It's almost election year again! Instead of Summer of Love it's Winter of :marseytunaktunak: :sikhspanking:

Who's going to politicize this first

required reading
:t::z::d: bros :marseyhappening:

Think like a doctor # Why can't patients just follow a simple treatment regimen

This is pretty old news but last Monday I got called by a patient that never showed up to transfusion and had the gall to call me yesterday. It's a clear case of MDS-EB so go fricking see your oncologist and get a blood transplant. I last saw her 2 years ago. I can review her EMR but we're at the point where I can just give a referral. The frick is she expecting since I'm not even listed on the sites page anymore

Guys, is @gigachad_brony neurodivergent ( symptoms inside )

So today on @gigachad_brony's morning walk @gigachad_brony was feeling amused thinking about how there is the neurodivergent kid stereotype about knowing way too much about trains ( the actual mechanical ones ).

Then @gigachad_brony remembered that @gigachad_brony have mid level knowledge of 40k lore, halo lore (all the way too the forerunner saga), resident evil timeline, DnD lore ( limited ), Isaac Asimov foundation series knowledge, Dune series knowledge (never read), Aliens universe lore (attack on Earth video series on youtube), up too date on one punch man, star wars extended universe lore (limited), follow the current X-men comics, real world geopolitics ( real world background lore ), Destiny lore, and remember tracking the fortnite lore as well at one point in time.

@gigachad_brony thought @gigachad_brony was normal because @gigachad_brony didn't follow trains, or plan too become a train, and is not good with computers right now, also don't follow star trek.

Dramabros is @gigachad_brony normal or is @gigachad_brony neurodivergent?

Israeli lives matter

fighting games are kinda silly : traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns
Bad Surgeon: Love Under the Knife

Bad Surgeon: Love Under the Knife is a new Netflix documentary that covers the controversies surrounding Paolo Spaghettio in approximately 2.5 hours. Highly recommend it if you're bored and looking for something to keep on as background noise.


-Post-wall single mom with a half-black daughter is seduced by a world-famous surgeon while she was creating a feel-good news segment regarding his work.

-Despite being a journ*list, this women readily believed Paolo was part of a secret shadow cabal of physicians who provide healthcare to people ranging from Hillary Clinton to the Emperor of Japan.

-At one point, she even believes she's to be married to the man in a rented-castle in a ceremony officiated by the Pope.

-Meanwhile, a group of journ*lists and physicians (men) in Europe are doing real investigative journ*lism into Paolo's numerous failures. These men describe the pushback that they received and how numerous institutions covered up for Paolo by ignoring egregious ethical violations.

-These men then go on to criticize the media's role in building the legend of Paolo as well as Western society's desire to replace religion with medicine.

Overall 7/10.

SJU (drama adjacent folx) janny, Healer, epicly trolls Keffals. The queefals in wuestion is probably dilating at this moment due to the trolling. Simply just, epci:marseycool:


Pedmas/bodmas/bedmas is pretty worthless IRL

I have literally never once seen anyone write an equation irl that they did not intend to be solved from left to right, but more and more calculators are assuming that your some soy unicel who wants fairy math

I had to do 12 * 5 * 6 + 3 * 30 the other day to count how many eggs I had collected (5 pallets of 12 stacks of 6 trays, plus 3 loose trays, 30 eggs per tray) and with bedmas that's 450. In reality it was 10890.

Unironically the reason my boss makes new hires use the dumb calculator she leaves in the barn instead of their phone/doing in their head

writoids discuss
Pakis suck and deserve to die

@MaraSalvador1feet3 for the first time deciding too take the back sit and chill. @MaraSalvador1feet3 did took the biggest and hardest part and did it solo because no homo want too do it.

So comment on that part from teacher:

β€œOverall, the response provides a comprehensive and well structured description” 4/4 points :marseykneel: :marseychefkiss:

Then the part that they did 1,5/6 points comment β€œIt feels more like a school essay and many errors” and now I am sitting in a room with them and have to listen about that we fricked up and need to do better next time :marseybrainlet:

Balkan mussies are the yehaws of yallahland
Greentext where 4chaners try to help anon get laid.

i once saw this greentext where anon matched but he was completely r-slurred and would reply with whatever channers would say including reply come leak gas on my face., but the fun police jannies removed it. does anyone have this saved.

Gunmen :marseyisis: burst into Ecuador :marseyjaguarwarrior: TV studio live

Things are getting chaotic in Ecuador :marseysweating:

Straggots wake up
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