
And here's the thing, it's made of :#worm:

It even fires :#worm:

But it stings like you wouldn't believe.

Cody beating Roman reigns is white boy karma

Soy boys crying back the rock taking over the soy boy Cody's spot.

Cody jobbing to the rock because he's a coward. Left AEW a company he founded to be HHHs little b-word, fighting over a fake title because his dead daddy didn't win it. Do you think the Rock would've left WWF for WCW to fight to the title just because his dad wanted to win a fake fighting belt.

That is the difference. The rock is bigger than wrestling Cody is just another dweeb like CM Punk who just took this all too seriously.

For those who are saying β€˜You don't get it. It's 2 years of build up πŸ€“. The booking isn't right πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“'. Rock vs Roman is 10 years in the making. Ever since Roman was introduced I was like wouldn't it be sick to see him vs the rock at wrestlemania and now it's happening

For those who are saying it destroys his character of course it does but just because Cody is a weak man. He should've walked away like Stone Cold or CM Punk but didn't of course he doesn't. So Cody does finish his story. He sold out everything he believed and look where it got him.

He sold out his race when he married his wife. Sold out his values when the left AEW.

What could've should've done is stayed in AEW, played the game and been the guy, and if he was the guy the world would hear regardless of what show he was on but he didn't because he didn't believe in himself. He didn't believe he was the guy. Hulk Hogan knew he was the guy and made the WWF a household name, the rock and stone cold knew they were the guy so they saved the WWF. Cody knew deep down he wasn't the guy

He played with the big boys and got bit. Considering he's such a proponent of civil rights and black rights he should be glad that 2 minorities got the spot over him. White boys this is your future

Don't forget this has all been Romans story from being the guy that that all the guys hated because he was the the man. Now he's going to the stuff that men do

Cody is a weak effeminate modern white man with an ugly neck tattoo who sold out everyone and everything for himself while Roman was the guy that was going be the guy and Roman did it without selling out.

The rock is from the attitude era where only the strong survived. Cody is from the β€˜it's my time I'm entitled era'. Yeah rock walked all over Cody's carter but the job of big dogs is to keep bitches in place


also like seriously what differentiates woke shit from literally all the other nothingburgers rightoids have complained about for decades???

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Why are there so many WPD ponyposters?

Based veteran literally quoted the Lavon affair and the king david hotel lmao

Drama on r/ask feminist when there is a thread on teenagers getting hit on

Actual drama is watching women try to explain why reality doesn't fit their feminist agenda…

Teenagers and underweight women are not more fertile than women in their mid-to-late 20s and women with a normal BMI. But a lot of men seem to prefer the former, sometimes to the point of finding the latter disgusting. I doubt it's biology. I think it's insecurity in masculinity and being obsessed with exaggerating gender roles by making women in couples smaller and more childlike and men larger and older. Also for reasons of sexual coercion and control. The only thing that might have a biological component is paranoia over 'body count' and wanting to get a woman/girl before anyone else gets her. But even if biology contributes that doesn't legitimize the behavior. Animals do all kinds of things that human beings must never do.

Normal BMI, which makes you less fertile is somehow what you should strive for… apparently your body working as intended is a flaw. Also being attracted to reproductive capability (the whole point of attraction) is apparently a societal construct :marseyxd:

The things is that teenagers are not made for pregnancy. It's more risky and their "childbearing" ability is not better than the one of 20sonething women. So it cant really be the biology

This is followed by 20 β€œit's not my job to educate you sweaty :marseynails:

If it was only about reproduction that drive desire then women who have already given birth would be, by that logic, the most desirable. Being young doesn't equate to fertility but already producing offspring demonstrates fertility.

This is peak feminist logic in 2023 :marseywomanmoment2:


@cyberdick how's a Hyderabadi lecturing anyone about traffic jams kek?

!bharatiya will you kneel to the gulti menace? :marseyprotestno:

Holy kek the full speech is funny


Hamara Telugu people smart smart smart lok hai!

:marseyxd: :marseyxd:

Most important lesson from the marvels movie

Wall is real

Larson in 2016 β€œI am strongu waman”

Larson today β€œI am still attractive waman, right ? Right ? :marseyseethe:”

She was in boxer shorts to show her legs in tank tops to show she has boobs literally was a princess with cutie twink K-pop prince because she is still young and trendy and K-pop is what kids love today right ? Right ? :marseyseethe:

Next video : DJ_Peach_Cobbler
So there's no way to see deleted posts anymore?

Did the pushshift ban basically kill all the archival cowtools? How can I see deleted fedposts now?

Hezbollah now involved



Yes please tell me more how this mumble rap by generic rapper #69 totally changed your life :marseysigh:

I'll just put on my headphones and listen to Bach

Anybody here playing Barotrauma?

Drop some barotrauma tips and tricks

When x character has y chromosome : coaxedintoasnafu

the future is female

Jews 23 and me

:marseyderpthumbsup: :marseyderpthumbsup: :marseyderpthumbsup: :marseyderpthumbsup:

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