
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful {So let those fight in the way of Allah who exchange the life of this world for the Hereafter. And whoever fights in the way of Allah and is killed or victorious - We will give him a great reward.} God Almighty is true

His Eminence, the Master of Resistance, the righteous servant, has passed away to be with his Lord and to His pleasure as a great martyr, a heroic, daring, brave, wise, insightful, and faithful leader, joining the caravan of martyrs of the eternal, luminous Karbala in the divine, faith-based path in the footsteps of the prophets and martyred imams. His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah, has joined his great and immortal martyred comrades, whose path he led for nearly thirty years, during which he led them from victory to victory, succeeding the Master of the Martyrs of the Islamic Resistance in 1992 until the liberation of Lebanon in 2000 and to the glorious divine victory in 2006 and all the battles of honor and sacrifice, arriving at the battle of support and heroism in support of Palestine, Gaza, and the oppressed Palestinian people.

We offer our condolences to the Master of the Age (may God hasten his reappearance), the Guardian of the Muslims, Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei, may his shadow endure, the great authorities, the mujahideen, the believers, the nation of resistance, our patient and struggling Lebanese people, the entire Islamic nation, all the free and oppressed people in the world, and his honorable and patient family. We congratulate His Eminence the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, may God be pleased with him, on receiving the highest divine medal, the Imam Hussein Medal, peace be upon him, fulfilling his most precious wishes and the highest ranks of faith and pure belief, as a martyr on the path of Jerusalem and Palestine. We offer our condolences and congratulations to his fellow martyrs who joined his pure and holy procession following the treacherous Zionist raid on the southern suburb.

The leadership of Hezbollah pledges to the highest, most sacred and most precious martyr in our journey full of sacrifices and martyrs that it will continue its jihad in confronting the enemy, in support of Gaza and Palestine, and in defense of Lebanon and its steadfast and honorable people.

To the honorable mujahideen and the victorious and triumphant heroes of the Islamic Resistance, you are the trust of the martyred Sayyid, and you are his brothers who were his impregnable shield and the jewel in the crown of heroism and sacrifice. Our leader, His Eminence, is still among us with his thought, spirit, line, and sacred approach, and you are committed to the pledge of loyalty and commitment to resistance and sacrifice until victory.

Saturday 9-28-2024 24 Rabi` al-Awwal 1446 AH

:marseysalat: :marseysalat: :marseysalat: :marseysalat: :marseysalat: :marseysalat:




There should :marseynorm: be an MTV style hole for things like this.

@Hezbollah_Simp thoughts?

Reported by:
  • Aevann : i love israel so much its unreal
  • HailVictory1776 : Free Palestine from the river to the sea, make Israel cease to be
  • BWC : :marseyhorseshoe::wingcucks:

Airport told the iranian plane to frick off :marseyplane:

EFFORTPOST Darklands LP VI: We actually start a quest!

[Apparently I forgot to save the game at the end of the last episode or I saved it under some really esoteric name I don't remember so we're still halfway to Wesel. It doesn't really affect anything.]

Notice how the seasons actually change in this game! If you want a game that's really really good about seasons, look up Shadow Empire. You can play on planets with radically different axial tilt and it actually matters.

Oh no. These people chose to frick with us. You want my briefcase. I'm not giving you my goddarn briefcase.

Like Michael Douglas I try to have Sasha talk them out of this. Didn't work.

We're faced with some ordinary bandits who we should make short work of. But they have a leader who is wearing cuirboulli armor (the same as our people). He's got a shield. He's got a longsword, which is at least comparable to our weapons. And they're of fair quality. This is the first relatively tough opponent we've faced. If you've been made to read a few pages of Clausewitz by some tard you might think this guy is the enemy's "center of gravity" so we'll attack him. Heck no. Anybody who knows anything about fighting knows you go for the enemy's weakness. We'll try to kill off his loser companions. Then when we're in a 4v1 one with him, it will go exactly like in real life. He will die really fast.

The bandits try to hit us from two sides, trying to throw us off. Big mistake. All four of us go east to hit those two. We only have a few seconds alone with them, but double-teaming them it doesn't take long to cut them down. After that it was kind of a blur. We engaged the other three guys but Redactor got the heck beaten out of him and knocked unconscious for reasons I'm not sure of. Must have been a really lucky hit. The rest of the party won the fight though. I think we really need better armor.

Redactor is banged up really bad but the upside to this is that the equipment that tough guy had will get us a good price when we sell it. (Unlike Rimworld, you can stab a guy to death and still sell his clothes to the local thrift store for full price.)


We're hurt bad so we'll go to the nuns for help. It's a different city so they'll help us. Wait. WTF??? Story of my fricking life. I think we got enough money to heal up at the inn but it's going to take time. And as every 40 year old boomer can tell you, time is not on our side. (Literally. Our older characters will lose strength as time goes by.)

I don't know if we're ready for this yet, but let's try to get some quests. Various people have quests but the bankers are the most likely. There's the Fuggers from Austria and the Medicis from Italy. Also the Hanseatic League aren't really bankers but they need to get some tasks done in the same way. The problem is, how are we going to get taken seriously? We haven't done any quests so we're not famous yet. We need someone to talk these people into giving us one. Sasha is very charismatic, but she's not yet 2006 Torino level.

Maybe we can give her a little boost? Redactor knows St. Anthony, who can boost Charisma and Speak Common (the skill of just knowing to speak German well enough to talk people into things). He can pray for St. Anthony to help Sasha. But religion in the 1400s is very transactional. If you want something, you're expected to pay for it. That's where Divine Favor comes in. This is, in terms of gameplay mechanics, your mana. You can't just constantly pray every time you hit a speed bump in your life and expect your problems to be solved for you. When you pray you pay Divine Favor points.

And you're not guaranteed anyone is going to listen. The other crucial number here is your Virtue skill, which appropriately is the most important skill in the game by far. It increases your chances of saintly intervention. You increase it by doing good deeds as a Christian. The higher your Virtue the more likely it is that saints will actually listen to you. Even Yuna has saints that she has no chance with right now. When we combat the forces of Satan and do charity to the poor and oppressed we'll bump that number up.

For the purposes of this LP I'm going to just spend all her DF to make sure she has a 99% chance of being heard.

Wow that's a pretty big impact. Let's see if any of these bankers care. Many of them just will not give you a quest because not everyone needs a party of four bold individuals to solve a problem every day of their life.

Fetch quest. This is actually close to us! The locations for these are apparently completely random so half the time they want to send you across the Empire for 4 florins. But this is near Bremen, in the northwest corner of Germany, close to where we are on the lower Rhine. We can actually try this one. The money is nice but what's even better is gaining Local Reputation in this city and Fame (how well you're known across the country).

I would try to buy some better armor but all they got here in Wesel is 24-quality and I refuse to pay for that. I stop at Osnabruck and at least get something slightly better for Nathan. You have armor for your torso and armor for your limbs. I think my people (barely) have adequate protection for now on their torsos but they still have virtually nothing for their limbs. I think that's where we're getting most of our damage.

On our way we run into a monastery. Huh. This doesn't seem quite right.

Capitalism? As a 1400s guy I find that pretty unseemly, especially in a monastery.

They have a library so we can learn about another saint. The only two I remember are Thomas the Apostle and Margaret. Margaret is some girl who died under horrible circumstances. She does a lot for you in-game because she was widely venerated at the time. But Darklands encourages you to roleplay. Thomas is my favorite apostle. I'm the kind of guy who would insist on literally reaching into the guts of my god to prove He's real. So we'll pick him.

Actually he's gonna be useful sometimes. Just like you'd expect from someone that pragmatic.

I'm gonna quit now just because it is incredibly time-consuming to upscale all the screenshots and put them in the right place. Next time, we're going to that place north of Bremen to get the fetch quest artifact. But we are gonna run into a challenge and it's not gonna be "somebody wants you to kill 20 mobs".



Behold, motherfricker, and seethe in the fact that you cannot hold love in your heart as I tirelessly do every waking hour for my pets and loved ones :marseywitch:

Something Something spooky Saint Francis coming in nicely toobz :marseybeanimp:

!animalposters !cats !catholics

Bought a new car bros

bruh looney toons was wildin dawggg :marseysobbing: :marseysobbing: :marseyskull: :marseyskull:

!zoomers you ofc reached unc status if you remember this show :taylaugh:

It's over :marseyryugenocide:

!g*mers @DestoryerCarbine @Kang-PrimeTimeline discuss


The popularity of sleep optimisation - now dubbed sleep maxxing - has been increasing in recent months with young people are going to painstaking lengths, including mouth taping, mocktail sipping, and magnesium foot spritzing, to improve their sleep.

What is wrong with today's youth


It's mind boggling that so many people these days think science can be opinionated

Redditors would never disagree with the sacred science

Every hypothesis starts as an opinion. To say science is not opinionated is ludicrous.

I think this guy woke up feeling the need to be contrarian today :npcoppse:

Can Bill define a woman? Does Bill believe in natural immunity? Questions like these are how you figure out who believes in science and who doesn't.

That's bad faith science chud, it doesn't count! :soyreddit:

Yup. It is also still a mystery why anyone would vote for a 78 year old lying, felon . He is disrespectful to anyone he comes in contact with especially women. He cheats on his wife. He sells Bibles. He is destroying the country with hate and racism just to keep himself out prison.

>He sells Bibles


She is now for fracking? Bill Nye predicted that the north pole ice cap will melt by 2030 so it doesn't make sense.

Maybe not even he believes his doomer statements :marseyshrug:

Honestly feel like she's just kinda going with it to get the PA votes

I haven't heard why she flip flopped. But she took a quiver out of Trump's bow.

Actually chud a politician completely lying about their platfors is good :soyjakanimeglasses:

[...] Like, we'd need some sort of coming together moment as a species and mobilize like it was WW3, but I highly doubt that will ever happen.

I think this guy is a little confused about what 'world war' means :marseyhmmm:

Blue maga isn't much different. Both are horrible and corrupt. America needs to vote for jill stein.

Jill Stein still sends redditors into seething rage :marseyrage:

It's the anti-intellectualist fragment of our population who think college is a net negative. 79% of Republicans think college is bad for America. When formal education is demonized, it paves the way for the "facts not feelings" crowd to, in fact, replace fact with feelings (like antivax stances). We no longer have reverence for people who are experts on a certain matter; ordinary citizens "do their own research" and think they know better than people who dedicate years of their lives studying a particular subject. Science is one of the most demonized.

The replies to this have everything you need, from smug redditors praising higher education, to chuds complaining about gender studies, to atheists being enlightened once again, to how many genders are out there, to white privilege, to covid vaxxing :marseyramen:

I wish I could believe that.

It's certainly a better model than the alternative.

But scientists lack integrity, just as humans in general do.

I mean, that's one of the big ol flaws of academia mixing with the big ol flaws of capitalism.

No, it's just jeets and chinks :marseyjewofthesubcontinent: :marseyj!ewoftheorient:

Even so, saying "Science is Patriotic" is absurd.

And suddenly redditors rediscover their patriotism :marseyeyeroll: This argument pops up all over the comment section :marseylongpost:

Science is not a virtue and an oligarchy to well meaning scientists do not make good leaders.

This is not the start nor the end of this slapfight but it gives you a good ideas about what you'll read if you open the link :marseysnoo:

When will tRump ever take responsibility for his Wrongdoings? This guy has never said, I've made a mistake or something like that. He feels that Everyone should be Punished for their Crimes, but he should be an Exception to the Rule. Like most Americans, I am So Tired of his Never-Ending Crimes.

The lib boomers are here! :marseydoubtit:

Make Science Patriotic Again

MSPA isn't a great acronym tho -

Hah, yeah. Sounds like a food borne illness.

At least some of them still have some self awareness left :marseysnoohug:

Just want to remind people that even Mr. Roger's widow of Pennsylvania (who has since passed away herself, Rest in Peace) said that Trump represents everything her husband stood against.

Hecking wholesome Mr. Roger would be disappointed in you! :marseysoyhype:

As a scientist, I'm not sure I love the idea that "science is patriotic". That seems kinda weird and jingoistic to me. But I agree with Bill's choice for president.


I'm still annoyed at how Reddit turned on this guy when his Netflix series came out and he had a segment that explained the current scientific understanding of s*x and gender. Reddit didn't like the science, so they turned on the messenger.

I'm also annoyed at people who say "he's not a real scientist", as if that's some kind of gotcha. Science communicators are extremely important for communicating scientific concepts to mass audiences. They don't have to be scientists to effectively do that.

If even the gender specials of reddit turned on Nye over the train segment maybe he's not that good at communicating science :marseysmug2:

Bill Nye is a snake oil salesman, not a scientist. He has none of professional ethics that a true scientist has.

Look up ActiveION, he endorsed it and personally sold it, and its complete pseudoscience garbage.

This is ridiculous. My daughter (now early thirties) absolutely adored Bill Nye! His shows (PBS) were sooooo great and a fantastic science educational tool.

The guy is a national treasure, deserves a medal and teachers should use his shows in class. Great endorsement for Kamala. "Scientific American" also endorsed Harris:

Just goes to show Harris is the choice of smart people. 😁

I think I found Nye's reddit account :marseydetective:

Didn't he die in gruesome hot air ballon accident?

Yeah probably his balloon was shot down by those immigrants with alien laser machine guns better than the US military has that Trump warned us about.

We need to steal these mexican lasers :marseythinkorino:


Every cringe thing you heard about the film is true as well. Some unfortunate theater wagie :marseymcwagie: has to ask Adam driver's character a question so that they can break the 4th wall and talk directly to the audience.



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

hahahah! OP is trolling the group in his own way... Through sarcasm, he is taking a dig at the quality of posts (of late) here...In case he isn't and the joke is on me, then OP needs to change his username from richdoctormba to buntyaurbabli... (53)

Not trolling. Want to know where Rich people spend money. (-19)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Mods can we ban this BS (14)

Isn't this fatfire sub? (-6)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

This is shit post. I don't think anyone who has 180 Crore net worth is making these posts on reddit (19)

Networth went 10x in last 5 years. This is fatfire sub. I thought other people in similar bracket. 10-20 cr guys would be in fire sub. I didn't post there. (-14)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

You can't increase your expense beyond a level. Why do you think rich do funny stuff. Also don't expect the stock market returns to stay like this in future, but still you should not care.Still want to increase expenses but a yatch or airplane.PS: most people here are those who want to fatfire, not who reached that goal (1)

They should be on lean fire or fire sub. People who don't even have 1 cr are thinking of fat fire. And they think others can't have 200 cr on a fat fire sub. Must be low IQ guys. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

Shit Poster 🪓 (0)

Poor person found on fat fire sub. Go to fire or leanfire sub (1)

Angriness: 😡🔘🔘🔘🔘

Adopt me, I can help you double it down (1)

Why are on fat fire sub? Go to lean fire or fire sub. (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/richdoctormba

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+4🐮)

Number of comments: 55

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


this is some old school reddit selfsucking

Thedonald has a normal one

@Aevann rightoid drama


:marseydramautist: The gigacrane on specialized tracks to lift the 150000 pound power boxes timestamp

:marseyautism: "Laminar Airflow" and ceiling conveyor conveyor "highway" sending things back and forth in lines timestamp

:marseyautism: All the ceiling things are moving to keep them evenly distributed between the fabs and ship things wherever timestamp

:marseydramautist: Exposed mechanical parts of the ceiling things timestamp

:marseyautism: Logistics of the ceiling things and footage of one of them reeling in a package and later one lowering a package timestamp

:marseynoooticer: Reaching the fabbing part they try to blur computer screens here timestamp

:marseydramautist: Cool machines and a long explanation of the process timestamp

:marseydramautist: More cool machines timestamp

:marseydepressed: Cubicle-people that manage a couple hundred cowtools a piece timestamp

:marseydramautist: "Vertical Diffusion Furnace" timestamp

:marseysuit: Career Paths to this timestamp



When 30-year-old Daikichi Kawachi returns home for his grandfather's funeral he learns about the existence of Rin Kaga, his grandfather's illegitimate six-year-old daughter by an unknown mother. The girl is an embarrassment to all his relatives and is treated like an outcast.

Annoyed by their attitudes, Daikichi decides to take care of Rin himself, even though he is single and has no experience in raising a child. As Rin becomes part of his life, Daikichi experiences the hardships of being a single parent.

Usagi drop comes across as a manga I would want to read, I love interpersonal drama. Saw a few clips of the anime on tiktok, it seemed wholesome and heartwarming.

But wait

Ten years later, Rin is a high school student and the remainder of the series focuses on her trying to figure out how to deal with her feelings for Kouki, and her decision for a career. Rin discovers that she is not actually related to Daikichi by blood, and the series ends with Rin wanting to have a child with Daikichi.

Why are they like this??


I've been in heck all day, how are ya'll? :marseyexcited:

!animalposters !cats !catholics


>foid calls substitute driver

>micro district security :marseysecuritron: says only allows residents can go in, foid has to drive :marseysteer: herself

>drives directly into the parking booth

journo sneeds at a flight attendant for telling her to have a blessed night

@Aevann this is my LAST warning


Reported by:
Hello, I'm obsessed with interracial pornography, no it's not my fault I keep watching this, it's the Jews fault.

As a proud white nationalist, I find members of my own tribe to absolutely hate me. Still I advocate for them constantly, no this does not make me a cuck. A cuck is someone who hates his own race, which I don't. I want only white people to exist. Yes, I want to date Asian women but this does not contradict that, Japanese are honorary Aryan. Yes, the Japanese language is not indo-European, that has no bearing on what an aryan is… an Aryan is anyone I've been told is an Aryan by Hitler who advocated that Germans are the master race. Yes, the Germans didn't win either World War, but it wasn't their fault… it was the Jews who were controlling Russia… Yes, the Japanese did not attack the Soviets despite being asked to multiple times by the Germans. They were not the best allies, unlike the Muslims who Hitler regularly praised and wished Germans were more like. Yes, I hate Islam, it's not culturally compatible with Europe, which descends from the Romans. The muslims are ruining our Roman identity and sacking our land. Yes, the Germans sacked Rome, this is because they were a stronger culture and were able to take over a foreign nation…

None !jidf !soyteens


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