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POV: You're a woman (real) on rdrama and decide to open rdrama to pass time.
She looks best on the right

!sigmastacies back me up

I got Scooped Today

Some r-slurs published a really shitty version of a paper I was writing. It even got into a pretty good journal too. How do I :marseycope:?

!math !codecels

Capybara-chan is annoying


I searched the farms beforehand and found no results for this channel, so I guess I'll put it here:

I was on /tv/ last night andΒ someone postedΒ a youtube channel that started a few months ago calledΒ "Sail with Ben and Amy".

It's in that same vein of "hot, half naked girl sails around and thirst-traps you into clicking", but there's something a little off about this one...

Ben appears to be some sort of geriatric life-long sailor from Australia, who has spent the past year travelling with this neurodivergent girl who I am pretty sure is not underage, but constantly appears in his videos in compromising positions, mesh bikinis, you name it.

She's also covered in self-harm scars. GNARLY self-harm scars:

They also started aΒ PatreonΒ where they sell what looks like photosets of this girl.

To be clear, I'm not saying the existence of these videos mean they are on the verge of lolcowdom in and of itself, but the psychology at play here is fascinating. If you don't get what I mean, just watch one of their videos. I'veΒ readΒ that they both met as part of some at-risk youth program where they teach teens to sail or something. She also calls him "daddy" or "mister" a lot in the videos. The comments from boomers are also hilarious:



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Leftoid "artist" spergs out when told to less words in his comics (and be more like Stonetoss).

My favorite one :marseychefkiss: everything he writes just oozes soy.

You literally do not have to "hand it to stonetoss" on anything! You are participating in reinforcing the propaganda by commenting on its supposed cleverness or accuracy. Please resist this urge!

β€” Haus of Decline (@hausofdecline) June 22, 2024

:soycry: How dare you point out I was wro- erm im mean made a bureaucratic procedural inaccuracy.

You're doing the lib thing again where you focus on my bureaucratic procedural inaccuracy instead of acknowledging the much weirder thing of praising nazi propaganda for its effective joke format

β€” Haus of Decline (@hausofdecline) June 22, 2024

:gigachad: radical centrist weights is

I like both you and stonetoss

β€” Schizo_Scale (@tweet_beats) June 22, 2024

Original tweet, why is this dramachad not on here yet? He constantly makes commies seethe.

"on my knees begging leftist comic artists to stop adding unnecessary text holy shit"


twitter space is running now:

β€œPharma Bro” Martin Shkreli claims he is the one behind the DJT cryptocurrency (which is not affiliated with the MAGA meme coin)β€”and has alleged that his partner in the venture was Barron Trump, the 18-year-old son of Donald Trump.

Shkreli initially denied having anything to do with creating the token. Research firm Arkham then offered a $150,000 bounty to anyone who could prove the identity of the creator. Within hours, a crypto sleuth who goes by the handle ZachXBT claimed the prize. And shortly after that, Shkreli publicly took credit for the token.

In a private message allegedly sent to ZachXBT, Shkreli claimed to have β€œover 1,000 pieces of evidence I created it with Barron” but has not subsequently released anything conclusive. (The Trump organization did not respond to a request for comment by Fast Company.)

Shkreli doubled down on the allegations that Barron Trump was involved with the DJT cryptocurrency in a Twitter Spaces broadcast, saying he only assisted his β€œfriend” Trump, advising him about the token launch. On that broadcast, Shkreli said he didn't have an active hand in deploying the token.

β€œWe initially thought that having 70% of the supply in Trumps' hands was going to make sense,” Shkreli said in the Spaces event. β€œI'm not going to get anything because I'm not adding value. My last name is not Trump. . . . It would make no sense for me to get 50% or 25% or something like that. But, at the same time, I like Barron a lot. I kind of viewed him almost as a son figure. I just wanted to mentor him and help him. I helped him make a decision as to which college to go to. I just have been trying to be helpful and friendly as much as I can.”

Shkreli also alleged Donald Trump was both aware of the DJT token and claimed β€œI have receipts of Barron saying his dad approved it.”

Roger Stone, a political consultant with longtime ties to Donald Trump, took to the family's defense on X, saying β€œ@realDonaldTrump and son Barron NOT involved in any way with $DJT.” Shkreli promptly began attacking Stone in comments, saying, β€œRoger Stone was barely sentient last I saw him,” later adding that Stone did not know Barron and intimating Stone was a supporter of the rival MAGA meme coin.

Throughout the drama, the DJT token has fluctuated wildly. It was down 6.5% on Thursday, but has gained more than 90% in the past week. The meme coin is still trading far, far below the seemingly competing MAGA token. The MAGA cryptocurrency is trading for just under $7.50 per token, while DJT is trading for $0.002806, per Coin Market Cap. (You would need 357 DJT tokens to have their value add up to $1.)

The public interest in the unsubstantiated allegations that Barron Trump (and perhaps his father) was involved in the creation of DJT has benefited at least one trader. ZachXBT noted that one of the large insiders at DJT had dumped $832,000 worth of the token recently. That account allegedly also holds significant amounts of the Shoggoth token, which is tied to Shkreli's project.

Second time this month I'm in the ER. :marseycoldtwinge:

First time was for crashing my motorcycle so I was in shock with a busted collar bone and a lot of bleeding.

This time I'm sick af. It's not the coof, tested negative. Strep test a couple days ago at the urgent care was negative but the nurse just took a swab to test again.

The doc doesn't think it's mono because I don't have lymph swelling in the expected places. Plus can you even get mono twice? I already had it once like 45 years ago. So if it's not any of those things it's probably something really bad.

Oh and I figured out I can make this machine beep if I hold my breath.


Post script: It wasn't mono and the strep swab came back clean again. The doctor said I just have some nasty virus that messed up my tonsils really bad then he cut me scrips for prednisone and percs and they cut me loose. :marseyshrug:

The depths of the bog
Picture of creamsickle kitten :marseyshy3: causes Redditor meltdown :soysnooseethe:

The op is clearly unhinged as well.


Black people have made up white woman disease so it's OK:

Reddit phrase of the moment:

Let's give murderers cash:

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  • forgor : Black people nonsense

Literally single mom


Her face looks like will smith on heavy drugs and she only 23 yet her other side of body is full covered in ink. Karma was legit hard on her to force her being born into hoodling foid

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