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  • BimothyX2 : Unfunny, uninteresting and unrelated to drama
Imma firin my top gun - YouTube
Harley Poe - Transvestites can be cannibals too




Reason why @idio3 has a nukes

During the summer of 2016, members of President Barack Obama's national-security team secretly staged a war game in which Russia invades a NATO country in the Baltics and then uses a low-yield tactical nuclear weapon against NATO forces to end the conflict on favorable terms. As described by Fred Kaplan in The Bomb (2020), two groups of Obama officials reached widely divergent conclusions about what the United States should do. The National Security Council's so-called Principals Committee—including Cabinet officers and members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff—decided that the United States had no choice but to retaliate with nuclear weapons. Any other type of response, the committee argued, would show a lack of resolve, damage American credibility, and weaken the NATO alliance. Choosing a suitable nuclear target proved difficult, however. Hitting Russia's invading force would kill innocent civilians in a NATO country. Striking targets inside Russia might escalate the conflict to an all-out nuclear war. In the end, the NSC Principals Committee recommended a nuclear attack on Belarus—a nation that had played no role whatsoever in the invasion of the NATO ally but had the misfortune of being a Russian ally.

Basically the idea if Russia uses nuke on Ukraine Nato as retaliation can nuke Belarus

Here are some response that west can do if Russia uses nukes in Ukraine

>Deliver MIG-29 Soviet era fighter aircraft (currently in the hands of the Poles) to the Ukrainians immediately, as their pilots already fly them very capably. In this scenario, the U.S. would immediately backfill with F-16s to Warsaw

>Consider giving the Ukrainians U.S. F-16 fighter aircraft, particularly some of the early models. These are relatively simple to fly, very lethal in both air-to-air scenarios and in air-to-ground attacks. The U.S. would train a cadre of Ukrainian pilots, probably taking them to Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany

>Increase the supply of advanced surface to air defensive missile systems, probably older Hawk systems but also the modern Patriot (wide area, relatively easy to train to operate) and Iron Dome (developed jointly with Israel, excellent point defense systems to be used around big

>Directly and overtly target the Russian Black Sea fleet and provide Ukraine with the intelligence and long-range cruise missiles to sink a significant number of high value warship's

>Strongly consider a response is the world of cyber, particularly going after Russian military capabilities aggressively.

>Confiscate all Russian financial assets in western hands, around $300 billion, for the express use of reconstructing Ukraine

>Push China, India, and other major “swing voter” nations to condemn Putin and cut off trade with Russia

Yes this is time magazine from 2022 so as you see only Russian using nukes is missing.

That's why I been saying west played all its cards, only direct war with Russia is left in wish they are going to win KDA game

Eurobros ultimate question

Would you prefer 8 millions Jews refugees or 10+ Arabs refugees ?




Is he wrong tho :surejan:

I had never doubted west will never keep their words to khohols.

It was fun and morally right to support khohols against evil.

After all moral is sociological tool for government to force its citizens to do something without logical arguments so the moment it start hitting the portmone it instantly became not popular to support khohols :marseypikachu2:

Also hilarious how west thought it will be able to demotivate Russian with sanctions and sending western gears against them :marseyxd:

So it went from Russian are demotivated and soon will surrender :marseysunglasseson:

To nooo why Russian are fighting :soycry:

At my university it was also cool

2022 late March ECB neighbor gave lecture to my class about how soon it will be over for Russia in two weeks

2022 may-June during exam write why Russian economy is not over yet but will be over in two weeks with cope cowtools

2022 November write how EU inflation can be fixed

2023 November how can Germany fix its economy

Fricking beautiful :marseychefkiss:

Let's pick a fight that we don't have stamina to finish for billionth time and then later pretend we smart :marseyblowkiss:



Personal Drama My coworkers might be brain dead.

I've had one try to get free treatment, a few who have no report, a falsified report, and and a group that shit talks me. I was kind enough to show up in person. I'm actively trying to get fired but I still do some basics., just not most of what I'm supposed to do.


Tho they did ban this account. Lots of good lolcows to milk.

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We should immortalize rdrama

If everyone kills themselves in stream to rdrama than people will associate rdrama with Heavens Gate cult and the name shall be written in stones.

Giving money to black person

An African in high school asks you for 5 euros because he has no money and he wants to eat, and on Friday he will give you the money back. On Friday you ask him to return 5 euros, and he says: Monday. On Monday he tells you to stop asking every day and then he will give you your money back. After 2 days you ask him to return your money, he says that he has no money today, you see after 10 minutes he bends over in front of foids that he is rich and has tons of money, you walk up to him and tell him to return your money he laughs and asks how much ? You say 20 euros, he gets angry but is afraid to show in front of the foids that he is not cool, so he throws 20 euros on the ground. You arm lock him and force him to take the bill and politely hand it to you. Foids starts laughing at him. He becomes your #1 enemy throughout your school years.

The moral of the story foids bad


He's also followed by Toby Turner, Boogie2988, and Jon from Fishtank. Making this post for my frens to harvest and invest their dramacoin into this fine dramamine. Should I invite him here?

Life of a truck driver - YouTube
What's your favorite composer to listen to at work? :marseyjamming:

Mine is Mozart. I'm currently listening to Pires (musical foid :marseytrad:) playing his sonatas.

He keeps me entertained but is light enough to not be distracting (looking at you Bach, how many voices does a fugue need? God!)

Literally Me


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