"Some important things you need to know." in r/conservativeterrorism

Hi, I'm Penny.

We (and every other subreddit) are required to uphold the Reddit Sitewide Rules, and you (because you're using Reddit) are required to abide by them.

One of those rules prohibits Targeted Harassment, and one expression of Targeted Harassment is "anything that contributes to persuading someone else to cease using Reddit".

That includes moderators of other communities, and other communities.

We also want to keep the topic in this subreddit focused on Conservative Terrorism.

Terrorism towards various demographics as expressed by the Trump administration and its supporters can be in a wide range of expressions both subtle and overt, however

Reddit, Inc. has a particular narrow definition of what is and is not an expression of terrorism - one which doesn't cover such things as "I was banned from /r/Subreddit, after posting / commenting something opposing Conservative Terrorists, therefore the operators of that subreddit are Terrorists / Terrorist Sympathisers".

It also doesn't cover "the audience of /r/SubReddit have cognitive dissonance about their support of hateful policies (which policies are arguably terroristic in nature), here, check out their posts and a selection of comments, these rubes, these pol:marseytrain2:s, these maroons".

This subreddit is not a Sneer Club. We aren't here to Gawk at Other People On Reddit Being Hypocrites.

We're also not here to amplify their hateful messages by reposting them here.

So, here are some ground rules:

1: Do Not Post Here About Other Subreddits.

Don't screenshot them, don't post them here.


Don't post there, don't comment there, don't modmail them, don't @ their moderators or participants elsewhere. Boundaries are important - even the boundaries of closeted, in-denial bigots who burp "States' Rights" as an answer to everything.

And don't come here to showboat about it if you do.

And finally,

3: Reddit Sitewide Rule 1 specifies,

Communities and people that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.

We enforce that. Without exception. That includes the dogwhistles and references to violence.

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If someone engages in this behaviour, they will be banned, without exceptions.

If someone enables this behaviour by responding to such an expression, they will be banned, without exceptions.


Oh, for multiple reasons, including (in no particular order):


  • It's a violation of Reddit's Sitewide Rules.

  • Making threats online gets the FBI (and sometimes the Secret Service) crawling all over you, which (in the current administration especially) makes you a danger to associate with.

  • we know that literal terrorists - US NATIONALS literally convicted of felony terrorism in the United States, WHICH IS NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE - make "false flagging as their targets and making violent threats online" one of their go-to methods to terroristically break movements and communities and draw down powerful persecution of them. Oh, and Jack Posobiec does it too.


So don't do it, 'K? And don't enable it. Hit Report on any threats you see, even the cutesy "Mario Brothers" and "in Minecraft" ones.

Because, at the end of the day, when the Trump administration goons show up at my doorstep to extraordinarily rendition me to Gitmo, I would like the world to know it is because I am transgender and didn't bend the knee to their fricking terrorism — not because "This subreddit has been temporarily banned due to a prevalence of violent content. Inciting and glorifying violence or doxing are against Reddit's platform-wide Rules. It will reopen in 72 hours, during which Reddit will support moderators and provide resources to keep Reddit a healthy place for discussion and debate."

Oh, and if you want one final reason, here's the final reason:

I'm the head moderator here, and right wing terrorists have used violent threats to give me clinical PTSD around violent threats simply because I stood up and said "kick the terrorists off Reddit", which I manage to work around to continue to advocate for a better world free from their terroristic harassment, so respect my personal boundaries, thanks. If you can't respect any of the reasons above and can't respect my personal boundaries, there's the door, on the other side of which are people all too happy to talk to you about their desire to see you do their dirty work.

Hope that's abundantly clear!


bottom text



npc redditors dont even know what they're protesting for :npc:


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  • Arran : fats don't date
:marseyheart: Going on a date with someone from Rdrama tonight :marseyexcited:

No, I'm not telling you who :marse!yindignant:

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[🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘] I was unaware that growing old made your cheekbones grow disproportionately


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

it's amazing how people will shill terrible design choices like this, and then project that you are being a special snowflake for wanting beauty and consistency in your art. (86)

What makes it a terrible design choice. Women who are mma fighters look like this and she is supposed to be a badass so why wouldn't she look like this. Also it's fiction and the way they look is constantly changing why would you compare for just her when the Witcher himself has changed drastically over the games (-25)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Still ignoring my point of Geralt being 100 years old but doesn't look like his facial features have changed (besides the hair) yet Ciri is the exception I suppose? (6)

Have you seen what Geralt looked like in Witcher 1? His face changes every game 🤣 (-6)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

I think people are getting way too caught up with small differences in a cinematic trailer. Geralt looked different in TW3 cinematic trailers. Heck, he looked extremely different on a game to game basis... other angles, she looks pretty darn similar to you can't tell me she doesn't look like herself in these shots. People are hyper focusing on some weird shots that were meant to be high fidelity but ended up uncanny, and proceeding to catastrophize.Game is years away and CDPR probably didn't even make this trailer. Calm your tits. (39)

People getting hung up on bullshit like cheekbones.The core issue is that a bunch of dudes don't necessarily want to roleplay as a woman. I don't think there's anything toxic about that.Action movies' and video games' main customer is dudes. It can work ... but it's a risky move to create a video game and/or action movie that doesn't cater to your main customer base. If design decision 1 is "let's make it harder for our our primary customer base to engage with our main protagonist", it may be worth considering if that decision is worth the risk. (-8)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

That's not lying. That is not by any means what lying is, nor am I lying. If you want a breakdown of the witcher series I can not tell you much besides It started as a book series, then it got taken in for games, and the games went like this1 was good2 was considered bad3 at launch was mixed but after a few patches to fix some issues people had it overall became the best one.The first 3 games lead into geralts full conclusion with ciri being established as a possible follow up to geralt.Comes witcher 4 which was now announced, and ciri is older. Witcher fans KNEW ciri had potential to be the new lead and she became all powerful with her magic. Now she is a supposed witcher and everyone wants to know how. And people are having mixed feelings on her looks, but not really cause this is the first time I have seen this sentiment show up.We been past that topic man, you seem a little lost. Want to sit down and talk slower about it?Edit: it is very abundant you are a troll or someone who i... (2)

How to lie with statistics. Using misleading data sets is one of the first methods.Oh so you don't actually know? How unexpected.I can vouch for the fact that I think her looks are fine. The assertion they "uglified" her is absurd and can be tossed out of hand for its absolute absurdity. I suspect those goofballs are only being used as a weak man (strawman's little cousin) as attempt to cover up the real gripe ... guys don't choose to roll female characters when they have the option not to. Stands to reason they might not buy the game because it's not an option.But you still haven't explained it to me. So I'll keep asking until you do. Why does not preferring to roll a female character in an RPG indicate a lack of empathy?I am not trolling at all. I'm having an open/transparent discussion. I'm merely pointing out all the dishonest accusations and bullshit you're trying to pin on me. There's no reason to get so upset over someone merely disagreeing with you. You stretching so hard to... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

No one says "who cares" to someone and not expect it to be taken offensively. If you find that to be a perfectly sound, civil answer, then I must say you really are the kind of person you're being accused of being, and any further discussion with you would only serve as more evidence.So let's chat, shall we?What's your problem with her reply? Why did it upset you so?You have received exactly zero attacks before I descended upon you sword in my hand. You did dish a few out yourself, though, and plenty of accusations, especially regarding other people's presumed feelings. It seems you really do believe that your opinions are factual. So, you not only seem to lack empathy, but you also don't seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed.And besides, I don't care about you enough to become upset. That doesn't mean I won't call you whatever I believe you are. For me, calling people out for their true selves and watching them writhe in refusal is a twisted form of entertainment. And you don't ... (1)

Attack my stance with dishonesty, personal attacks, and/or snippiness and I have no qualms returning the favor.There's no correlation with empathy and what kind character you prefer to roll for a RPG video game. Duh? Implying otherwise is nothing more than toxicity with intent to sow divisiveness. Ironic huh.I was accused of being weird and lacking empathy many times in this thread.That has been the core question from the start. You and the other jackasses in here have been trying to manipulate it into something else from the start. You get upset when I point out your manipulation.You seem oblivious that they do care. At the end of the day ... if this was your only gripe with my post... we would've acknowledged our difference of opinion/speculation and moved on with 0 hostility. That's how adult conversations work.This thread only got hostile once the accusations and personal attacks (toxicity, lack of empathy) were launched. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I'm one who probably won't buy the game on day one. I doubt I'm literally the only person on earth who feels this way. My purchase is at risk. For context ... this is one of my favorite gaming series (only 2nd behind Mass Effect) that I've played since W1 in 2007.It's anecdotal ... as someone who's played RPGs in various forms for decades, it's hard to not notice that most people roll characters of their own gender when given the option. Take away that option ... and there's a risk folks will be less inclined to buy the game.You should be aware ... saying there's a risk doesn't imply any specific outcome is inevitable. So I'm not entirely certain what you think I'm here to "prove". (1)

I mean, I won't either, but my reasoning is that I simply don't trust in any game's quality before seeing plenty of reviews from actual players. Is your reasoning primarily centered around Ciri being the protagonist? It has to, otherwise it wouldn't really serve as a point in this argument.Except that the literally don't. Girls tend to roll male character more often than you think, and it's a pretty well known mantra among guys that they'd rather watch a girl's butt for 100 hours of gameplay. You're ignoring everything but your own experience. Which makes for a rather weak argument.Fine, I'll give you a hint. Prove to me that games in the past have achieved less success for the sole reason of having a female protagonist. The important part being "for the sole reason". Failing while woman is not enough, you gotta show to me that it failed because of woman. Cause, you know, if you claim there is a risk, there must be precedent to warrant that risk. Obvious, isn't it? (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/GravyMcBiscuits

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+2🐮)

Number of comments: 36

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Would you date a fat funny neighbor for $50k? Many r-slurred foids say yes.


Pick yo fave foid:

Redditor :soysnoo: gets fired :marseydarktrump: for being 1 minute :marseywait: late for work :marseywagie:. Runs to r/adulting :soyjakwow: to vent :soysnooseethe:.


The followup:

/u/No_Excitement5215, you were fired for being a peepee, not for being late. I've done this too with people. It's way easier to fire you on a technicality than to go through the rigamarole of HR bs. Your former coworkers are probably thrilled you're gone. I feel bad for your preggo gf. Judging by your posts, you're going to split the second she shits that thing out.


USAID Defunded. @X disappears :donkeythonk:

What did he mean by this??

POV Anna and Dasha just wrapped up an episode of the pod and you're cleaning up

ciggy ciggy ciggy



I made a Longpost about Age of Empires 3 long ago about how the then upcoming AOE3 Definitive Edition was controversial because of perceived wokeness, like reworking Native Yank factions, because the original 2005 game was antiquated and racist by depicting Indians @Sphereserf3232 dancing around fires, and seen as offensively stereotypical.

These changes were controversial because it was seen as part of the wider wokefication of remakes, like Dead Space 1 remake, alongside the general perception of chuds that SanFran types had completely infiltrated gaming studios in American modern AAA gaming development.

AOE3 devs even went so far as to actually bring in Native yank advisors to tell them how to depict the 3 big factions, and what was no-no, so that when AOE3 released to an even more buggy state than any of the modern Definitive Edition Remakes by MicroSoftest, the perception was wide that focusing on culture-war type shit was what the majority of the budget and efforts had been focused upon, much to the jubilation of chuds

In all fairness, the AOE3 definitive edition did bring about many technical and gameplay improvements, conveniences and quality-of-life mechanics. But all of this was overshadowed by the poor release state, in which the fabled reworked indian civs had been very badly balanced, since the Indian civs in the eye of the drama-maelstrom had gotten the short end of the stick, gameplay-wise because the firedancing mechanic had allowed Indians ingame to turbo cuck European civs, by summoning super-powered high tier units - the absence of the fire-dancing mechanics made the Indian civs bottom tier upon release.

This was in conjunction with the promotional Youtube material for AOE3 DE was like 70% focused on cultural self-flagellation and 30% focus on gameplay, compared to the promotional advertisements for AOE1:DE, AOE2:DE & AOE4:DE. It didn't help that compared to the other 3 games, AOE3:DE was during the colonial era, and thus for minorities to be salty about it, and wokes to soy about it.

So battle lines between Soys-VS-wokes had already been drawn, but since it was released in 2020, it had released JUST before the great GaymerGate Zeitgheist from 2021-2024, where large amounts of AAA slop, often riddled with extreme progressive views would release and tank within months. But as the last 5 years passed, with games like Saints Row 2022 and DA Veilguard appearing to have failed financially, a lot of wingcuckery have taken positions for both chuds & soys

Soys want AOE3:DE to be a success because it is perceived that chuds hate it, and the inverse applies to chuds. Thus even in threads on /r/AOE3 where no cultural war is explicitly mentioned, there has always been an element of powder keg between the 2 autismo factiosn.

This week /r/AOE3 has learned that Microsoft has in all but name, shitcanned AOE3 support, and even cancelled much expected DLCs, which included much anticipated factions, like Polacks

Users are understandably upset.

Most peeps are not upset Microcucks will not continue to support AOE3:DE with updates forward, but would have been able to make peace if they had just released the DLCs, and then finished support :marseybea

nannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: which is understandable.

Even in fiction Polacks are eternal cucks :marseyitsoverhappy:

Some peeps are taking it personally

There's also inter-community infighting between all the other different games, like AOE1, AOE2, AOE3 &AOE4, because there is often the belief that the Real-Time-Strategy genre is already so small, that the userbase is fractured between them, and thus shitflinging occurs in a blame game between communities, like AOE3 blaming Age of Mythology Definitive Edition (AOM:DE) for "stealing their userbase" and thus making AOE3 (which is certain g*mers' favorite of the bunch) less financially viable and likely to be serviced by MicroSoft longer term

Here's a "whale" (whatever the frick that means) of AOE3:DE posting his :marseyl: :marseyl: :marseyl:

But by far the most cryposting in AOE3:DE is because in the same week as AOE3 got this super duper bad news, literally all of the other fricking AOE games (AOE2, AOE4 & Age of Mythology) are all getting new content, updates, DLC and support :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

Which as you can imagine makes our poor souls in /r/aoe3 really livid :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage:

Even the shit mobile game is getting updates and support :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

"THIS IS OFFENSIVE TO THE AOE3 COMMUNITY" :soymad: :soymad: :soymad:

Some users tell OP to grow the frick up

Some strags tell everyone to sign a petition, this will FORCE Bill Gates to revitalize AOE3 support!! :marseybeanangry:

But most r-slurred of all is that AOE3 has a weird rivalry victim mentality, where they have this perception that the other AOE communities/subs are laughing at the expense of their misfortune? :marseythonk: :marseyhmmm: which is not the case at all, especially since there is often sympathy for them, even from the much more "successful" communities like AOE2, and especially since the chances of gaymers playing/buying one of the AOE games (AOE1,AOE2,AOE3,AOE4,AOM) are extremely likely to buy some or all of the others, even if those specific gaymers have a favorite between the current 5 main Microsoft titles. :marseybeanannoyed:

Lol this troll didn't even use the word sheep :marseynpcsheep:

User gives these crybabies some wedgies

!g*mers @realKongDick

:marseyglow: they are talking about the Vegas shooting :marseyshutitdown:
Whammin be killing themselves… by filling out paper work

Wish i could post this on the sub but im banned from Reddit :((


not Haivng him as Ur lock Screen bcuz Ur ashamed of His Face ? That Just means U guys are a Private , Introverted , Discrete Couple . not Like all those other Gross weirdos Doing PDA on the Tram !! cant Stop stalking Ur hotter Exes On their Socials ? it's Because U Kno they Cant Compare 2 Ur Boyfriend's GROUNDED, DOWN TO EARTH , UNIQUE hotness <3

Scalpchads SCALPED :marseyscalped: as AIBs and Retailers decide to :marseyjewoftheorient: become scalpchads themselves :marseypikachu2: | Newegg Just Restocked 5090 via $6,000+ bundles

Not only JewEgg selling a $2K card for $6k :marseyairquotes: Bundles :marseyairquotes:

The AIBs have decided to join in the scalping game



And CaseKing

!g*mers are currently :#soyjaktantrumfast:

Me with my 4070 :#marseyhawaii:

'what year is this?'




Friendly reminder to new users

youtuber speedruns getting banned from sports betting apps for knowing finance

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