind of a freestyle essay, with no formal points or whatnot, I don't even have an outline...

A lot of people do not believe in God or the bible, and I was one of those people before I realized a few things...

For about three months I took a philosophy class and my biggest goal of said class was to debunk Christianity among anybody who claimed affiliation to it. Shitty goal, right? Well to some of you it is and to others it isn't and a lot of you could give a frick less.

A short explanation of why I accepted God and Jesus as savior is this: I went to listen to a man speak about Christianity and he was a bible beater, I hated him, I left his speech, I thought he was full of shit... Then I took some time to myself and a lot of things I learned in my philosophy class came flooding back to me and I don't know whether it was a voice from God or a flashback from Fight Club but something in my head said "If you were to die right now, how would you feel about your life?" and I gave the Fight Club answer of "I wouldn't feel anything." And i realized that was true. Then another thing entered my mind, which was "You know, there is a higher purpose to be served." Shit yeah, that was God.

Allow me to digress for a second: Every question in the world brings more questions. Honestly, think of a question and you can ask who, what, where, how, why, whatever to that question. Is the world round? yes. Why? Because of gravity shaping it, whatever... Shit like that. Anyways, the only question that can be answered Yes or No and left at that would be the question "Is there a God?" A yes or no answer would suffice. Sure, you can pin more questions on, but there's no need... once you know the yes or no it can be left at that. I don't know why, but that is my reason for believing in God, so don't ask me why. That is my faith.

So why believe in Jesus? As a completely independent thinker, I see Jesus as the epitome of what man is capable of. Forgiveness, love, and being selfless all for the betterment of mankind. Jesus taught that (what would later become) Christianity is about the salvation of mankind as a whole, and not of any single person. Also, Jesus died for what he believed. He was the ultimate "Frick You" to society, the ultimate revolutionary... He changed 83 percent of the world. He didn't get off the cross and say "April Fool's!" He died because he was showing us the way.

Which brings me to the point of the bible. A lot of people will say, "Christianity has to be bullshit because of so many discrepancies." The main one is Genesis and the story of creation. First of all, Genesis is a poem and that's it. The longest poem ever written. Many biblical scholars will say so. So don't take it as fact. Another thing is the whole seven days thing, maybe seven days to god isn't seven days to us. Maybe seven days for him is like 7 billion years to us. God has to be around for eternity and if the days passed as slowly to him as they do to us he would get bored. In the old testament, he kind of slowed things down to set us on the straight and narrow, then he realized "Wow, it's going to take me a long time to straighten these bastards out." So he gave us Jesus to clean our slates. That was a tangent, back to my point... People point out so many discrepancies in the bible, but look at it this way. The bible was written by a shitload of different people over about 600 years. Yeah, there's going to be discrepancies. That's all i have to say about that.

And i read this bullshit article here by some guy on testing Christianity. A true Christian doesn't give into questioning. Jesus didn't try to prove to Satan that his faith in God was real. When Satan told Jesus to turn the rocks into bread, Jesus basically said, "No don't test my faith." Now that same guy might say "yeah, but you're not Jesus, so i have the right to question." Christian means "little Christ." So True Christians will not give into the questioning of "little Satan." It's a microcosm thing.

This whole thing probably wasn't very clear, but what the heck. I'm a fledgling Christian, it's five in the morning and I just did this because I'm bored. Any questions, feel free to IM me on AIM: reifis lume.... or e-mail me at [email protected]

can 'day of the jackal' be watched with a kid?

apparently there's nudity but how brief is it?


Reported by:

@X our back and forth conjured this one to mind.

Proverbs 31: 10โ€“13, 16โ€“ 2, 25โ€“31

When one finds a worthy wife, her value is far beyond pearls. Her husband, entrusting his heart to her, has an unfailing prize. She brings him good, and not evil, all the days of her life.

She obtains wool and flax and makes cloth with skillful

hands. She picks out a field to purchase; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. She is girt about with strength, and sturdy are her arms.

She enjoys the success of her dealings; at night her lamp is undimmed. She puts her hands to the distaff, and her fingers ply the spindle. She reaches out her hands to the poor, and extends her arms to the needy.

She fears not the snow for her household; all her charges are doubly clothed. She makes her own coverlets; fine linen and purple are her clothing. She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs at the days to come. She opens her mouth in wisdom, and on her tongue is kindly counsel.

She watches the conduct of her household, and eats not her food in idleness. Her children rise up and praise her; her husband, too, extols her:

"Many are the women of proven worth, but you have excelled them all." Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting; the woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Give her a reward of her labors, and let her works praise her at the city gates.

Book of Tobit 8:4-8

4 When the door was shut and the two were alone, Tobias got up from the bed and said, โ€œSister, get up, and let us pray that the Lord may have mercy upon us.โ€ 5 And Tobias began to pray,

โ€œBlessed art thou, O God of our fathers,

and blessed be thy holy and glorious name for ever.

Let the heavens and all thy creatures bless thee.

6 Thou madest Adam and gavest him Eve his wife

as a helper and support.

From them the race of mankind has sprung.

Thou didst say, โ€˜It is not good that the man should be alone;

let us make a helper for him like himself.'

7 And now, O Lord, I am not taking this sister of mine because of lust, but with sincerity. Grant that I may find mercy and may grow old together with her.โ€ 8 And she said with him, โ€œAmen.โ€

Sirach 26: The Blessing of a Good Wife

13 A wife's charm delights her husband,

and her skill puts fat on his bones.

14 A silent wife is a gift of the Lord,

and there is nothing so precious as a disciplined soul.

15 A modest wife adds charm to charm,

and no balance can weigh the value of a chaste soul.

16 Like the sun rising in the heights of the Lord,

so is the beauty of a good wife in her well-ordered home.

17 Like the shining lamp on the holy lampstand,

so is a beautiful face on a stately figure.

18 Like pillars of gold on a base of silver,

so are beautiful feet with a steadfast heart.

:marseysaluteusa: try to fight each other on the Senate floor

That face..

Do not make fun of his voice...

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