Made dinmer
:marseychingchong: :marseyhacker: Chinese company BTFOs OpenAI with their video generator

Can any of our chinese dramatards verify this

@X please ping the needful


@VK_User @Catholic_apu

Is this you ?

But she is indeed Disney princess


!bookworms !classics

What are your hot takes on some of “The Great Books”, those considered part of the Western Canon. I'm not limiting it to the Enciclopedia Britannica volumes, you can talk about any of the renowned works on 19th and 20th century literature.

Bi foids (straight) and bi moids (gay) sneed over a gay meme about getting excluded in the oppression Olympics (white)

>foid labelling herself queer despite being straight


Ofcourse, the first thing this fat frick thinks about is sodas lmao. :marseylaughpoundfist:


>No it mean they're loyal to whom they're married to or in a relationship with





Straight privilege

How dare these straight women not wanting to suck my AIDS ridden peepee? :marseyraging:


>can we talk about

:marseydisagree: No



Unironically noticed this and thought it was interesting to show the difference between the two genders in the same environment



Just approach women :marseydarkfoidretard: IRL bro !incels you just need confidence


:#marseyrave: :#marseyrave: :#marseyrave:



How did two attractive movie stars (Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman) make such a mid foid tho:

Spacedawgs with the perfect month to come out as a victim of strags:

Looks like J Cole is somehow the biggest loser from the Drake/Kendrick beef:

Ayo this neighbor don't even shower:



!eurochads you thought :marseymindblown: Italian :marseylueshi: politics :marseybribe: couldn't get weirder

What is Biden doing ? :marseyrage: <- he looks like this


Jill pulled him out

He also fisted a vet

It's normal thing to do for his gen but still looks wild

Walled like zombie

So he had fun



Just dumped my fwb this morning 🤪 4B movement - let's go ladies!!! We got this!! 💜

!fellas can you imagine dumping a woman because some other woman, entirely unrelated, did some shit? It's downright r-slurred.

out of curiosity how long will 4b last? is it until abortion is legal, or until yall feel you have the respect that you deserve, maybe forever, or something completely different?

Until they want a man to pay their way again

Look up 4B in South Korea. They've already been doing it, and it's already made a HUGE impact in just 3 years or so. There is no kindergarten class. No more children. Because women are taking a stand and not participating until they have rights

!nooticers this chick thinks that South Korea demographic issues started 3 years ago with a tiktok trend.

I personally want to see abortion legal in every state, women protected under the law, child marriage outlawed and age of consent raised to appropriate ages in every state, abolish the gender pay gap, and resources to help women in domestic/sexual violence cases. Additionally I would like to see acceptance of the entirety of the LGBTQ+ community.

blah blah blah gibs me free shieeet

Unfortunately this is the only thing we as women can collectively do, that MAY make an impact. Men really need to wake up and start advocating for the women in your life. The more men that get on board, the quicker things can change, and the faster we can justify being in relationships again.

I would sooner be alone than with a women who thinks she can exploit her kitty to change my vote

I think we're already on that trajectory. Even if the movement doesn't have a name/purpose yet, im seeing a lot of women just be done with acts that could result in a pregnancy entirely.

They're called femcels

Getting pregnant has never been safe for POC even before abortion bans. Genuinely asking, if the purpose of abstaining is to prevent pregnancy, does it apply for women using long term birth control and women who can't become pregnant?

Wouldn't be if darkies weren't all so fricking fat

Yes. The purpose is to wake men up so they will vote in their best interests (to get s*x again).

First by making the voters care enough to vote blue. Then, by making the legislators and Supreme Court care enough to codify the protections and equality.

lmao these silly bitches actually think this will change a single vote? If anything men will lie and vote against them.

What if women WORLDWIDE abstained from s*x for world peace. Darn, I'd love to see that.

How r-slurred are these holes?

Generally speaking, I think it's a good idea. And just because not everyone will be participating I don't see why we still can't support it

Because it will change literally nothing.

I'm down. I am 20F and ever since Roe v Wade was overturned, I have refused any and all sexual advances. I'm not getting pregnant in this country… it's too dangerous. Risk going to prison after miscarrying? Potentially lose my life because I need an abortion and can't get one? Heck no.

Literally just a COPING virgin lmao. She's scared of s*x and has to hide it behind activism

Have been practicing this myself. My FWB's haven't seen me in a while.

I'm NOOOTICING all these women have "fwb" not boyfriends. As in they're all already femcels or side pieces.

Isn't this exactly what the conservatives want? Especially the Christians. That's all they do is get on their high horses to dictate to women when to have s*x, toting the excuse that it's just for procreation.

Yes which is why it's so funny to see a bunch of used up whores and frightened virgins prop it up

If you want to read more about holes over valuing themselves see this post

Woman mad that boyfriend acquired the forbidden milk



I recently learnt that my ex bf passed away of cancer in March, his mom called me last week to inform me of his passing and to inform me that myself and her are listed as beneficiaries on his life insurance from his employer. She instantly tells me that she doesn't know why he never changed it but I can decline or sign the cheque over to her once I receive it.. Instantly I am in shock, he's gone? And he left me on there? Why? I went back and forth wondering if this was on purpose or accidental.. it had been years, approximately 6 since we mutually civily split up. I was informed he had a new gf that lived with him and she has 2 kids from a previous relationship that threw a wrench into things more.. is there a reason she never got put on it? Was this all just a big mistake?

Yes. It was obviously a mistake. I bet it wasn't even something he paid for - my employer has always provided me with "free" (ie they pay the premiums) term life insurance. He probably set it up years ago and forgot.

Anyways let's look at the comments.

Nta. Because it is quite the dilemma. But if you look at it logically, I would say he wants you to have the money.

What #girllogic is this lol. There is basically no logic by which he would have intended this after not talking to her for years (and having a new gf with dependents).

OP responds:

My 70+ year old aunt told me just about the same thing. Thank you.

The whole thread is basically highly upvoted comments suggesting this was totally planned and a bunch of lower-down comments pointing out the clearly obvious: it's an oversight.

People aren't themselves when grieving, and mom should be given a pass, especially when dealing with an ex girlfriend that hadn't been in the picture for 6 years. Have some empathy for the woman who just lost her son and is now dealing with this. Give the darn money to his mother, because you know darn well he didn't want the ex to have the money.

I call bullshit on your assessment. The son had 6 years to change his life insurance beneficiaries. He didn't remove his ex even when he recently had a new GF. Also, since this was life insurance through his job, they ask every 3 years if you want to make changes to your policy. So he asked at least 2 times in 6 years if he want any changes and he said no. So her half of the insurance belongs to OP. Get your bitterness out of here.

I've had several salaried white-collar jobs. All of them provided life insurance. Not a single one reminded me about beneficiaries for the policies after I initially set them up.

By the way this is a reminder to never, ever put your bf/gf (not married) as a dependency on any of your insurance/401k/will/etc. That's what marriage is for.

Reported by:

I just wanted them gone. I already had kids, already had a vasectomy, wanted things to more airy and less sweaty, a submissive gesture to my wife, and it's kinky and hot I guess.


Interesting sub :marseyschizonotes:


Men are also up almost three inches

Let's all thank this fаgot

Why he didn't mention men are 6 inches taller than women, have heavier bones and muscles than women, have bigger waist and most important % wise and digit wise gained less than foid

But wait for it…

We have it bros

Foids are fat.

It's also waste. I'm single and live alone

Trying to buy single portions of healthy food, ingredients etc is a pain, I have soo much frozen food, I never finish a bottle of milk, or a load of bread, just stopped buying those.

He must be living in some epic isolated shit hold in Alaska if he can't just go buy what he needs instead of consume maxing

People talking about everyone being less healthy are forgetting the absolutely toxic element of the 90s where women were told that looking like a stick was the only way to be attractive

Can Redditor not just shit their assumption ?

>This statistic depicts the percentage of the U.S. population who had eating disorders from 1990 to 2019. According to the data, the rate of eating disorders increased slightly in the U.S. from .43 percent in 1990 to .46 percent in 2019.

There percentage of people with anorexia didn't changed in the western world in last 40 years, but you know what changed a lot ? Fat's

People aren't generally saying that. They're more saying that people with obesity shouldn't be bullied and excluded and blamed for their condition.


>US obesity rates have tripled over the last 60 years

>Nearly 70% of adults in the US are either overweight or obese.

Is there proof bullying doesn't work ?

I personally don't mind it, even if it seems delusional, because a person is way more likely to be able to deal with any food addiction or weight issues they have if they can at least feel good about themselves first. I can't find it now but there's research that says we all comfort eat, it's just that people with eating disorders aren't also able to self soothe in other ways and therefore stop. So it seems counterproductive, but learning to feel good about themselves in other ways might actually be a path to helping some of them be healthier. Plus there's also a massive connection between having been sexually abused when young and being obese later, so I try to have compassion from that perspective. Really the blame lies with the people running the country because ultimately they regulate our food supply, supermarkets and advertising. There's a reason people put on more weight if they move to America. It's something that can be influenced at a national level.

Yeah, obviously being overweight is unhealthy, but it's funny how there wasn't a subreddit called smokershate where people mocked smokers for being unhealthy.

Yes Reddit was better in the past no doubts

Time to share what I find the most concerning statistic.

Only 10% of obese Brits recognise that they are overweight:

It's 2019 so now it's 50%+ women

It will get you one day mate. As you get older the weight just doesn't come off like it used too.

:marseyxd: :surejan:

>Some consider millennials to be one of the heaviest generations. In the U.K., researchers found at least seven in 10 people born in the millennial generations will be overweight or obese before they reach middle age. Baby boomers only faced rates of five in 10.

You know who will beat millennials ?


Metabolism doesn't really go down much until your 60s.

Darn dunked hard on a neighbor

Why am I not surprised this thread of full of the usual drivel

Honestly, if Reddit was to go by, everyone works 23 hours a day in the coal mines and can't possibly take 15 minutes to throw a meal together

And that's before we even admit that food choice doesn't matter. You can lose weight eating anything, as long as you don't eat too much

This thread kinda proves that the number 1 reason for these added inches is everyone's a full time victim that refuses to take any accountability for their own choices

Redditors are hard workers here an example:

I've been losing weight slowly over about... 5 years now? Am 29F, 5"2 and started at 18 stone 6 pounds... this morning I weighed 11"11 despite eating too much for Christmas yesterday haha!

Finding the time to eat healthy is probably the biggest challenge overall. It's easy to reach for less healthy options that are immediately available when you're hungry.

There's also so much bad advice. Diet companies don't exist to help you keep the weight off. They're a business. They want you to keep coming back and buying more weight loss products or services that barely work.

5'2 and 260lb chongus

This isn't gender specific and sadly not even age specific now as more under 18s are overweight.

What wrong with guys like this, that article proved foids gained more weight and are more fat and he says “isn't gender specific”

Foid with a nick name that has “1985”, has this to say:

As someone who was a teen in the 90's yeah no fricking shit Sherlock, we starved ourselves, I would only eat every 3 days because I wanted to be as skinny as possible!

I've lived in China these past 10 years and the difference is shocking.

A size 10 dress is considered normal in the UK but fat here. When Chinese women shop at western stores they have to get S or even XS size, even though they might be an M or an L in China.

Applies to western men like me too, I'm a fat butt myself, wearing a UK L or XL will be a 4XL or 5XL here.

Yeah it's not like shops will change every 10 years the size parameters so you don't feel fat

the more miserable and unhealthy we are the easier it is for those in power to keep us under control.

all the better for them to t what they want, carry on stuffing money (made on the backs of the poor) into their bank accounts and pockets


Anyway ending on positive note



The main sub /r/RedScarepod is ruled by foidal autist jannies.

/r/Rspod is a little more chuddy fr.

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