neurodivergent :marseyautism: seeks advice :marseyscumbagsteve: undiagnosing himself :marseytedbackstab:


Soydditors :soysnoo: pat xemselves on the back for cutting :marseyguillotine: off their parents :marseyboomergenocide: because of dRumphlemort :marseytrumpitsover:


Yo, we just released a patch that destroy your save files

But don't worry just re downloaded the game



Snow White Trailer Comments as a Song :chudspin: :chudspin: :chudspin:
R-slur solution to the birth rate crisis
ENFORCING THE HYDE AMENDMENT – The White House : TwoXChromosomes :marseysamhyde2:


TwoX is in shambles now that the amendment for free federally funded elective abortions will be enforced.

With the orange dictator in control, it's probably only a matter of time when The Handmaid's Tale becomes a reality! 😬


how do i get a job

i want a job that pays good and has some room for career advancement or turning it into a business but I keep on getting denied everywhere for not having enough experience. wat do, join the army or learn autoCAD? i have a useless degree too if that helps

Weekly Mass Discussion Thread #73

!catholics !christians happy Third Sunday in Ordinary Time!


First Reading

Ezra the priest brought the law before the assembly,

which consisted of men, women,

and those children old enough to understand.

Standing at one end of the open place that was before the Water Gate,

he read out of the book from daybreak till midday,

in the presence of the men, the women,

and those children old enough to understand;

and all the people listened attentively to the book of the law.

Ezra the scribe stood on a wooden platform

that had been made for the occasion.

He opened the scroll

so that all the people might see it

— for he was standing higher up than any of the people —;

and, as he opened it, all the people rose.

Ezra blessed the LORD, the great God,

and all the people, their hands raised high, answered,

"Amen, amen!"

Then they bowed down and prostrated themselves before the LORD,

their faces to the ground.

Ezra read plainly from the book of the law of God,

interpreting it so that all could understand what was read.

Then Nehemiah, that is, His Excellency, and Ezra the priest-scribe

and the Levites who were instructing the people

said to all the people:

"Today is holy to the LORD your God.

Do not be sad, and do not weep"—

for all the people were weeping as they heard the words of the law.

He said further: "Go, eat rich foods and drink sweet drinks,

and allot portions to those who had nothing prepared;

for today is holy to our LORD.

Do not be saddened this day,

for rejoicing in the LORD must be your strength!"

-Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10


Responsorial Psalm

R. (cf John 6:63c) Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.

The law of the LORD is perfect,

refreshing the soul;

The decree of the LORD is trustworthy,

giving wisdom to the simple.

R. Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.

The precepts of the LORD are right,

rejoicing the heart;

The command of the LORD is clear,

enlightening the eye.

R. Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.

The fear of the LORD is pure,

enduring forever;

The ordinances of the LORD are true,

all of them just.

R. Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.

Let the words of my mouth and the thought of my heart

find favor before you,

O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.

R. Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.

-Psalm 19:8, 9, 10, 15


Second Reading

Brothers and sisters:

As a body is one though it has many parts,

and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body,

so also Christ.

For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body,

whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons,

and we were all given to drink of one Spirit.

Now the body is not a single part, but many.

If a foot should say,

"Because I am not a hand I do not belong to the body, "

it does not for this reason belong any less to the body.

Or if an ear should say,

"Because I am not an eye I do not belong to the body, "

it does not for this reason belong any less to the body.

If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be?

If the whole body were hearing, where would the sense of smell be?

But as it is, God placed the parts,

each one of them, in the body as he intended.

If they were all one part, where would the body be?

But as it is, there are many parts, yet one body.

The eye cannot say to the hand, "I do not need you, "

nor again the head to the feet, "I do not need you."

Indeed, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker

are all the more necessary,

and those parts of the body that we consider less honorable

we surround with greater honor,

and our less presentable parts are treated with greater propriety,

whereas our more presentable parts do not need this.

But God has so constructed the body

as to give greater honor to a part that is without it,

so that there may be no division in the body,

but that the parts may have the same concern for one another.

If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it;

if one part is honored, all the parts share its joy.

Now you are Christ's body, and individually parts of it.

Some people God has designated in the church

to be, first, apostles; second, prophets; third, teachers;

then, mighty deeds;

then gifts of healing, assistance, administration,

and varieties of tongues.

Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers?

Do all work mighty deeds? Do all have gifts of healing?

Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret?

-1 Corinthians 12:12-30



R. Alleluia, alleluia.

The Lord sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor,

and to proclaim liberty to captives.

R. Alleluia, alleluia.

-Luke 4:18



Since many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the events

that have been fulfilled among us,

just as those who were eyewitnesses from the beginning

and ministers of the word have handed them down to us,

I too have decided,

after investigating everything accurately anew,

to write it down in an orderly sequence for you,

most excellent Theophilus,

so that you may realize the certainty of the teachings

you have received.

Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit,

and news of him spread throughout the whole region.

He taught in their synagogues and was praised by all.

He came to Nazareth, where he had grown up,

and went according to his custom

into the synagogue on the sabbath day.

He stood up to read and was handed a scroll of the prophet Isaiah.

He unrolled the scroll and found the passage where it was written:

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,

because he has anointed me

to bring glad tidings to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives

and recovery of sight to the blind,

to let the oppressed go free,

and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.

Rolling up the scroll, he handed it back to the attendant and sat down,

and the eyes of all in the synagogue looked intently at him.

He said to them,

"Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing."

-Luke 1:1-4, 4:14-21


Congressman Biggs Introduces Bill to Abolish OSHA : politics


Holy frick, he really wants mass workplace deaths. These people need to be burned alive at the stake.



AVG yt wymn, BMI > 30


Used Lush Menthol body scrub :marseyfrozen:

After soaping myself I added this scrub to my body and the :marseyfrozen: has been like fire on my :marseymonsterpenisshadow:

The rest of my body feels very fresh thoughever. Beware!




Donald Trump's FAA downs another aircraft full of subervsives

The plane had been on a medical transport mission, carrying a child patient and her mother, and four crew members.

All six people on board were Mexican, the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on X.

:marseydarktrump: Another transgender surgery for illegal LatinX children averted! :marseyletsgo:

Elon Musk :marseyhitler: Speaks at an AfD rally in Germany
Palestinians can't stop losing




>be such a fat frick that the court scholars are concerned about your inability to bang the Queen

>Sent via Oxcart 3500 HD to wise Islamic scholars

>Only the Jew learned in the ways of dieting can solve this problem, Inshallah

>Sew the Kings obese lips together and force him into a liquid diet

>Consult wise Sheik Jussaf Al-Rogani for mysterious sauna treatment

>God bestows 245lbs of weight loss in 40 days, a trial such as that of Jesus in the desert

The Kingdom is saved, bulking season is over

The state of Florida be like

1.5 million Cubans please

Oh no, we can't vet who these people are or why they're coming here because Castro was mean, so they're refugees! Oh and also let's give them government benefits to show them how good free market capitalism is!

Putin's newest superweapon: genetically engineered chuds
We are all doomed

There is nothing. The world is getting faker and gayer and more expensive. All is lost. The social

contract is breached.

Go forth and die in whatever manner seems best to you. 🙏🏻

Let's see how r/ufo is doing in current year


Eggs and dogfights lmalienbuttoff

Trump wants to evict Palestinians to Albania after Jordan and Egypt refuse

Why not evict them to Canada ?

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