Gaybros x Love4FatPeople crossover :kongsuprise:

!gaystapo !besties who else would do this :#donkeykongpony: :#donkeykongcurious:


In the last couple hours, any posts calling for or even just asking about a ban are removed by mods, despite all the comments on said posts before deletion being in support of banning links.

This is especially ironic considering Wicked's entire message is anti-fascist

Edit: thanks to user /u/p_rantTA for this link

Reported by:

@hACAppy_2025 thoughts


(Translation by kiwis)

A EU authority is demanding real-time surveillance of phones and laptops starting in 2025. They demand that the police shall be able to read messages in the entire European Union in real-time. The occasion: fighting organized crime. For the "High-Level Group (HLG) on access to data for effective law enforcement", data protection and privacy play nothing but a formal role.

The HLG consists of members from the EU Commission, representatives of the EU member states, and law enforcement agencies. On November 22, the HLG demanded that the EU Commission submit a proposition in the coming year to allow a real-time access on communications data. This is reported by Euractiv. Already in May, the HLG presented its preliminary research results in a report. The group was set up in 2023 and works on finding out how law enforcement agencies can get an easier access to data in order to fight against organized crime. In a concluding report from November 15, the group presented its results and demands.

Thus, the concluding report criticized that the different regulations regarding data retention in the individual EU states lead to problems in cross-border criminal prosecution. Specifically, the HLG demanded in their preliminary report from May that the industry should be mandated to cooperate with the agencies so that the police gets access to data that allows for an identification of users, such as the storing of IP addresses. In addition, they demand that non-cooperative electronic communication services shall be subject to prohibitive sanctions.

Read messages even before they are sent

Already in May, they demanded that there shall be a EU initiative which allows for looking at "data in transit", thus do real-time surveillance. In the concluding report from November 15, the HLG doubled down on the demand and strongly demanded that the Commission issue a corresponding proposition in 2025. By real-time surveillance, the HLG means that messages are able to be read even before they are sent, or shortly after they reached the recipient.

In the concluding report, they also said that the fact that they can't access the data in real-time allegedly causes big difficulties for crime prevention. Police officers have to make use of methods like installing cameras or microphones, which are dangerous for the officers. If you are not able to read messages, all other persons surrounding a suspect must be surveilled too. The HLG also demands more funding in the coming EU budget to stock up on means for "digital forensic cowtools".

Currently, there is no mutual regulation for mass data retention in the European Union because the European Court of Justice has declared the prior guideline on data retention invalid in 2014. The European Data Protection Committee criticized the HLG's demands in a statement on November 4. The demands would strongly invade the right to data protection and privacy. The committee also criticized the demand to weaken encryption.


The article itself seems to be based on another, and the following is just one statement by the High Level Group

Retention seems to be relegated to IP addresses and ports for long term retention to allow identification, likely things like times and any other info not deemed to be violating privacy (in their subhuman idea of privacy)

About encryption it recommends looking further into encryption and how things like backdoors might affect the security, as they can't enforce all methods to simply be weaker but do find it rightful for law enforcement to have a way to cross the hurdle of encryption.

AI is Creating a Generation of Illiterate Programmers


Dunning Kruger discussion:

Reported by:
25 year-old white Swedish chick squirts as she wipes.

Edit: give my reels some plays too.


IDK what the context is


:letsfuckinggofast#: :donkeykongdance#: :letsfuckinggofast#:

Rusty Loves the Galaxy Projector 💜

What a lovely night, tucked into bed with the boys and mister man :marseyjump: :marseyandmarcus: :marseygrouphug:

!animalposters !cats

Reported by:
  • druid : non-negotiable solicitation of explicit content
Post your toes next to your favorite marsey!

I'll start. Now anyways let's see those toes. I wanna see which one of us has the strongest looking, most grippy toes. Who here looks like they could castrate a full grown man with their toes? Come on rDrama, let's see what you got!

Yo Dramatards are you as cool as the guy who was literally named Nicholas "If-Jesus-Christ-had-not-died-for-thee-thou-hadst-been-darned," Barbon in 1640?

!historychads !christians !catholics !calvinists

!neolibs @nuclearshill

Reported by:
  • Freak-Off : Why is he obsessed with this nostril???
The drama of ROAR (Rights of Admission Reserved)

A quick post detailing some drama on a prostitute forum. A black man wants to find a white working girl to pleasure him. This is difficult to do because many white girls do not see black guys. To advertise this, they will write ROAR on their profile.

Soon enough, the thread is visited by Pluglife420 who has a bit of advice for OP

The prostitutes don't take kindly to that!

Other "punters" (Johns) also have some opinions to share

Pluglife420 defends himself

This doesn't go well with the prostitutes or the johns!

Kuntzman is back at it again, making people seethe by making sure toll evaders pay the price



I was scrolling the dreges of reddit for content, as you do..

:!turtoisebinoculars: :turtoisehungry:

I like looking in the BPD subreddit, usually I can find some of the juiciest drama there


Now as many of you know, most diagnosed BPD cases are found in women.

That means a lot of posts on /r/BPD deal with relationships, romance and raging hysteria.


Though, sometimes you get a rare gem. A BPD male, or in this case, a self diagnosed BPD male.


Meet /u/FrankBuns

A twenty something that managed to land one of the most controversial posts in /r/BPD this month.

Quite the accomplishment!

>So, I don't know how this subreddit feels about self-diagnosis, but that's where I'm at right now.

>Some context, I've been dealing with a lot of deeply rooted emotional upheaval throughout my life; Depression, Anxiety, C-PTSD, you know the gist, all diagnosed professionally.

I'll go over some of that later, FrankBuns has been pretty open on reddit.

>But after I got into a serious relationship (that ended recently) I began to recognize my behaviors and thought patterns as more than just my personality.

>I've had a tendency to be somewhat of a hypochondriac, so I know to take research via Google with a grain of salt, but knowing the symptoms and how BPD presents itself, and the anecdotal experiences of others with diagnoses had really given me a new perspective of things, and when I read these stories

>I can't help but think "I do that too! I never realized until now!"

>But, as my previous therapists in the past have told me, I'm pretty self-aware. And I recognized that self-diagnosis can be beneficial, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't just imagining things


>so I discussed it with my current therapist, and after he went over the questions to see if I fit the bill, he told me that he doesn't think I have it.

>It left me really confused and unsure how to proceed.

>I'm not sure if I should take his word for it, or ask for a second opinion, or just focus on treating the symptoms as symptoms and care less about the diagnosis aspect.

>Does anyone else's opinions and beliefs crumble under suggestions? I believed that it's like a spot on match for my experience, but maybe I'm wrong, and it's just symptoms of my other issues imitating what looks like BPD?

The Controversy

Now surprisingly, despite all the times I've seen otherwise, the denizens of /r/BPD did not pat FrankBuns on the back or butt and say "welcome to the community!!"

Apparently, the communal braincell all redditors fight over was well and alive in this post's comments:

Why worry about the diagnosis. In my experience having a diagnosis doesn't do much for you aside from changing how doctors think about you. Worry about treating the symptoms you're experiencing and improving your quality of life. Diagnosis are just unnecessary labels that can come with stigma and lack of understanding.

FrankBuns: Because I want to get better, and idk, I feel like that would have to be the first step. I think there's a lot of reason in your comment, I'd like to think that even if I don't have BPD (which I still believe that I do) then learning the skills to handle it would be beneficial if not for dealing with my issues, then helping a loved one or friend in the future who might be going through the same stuff.

Then do DBT, anyone can do DBT.

Redditor Sneeding about "the system"

:#marseycapitalistmanlet: :#chudditorseethe:

everything's a racket, it wouldn't exist in a capitalist society if it weren't.

dsm just allows clinicians to standardize care and makes billing easier, it's not any grand insight into human existence. look up some articles about dsm5 and professionals in the field who take exception with the changes from dsm4. It's just academics bickering, whose pet theories get to dominate.

Yes, I'm bitter. Grants Pass decision was a direct indictment of the failure of American care, we had 40 years of funding to provide treatment and people don't feel like we were effective now and now we aren't focusing on treatment anymore. This whole field dropped the ball and vulnerable people will suffer. Frick the dsm.

You'd be better off reading the bhagavad gita or dostoyevsky than the dsm if you're trying to heal.


Right about now, you may be asking:

"wait a sec, Lilmarsey, how do you know that this is actually a moid posting this and not an FtM?"


I'm so glad you asked, now you'll have to see it, too:

I will not be posting the other two pictures, you can go to r/dadsandboys and look at that yourself.


His whole butthole was out


It makes sense that he'd have some of these traits, given that this is a

✨ homosexual ✨



Hmm...funny you should say that.


mental illness comes with friends


FrankBuns has also posted about shrooms and has expressed interest in DMT.

He was also a chronic masturbator.

FrankBuns also has a track record of being a bit of a hypochondriac.

Making posts like "what is this dark spot on my foot", and "why does my foot have orange spots"

He's also a very active furry, and stupid enough to facedoxx.

I'm sure you may also be wondering

"Wow! I wonder the relationship FrankBuns ominously mentioned went?"

I'm so glad you asked:

The "break"

As we all know, either party asking for a time out in a relationship usually bodes badly for relationship stability.

"Wow, that didn't last long, did it?"


>Me and my boyfriend met at our work, and he ended up asking me out on a date after we finished one day.

>We have been dating for around 6 months now

>It's your typical "One cares too much, one cares too little." Situation.

>We've both gotten a break from work, and instead of making plans together, he applied to a part-time job, took a summer volunteer position

>We both were upset and questioned the compatibility of our relationship, and I suggested we take a break

>but I'm willing to put in the work

>Tl;dr Boyfriend closes up when things get hard, I latch on, we're having trouble finding a balance.


TLDR: typical redditor that I spent way too much time writing about



How to block RSP from the feed?

Why is an external site that I can't interact with in the feed? I'm not signing up over there. Also their posts suck. Let me hide them.



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

You act like dowry didn't exist before these gen z girls. You're hurt only because now girls are just as greedy as boys. (39)

Dowry is greed? OkayLet's talk about from history to present timeA boy will be rejected or accepted during marriage depend upon how much wealth he has, how much he earn, what is his status?One who sell panipuri doesn't get car in dowry.. Because dowry is given on the basis of his stature (aukaat)When father give dowry he does not give share in property to her daughter and he expect from groom to pass generational wealth to kids, bear all expense of kids education, marriage all alone..U r not doing any favour by giving dowry..Last but not least..lets take an example If a guy whole wealth worth 50lakh rupees.. He won't get 50lakh dowry.Dowry always given 50% of his total wealth or sometime even less than 50%Dowry kabhi bhi equivalent nahi milta jitna bande ka worth hota hai..Due to so many reason.. Like girl is leaving his house and some other reason.Prove me wrong what I said..So no one is doing favour. (-20)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

You act like dowry didn't exist before these gen z girls. You're hurt only because now girls are just as greedy as boys. (39)

You're talking as if women of previous generations were marrying men without even asking about their income. (-11)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

That's fair. But then the man needs to do his part as a conservative. Financially, Socially. You can't have conservative ideals for your partner but not have it to.My idea of a conservative man is someone who has not watched porn. Who has the means to provide and who should wear indian clothes for all indian functions. If a man wants a virgin. He needs to be a virgin both in action as well as thought. You want a wife to cook 3 meals a day. Well. You need to afford a wife that can cook 3 meals a day. (10)

Tabhi to ladkiyo ki dosti dusri ladkiyo ke sath bahot kam chalti hai..Apne hi faide ke peeche lage rehte ho.. (-8)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

It is to assuage the egos of the conservative indian boys who need to justify their lack of ability to talk to women.See one woman's opinion shows me that all women are bad. It's not my fault. It's the woman's fault for not liking me. I will blame her and put all responsibilities on her because I want a rich hot girl but I don't have money for a rich hot girl. K byeee (30)

How is it conservative if you ask a person to equate her expectations from that of others to what she has to offer?I mean it's the same victim playing.You're literally trying to change the topic from one thing to, conservative.They are poles apart.If you think woman asking for a husband with good salary is progressive and men expecting the same is conservative, I guess you're too dense to even argue.You're refusing to acknowledge that "Men can ask such woman to be the example and earn the sum themselves that they expect from husbands" isn't in anyway conservative.Is it?How?You see your hypocrisy here don't you?You are trying to paint the argument in a light where you can hide behind the screen of "victim of sexism" while trying to tactfully avoid answering my question because that would prove this girl and you hypocrites and not make me sound as "conservative""5 lakh is not great expectations if you're working abroad"Well it is if you're not doing that yourself as a example and expe... (6)

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

That's fair. But then the man needs to do his part as a conservative. Financially, Socially. You can't have conservative ideals for your partner but not have it to.My idea of a conservative man is someone who has not watched porn. Who has the means to provide and who should wear indian clothes for all indian functions. If a man wants a virgin. He needs to be a virgin both in action as well as thought. You want a wife to cook 3 meals a day. Well. You need to afford a wife that can cook 3 meals a day. (10)

Beta and then u will start crying.. Just like whole subredddit is loaded how their life is so bad..They think being housewife is curse.. Pehle to aisa hi hota thaa.... Kaunsa khush thiii.. (-7)

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

This is rage bait content to evoke some angry reactions. Ignore it (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/BasicallyExhausted

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 6

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

/r/redscarepod: Very cool very funny


Top upmarseyd comment:

This admin will turn me into a west wing watching lib. wtf is this man.

An administration just made up of idiots and rage

What god should I make offerings to to keep a pot from breaking in the kiln


Face biter.


Chuds on r/Asmongold continue to get the r/drama Gigajanny treatment when they try to make an alt chud sub r/FreeGamingMemes

Chuds gonna learn that once you get on that fat ladygarden Chtorrr's radar, your subs are dooomed. They made this sub to bypass all the drama from chud posts on /r/GamingMemes. It got banned, so now the chuds are getting bans for repurposing content. Sound familiar? lol

Lifetime reminder: Be careful what you wish for...

If you asked not to be stabbed


Were choking

And needed a tracheal cavity to breath by stabbing you in the neck

It was only you

Whom wished it

So be careful the deals you make

Because as stairway to heaven says:

Sometimes words have two meanings.


Somehow he thinks this is normal. Some tvs have smoothing on as default. He didn't even know what it was. Zoomers are so brain rotted they think a normal ps5 can run rd2 which has a draw distance of like half a mile at 60fps. This is some ceiling bird levels of not noticing.

I think noticing should be a mandatory class in high school. A full second input lag would entirely unplayable for someone with a brain.

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