I guess this is cirno ?

I did not leave my lab for nearly a week, rushed, pushed protocols to their limits, pissed off everybody I interact with, got told by higher ups to go home for my niece to have an enjoyable balloon fiesta. Today is day 1 of balloon fiesta and after coming home at 5am to take her to the event she wants me to get her a plane ticket home. I hired a butler and chef for the duration of her stay but she wants to spend her break at her moms crack den because god forbid I ask her to go to bed before midnight.

every rim


it's not just that fold of flesh,

nor butter into a diffusion

I saw into another room today through a door

no more do I desire to be beset by such a harness

live free

die free

r/cars defends drunk driving
The ebb and flow of the European identity starts with the gays and ends with the gays
New Toss

Afghan kitty hat protest meets the Taliban


As we all should know, Carp runs a sister site known as, which currently is the site marsey is most associated with by the public. If you haven't visited the site, it features /h/social as well as other holes (called "flairs" on WPD) to post random stuff that isn't related to watching people die. Despite having this characteristic, which could best be described as "unfunny, uninteresting, and unrelated to gore":marseyitsbimothy:, the users get really mad about certain types of content. Obviously, this includes getting mad about typical gore comment section racism:chudsey: and calling out wrist/leg-cutting attention seekers:marseycutattention:, but did you know that ROBLOX is one of them? See this search: You'll notice that nearly all posts which mention roblox in the title or contain roblox footage are heavily downmarseyd and/or controversial (orange vote numbers).

Before I saw this, I was already thinking of baiting WPD with fake self-harm pics, but after noticing this I realized that the site hates roblox posters way more than even cutters (which are even featured in several banners and "ironically" simped for by the users much like trains and visiting women are here, in a love-hate relationship). So of course, supporting roblox would be the best way to annoy the userbase. Drawing on the style of @HeyMoon's trolling of consumeproduct and replacing seethe about BIPOCs with seethe about roblox, I created a "subtle":marseyoctopus3: bait account with a profile picture of :sneed: (although it got zoomed into due to profile pictures having to fit into a circle, I didn't care too much about it), compiled a list of recently active users (there were many more users who seethed about roblox, but nearly all of them hadn't commented in months) who had frequently downmarseyd or negatively replied to roblox posts, and edited the :marseytransrentfree: emote to feature both :marseyroman: (yes, this marsey is in fact based on a roblox face, if you didn't already know) as well as a roblox marsey of my own creation modeled on :marseyexcitedyellow:. The image was low-quality by itself, so I decided to add a title, which was an -ACK quote of this comment (except with the ACK replaced with OOF, the roblox death sound): which asked Carp to ban roblox posters :marseypleading::carpjannie:, and pasted in my list of usernames:

The reaction was surprisingly quick given how few comments most WPD users have. 4 of the users I mentioned responded within hours, one of them accusing me of being an alt account of someone who had posted a few of the videos I took usernames from the comments and downmarseys of and was actually banned for ban evasion, likely of another roblox kid. Sadly, the false accuser wasted this much effort making a comment only to get eaten by a mimic. Unsurprisingly, multiple of the accounts I mentioned were the top downmarseyrs of this account:, which might have been a better way to find pingable lolcows. I also

I waited for the rest of the users to downmarsey my post or reply angrily, but unfortunately the jannies had already mopped it: My account was also shadowbanned, losing the dancing E profile picture as well as all it's comments and posts. I'm not sure if this is a win given that I got the jannies to care more than they did about the unironic roblox posters, or if this is a loss given that most of the lolcows on my list can't even see the post, but it seemed to test the baitability of WPD users and reveal a flaw that could be exploited

!edgelords Is it hypocritical to rage about roblox while being a gore fan who simps for self-harmers and posts hotlines in posts about an heroes?

!personalarmy Would raiding WPD be a good idea or would it hurt carp's fee-fees?


🇸🇦🇶🇦 Saudi Arabia and Qatar accused Israel of escalating the conflict

Man Arabs have some sense of humour

Seeking mentorship/ advice.

A little about me. I am a neurodivergent, gender fluid switch. What that means to me is I either present myself as fem or masc per certain stimuli in my environment.

I was one of those heavy Christian up bringing individuals where I was taught to save myself for marriage. I did. I saved myself till I was engaged with a rebel bi switch woman who also had a similar upbringing but Is a witch. Yes ,I witchy goth girls frick are my type same with alternative girls and big bubbly kind fun personality. We broke up a little over a month ago.

I gave everything I had to the relationship, I learned so much about myself and why it's important to not wait. I got a lot of trauma from it. I'm processing it in therapy.

I wanted a partner, instead I got a responsibility and a liability. Sexually I didn't get what I needed from the relationship. when I am in my dominant space I am a pleasure Dom, I want to completely ruin my submissive, no other man. Could ever compare to me. I would rail them till they passed out from orgasming. I got them into an average of 20 or 50 a session. My top score was 97. I enjoyed seeing them spasm and go peepee dumb. I would make so many of their spicey book fantasies a reality. However even though I was turned on, or session would go on for 2-4 hours. Most of the time I would not finish or orgasm. They would make me feel guilty about it. I couldn't figure it out as I honestly didn't get any penial pleasure it was mostly watching them fall.

It has me questioning my sexuality and my performance and my worth as an individual. I soon learned it has to do with a combination of my anxiety and the lack of sensory feelings of my peepee.

I thought maybe it was from being in control for a while. I hadn't had a sub experience since our first month together. I asked for it to try every kink under the sun. But they'd just ignore me. So I left because my needs were not met and I didn't feel accepted.

Before the relationship, I listened and watched a lot of mind control hypno videos including sissy hypno. I was obsessed, it honestly cures my anxiety and depression. I am relistenening to it now. It makes me so happy. Part of me thinks the next step for me is to find a tist partner after I do a bit more discovery on my own. That's advice I'd like on how to find one that is worthy .

The other part of my self discovery is to explore my submissive side more. I personally do not have any attraction to the male form. However t girls, and powerful woman. Lay it on me so hotttt.

Per the issue with my peepee. I want to explore anal play along with my female identity. I was talking with a trans fem. The other day, whom I provided more detail with . How my feelings and thoughts aligned with hers pre transition. Maybe that's something I should explore. Especially since I've always wanted breasts as a teen on my body. I'm not sure if I am attracted to t girls because of how sexy they are or if it's because I admire them and want to be them. Again a lot of self discovery. I would appreciate any tips or ideas to help with the discovery or turn me on to new kinks to help me become more.

I purchased my first fem outfit last night should be here any day. I'm super excited. I always dreamed of crossdressing and wanting to be teased or have w remote vibrator on Me in public. The thought of being caught is riviting. If I was with my partner having public s*x. Has always been a fantasy of mine.

I listed to advice from one of the other posts on this subreddit about fingering and massaging the outside. Rather then stick my fingers in. I am so tight. But massaging the outside while stroking gave me an intense orgasm that was way faster then 4 hours. Like 20 minutes. No material though because I am having trouble reaching. The next piece of advice I'd want is how do you practice positions, my knees ache or I can't hold that long. Any tips or work outs you'd recommend?

After that experience last night I had all these naughty dreams about getting stuffed. I'm curious what it feels like to get filled. Feel it leak out of you as you continue with your day.

Main tips I'm seeking:

1 Finding a hypnotist t girl or domme.

2 Tips on anal play.

3 Tips on makeup

4 Tips on clothing choices

5 Tips on positioning, diet and work outs.

6 Tips on other kinks I should try.

7 Tips on further femization.

He didn't read my book
Necros Christos - I Am Christ :marseycrucified: — black / death metal :marseybaphomet:


Three Israeli hostages were shot and killed by the IDF. : Destiny
New ping group! !sangha

Please join! But only if you promise to uphold the five precepts in comments when you ping


any good new solitaire games lately

been in a slump, maybe i need a good game

i don't have any friends tho so only games that can be played solitaire


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Sure do all the time. (3)

Lol I was gonna ask if you have a newsletter I could subscribe to. As someone who doesn't plan to vote for Biden in 2024, I'm an ideal audience for you. I just don't see anything more than ticky tacky corruption typical of any political, especially in the fact that the elder Biden seems to have done a good job having plausible deniability about what his son was up to. (-1)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Can I see it? (0)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

So far it seems like they're finding evidence on Hunter Biden, but not much on Joe. But, it is the party of Marjorie Taylor Greene who's investigating, so I shouldn't be surprised they don't have anything (-1)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

I don't know how anyone can conclude there's no evidence. We know that they had over 20 shell companies that funneled ccp money. We know that every person China Joe said he never knew of, there's a picture of them being buddy buddy. We know a handful of banks have over 100 questionable transactions. We know that China Joe peddled his influence through sonny boy. We know he did quid pro quo when he got the prosecutor in Ukraine fired because he was going after sonny boys company. We know he did a second quid pro quo with the Saudis to keep gas prices low for the elections. How many more smoking guns do you need? Darn. You guys make every word Brezmenev true. (18)

Angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

So what are the 20 shell companies for? Where did Joe get 20 million from? How can he afford multiple beach and water front homes on a civil servants salary? Jill is a teacher. He's tooling around in a 67 Corvette convertible. He gave $100 grand to his grandkids (well all but one of them). Where does all that cash come from? (3)

He and his wife made millions from book sales after he was Vice President. And there weren't 20 shell companies unless any company involved in kickbacks is a shell company. I think the number is 23 million and out of that money the Biden family got 7.5 million, mostly to Hunter and the rest went to associates. Throw the book at Joe if they can prove any wrongdoing but I haven't seen it yet. And seriously I'm not big on the whataboutism but we are talking 20 million while they ignore billions to Kushner? Throw the whole darn bunch out, from Congress to the executive and the courts and let's start over because the grift is all that matters anymore. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

Blows my mind that people are blinded to the truth through such simple tactics of pushing racism & anger towards individualism by media & echo chambers such as Reddit. (3)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/justalurker007

Score: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 1

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

5333333 get

:marseybroker: of course mr president. We won't manipulate stocks

What was that!?!!?!

That jumpscare startled me, don't do it again please :marseysad:


Because that site is cancer, here is part 293 from turtleboy who is in jail right now. Q & A in the comments. This is 100 percent real drama:

>Yesterday was the second to last pretrial conference in the Karen Read case, and it was rather uneventful. The highlight was an announcement that the FBI would be handing over their findings to the Commonwealth and the defense but is putting a protective order in place that will prevent either side from publicly disclosing their findings. The Commonwealth has not yet agreed to the terms. My educated guess is that the FBI doesn't want the targets of the investigation to know they are the targets which would mean it's most likely the McAlberts and state police. But that's just a guess.

>The next hearing is scheduled for February 26, and the motion to dismiss will be heard on that day. I will be in attendance as a free man, as my last day in jail is set for February 23.

>That brings me to a topic I wanted to avoid but must address. I was sent some videos yesterday of an incident outside of court in which FKR supporters were getting into a verbal argument with fake reporter Grant Smith Ellis. Grant is a pathological liar who is clearly on the spectrum and spouts insane conspiracy theories while misreporting what actually happens in court.

With that said, the videos I was sent were appalling. Weeks ago, Grant decided to announce to the world that he smokes marijuana for medicinal purposes. Specifically, he bleeds from his anus because he has colitis. And apparently, marijuana helps with that. The fact that he would share this information on his “professional” Twitter account speaks volumes to his desire to be a victim and to his undiagnosed autism. People like Grant want you to make fun of them for stuff like this so they can claim victimhood and paint the opposition as mean and cruel.

Yesterday some FKR supporters did exactly that. I will not share the videos, but it was embarrassing to watch multiple people screaming at Grant about his bloody issue. Have we forgotten what's at stake here? An innocent woman is framed for murder, and I'm in jail for asking questions to the real killers. And we're tracking down Grant Smith Ellis to taunt him about his health issue? Cringe.

I won't call out individuals as I don't believe it's my duty to police all FKR supporters, nor am I responsible for their behavior. But it's some of the same people I've had to ask to stop doing this before, and I'm getting tired of it. It's a terrible look and not one that I want to be associated with. I implore all FKR supporters to stop giving people like Grant the victimhood they desire. Please watch my video from July for further context.

I was hesitant to write this as I don't want to get in the habit of denouncing random supporters. I don't want to give the impression that it is the responsibility of content creators to police the behavior of their thousands of supporters. If I continue to do this, it will likely embolden trolls to stop what I'm doing and condemn every ugly comment made online by my worst-behaved followers. This is not my job or duty to do so.

I've been told that Grant apparently started the argument by yelling ridiculous questions at Karen and telling her supporters that they were making fun of her by mocking colitis. Obviously, this makes no sense whatsoever so my response to that is, who cares? Grant doesn't hide the fact that he is a troll and is not attempting to be a serious person. Let him make a fool of himself instead of giving him the attention he craves.

When I see Grant, I may ask him questions, but it won't be about his health issue. It will be about his blatant lies and misreporting, and the effect disinformation has on the public. It will be about how someone as dishonest as him can get press credentials in the first place. Grant's health issue is a distraction from his much more problematic shortcomings.

I realize that I have filmed myself following various individuals to their cars. But when I do that, I'm asking questions related to the Karen Read case. I don't ask personal or irrelevant questions; I focus on their involvement in the case.

Please, just leave the confrontations to the experts and stop trying to emulate actions that can detract from the cause. Movements need leaders, and the fact of the matter is that I'm the leader of the FKR movement. The problem is that I'm in jail and I'm watching the movement I started turn into an episode of Jerry Springer.

This is why I jokingly started calling myself Daddy months back. It's not a sexual thing, it's a reference to the fact that sometimes I have to put my foot down and say enough is enough. I don't like what I'm seeing, but Daddy's coming home soon, and I hope to see better behavior on February 26. If you come to court, please dress appropriately or stay outside. If you feel the need to confront someone from the other side, please be appropriate and keep the conversation relevant to the Karen Read case. Remember – it's not about YOU, so please don't make it about you by drawing unnecessary, negative attention to yourself. No one is impressed, and in the words of Meatball Morrissey it needs to stop.

Watch a grandmother orca :marseyorca: frick up a great white :marseyshark:

This is Sophia, a grandmother orca individual believed to be approximately 60 years old. Here, she rams a great white, breaking its ribs, then proceeds to drag it down and suffocate it.

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