Windows made a oopsie woopsie with Microsoft Recall :marseyteehee:
Reported by:
  • Siddhartha : Do not give him any negative awards. He has 30 deflector awards
  • Horned_waifus_shill : carp doing the funni
  • AIDS_IS_A_CHOICE : I don't care if she's a carp larp still :marseywould:
  • Wojak : cringepathian f agist
  • DickButtKiss : I dont even like to hate on Carp but honestly u kinda blew it since ur big return. What happen man?
  • Tonberry : Yet another catfish making coombrained drama incels lose sanity. Sad!
  • Thirtythirst4sissies : Millions must die btw
Pls pls no more

U guys are such bullies. Please i will cry and commit die :( no more.

I hit a 4 plate bench… but at what cost?

!fitness don't fly to close to the sun


What started this all :marseybong:

Horrific to hear that Starmer would let a relative die rather than use private healthcare.

To which one foid replies :marseywomanmoment2:

I'm dying of cancer and I could have gone private. But I've chosen to stay with the NHS because I know the people working day in day out are doing their best and care about patients over profit.

Your attitude is what is horrific.

Which prompts this revelation fron this dude :marseywtf2:

My father refused private healthcare when dying telling his consultant that he would never not use the NHS. It's a personal choice. The political choice is whether we fund the NHS properly.

Some chud reactions :marseygiggle:

He named his kid JOHNMANN, we already knew he was a dribbling spacker :marseyshitforbrains:

the NHS gods demand human sacrifices :marseypentagram:

I'm sorry but you cannot see how nuts this is? Refusing private healthcare out of β€œloyalty to the NHS” is full on religious cult behaviour. :marseywtf2:

Sir Thomas More, for instance, burned alive for refusing to recant his Catholicism, must have been kicking himself, as the flames licked higher, that it never occurred to him to say, β€œI recant my Catholicism.” :marseypope:

At least the people at Jonestown believed a UFO was coming to take them to the afterlife :tsuchinokotruth:


New George Floyd level racial event just dropped.

Form a lynch mob yall:

Article link.

Yikes imagine trying to add context to this hate crime:

Can yall empathize with the racist for once smh:

If only we had a tough on interracial crime president in the white house:

Do you trust the race science or not chud?:

Too much to screenshot.

Reported by:
  • BC : Fake noose...
  • Siddhartha : The previous non royal princess got whacked bcoz of an Egyptian bf & dis site is run by a..hmm🚬
  • Thirtythirst4sissies : Literally who


Or maybe they're all dead:


Kamkam is also dead but only on the inside:

Meanwhile Britbrit is trying to kill all of us:



Unironically white civilization has been falling into decline since they removed hot women from video games

Like I know we are all feminists now and all that crap but human civilization literally runs on hot women existing somewhere out there.

Without the existence of hot women or even above average looking women 90% of men have no purpose or anything to work towards or achieve in their life.

Most men can live miserable lives alone without nothing but a mattress and a TV. Everything beyond that in done by 90% of them to attract a mate.

The moment we let fat foids take control of our entertainment media and delete hot foids from existence we have set up the zoomer generation to collapse.

Japan is pretty much holding up western civilization by itself with releases like Monster Hunter World and Street Fighter.

The fat failed liberals have ruined western civilization.

Fat camps need to be made mandatory yesterday.

Women need to be removed from production and character design decisions day before yesterday. ( Except Japanese women )

I hate this uggo celebrating civilization.

I know I am fat and ugly. I don't want representation of myself in the game. I want the fantasy that I play to escape the reality and to have something to motivate me to be better, not to be accepted as I am a fat piece of shit.


!bookworms !classics

What are your hot takes on some of β€œThe Great Books”, those considered part of the Western Canon. I'm not limiting it to the Enciclopedia Britannica volumes, you can talk about any of the renowned works on 19th and 20th century literature.

New 'Toss! :marseystonetoss:

cute twink cat


Just dumped my fwb this morning πŸ€ͺ 4B movement - let's go ladies!!! We got this!! πŸ’œ

!fellas can you imagine dumping a woman because some other woman, entirely unrelated, did some shit? It's downright r-slurred.

out of curiosity how long will 4b last? is it until abortion is legal, or until yall feel you have the respect that you deserve, maybe forever, or something completely different?

Until they want a man to pay their way again

Look up 4B in South Korea. They've already been doing it, and it's already made a HUGE impact in just 3 years or so. There is no kindergarten class. No more children. Because women are taking a stand and not participating until they have rights

!nooticers this chick thinks that South Korea demographic issues started 3 years ago with a tiktok trend.

I personally want to see abortion legal in every state, women protected under the law, child marriage outlawed and age of consent raised to appropriate ages in every state, abolish the gender pay gap, and resources to help women in domestic/sexual violence cases. Additionally I would like to see acceptance of the entirety of the LGBTQ+ community.

blah blah blah gibs me free shieeet

Unfortunately this is the only thing we as women can collectively do, that MAY make an impact. Men really need to wake up and start advocating for the women in your life. The more men that get on board, the quicker things can change, and the faster we can justify being in relationships again.

I would sooner be alone than with a women who thinks she can exploit her kitty to change my vote

I think we're already on that trajectory. Even if the movement doesn't have a name/purpose yet, im seeing a lot of women just be done with acts that could result in a pregnancy entirely.

They're called femcels

Getting pregnant has never been safe for POC even before abortion bans. Genuinely asking, if the purpose of abstaining is to prevent pregnancy, does it apply for women using long term birth control and women who can't become pregnant?

Wouldn't be if darkies weren't all so fricking fat

Yes. The purpose is to wake men up so they will vote in their best interests (to get s*x again).

First by making the voters care enough to vote blue. Then, by making the legislators and Supreme Court care enough to codify the protections and equality.

lmao these silly bitches actually think this will change a single vote? If anything men will lie and vote against them.

What if women WORLDWIDE abstained from s*x for world peace. Darn, I'd love to see that.

How r-slurred are these holes?

Generally speaking, I think it's a good idea. And just because not everyone will be participating I don't see why we still can't support it

Because it will change literally nothing.

I'm down. I am 20F and ever since Roe v Wade was overturned, I have refused any and all sexual advances. I'm not getting pregnant in this country… it's too dangerous. Risk going to prison after miscarrying? Potentially lose my life because I need an abortion and can't get one? Heck no.

Literally just a COPING virgin lmao. She's scared of s*x and has to hide it behind activism

Have been practicing this myself. My FWB's haven't seen me in a while.

I'm NOOOTICING all these women have "fwb" not boyfriends. As in they're all already femcels or side pieces.

Isn't this exactly what the conservatives want? Especially the Christians. That's all they do is get on their high horses to dictate to women when to have s*x, toting the excuse that it's just for procreation.

Yes which is why it's so funny to see a bunch of used up whores and frightened virgins prop it up

If you want to read more about holes over valuing themselves see this post


I recently learnt that my ex bf passed away of cancer in March, his mom called me last week to inform me of his passing and to inform me that myself and her are listed as beneficiaries on his life insurance from his employer. She instantly tells me that she doesn't know why he never changed it but I can decline or sign the cheque over to her once I receive it.. Instantly I am in shock, he's gone? And he left me on there? Why? I went back and forth wondering if this was on purpose or accidental.. it had been years, approximately 6 since we mutually civily split up. I was informed he had a new gf that lived with him and she has 2 kids from a previous relationship that threw a wrench into things more.. is there a reason she never got put on it? Was this all just a big mistake?

Yes. It was obviously a mistake. I bet it wasn't even something he paid for - my employer has always provided me with "free" (ie they pay the premiums) term life insurance. He probably set it up years ago and forgot.

Anyways let's look at the comments.

Nta. Because it is quite the dilemma. But if you look at it logically, I would say he wants you to have the money.

What #girllogic is this lol. There is basically no logic by which he would have intended this after not talking to her for years (and having a new gf with dependents).

OP responds:

My 70+ year old aunt told me just about the same thing. Thank you.

The whole thread is basically highly upvoted comments suggesting this was totally planned and a bunch of lower-down comments pointing out the clearly obvious: it's an oversight.

People aren't themselves when grieving, and mom should be given a pass, especially when dealing with an ex girlfriend that hadn't been in the picture for 6 years. Have some empathy for the woman who just lost her son and is now dealing with this. Give the darn money to his mother, because you know darn well he didn't want the ex to have the money.

I call bullshit on your assessment. The son had 6 years to change his life insurance beneficiaries. He didn't remove his ex even when he recently had a new GF. Also, since this was life insurance through his job, they ask every 3 years if you want to make changes to your policy. So he asked at least 2 times in 6 years if he want any changes and he said no. So her half of the insurance belongs to OP. Get your bitterness out of here.

I've had several salaried white-collar jobs. All of them provided life insurance. Not a single one reminded me about beneficiaries for the policies after I initially set them up.

By the way this is a reminder to never, ever put your bf/gf (not married) as a dependency on any of your insurance/401k/will/etc. That's what marriage is for.


Just approach women :marseydarkfoidretard: IRL bro !incels you just need confidence

Homosexual neighbors (spiritual and literal) be taking L's left and right.


How did two attractive movie stars (Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman) make such a mid foid tho:

Spacedawgs with the perfect month to come out as a victim of strags:

Looks like J Cole is somehow the biggest loser from the Drake/Kendrick beef:

Ayo this neighbor don't even shower:


:marseybackstab: :marseybackstab: :marseybackstab:
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