Scientists :marseybrainlet: forget about chromosomes (again) :marseytrans2:


:rape: Brother afraid his girlfriend will catch fat from his sister

I love that his mom sympathizes with the brother and not the ham planet sister. Gives me hope for 2025. I wonder if the girlfriend even knows the sister exists

This is crazy. They want you to remove yourself from society because of your appearance? At that height/weight you're, what, a 1-2xl in women's sizes?

She is 260 lbs. she is way too big. Frick. All fatties should be out of sight and out of mind

Basically. i feel like im kept as a dirty secret or something. and yes im 1X or 2X depending on the style of clothing or the maker.

You are dirty /u/totalnetwork1013 do better to not be disgusting

Totally ridiculous. I honestly can't think of words strong enough to express how I feel.

I'm a little shorter and a little fatter than you and I'm a totally normal person. I'm married and I have a job with coworkers who like me, and I have friends who love me. Don't let your idiot family make you think you deserve anything less than the full depth of human experience. There is NOTHING wrong with you.

This poster is even more gross. She convinced someone to put a ring on it? :marseypuke: You are not normal when you are this fat. You are some freak of nature that exists thanks to modern food surplus and advanced medicine.

Fatties, you have something wrong with you. Luckily, lead poisoning is still effective :marseyshooting:

I don't really understand what's going on here. Are you a minor living at home? Is it a cultural thing? Is his gf so special that meeting her is meant to be an incentive, or is he just ashamed of you? Frick this noise. If you know her name just message her on Instagram and introduce yourself and tell her why your brother won't. If she's any kind of decent person she'll see this for the massive red flag that it is. Also, move out girl. These are not people who uplift you.

He is obviously ashamed of her… but she is fat so she is too lazy to remove herself from this awkward situation.

This is not normal at all. I feel like your brother has teased u about your weight before

Normalize being ashamed of fatties

since i was little yeah. my whole family

The family has been trying to get her to stop eating but nothing works. Her brother is my hero. Now that's a man of action. I bet his girlfriend loves him

My jaw is on the floor. I'm literally tearing up over this. I'm usually not a proponent of going "no contact" with family, but wtf. Protect your peace dear. This is INSANE behavior, for 260 measly pounds. Love yourself love yourself love yourself and surround yourself with people who love you.

>for 260 measly pounds

That's approximately the weight of a normal guy and his normal girlfriend. Fatties deserve love as much as they deserve food

Fatties are the most delusional narcissistic pieces of shit ever. I pray that RFK will the needful to in order to enact the final solution to the fatty problem

known issue, your account was not compromised please breathe @BILLYBIGBOLLOCKS got logged out twice and is unable too sign in from mobile and also @BILLYBIGBOLLOCKS is chudded for 24 hours | post itt if you are also a victim of logoutgate 2

seriously say so below if you did - also provide os and browser

@BILLYBIGBOLLOCKS love sucking peepees

Reported by:
Ranch time :marseycertifiedangus:

Do you avoid them or try to understand them?

MILIKED :marseylolcow: :marseylolcow: :marseylolcow: :marseylolcow: :marseylolcow:
Twitter is having fun with the Make Gaza American Again announcement :marseyderp:

Pleiades (The seven sisters)

Those dots are the seven sisters (I couldn't take a clear and nice pic because I'm using my phone camera :/) :marseystars2:

Bloods launched ballistic missile into Crips

According KFC cross

It's illegal to finish off wounded neighbor. He would need some

KFC cream to treat his woods.




delayed, power out so I'm going out to lunch Making new badges for DKD events please hold

ETA 1-3 hours cuz occupied atm




!nonchuds !chudmoment !g*mers !goyim

>That's curtains, th-ACK!


>Pretty much. That is literally the dogshit writing dream te-ACK!


>Sucker Punch, insomniac, naughty dog and Santa Monica were some of my favourite studios. It's crazy how they have all fallen. I miss when gaming wasn't main stre-ACK!



!bobmob is he right !historychads?


#resist lib bullshit is back on the menu, and more pathetic than ever

The story of the Michelin-star chef that killed himself :marseychef: :marseychartdowntrend2:

A classical Greek tragedy about hard work, big egos, and French culture.

His fanatical attention to detail, frenetic work ethic, and discerning palate, propelled him to the top of his profession, and earned him a knowledgeable and loyal, but unforgiving and demanding clientele.

:marseychefkiss: :marseyautism:

In the late 1990s, a new form of Asian-inspired "fusion cuisine" swept France, catering to an international corporate class and pleasing trend-driven "foodies" (a neologism of the movement), which Loiseau resisted.

:marseybased: :soyjakhipstergenocide:

Loiseau was downgraded from 19/20 to 17/20 in the Gault et Millau guide and received a strong negative media review from the gastronomic critic François Simon in the newspaper Le Figaro, but he still had his three stars in the Michelin Guide. Criticism continued to pour in and the media speculated about a possible future loss of a Michelin star.

:marseysweating: :marseystocksdown:

But on February 24, 2003, the chef finished his lunchtime service, rolled up his apron and drove home. Telling his ten-year old son – one of three children – to go and play outside, he went upstairs, locked the bedroom door and shot himself in the head with a hunting rifle, a present from his wife.


After his death, three-star chef Jacques Lameloise said Loiseau had once confided, "If I lose a star, I'll kill myself".


Derek Brown, Michelin director at the time, said: "The idea of telling him about the concerns we had about some of his cooking was in order to give him an opportunity to consider whether he wanted to do something about it, which he did, as it turned out."


All in all, a messy story sparking many debates about whether reviewers should really be brutally honest, and if they are unfairly harsh. Perhaps it inspired Ratatouille (2007)?


A 20-year-old named Thomas Matthew Crooks attempted to assassinate President Donald Trump on July 13, 2024, firing eight shots and injuring three people. Doug Hagmann, a private investigator, believes there may have been a criminal network involved with Crooks during the assassination attempt.

Rep. Clay Higgins claimed Crooks acted alone, attributing possible motives to prescription drugs rather than conspiracy.

Friends described Crooks as a brilliant student, challenging the narrative of him as a troubled loner

Btw other sources says the FBI is holding THAT. information as well, after their devices and auch were seized. This isn't allegedly, he didnt act alone..



Now what's interesting 🤔 for me about places like Deviant Art is that people's feeling or at least performative feelings can be as predictable as the tides.

The more liberal or progressive or woke, the seething aggressive the pushback on ai art will be, it's almost like in the art world it's the Isreal-palestine of issues and people instantly become unhinged by the mere mention of the issue or encountering AI art in the "wild"

The more shitlibs, the more histrionic

Example in Deviant Art the more conservative artists, even if they are already spectacularly good artists themselves, who don't need AI, but still used ai as experimental cowtools, even if they used machine-learning of their own portfolio, got pushback

/r/ReasonableFantasy is from the /r/MenWritingWonen hags originally who complained about any sexualisation of foids in art, so you can usually predict where they fall on the political cumpiss

Except /r/ReasonableFantasy has some cool posts now and then

Fighting back against Redditors
Reported by:

We know Wikipedia is screwed beyond recognition but it's not clear what the precise issue is - I think this article shows us.

The article is question is regarding the musician Jandek, who is beyond description (and the wiki article no longer tries to really describe him, either). In absolutely most big picture summary:

  • A guy gives himself the stage name Jandek in 1978 and self-records an album via tape. The music is him singing with acoustic guitar and it is indescribably weird, and not at all accessible music. It barely even is music. Here is a sample of his 1978 album:

    . He has hundreds of hours of music like this.

  • He continues to records tape of himself playing this atonal, creepy, and barely even music "songs" over the course of many, many, many, albums in the coming decades. His identity is never revealed, even when the tapes start getting an ironic undergrounds following. Eg. DJs would phone up the 'company' associated with his self-released tapes (his home phone) and he'd identify himself as a representative of Jandek, not the artist himself. This is despite everyone knowing this music is definitely produced and released by one guy at the very most.

  • he's kind of a music nerd/outsider art trivia questions - Kurt Cobain talks about his music in interviews for example - but the vast majority of people don't and never would listen to his music let alone enjoy it.

  • in the 2000s, people start to realise Jandek is some 60/70 year old dude in Texas and Jandek stops denying it so strongly. He ends up being invited to play live for the first time and is captured on film (he never clarifies directly, but the guy in these concerts is a dude named Sterling Smith). Live concert from 2004:

Anyway that's the most necessary background, onto the wikipedia article.

For most of it's life, the Wiki article for Jandek has been similar to any article for a niche interest - way, way too long and detailed for something such a small number of people know about. I remember it as recently as a few years ago going into detail of every major attempt to unmask Jandek, listing all of his hundreds of tapes and album, music criticism, and then lists of post-2000 public appearences. The wiki page had theories, mysteries, rabbit-holes within itself. It was terrible as ana encyclopaedia but interesting as a story re some random guy who can't sign or play guitar well getting mysteriously semi-famous. If you go into the article's historical edits you can see the unwieldy version of the page back then:

This is worth noting because the only truly compelling thing about Jandek is the context - who is this guy, where did he come from? Which is what the wiki article leant into. No one was a 'fan' of Jandek, unironically, or listened to his music for the love of the sound. There's simply no way. People were inviting him to perform live because then they could say they performed with the mysterious Jandek, and people went to his shows for the same reason. The wiki article was microcosm of this very state of being.

So what happens? Some uppity Wiki editor ( posts this on the article's talk page in 2021:

>This article is a feature-length novel of unsourced claims and needs to be blown up. I would do it myself but I don't want to bother with the inevitable edit wars. People close to the subject seem to be carefully watching this page like a hawk.

When someone points out that the reason Jandek is notable is the talk and mystery around him -- thus that probably needs to figure into the article somehow, ILIL disagrees strongly.

>I'll have to respectfully disagree with your pov. I enjoy using Wikipedia for the purposes that it was designed for, which is to gather a quick summary of what news media, books, and articles have published about a given subject. Just the facts, please. Geeky trivia, hearsay, rumors, and crowdsourced press releases is the domain of YouTube video essays, blogs, and "fandom" Wikis. Everything has its time and place.

The autism runs so deep on Wikipedia that the editors truly can't comprehend how most humans absorb information. The above statement is true re: an article about a scientific theorem. It's not how people engage with entertainment. Nonetheless, soon after, the article is wittled down to two sections - a very brief introduction where a music publication is quoted calling Jandek "mysterious" with no other context (because that would be editorialising), a handful of sentences with chronology of his first release and later live shows, and maybe two quotes re: his lack of widely known identity. His strange lack of musical talent is barely mentioned with a statement saying: "an idiosyncratic and frequently atonal form of folk and blues music,". If you think this captures the music i linked to in this post, you're a moron.

Someone who, say, hears someone talking about Jandek and wants to know what the big deals searches up this article and comes away with more questions - why so much mystery around what is apparently a fairly normal blues singer from the 70s? Unless they dig through old versions of this article they'll never know.

In one very minor article, the core issue of Wikipedia is summarised: in a fight between normies and autism, the autism is more powerful.

For the drama, go into the article's edit history and see warring editors making changes to the article post-2021:

Physics undergrad asks for help owning trump


I'm a physicist and let me say that this is stupid

Its doubtful that moron and idiot are even orthogonal states. But he wants to say 1/(sqrt(2)) *(|moron>+|dirac> ) which literally anyone who opened up a book on quantum physics could write with their eyes closed.

look at this cute tired deer

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